Recipe #6

The Perfect Recipe of Love
"The greatest gift I ever had came from God, I call him dad."
- Anonymous
Minho finally arrived at his house after bringing Sulli home. He was placing his bag on the floor when Mr Pak, Minho's butler, came rushing to him.
"Minho! Finallly! You're here, your appa came home!" Mr. Pak stated
"Appa's here?" Minho asked, his eyes wide open.
Mr. Pak nodded. "He just arrived this afternoon. Him, together with your Umma are waiting for you in the dining room."
Minho headed for the dining room. He was feeling all sorts of emotions on the way there. Was he happy because his dad came back ? Or was he mad because he only appeared now after so many years.
As Minho enters the dining room, he saw a group of people sitting on the table. So it wasn't just his dad who came home after all. 
"Minho! My son!" Minho's dad stood up and hugged Minho
Minho couldn't return the hug, he missed the warmth of his father's presence, but he just can't bring himself to.
"So this is Minho? My are you one handsome, young boy!" An old man said.
Minho looked at the old man confused.
Who is he?
Minho's dad saw the confusion in Minho's eyes. "Oh, I forgot to introduce him to you, Minho this is Jung Seok-woo, my business partner."
Oh, so he only came here for business matters. No wonder..
The little bit of happiness Minho was feeling soon faded as soon as he heard about the partnership. He did not go here to visit them, he just went back for company matters, as usual.
Minho was standing up, unsure if he wanted to sit with them and join them for dinner. He really did not want to get involved in any of his dad's business matters.
"Um if you may excuse me, I would go up now. I already have eaten at Sulli's place, Appa." Minho bowed and then headed to leave the dining room, only to be blocked by men in suits.
"Minho! Sit down. There are matters to discuss. Don't be so rude, we have a visitor and you dare act that way?! What kind of son are you?" Minho's father scorned.
"Honey, relax. He's probably just tired, and besides he already ate. Let him rest will you?"  Minho's mom said.
"Umma's right. I already ate and i'm tired, plus it's a school night so I really have to rest now. Could that important matter wait till tomorrow?" Minho asked
"No can't do young man, we have to talk about it now. I'll be busy tomorrow so I won't have time to talk about it. It would be really quick I promise." Seok-woo told Minho.
Minho looked at his mom, while the latter looked at his dad, who then looked back at Minho's mom-who nodded in return. "Minho-dear it would be really quick. So just sit down for a while and then once it's all over you could rest."
Minho sighed and sat down on a chair.
"Okay, so let's get this started. How old are you Minho?" Seok-woo asked Minho
"I just turned seventeen." Minho replied.
Seok-woo nodded and then looked at Minho's dad who smiled in return. 
Minho saw them.
"Have you ever visited America? Do you think it's nice in there?" Seok-woo kept asking questions.
"I've been there when I was thirteen. And yes, it is nice." Minho didn't want to make the talk any longer. He wanted Seok-woo to go straight to the point.
"Do you have any plans to pursue schooling there?" He kept asking.
Minho was getting irritated. He wanted to tell Seok-woo to hurry up and get this over with so that he could have some sleep, but he still had manners.
"Not really..i'm fine here actually. I've never really thought of that but I do hear that the universities there are really nice. Why do you ask sir?" 
Please hurry up.
"Well, I was thinking of paying for your Bachelors degree if you would want to continue schooling in America. I mean, I see that you have potential at handling your father's business, and plus I know for a fact that you would do whatever it takes for your father's company to stay on top. So once you've graduated, I could very much tell that you would be one smart lad and that you would take care of your father's company very much. So when that happens, I would allow my company and you're father's company to merge into one multinational company, and you my dear...would handle it." Seok-woo smiled.
Minho didn't know what he was hearing. What?! 
"But of course, not everything in life comes for free. There is a price you have to pay, but don't worry, it is not that expensive nor is it very hard." Seok-woo stated.
Minho knew it. Something this big can't just be given for free "What is it?" 
"Well, as you can see i'm a very old man and would die soon. I have a granddaughter who is recently living in America. I want you to get to know her, and once you do.. I would want you guys to get married. Her parent's died when she was eighth so I was the only one left to take care of her. My son was an only child, as well as his wife, so she had no cousins or anyone else to play with. She was alone for almost half of her life. I don't want her to continue being lonely for the rest of her life once I die..." Seok-woo turned serious.
"She's a very sweet girl, sincere, loving, caring- I love her very much. She's the only memory I have left of my son and his wife. She's been with me no matter how stubborn I may be. That's why i'm doing this Minho, I only trust you to take care of her." Seok-woo looked at Minho.
Minho looked at Seok-woo. No. No no no no. He can' do this.
"I've seen you grow up and I know that you would be that one person who could take away the loneliness that my granddaughter has carried for almost her whole life. You're the only one I trust and I know that you would take care of her as much as I do so please Minho. Could you please accept what i'm offering you." Seok-woo began tearing up.
Minho felt bad for the old man, but still, he can't leave Sulli.
"I'm sorry sir, but I can't do what you're asking me. The offer is really big and i'm glad, really glad that you chose me above anyone else. But I have someone here who needs me too and I can't leave her." Minho answered.
Seok-woo wiped the tears of his face and looked at Minho. "Sulli?"
No wonder why Seok-woo saw them walking home together.
"Excuse me sir?" Minho was confused. He knows Sulli?
"Sulli. Choi Sulli, is it her? The daughter of my previous business partner. That pretty, young lady your age who loves baking? Is she the reason why you can't accept my offer that's already offering you the life you wanted for such a cheap price!You're making her stop you from reaching your dreams Minho!" Seok-woo shouted.
"I love her sir. And she is one dream that I already have. I'm not going to lose that dream just to reach another one. I could reach whatever you are offeiring me sir without having to sacrifice another dream." Minho defended.
"Minho are you serious? And since when did you start dating Sulli. Why didn't you tell me?" Minho's father turned to Minho and asked him.
"Well how can I tell you when you're never around!" Minho shouted.
Everyone in the dining room looked at him. 
Minho stood up "Thanks for your offer sir. But i'm not considering it. You could look for others out there. I'm sure there are plenty, but it just can't be me." Minho pushed out of the chair and went out of the dining room before anyone could stop him.
Seok-woo was fuming with anger. How dare he walk  away from him. "Your son is really stubborn. If he wont accept the offer then I can't help you Mr. Choi. A deal's a deal. If you want me to help you, then you have to help me too." Seok-woo told Minho's dad.
Minho's dad was troubled. He really needs this. He has to convince Minho. "No, don't worry, I would try my best until he has decided to accept your offer. I'm not leaving Korea without him." Minho's dad confidently stated.
Minho was mad, really really mad. So mad he could break the wall into half.
The only reason his dad came back was for business matters. It wasn't because he missed his family, but because he needed something from them. 
He never really missed them. All he cares about is business, business and business.
Money. Money. Money.
And what bothered Minho the most was that he came back to ask Minho to be part of some arranged marriage just for the benefit of his company.
Doesn't he care. Doesn't he love them. Doesn't he know what they would feel.
Minho was really mad. How could his own father ask him to leave the woman he loves to be with another. Though the offer was really big, he can't just leave Sulli and get married to someone he hardly knows just for the luxury of his own father.
He will never ever leave Sulli and that is a promise he would never ever want to break. God knows what would happen if he did break that promise.
Minho was staring into deep space when someone knocked on the door.
"Minho! Are you there? We need to talk." Minho's dad stated from outside.
Great. The person he least likely wants to see now is outside his room.
"Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" Minho shouted and buried his head under his pillow.
"Please Minho, you have to listen it's important. Please!" Minho's father seemed desperate, but Minho still wouldn't budge.
"What's so important about asking me to leave Sulli and get married to someone else?! Just go away Appa! I don't want to see your face right now!" Minho screamed from under the pillow.
"Please.." His voice was getting softer. "Minho please listen. I have to explain."
Minho still didn't want to talk to his dad but something in his voice tells him he has to listen. He then hesitately stood up and opened the door. "What?!" Minho coldly asked.
"Could I enter?" 
"I opened the door right? For you to enter?! " Minho stated the obvious.
Minho's dad entered the room and sat on the bed. He then looked around his room. "The last time i've been here was when you were five." 
Minho nodded, still mad at his father. "If you only visited us just once." He whispered.
Minho's dad gaze then went to a picture placed on Minho's bedside table. It was a picture of him and Sulli.
"Sulli, how is she?" 
"She's fine, doing really well actually." Minho blankly answered.
"When have you guys started dating?" 
"Just recently, last weekend."
"I see..."
Minho looked at his father who had a weird look on his face.
"Sulli's a nice girl and you know that. You can't do anything to make me accept that offer. I will not marry that girl for your company." Minho stated.
"You will handle the company."
"When I graduate! But while i'm still studying, oh wow. Your company would go big and be supported by that old man. And then you would never go home to Umma and I and you would rejoice with how much fame and fortune you're getting." Minho responded.
"Minho, you don't understand..." Minho's father reached for Minho's shoulder but the latter moved away.
"What do I don't understand? You want me to leave Sulli, break up with her, break her heart- for your own company? That company that pulled you away from Umma and I. The company that made you forget you had a son in Korea? Never, i'm not going to consider your selfish ways. Never!" Minho raged.
Minho's dad couldn't say anything. He just stared at his son who was facing the other way.  He didn't want to hurt him but he had no choice. He has to do this for Minho.
"The company... The company is falling." Minho's dad closed his eyes.
Minho turned around and looked at him. "What do you mean?"
"Our company.. We are in danger of losing it. Our stocks were dropping for the last few years and no matter what I do, I can't stop it. If i'm not able to restore the damage my company has, I would have no choice but to sell it."
Minho was shocked. No. Though this company pulled him away from them, his dad worked so hard for it, this can't be happening.
"I wanted to go home in the last few years. Really, I really wanted to. But with the situation of the company I just couldn't. I tried everything there is to be but I just can't restore the damage." Minho's dad began tearing up.
"I wanted to see you guys so much. Don't say I didn't miss you guys at all. I did Minho, every single day. I would wonder what it feels like to go home, have a nice family dinner, watch movies and have a nice bowl of popcorn." Minho's dad flashed a bitter smiled.
"But if I go home, I would lose the company and I can't accept that. It would be okay if I didn't have a son. I wouldn't matter if I would just work as a regular employee, but this company.. I want to give it to you Minho."
"I need this company... for you Minho. For you to have a nice life. I worked hard for it for you. If the company's gone, I don't know what to do anymore..." Tears fell on his face.
Minho's heart is in pain. He didn't know how much pain his dad has gone through. For him.
"And the only way for our company to regain it's normal status is if you marry Mr. Jung's granddaughter.." 
"Mr Jung, he's a good man. He is willing to merge his company with mine and then give it to you Minho. He is giving you the life you wanted, something I can't give to you if our company falls."
"Appa! I told you I don't want to marry her. Could you find someone else who could help us without having to go through arranged marriages. Appa..please..." Minho pleaded
"I tried Minho. I really did. I know how much you love Sulli. I thank God for her very much because she stayed with you when I was gone. Sulli's a really nice girl and I wouldn't matter if she would be your girlfriend. But, this is for you Minho. I'm doing this for you, for the company I worked hard for the past 20 years so that I could give it to you in the future..."
"I tried talking Seok-woo to pull you out of the arranged marriage and that I would find another way to repay his help for our company, but he wouldn't oblige. He is really desperate to find someone for his daughter."
"And you're the only one in his mind." 
Minho was lost. He could break down any moment. Why is this happening to him? What did he do to deserve this?
He wants to help his dad. He knows how much his dad worked hard for this company. He can't just make it dissappear like it's nothing. He knows he can help.
His choice could help.
But helping his dad would mean leaving Sulli.
He would get married to someone else.
And because of that, Sulli would be gone from his life.
Does he really want that?
"I'll think of it Appa." Minho softly replied.
"Minho.." Minho's dad hugged Minho. "Thank you.."
Minho missed the warmth of his father's hug. He hugged him back.
Oh how much he wants to make his father happy.
But then..

(A/N:) Merry Christmas Everyone. I finally updated in 123243534854358 million years. Sorry.

We had our finals so yeah, I was busy for the past weeks and I rarely had any sleep.

But hey, it's Christmas break so I could update now right?

Anyways, Hohoho Merry Christmas :)

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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update