Recipe #8

The Perfect Recipe of Love
"When you lose a person you love so much, surviving the loss is difficult." -Cristiano Ronaldo
Taemin couldn't stand the sight of Minho kneeling down before him. He immediately pulled him up.
"Fine. I agree..I'll..take care of Sulli." Taemin said, almost a whisper.
"You will?! Thank you Taemin!" Minho hugged Taemin.
Taemin was shocked at the sudden hug. He then felt tears pouring on his shoulder.
Is Minho crying?
This man really loves Sulli. When a man cries of a woman, that's no joke.
"You don't know how much I love Sulli. You're a very lucky man. Take care of her will you?" Minho broke from the hug.
Minho's eyes were sore. Really sore, and Taemin saw it.
Minho looks horrible.
"Then if you love her, why don't you fight for her?" 
Minho was taken aback from his question. Taemin was right, if he loves Sulli, shouldn't he fight for their love?
Minho turned around and looked at the ground. He couldn't face Taemin. "It's funny right? You're probably thinking how in the world Choi Minho, the Minho who never loses anything, the Minho who wins at everything, the Minho who can do anything- suddenly becomes weak and afraid to fight for the woman he loves." Minho turned around and faced Taemin.
Minho flashed a small smile. "I tried Taemin, I really did. But have you ever been in that situation where you're stuck with two decisions and that when you pick one, you lose the other. Wherein you don't know which to pick because both decisions contain something important for you that if you choose one, you get that important thing but then you lose the other, which is also something important to you."
Minho laughed, tears pouring down from his eyes. "My life is so hard isn't it? You either be a good and obedient son but you lose the woman you love, or you get the woman you love but you turn into a horrible and disrespectful son. Thats messed up isn't it?"
"So you chose to be the good son, why?" Taemin asked.
"You don't know what kind of a person my Appa is Taemin. He'll do everything he can to get something he wants, though he says that he's doing it for me. If I disagree, something bad may happen and I don't want that. nothing like my Appa. I know that she will understand what i'm going through, maybe not now, but soon." Minho explained.
"So you're taking advantage of Sulli's kindness to hurt her Minho?! Is that what you want?! To hurt Sulli?! Even though she understands Minho, it won't lessen the pain that she would feel! You're going to break Sulli's entire being!" Taemin scolded.
"That's not what I meant..."
"It's exactly what I think you're doing!" Taemin added.
Minho couldn't answer back. Guilt is slowly eating up his body.
Taemin waited for Minho to response but no word was spoken. Taemin began to speak up.
"Fine. I'll do what you want. I'll take care of Sulli, i'll be by her side when she needs me. But listen up Minho, once you give something as precious as Sulli away, you may not have her back anymore." Taemin coldly stated.
"And i'll make sure Sulli would forget you." 
Taemin turned around and walked away from Minho, hoping that what he said would cause an effect on him, and maybe even make Minho change his mind.
Taemin was walking towards the exit hoping that Minho would stop him.
Come on Minho..Taemin thought
Ha! It worked.
Taemin stopped and waited for what Minho could say.
"Please don't tell Sulli what I told you. I don't want her to know." Minho requested.
Is this man completely insane?! Is he really giving up Sulli?!
What in the complete world are you doing Minho?!
"I won't. I'll make sure what we talked about would only remain between us." Taemin was dissappointed that Minho didn't stop him. Did he just let Sulli go that fast?
Minho watched as Taemin went in the door that led to the stairs going down and disappeared out of his sight. 
Did he really mean what he said.
Would he really make Sulli forget him.
From that moment, Minho wanted to take back what he said and have Sulli in his arms instead.
But he cant.
Everything is final. Sulli would be gone from his life.
And he needs to get used to that starting today, after his last meet-up with Sulli.
What kind of mess did he get himself into?
Sulli was waiting for Minho at the school gate. She never saw Minho this week and only got to talk to him on the phone. Since it's a friday and there's no school tomorrow, Sulli decided to hang out with Minho. It would be a good time to catch up with the time they lost.
Sulli was standing near the school gate for five minutes when a familiar voice kept shouting her name.
"Sulli-ah!" Minho shouted cheerfully as he ran towards her.
Sulli smiled at the sight of Minho, but her smile soon faded when she noticed Minho's face.
He was pale. His eyes were puffy and he didn't look good.
Minho saw the concern on Sulli's face.
"Oppa? Are you okay? You look pale. Are you sick?" Sulli asked with worry in her voice.
Minho immediately shrugged it off. "I'm fine. I'm just tired because of school work. Can you believe I wasn't able to see you this whole week because of school?" Minho tried to liven up the atmosphere.
But Sulli didn't want to believe him. 
"It's nothing, don't worry about it. Seeing you makes me feel a hundred times better." Minho smiled.
Sulli finally gave up. "Fine, but if something happens to you, I won't think twice but to bring you to the hospital." Sulli pouted.
Minho laughed at Sulli's demand and immediately pinched her cheeks.
This will be the last day he'll get to see that. Minho thought.
Minho immediately shrugged off his thoughts before Sulli could even notice him. "Where do you want to go, my treat!" Minho cheerfully asked.
"Um..." Sulli gently tuck a strand of hair covering her face behind her ear.
Minho loved it when Sulli did that. Now, he won't see it again.
He tried to capture Sulli's face while she was thinking. He wants this memory to be kept in his mind.
This is the last day.
Sulli finally thought of one. "Well, i've lately been craving for some ice cream..."
Minho smiled and patted Sulli's head. 
"Let's go get you some ice cream then!"
After Minho and Sulli had some ice cream, they then went to a cinema and watched a movie.
Once the movie ended, they had a simple dinner in a restaurant while telling each other stories that happened while they were away from each other.
Of course, Minho left that part out.
It was then getting a bit late so they decided to go home.
Minho was happy, but at the same time depressed when he was with Sulli.
Happy because he gets to hang out with her, 
Deppressed because he knows this is the last.
Minho kept praying the whole day for this day to never end. This is the last day of his freedom. But of course, time won't let him.
In just a few more hours, Sulli would be gone from his life and he would end up in the other side of the world, thousands of miles away from Sulli,
Together living with a woman he does not love.
Minho walked Sulli to his home and when they finally reached her house, Minho spoke up.
"Sulli?" Minho spoke.
Minho can't tell her that he's leaving tomorrow. He also can't leave Sulli just yet. He doesn't want to. It's too early.
"Can we not go home yet please? It's not yet that late." Minho asked.
Sulli was confused. Why does Minho not want to go home yet?
"Why? You look tired Minho, even I am. It's a Saturday tomorrow Minho. Maybe we can do what you want tomorrow instead. You look pale, you need to rest. I don't wan't you to get sick Oppa." Sulli reached for Minho's hand and smiled.
Minho felt guilty. Sulli doesn't know what would happen tomorrow. She doesn't have any clue of what's going to happen. He's gonna break down any moment.
But he can't tell her, it's not yet the right moment.
"Fine..but can you just stay with me here first, just outside your house. Just for ten more minutes please? I..I have to give you something." Minho's voice was shaky.
Sulli thought for awhile before answering. "Okay,but just for ten minutes. I don't want you to get sick."
Minho smiled and asked Sulli to turn around. "Close your eyes."
"Just do it." Minho begged.
Minho slowly got a black box from his bag. Inside the box was a necklace with a four-leaf emerald green clover pendant. The gold chain was rusting a bit but it didn't matter. He then placed the necklace around Sulli's neck.
"You can open your eyes now."
Sulli opened her eyes and was shocked to see the beautiful necklace dangled around her neck. " shouldn't have."
Minho pulled something out of his shirt. It was another necklace of the same kind around his neck but his was sapphire blue.
Couple Necklaces.
"It's the only ones in the world.." Minho explained.
"That must have caused alot of money Oppa, you didn't have to buy it." Sulli pouted.
"No Sulli. I bought this for you and you only.  It's to remind you how much I love you. That no matter what happens, my love for you was genuine and true. Remember that okay?" Minho's voice was shaky.
"Always wear it just like how I will okay." Minho's eyes were teary.
Sulli noticed the sadness in Minho's voice. "Oppa..are you okay? Is there something wrong?" 
Minho ignored Sulli's question and cupped her cheeks. "For just a moment can you be quiet. I want to savor this moment..." Minho asked gently.
This is the last day,
The last time,
The last ten minutes.
Sulli remained silent, confusion written in her eyes. Why is Minho like this?
Minho's gaze transferred to Sulli's lips. Oh how much does he want to kiss those sweet, soft, pink lips. It's not as if he never did, it was just a simple peck. Plus one time he did it, they were hanging upside down in a bungee rope. Minho giggled at the sweet memory.
Will he ever experience that again?
Sulli can't do anything but stare at Minho. Why is he like this all of a sudden? Thoughts were circulating Sulli's head when she felt something touch her lips.
Everything stopped for a moment. kissing her! And it's not just a kiss, it was a long passionate one.
Sulli felt like her body was about fall. This giving her too much emotions.
The kiss was gentle. Minho tried to savor the moment. All he thought of during that time was him and the woman he was with. Nothing else. 
For a moment, he forgot all the problems that he had.
Sulli was shocked at first, but soon gave in. She kissed him back with all her emotions pouring in.
Minho wanted more and Sulli knew it. She gently opened giving Minho a sweet taste of herself.
Minho wanted the kiss to be longer, but sadly, they were only humans. Minho broke from the kiss in need of air.
Sulli was shocked at what just happened. 
This isn't a dream right?
Sulli, blushing , turned around. She was to embarassed to face Minho.
Minho noticed Sulli's red cheeks and couldn't help but giggle.
"There's no use to be embarassed now is there?" Minho teased.
Sulli turned back to look at Minho. She then saw tears pooling in Minho's eyes.
Is Minho crying?
Minho just smiled at Sulli. "It's getting late, you should go back now. Besides, ten minutes is up." Minho joked but failed at it miserably.
"I'm fine. You should enter now Sulli. My eyes are just tired so it's tearing up." Minho explained. Hoping that Sulli doesn't notice.
Sulli still doesn't believe and stares at him worriedly.
Minho gave Sulli a big smile. "See, i'm fine! Really!" 
Sulli didn't wan't to bug Minho anymore, besides he was tired. If he said he was fine then she should believe him already. Plus, Minho doesn't want a nagging girlfriend.
"If you say so.."
Sulli turned around and was heading to the door when Minho caught her arm and pulled her into a hug.
"I love you Sulli. I'll always will. Never forget that." Minho said, almost a whisper. 
Tears were streaming down Minho's face. 
He can't let go of Sulli. He finds it too hard to let go of her.
But he needs to. He has to get used to it.
Minho broke from the hug. "Go, enter, you have to rest. I bet you're tired as I am." Minho smiled to assure Sulli he was alright.
Sulli smiled and nodded. Though she was sure something's not right, she ignored whatever premonition she had.
Sulli stopped at the doorway, turned to Minho, cheerfully waved at him and mouthed the words "good night" before entering the house and slamming the door shut.
All Minho could do was stand there and stare at the place where Sulli previously has been.
She's gone.
That was the last time he'll ever see her again.
Tears then began to fall from Minho's eyes.
All he did the past few days was cry.
And he's a guy for pete's sake.
He wanted to slam the door open, run to Sulli and have her in his arms.
But he can't, he has to control himself.
He has to get used to it.
Minho had one last look at Sulli's window before turning around and walking away.
"Good-bye Sulli." 


I'm sorry. you guys must hate me now for writing that but don't worry, they will end up together, they always will.
Throw me with a banana if you want, I deserve it for writing that. Why the heck did I even write that?
Mianhe, Mianhe. Just one last chapter of drama okay? then we are back to the normal chapters
Minho must be hating on me if he sees this, I made him such a cry baby.
well, he loves Sulli that much. that just shows how much he loves her
p.s.: sorry for some mistakes. i wrote this while I was at the dentist when I was waiting for my braces' cement to dry up, plus I had a horrible headache. mianhe :(
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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update