Recipe #11

The Perfect Recipe of Love

“The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces.” 

 Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County.



Sulli was sitting on a bench in a nearby park.

The sun was out and the sky shined brightly. It was a sunny Sunday morning.
Sulli closed her eyes as she inhaled the cool morning air into her lungs.
Sulli never felt so alive. She immediately opened her eyes to admire the beautiful view placed in front of her. She was still the only one in the park. It was early in the morning, people might still be sleeping.
Sulli just stayed on the bench watching the park view when she felt something glimmer from  underneath her chin.
Her gaze immediately transferred to the emerald green clover necklace she was wearing around her neck. She immediately got the pendant and looked at it.
A tear fell no more.
Sulli has come to a point where she cried too much that there was no more tear left to shed.
A smile was plastered on her face instead.
"I don't think I could forget you Minho..." She whispered to the pendant.
"I won't, but i'll learn how to continue living my life without you." Sulli stated.
"So I hope you live well Oppa, because i'll make sure to live well too..for you." Sulli smiled.
Sulli stayed like that under the morning sun while admiring the beautiful necklace she was wearing.
Minho just got home from Seok Woo's house,
He was exhausted and immediately slumped on his bed.
He stared at the ceiling.
"That includes Sulli."
Minho stared straight at Seok Woo. "Sir, I think that's too much-"
"I'm sorry Minho, but you agreed to the offer. You did know that you have stay by Krystal's side right? I stated it clearly to you before you agreed to go here.." Seok Woo cut him off.
Minho could just sigh in defeat. Seok Woo was right. It was part of the agreement. It was clearly stated
Minho quickly shaked the thought off. He doesn't want to remember the talk he had with Mr Jung.
His thought then suddenly transferred to Krystal. She was actually really nice and comfortable to talk to when he met her that day -a personality neither Mr Jung or his dad had.
But still, even though she was cute, pretty and nice -she could never compare to Sulli.
Minho sighed and immediately stood up. He decided to unpack his things.
He got all his things and placed it in their respective places. After, Minho went back to his bag to check if there was anything left to unpack.
One object immediately got his attention. He gently grabbed it and went outside to his room's balcony.
He looked up at the sky. The night sky was dark with plenty of stars twinkling around it. The moon was round and shined ever so brightly.
Minho turned his attention to the framed object he was holding. He suddenly flashed a small smile.
It was the polaroid picture of him and Sulli on their first date. Sulli's face was priceless. The face she showed when she realized Minho kissed her on the cheek was cute. Minho couldn't help but stiffle a laugh.
His thumb caressed Sulli's face. "How are you Sulli?.." Minho asked, as if talking to a human being and not a picture.
"I'm sorry if I had to leave without an explanation. I hope you understand.." Minho kept talking.
"I have to do this for my Appa. I can't leave him..." Minho looked at the nightsky.
"But that doesn't mean I wan't to leave you too, it's just that..i'm..i'm a coward. I'm a coward for not being able to fight for you." 
He looked back at the picture. "I have to be with someone else now, so I hope you live well there...a girl like you doesn't deserve a guy like me." Minho flinched.
Every word he said was like a bullet shot straight to his heart.
"But remember always that I love you. Nothing could ever change that." Minho bitterly smiled at the picture.
Suddenly, the pendant on Minho's necklace glimmered.
Sulli opened her eyes. The wind blew hardly against her cheek.
"That's weird." Sulli muttered
"Why is it suddenly all windy? The telecast said it would be sunny today?" Sulli wondered.
Sulli just shrugged it off. "Eh, Maybe I wasn't paying attention to the news."
Sulli closed her eyes, unaware that her pendant glimmered brighter under the sunlight as the wind blew against her cheek.
"Order for table number 7 coming up!" Sulli placed the tray in the counter where a waiter got it and brought it to the customer's table.
Sulli was slicing onions in the kitchen when a waitress suddenly approached her. "Chef?"
"Hmm?" Sulli answered, still focused on the onions.
"Umm, a customer wants to talk to you. She's a foreigner." The waitress stated.
Sulli immediately stopped slicing and faced the waitress. 
"Does she look mad? Happy?" Sulli asked, nervousness written in her face.
"I can't tell Chef...She has a straight face on." The waitress replied.
Sulli nodded. "Hold on." Sulli wiped her hands on her apron before storming out of the kitchen.
Sulli approached the customer. "Good afternoon Miss," Sulli greeted in perfect English. "You wanted to talk to me?"
The young lady looked at her. "Are you the chef?"
Sulli nodded. Nervousness written on her face.
"So that means you were the one who cooked this?" The lady asked, pointing at her plate which contained beef marinated with garlic, wine and vinegar.
It was hard to tell if the lady was dissappointed or not. The kind of face she projected was hard to distinguish.
Sulli nodded again. "Is there's anything wrong miss with what I cooked? Is the steak too raw?, or is it too overcooked? Maybe it's need to be marinated more. I could have it remade again miss if you would want. This time with no charge-"
"Oh haha no,That's not what I meant." The lady shaked her head and laughed.
Sulli just looked at her.
"I called to tell you...that this is the best steak i've ever tasted in my whole life!" The young lady smiled.
The worry in Sulli's face immediately transformed to gladness.
"I've been travelling the whole world, in different countries in search for the best steak. And i'm glad to tell you miss....that you're so far the nearest one i've tasted close to perfection!" The young lady complemented.
Sulli couldn't help it but smile. She was so happy!
"I'm glad you liked it miss! I'm really glad!" Sulli bowed.
"What do you call this dish again?"
"Oh, that one is Marinated London Broil." Sulli answered. A smile still evident on her face.
" taste so good!" The young lady complemented before taking another bite.
"Oh and before I forget. Would it be okay if I write about this on my blog? This dish is too heavenly to be kept a secret you know? I also think others should know about this restaurant too. It's so pink! I bet you have other dishes here that taste just as good as the one placed in front of me. Am I right?" The lady asked while getting a notebook and writing her review on it.
Sulli could just shyly nod. This was the first time a customer has ever complemented her like that. It's not as if no one has ever told her that her dishes were great, alot had actually did in the past, but this was way bigger.
Her restaurant would be featured in someone else's blog. 
"May I ask your name please?" The lady asked, still writing on her notebook.
"Oh, um. Sulli. Choi Sulli, Sulli Choi." Sulli gladly answered.
The young lady stopped writing and examined her from top to bottom. "You seem to be young, how old are you?"
"23. I'm twenty-three years old." Sulli answered.
"Really now? I see a great future ahead of you Miss Choi. You're only twenty-three years old but you've managed to create a dish as perfect as this. Surely you must have an inspiration?" The young lady asked.
Sulli just stared at her. Afraid of what to answer.
"Well, yeah..Sort of. He's just not here at the moment." Sulli's smile dissappeared
The young lady realized her sudden change of emotion and quickly apologized.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." 
Sulli shaked her head. "Ani, I mean no. It's fine. Really." Sulli smiled making the young lady convinced.
"As you say so.."
Sulli just smiled.
"Oppa.." Krystal tried to wake Minho up.
"Huh?" Minho muttered, still halfly asleep.
"The plane landed already. We're in Korea." Krystal stated.
Minho suddenly opened his eyes. "We're here already?"
Krystal just laughed at her fiancé's reaction.
Minho opened the plane window and looked outside. "We're here! We're finally in Korea!" Minho gleamed.
Minho was so happy. He missed his home country dearly. He never got a chance to visit his homeland the past few years due to the pressures of school and the issues his dad had with the company.
It really is good to be home.
Krystal got Minho's hand. "You sure are happy aren't you?" 
Minho smiled at Krystal. "Very. I missed this place."
Suddenly the smile on Minho's face dissappeared, Krystal noticed it. 
"Oppa? Is something wrong?" Krystal asked.
Minho looked outside. "It would have been perfect already. I'm back at home. But then Umma's sick. She's been in a coma for five months now. Doctors can't tell when she would wake up."
"I don't want her to die like Appa. Without I having to say that I love her." Minho's voice got softer.
Krystal gently pulled Minho making the latter face her. She gently cupped his cheeks.
"Everything would be fine Oppa. Stop worrying about it okay? I'm sure your Appa knows how much you love him. You saved his company after all from falling right? You sacrificed for him. No words are needed to know how much you love him. The same goes with your Umma. She knows what kind of a son you are. You're obedient, nice, respectful, you would do whatever it takes to save the people you love. If your Umma sees that in you, then she knows how much you love her." Krystal smiled.
Minho hugged Krystal.  Krystal was shocked.
"Gomawo Krystal, for always staying by my side when no one else did. You don't know much grateful I am that you're here." Minho thanked.
Krystal couldn't help but blush. She broke away from the hug.
"Isn't that what fiancé's do. Stay by their loved one's side. I'm just doing my job Mr. Choi." Krystal teased.
"Arasso." Minho smiled and ruffled Krystal's hair.
Sulli sighed and wiped the sweat off her face. 
All the customers must have goned out by now. It was after all 2 in the afternoon. 
Everyone has gone back to their respective places as lunch time was over.
Sulli was about to sit on the chair when the door suddenly opened.
"Put your hands up in the air! This is a robbery! Give me food or else someone would get hurt!" 
Sulli almost fell on the floor because of the shock she felt, when she realized it was just Taemin.
Sulli could just sigh. Her hand on her chest. "Yah Taemin! When would you ever stop doing that?! You're soon going to realize that you can't just barge in like that in someone else's restaurant?! You might get yourself arrested!" Sulli scolded.
"Aish," Taemin scratched his head. "Chill dude, I only do it to your restaurant. Why would I do it in others. Have I gone insane!?" Taemin chuckled.
Sulli glared at him.
"Arasso! Fine, I won't do it again. Promise." Taemin raised his left hand.
"Good." Sulli sat down on the chair.
Taemin immediately sat down across her.
"What brings you here?" Sulli asked.
"Ouch. As if I don't come here everyday.." Taemin looked hurt.
"That's the point." Sulli coldly answered.
"Why are you so cold?" Taemin curiously asked.
"I'm not. Who said I was!" Sulli snapped.
Taemin looked at her weirdly. Sulli realized what she just did.
"I I'm not." Sulli softly defended.
"Aigoo. Our giant baby is turning into a small grandma already." Taemin teased.
"Ya- Yah!" Sulli glared at him.
"Geez, I was joking. Can't you take a joke? Why are you so mad all of a sudden?" Taemin weirdly looked at her.
Sulli noticed what Taemin said and sighed. "Even I don't know actually.."
"Must be because of stress. You over work yourself too much."
"I love my job!"
"I know, but you can't do everything by yourself. What's the point of hiring 5 other chefs when you're going to do all the cooking. That's unfair. You do all the work yet they still get paid for it." Taemin explained.
He had a point, but still. Sulli couldn't control herself. It's like she got addicted to cooking that no matter what she does, she can't stop. It's like a drug. She tries to avoid it but she keeps coming back.
"I just love cooking so much Taemin. makes me happy. I can't imagine standing a day without having to go near a stove or holding a spatula. It's just naturally there." Sulli stated.
"I know Sulli. I'm not saying that you should stop. It's just that you work too much that you don't even have time to relax anymore-"
"I'm relaxed when I get to cook..." Sulli added.
"That's not the point. What i'm trying to say is that you should take a break for awhile. Why don't you go out? Travel out of the country? Swim in the beach? Come on Sulli, you're a grown up woman. You've reached your dreams already! Now's the right time to rest first and enjoy yourself. Your not getting any younger you know?" Taemin said.
"You can even find a boyfriend while you're at it.." Taemin whispered then looked away.
Sulli heard it and glared at him. "Are you kidding me?"
"Fine, forget the last part. But you have to rest Sulli. At least for a week." Taemin suggested.
Sulli thought of it for awhile. It wouldn't hurt to take a break for awhile right? Plus she could still cook while she's at it.
"That sounds nice..but who would manage the restaurant? I can't just leave the restaurant Taemin." Sulli pouted.
"I'll handle it."
"Hu-wat? Dude, you can't even cook!" Sulli dumbfoundedly stared at him.
Taemin reached across the table and flicked her in the forehead. "Pabo."
"Ouch.." Sulli rubbed her forehead. "What was that for?!"
"I said I would manage it, not cook. Why would I cook?, isn't that the role of the chef. Plus i'm sure they know the recipes." Taemin suggested.
"I don't know Taemin.." Sulli wasn't convinced.
"C'mon, don't you trust your friend? For your information I graduated a degree in business management. I am well educated on this." Taemin bragged.
"Yeah right, but you shifted to dancing. You're a choreographer now Taemin. I'm not even sure if you even remember what you learned in colle-" Taemin covered Sulli's mouth.
"Hmmmmm!" Sulli tried to remove Taemin's hand but he was too strong.
"I'm sorry Chef Choi but i'm not giving you a choice on this. You are taking a break and no one's gonna stop you from doing so. It is final!" Taemin said before removing his hand on Sulli's mouth
"I really hate you..." Sulli whispered under her breath
"Oh please Ms Choi. No one can ever hate Lee Taemin." Taemin smirked.
"Master!" Mr. Pak greeted as he sees the young handsome man he once took care of in the arriving passengers
"Mr. Pak!" Minho immediately ran to him.
"My have you grown up. You used to be only an inch taller than me, seems like i've totally shrunked." Mr. Pak teased.
"I missed you." Minho stated.
"Oh please, you hated my sight before. Always calling me a tattletale everytime I caught you doing something bad." Mr. Pak beamed.
Minho could only laugh.
Mr. Pak noticed the pretty young lady hiding behind Minho. "And who is this beautiful lady?"
Minho immediately pulled Krystal to the front. "This is Krystal. My fiancé. Krystal, this is Mr. Pak. He was the one who took care of me when Appa wasn't around."
Krystal gladly shaked the hands of Mr Pak. "It's nice to meet you!" Krystal smiled.
Mr Pak smiled at her. "No wonder why Minho chose you. You are a very pretty lady." 
Krystal blushed.
Mr Pak looked at Minho. "Let's get going then! I'm sure you guys haven't had lunch yet?"
"Oh, we did, but it was airplane food. You know how airplane food taste like right?" Minho joked.
"Very well. Let's go grab lunch then. I just know a perfect restaurant to find!" Mr. Pak suggested.
"Don't let Sulli enter the restaurant anytime next week okay. And if she does try to sneek in, tell me. Got it?" Taemin asked.
"Neh." The waitress bowed before going back to her place.
"Are you done? I swear you told every single employee in this restaurant already. My restaurant. Ya happy now!" Sulli looked at him in disbelief.
Taemin couldn't help but giggle. "This should stop you from being disobedience. You deserve a break. Starting next week and only for that week, I, Lee Taemin, would be the owner of the Pink Cabin restaurant!" Taemin raised his hand up.
Sulli exploded into laughter. 
"Hahahaha! I wonder what people would say if they found out a guy owned this restaurant. Everything's covered in pink! Hahahaha!" Sulli couldn't stop laughing. 
She suddenly fell on the floor while holding her tummy. "I -I ca -can't stop laugh -laughing." Tears fell from her eyes.
"Ya-ya -Yah! It's not funny!" Taemin scratched his back, feeling embarassed for what he said.
Sulli immediately stood up. "Whatever Lee Taemin.." Sulli giggled.
"I'll just get water." Sulli laughed on the way to the kitchen.
Taemin fell back on the chair. "Does it really sound funny?" Taemin wondered.
"Wow.." Krystal couldn't believe her eyes,
"I've never seen a restaurant this Pink." Minho added.
Minho and Krystal were standing outside the restaurant after Mr Pak dropped them off. As much as he would want to eat with them, something suddenly came up so he had no choice but to leave.
"I bet a girl owns this.." Krystal said, still amazed by the restaurant's exterior.
Minho nodded. "Let's go inside. I'm starving."
Krystal cheerfully agreed.
Taemin was still sitting on his chair completely in a daze when he did not notice that two customers had entered the restaurant.
"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to Pink Cabin. A table for how many sir?" A waiter greeted them.
"Two." Minho answered.
"Right this way sir." The waiter led them to their table and handed them their menus before leaving them alone to decide what they're going to eat.
"Even the interior's pink." Krystal laughed.
Minho smiled. "I guess the owner just loves- Taemin!?"
Taemin immediately snapped back to his senses. "Huh?"
"Lee Taemin is that you?," Minho stood up and approached the young man who still didn't have any clue of what's happening.
"Taemin!" Minho shouted again.
Taemin looked up, and in an instance his eyes grew wide.
"Minho?!" Taemin stood up.
Minho smiled. "How are you? Hey, you changed your hairstyle!" Minho laughed.
"What- What are you doing here?" Taemin asked, shock still written in his face.
Oh no. Sulli. Where's Sulli?
"Why do I feel like you don't want to see me. I've come home from America! I just arrived this afternoon!" Minho said.
"Taemin who are you talking to?!" 
Taemin's eyes grew wider. Sulli's coming here.
This means trouble.
"Um, no one!" Taemin answered back.
"What do you mean no one. I'm talking to you right now!"
"Taemin, who's that?" Sulli asked again. Her voice was getting nearer.
"Minho, listen. You can't eat here. You have to go. Now!" Taemin tried pushing him out of the door but he was to strong.
"Why? Do you hate me so much that you don't wan't to see me? Okay, if it's what happened before I understand that, but I moved on from it already. It's about time that you do too." Minho explained.
"It's not that, just please. Go!" Taemin tried pulling him out of the door.
"Taemin! What are you doing pulling a customer out!? You're not yet even the owner of this restaurant, I still am! So you can't just do whatever you want." Sulli shouted
Taemin immediately stopped pulling. 
Oh no.
"Finally.." Minho sighed then turned his head to the owner of the voice.
"Thank you-"
Minho's eyes grew wider.
His heart stopped beating.



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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update