Recipe #4

The Perfect Recipe of Love

"Love is not about how much you say I love you, but how much you can prove that it's true." -Anonymous


"Where are we going?" Sulli bluntly asked.

"Secret." Minho answered, not wanting to reveal his suprise for Sulli.

Minho and Sulli were on a bus which was heading to the place Minho suggested for their date. Minho didn't want to tell Sulli as he wanted to suprise her

"Did you really have to schedule it today?" Sulli whined as she asked Minho.

Sulli was dead tired from yesterday's date and lack of sleep last night. She was planning to get comfy in her pajamas, munch on a bowl of popcorn, watch a movie and just snuggle under her blanket the whole day after a whole week of worrying and having to deal with negative thoughts she didn't want to have in the first place.

She just wanted to have her alone time and rest. But Minho wouldn't let her.

"Why? You don't want to spend the day with me. Ouch." Minho asked, obviously hurt at what Sulli told him .

"It's not that.You know I just got home from a date yesterday right? Plus, I stayed up late last night because you insisted that you stay in my house for a while for a midnight snack, reasoning out that we have to catch up on things we missed during your one-week long dissappearance. Which I also think was pretty useless because all you did the whole week was just stay in your room and sulk all day." Sulli defended herself.

"You got a point there..but still, wouldn't you want to celebrate our first day as a couple on a date. I mean wouldn't that be fun?" Minho asked, trying to get the excitement out of Sulli.

"It would be, if I wasn't tired." Sulli explained.

"Oh come on, please..." Minho showed off his aegyo."..Just today, for me." Minho gave Sulli his ten-million dollar smile.

"I promise I won't bother you afterwards. I could even dissappear again if you want me to." Minho added

Sulli just glared at him. "No, you're not doing that again."

"Pretty please.." Minho looked like a child who was begging his mother to buy him candy.

"Do you think I have a choice?" Sulli finally gave up. She couldn't resist him

"Yay!" Minho poked Sulli's cheek. "I knew you couldn't resist me." Minho grinned

"Oh please, i'm just nice and you know that." Sulli explained.

"Yeah right." Minho laughed.

"Oh so you don't believe me now." Sulli asked him.

"U-huh" Minho nodded.

"Do you think I would agree to the date you set me up with Taemin if I wasn't nice?" Sulli fired back at him.

"Nope. It's because you couldn't resist me. That's what made you agree to go with him. If I haden't persuaded you to go. Heck you would be in your house yesterday just cooking all day." Minho defended himself.

Sulli couldn't answer. Yup, he was right. He got her there.

"Haha. I knew it. Just admit it Ms. Choi. You can't resist me." Minho went nearer Sulli's face until there was no more space in between them.

Sulli was nervous. She looked away. Her heart was beating so fast it could explode any minute now.

Too much closeness. Sulli thought. 

Too much.

Minho immediately pulled away once his eyes landed on her pink, soft and glossy lips.

Oh how much he wants to kiss those lips.

"Um..You better get ready cause we're about to go down." Minho looked away. Trying to fix himself after what just happened.

"Huh..Oh, yeah." Sulli stuttered.

The bus finally stopped after twenty minutes of travel.

Minho and Sulli went down. "What are we doing here in Gangnam. Are we going to shop?" Sulli asked Minho.

"Pabo! Since when did you think I was interested in shopping?" Minho answered

"What are we doing here then?" Sulli was curious.

"You wanted to rest right? I know just a place to go." Minho grinned


"Hahaha! Oh my gosh, that tickles. Hahaha" Sulli kept laughing at the tickling feeling the fishes were giving her.

"You like it?" Minho asked, amused at Sulli's reaction.

Sulli happily nodded.

They were at Cafe Namu Geuneul in Gangnam. A cafe where you could cool down by taking a sip of one of your favorite drinks while at the same time, have your feet renewed and cleansed by tiny fishes who nibble on the dead skin.

"This is so cool! How did you know this place?" Sulli curiosly asked.

"I have my sources." Minho smiled while remembering what he did last night, err correct that, early in the morning.


"Mr. Minho, you have to sleep already, it's 3 in the morning. The sun will rise soon!" Mr. Pak yelled at the teen who was busy using the computer.

"Come on Mr. Pak just a few more minutes, pleasseee?" Minho said still looking at the computer screen.

"Aissh! If madam finds out you're staying up this late i'm dead. Wait a minute, we're you sleeping this late at your grandparent's house. I told you I should have went with you!" Mr. Pak argued

"Umma's not even in the country Mr. Pak, chill. Don't worry, if you get in trouble I would tell them it's my fau- here, this is the place, yesssss!" Minho shouted while writing on his notebook. 

"Huh?" Mr Pak asked. 

"Okay i'll sleep now Mr. Pak. I have a long day tomorrow. Good Night!" Minho cheerfully said as he dashed off to his room.

"Aissh this kid, it's not even night anymore. But what was that about?" Mr Pak glimpsed on the computer screen.

"Cute places to date in Seoul?" Mr Pak squinted his eyes.

"Really this kid!" Mr Pak scratched his forehead while smiling.

(End of Flashback)

"Yah! Why are you smiling there like an idiot? Who are you thinking of?! Don't tell me you're thinking of another girl aren't you?" Sulli looked at Minho.
"Silly!" Minho pinched her nose. "I'm thinking about you." Minho smiled.
"Oh please, as if. You only smile that wide when I look stupid, or did something stupid." Sulli remarked.
"Wait a minute..." Sulli went near Minho and pointed her finger to him.
"Are you thinking of my face placed on the body of a chicken!? Yah! Minho-yah!" Sulli slapped  Minho's arm.
"Ouch!" Minho rubbed his arm. "Could you please stop thinking of nonsense and just focus on your feet being eaten by tiny fishes. People are looking at us." Minho said as he looks at other people who were eyeing them weirdly.
"Who cares?" Sulli said. "As long as i'm here with you, that's all that matters. Everyone's opinion wouldn't matter anyway." Sulli looked at him and smiled.
Minho couldn't help but smile at what Sulli said. He just wanted to hear that line.
"I know." Minho patted Sulli's head. "Now be quiet and just pay attention to those little fishies eating your feet."
"Arasso!" Sulli saluted
"Oh and you better get enough rest. We're gonna do something after." Minho instructed Sulli
"Huh? Where?" Sulli looked at him confused.
Minho grinned.
"Yah! What is wrong with you?! No, i'm not doing this!" Sulli took a step back from Minho.
"Why not? It's going to be fun! I'll jump with you!" Minho told Sulli who was holding on the railing, afraid to let go.
They were at Yuldong Park. A park located in Yuldong, Bundang where you could take a stroll around the beautiful greeneries and rest. Or if you have a more adventurous side, try the 45m bungee jump. 
And of course, Minho wanted to try the bungee jump. But Sulli wouldn't oblige.
"Come on Sulli, it's going to be a couple jump. It won't just be you who would jump, i'll go with you! It's gonna be fun!" Minho tried persuading Sulli.
Sulli stared at him, then on the rope, and back at Minho. She wanted to make Minho happy, but her fear just wouldn't let her.
"You're paying for my funeral!" Sulli finally agreed.
"This is going to be fun, trust me!" Minho smiled, happy that Sulli finally agreed to jump with him.
"I haven't had that much sleep and i'm going to jump off a cliff! Choi Minho you really don't have any sense of care don't you!" Sulli shouted as they both were already securely buckled and ready to jump.
"Trust me Sulli!" Minho whispered. They both were facing each other with their faces only a breathe apart. Minho's blood was rushing, not because of the cliff that they were going to jump into, but because of the close proximity he had with Sulli.
"Okay, in the count of three, you guys have to jump okay?" The man instructed them.
"Han, Dul- Wait!" Sulli interrupted.
"What?!" Minho asked, he was getting impatient.
"Are you sure this is safe? Like a hundred percent sure?" Sulli nervously asked.
"Yes! as long as i'm here with you. I won't let anything happen. I promise!" Minho raised his left hand and smiled.
Sulli stared at him for a while, and then nodded. "Arasso, let's jump." 
"Okay, once again in the count of three!" The man said.
Sulli closed her eyes.
"I'm gonna die!" Sulli whispered to herself.
"Aaahhh!" Sulli shouted at the top of her lungs.
The couple were now gliding in the air. The rope swinged from left to right and even bounced multiple times, making them feel the cool breeze in their skin.
"Minho-yah! I'm gonna kill you when we get on land!" Sulli shouted as they both were swinging from left to right.
"Could you please be quiet and enjoy the scenery instead of whining like a child." Minho remarked.
"I will...if I wasn't hanging upside down bouncing and swinging like an acrobat. Could we get dow-" 
Minho crashed his lips into hers.
Sulli couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't close her eyes due to shock.
She never expected her first kiss to happen.
But it did, and where you would least expect it to, on a rope with both of you hanging upside down high up in
the air.
Minho broke from the kiss already, but Sulli was still in a daze.
"That's what you get if you don't be quiet." Minho whispered to Sulli and grinned.
The rope already stopped swinging and was already stable, giving a signal to the crew that they were ready to get down.
Once they were safely on the boat and has gotten down from the rope, Sulli started speaking.
"Yah! You stole a kiss from me. You deserve a punishement." Sulli lightly punched Minho's arm.
"Bwoh?! I'm your boyfriend right? Then that gives me the right to kiss you." Minho defended.
"But still..You can't do that." Sulli softly said. She still couldn't get over what happened.
Minho noticed Sulli's red cheeks and couldn't help but giggle. 
Cute. Minho thought.
It was now five in the afternoon when Minho and Sulli got back in Gangnam. They now decided to have an early dinner since both were starving from the adventure they had a while ago.
"Where do you want to eat?" Minho asked Sulli.
"Umm..Ah, what about there. It's a Mexican restaurant, I want some tacos!" Sulli pleaded Minho.
"Arasso. Let's go." Minho smiled then pulled Sulli's hand.
Sulli couldn't help herself but smile at the small but genuine act that Minho did. The warmth of his hand felt so good.
"Table for two." Minho told the waitress.
"We'll just have it cleaned. Please wait." Minho nodded. While waiting, his eyes caught a small boutique that sells jewelry.
"The table is ready sir." The waitress told them.
"Uh Sulli, why don't you enter first. I'll be right back." Minho told Sulli.
"Where are you going?" Sulli asked him.
"Somewhere. Just enter, i'll follow." Minho then left.
"Where's he going?" Sulli thought as she followed the waitress to the table.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" The sales lady greeted.
"Annyeong! Do you have any necklaces that suits young ladies." Minho asked.
"How old is she?"
"Sixteen, going on Seventeen."
"Right this way sir." Minho followed the sales lady to a glass cabinet.
There were lots of necklaces ranging from small hearts to big teddy bears, all were too pretty that Minho didn't know what to choose.
The sales lady eyed him curiously and asked. "By any chance, are you her boyfriend?"
"Uh yes." Minho answered
The sales lady smiled. "Why don't you try a couple necklace? We have lots of it here."
The saleslady opened a cabinet and got a basket filled with boxes
"There's a different kind for every box. Choose what you find the best." The sales lady smiled.
"Neh." Minho bowed.
Minho started opening every box. There was a locket with a key, halves of a heart, a girl and a boy, a cookie and Cookie Monster (seriously) and alot more but he found it all to mainstream, he wanted it to be unique.
Something that they only had.
"Are there others?" Minho asked the sales lady.
The sales lady stopped and thought for a while. "Well, there is one.."
"Could I see it." Minho asked the sales lady. 
The sales lady returned with a dusty box. 
"The husband of the previous owner of this store made it for his wife. Unfortunately both died when they got into an accident. We tried selling it but no one would buy it because it was old and looked like something only old couples would wear. So we decided to just keep it in the storage." The sales lady showed Minho two necklaces with both a  four-leaf clover pendant on it. The other one emerald green while the other sapphire blue.
"It was said to bring good fortune to whoever would wear it." The sales lady explained.
Minho held the two necklaces and examined it. The gold chain was rusting a bit, but the pendant was still glowing from it's color.
"That's the only one in the whole world. No one else has it." The sales lady added.
"I'll take it."
"Where have you been? what took you so long?" Sulli asked Minho.
"Somewhere, Have you ordered?" Minho answered while looking at the menu.
"Are you hiding something from me? You never tell me anything anymore?" Sulli pouted.
"I'll tell you later, it's a suprise." Minho told Sulli.
"Wait, does that mean, we're not yet going home."
"Nope." Minho shaked his head.
Sulli opened wide about to say something until she decided to just shut it and be quiet.
"Very Good" Minho smiled.
Sulli just glared at him.
"I knew it, we were going here!" Sulli teased Minho
"Was it that obvious?" Minho looked at Sulli.
Sulli nodded.
They were at the Namsan Seoul Tower. The couple decided to stay there for a while and just look at the city nightscape.
And also, like what Sulli has guessed, to lock their love lock on the tower fence.
"Where is it?" Sulli asked.
"Where is it what?" Minho eyed at her curiously.
"The padlock. I wan't to lock it here." Sulli smiled.
Minho got his bag and pulled out a big red padlock. He then handed it to Sulli together with a marker.
"What should we write?" Sulli asked Minho.
"What about Sulli loves Minho?" Minho suggested
"No, that makes me the one who was crazy for you." Sulli joked.
"Isn't that true, weren't you the one who confessed first?" Minho striked back.
"Did I run all the way to my grandparent's house, lock myself in my room and choose not to see his bestfriend because he was afraid that if he confessed to her, he would get rejected." Sulli defended.
"And was I the one who suggested that we become a couple and insist that we go on a date today to celebrate our first day as a couple?" Sulli added.
"Also, was I the one who stole a kis-"
"Alright, alright. Geez. Fine. Minho loves Sulli." Minho told her.
"Too mainstream." Sulli said.
"What do you want then." Minho asked.
"Umm, Aha!" Sulli began writing on the padlock.
"Give me the key." Sulli asked.
She then locked the padlock on the tower fence.
"Let me see." Sulli moved away for Minho to look
Froggy Prince and Giant Baby Forever <3
"Seriously?" Minho looked at Sulli weirdly.
"Wei! It's cute right." Sulli smiled.
"Come here." Minho grabbed Sulli and hugged her.
"I love you so much Sulli." Minho whispered.
"I love you too." Sulli replied back.
Minho then broke from the hug and began shouting.
"I love Choi Sulli very much!" 
"Yah Minho what are you doing?" Sulli looked at him weirdly.
"Be quiet." Minho instructed.
"I love her very very very much!" Minho shouted till the whole world could hear.
"Hey, you're waking people up."
"Sulli Choi and Minho Choi forever." He didn't stop.
"Have you thrown the key already?" Minho asked her.
"Not yet." Sulli answered.
Minho went behind Sulli and enveloped his arms around her. "At the count of three, let's throw it Arasso?"
Sulli nodded.
"Han..." Minho got his polaroid.
"Dul..." Raised it up high.
"Set!" Minho kissed Sulli's cheek as his polaroid captured the precious moment. The key was now nowhere to be found.
"Yah! You stole a kiss again." Sulli poked his cheek.
The photo was now developed. "It's nice isn't it?" Minho asked.
Sulli nodded.
"I love you so much Sulli."
"I love you too Minho."
 They stayed like that for a moment under the stars with no worries or problems to care about. 
But both were also unaware of what the future holds for them.


Annyeonghaseyo my dear Chingus, I'm bad. I promised to update two chapters yesterday, but then

my dad caught me and told me to sleep :(

Anyways, at least this chapter was long hehehe

Mianhe, Mianhe, I can't update until Friday because you know school is unfortunately killing me.

I'm crying now while writing this cuz the next chapters will be err.. you'll find out.

Okay, it's good bye for now :(

Oh wait!  sorry for the grammatical errors in this chapter, wasn't able to proofread it.

Okay, im serious now, bye bye :(







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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update