Recipe #1

The Perfect Recipe of Love
"Love may be hard, but there's a reason for that, and that's to make you stronger. Don't give up."
"Sulli! When would you be finished, i'm starving in here!" Minho shouted to Sulli from the living room , while the latter was in the kitchen busy preparing the food.
"I'm almost done! Could you please wait, you should be glad that i'm cooking your food, if not, I would let you sit there and starve." Sulli shouted back, while chopping the ham into tiny bits, which will be used for Minho's omelette rice.
"As if i'm going to starve, I have chefs that can cook for me you know? You should be glad I chose you." Minho once again shouted.
"Oh so you're saying that my cooking is bad?"
"It's not that.  I'd rather have chefs that could cook my omelette rice in an instant, not a whole day. It's only omelette rice, but what's taking you so long!" Minho giggled, liking it when he teased Sulli.
Minho and Sulli had been bestfriends ever since they were 5. They did everything together, From being lab partners during chemistry to being archrivals when playing Tekken. This two were inseperable. 
Minho met Sulli when his father had a meeting with a business partner in their house. Oblivious to Minho, he was soon going to meet a playmate that would soon turn into his pretty, tall, and bubbly bestfriend. 
Funny, that's how Minho described how they first met.
He was going to get a glass of water in the kitchen when he saw a little girl playing with the pans and spatulas as if it was a drumset.
He got mad and started calling her an intruder for sneeking into the kitchen as if it was her own. 
"Yah, who are you!" Minho spat the water he was drinking after hearing a bam from the little girl playing with the pans.
The little girl ignored him and continued playing with her DIY drumset
"If you don't tell me who you are, i'm going to shout "intruder" and you'll be brought to the police. Would you want that?" Minho asked again.
"Bleh!" Sulli pulled her tongue out at him and ran away.
Minho found it annoying at first, but soon smiled as he realized how cute the little girl who ran away was. But he won't let her get away, knowing that she may have stolen something or did something wrong, since he just saw her now. An intruder, thats how he described her.
So he ran and chased after the little girl. Little did he know that he was having fun doing so. 
"Aaah!" The little girl fell onto the ground as her foot tripped over the leather shoe that was blocking her way to move.
The little girl was crying in pain, but even if she was an intruder, Minho knew his manners and gently helped the little girl who was wincing on the ground.
"This is what happens to people who tresspasses into other people's house without permission." Minho said while massaging her sore leg.
"I'm not an intruder! I came with my appa here. He said he had a meeting with someone from this house. I stayed with my nanny but I ran away because I got bored. I'm not bad." 
The little girl pouted.
"You're the daughter of my appa's business partner?" Minho asked, and at the same time guilty for calling her an intruder the whole time.
The little girl nodded.
"Mianhe, but you shouldn't have ran away like that, especially because you're in someone else's house." Minho said.
"What's your name anyways and how old are you?"
"Sulli. Sulli's my name. I'm 5 years old."
"Bwoh?! You're 5. We're the same age then."
Sulli nodded
Silence lingered the hall, buy immediately was shooed away when Minho spoke up.
"Are you okay now?" Minho reffering to the accident awhile ago.
"You should be careful next time. Do you want to go with me and play while waiting for your appa?"
Sulli's face brightened up.
"Neh!" Sulli smiled.
Cute. Minho thought.
"Come with me." Minho smiled
Minho offered his hand and Sulli gently held it. Both of them smiling because of their newly found friend that day.
(Present Day)
"Oppa! Hello?" Minho's throwback to the past was interrupted by a hand waving in front of him.
Though Minho and Sulli were both born in the same year, he insisted that she still calls him oppa, reasoning out that he was born a few months older than her.
He immediately returned to his senses.
"Oh Sulli-yah! What?" Minho asked, still recovering from that precious memory.
"Well look at that. 10 minutes ago, you were barking at me like a mad man for your omelette rice which you apparently said, took a whole day to cook. And now that I have your omelette rice, you just stare into deep space as if forgetting you were ever hungry. Were you just teasing me to give me a hard time? Because if you're not really hungry I can jus-"
Sulli's long talk suddenly got cut off as Minho pulled the young lady to sit with him on the sofa.
"Why are you so talkative huh?" Minho pinched her nose.
"Aish Oppa! Do you want your omelette rice or not." 
"Gimme!" Minho showing off his aegyo.
"Eww. Fine i'll get it already. No need for your aegyo."
Sulli stood up and went to the kitchen. She then returned with a plate and 2 spoons.
"Tada!" Sulli showed her omelette rice to Minho. "Prepared with lots of love." 
She got a big portion of the omelette rice and fed it to Minho.
Minho was chewing his omelette rice until a big smile formed on his lips.
"Yummy?" Sulli asked. Glad that her oppa finds her cooking delicious
"Very!" Minho answered, who took another bite of the omelette rice.
"Here, let me feed you." Minho got the spoon filled with egg and rice then shoved it in Sulli's mouth like an airplane.
"Yah...Oppa, I'm not a baby anymore!" Sulli said recalling what childish way Minho fed her.
"Yes you are, Giant Baby." Minho teased
"Yah!" Sulli tickled Minho, earning a tickle from him too.
"Hahaha. Oppa stop please. Oppa!" Sulli laughed at the way Minho tickled her.
This is how Minho and Sulli spend their time when they're together. Constant teasing, Childish fights, things that you would never expect from 2 grown kids, but instead from a bunch of kids playing together.
They never really cared how stupid they looked, as long as they're happy, then there's no problem.
They were comfortable at the confines of each other's arms. 
With the way they treat each other, they could easily be mistakened as a couple by other people.
Young people envy them, Old people enjoy them.
Their enormous laughters can be heard from afar, earning glances from other people.
Who cares? That's what they would always say. As long as they're together, all those people looking weirdly at them, wouldn't matter anyway.
Silence echoed the room as their loud laughters ended.
"Sulli?" Minho asked, with a serious look on his face.
"Why?" Sulli answered, noticing the serious look that was projected on his face.
"Do you think we could still be like this when we get older? I mean all of our hang outs and stuffs, could we still act like this when we get older?" Minho asked, suddenly down by the words he said.
"I guess so, I mean, who cares right. If we're happy, then what other people would think wouldn't matter anyways." Sulli answered, trying to cheer up the serious mood.
"But sooner or later, you might find someone you like and I don't think it would be right that we act the way we act right now. Aren't we know, um, too intimate as bestfriends?" Minho asked
"Minho, what are you saying? Could you stop it, and why would I need to like someone else? I already have you." Sulli pointed to Minho's chest.
"But you will like someone when you get older, and when he makes you his, it's not right anymore to treat each other like we always would. It would misunderstand him." Minho said, not looking at her.
"Hey, whats wrong with you? Why are you asking all of this suddenly? Minho wha-" Minho interrupted Sulli by his words.
"My friend asked me if you would like to go with him and watch a movie or so. He's been dying to get to know you. He was desperate so I agreed." Minho spoke, his voice getting softer at every word he said.
"Please Sulli can you do it? For me?" Minho begged Sulli.
Sulli stared at him, unknown of what to answer.
"Umma I'm home!" Sulli shouted as she enters her home.
"Oh honey, do you want to eat, I prepared dinner for you in case you're hungry." Sulli's mom answered.
"Oh no, its okay, I already ate at Minho's. Where's Appa?" Sulli asked as she removed her shoes.
"He has a meeting with a business partner. He's not eating here." Sulli's mom replied, busy on the laptop at the living room.
"Oh okay..." Sulli replied.
Sulli was used to her parents being busy all the time. Well that's what you get for being a daughter born into a wealthy family.
Although they had enough money, even more than what they actually needed. Sulli lived in a simple house and didn't have any of the luxurious treatments that her cheeky bestfriend had. Compared to Minho who gets all the treatments compared to that of a star, her parents thought that it was the best for her to live a simple life, ignoring the fact that she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Not spoiling her was the only way to teach her that if you would want to become successful one day, you would have to start from scratch. And that's exactly what they did.
But she was fine with it. She didn't really care, the only thing bothering her was the lack of time being spent with her parents. Yes they would talk to her, but it was either in one sentence language or worse, just 1 word.
And to add more problems to what she already had, Minho. Minho was her problem.
Sulli went up the stairs and went straight to her room.
She quickly took a shower and dressed herself up, preparing for bedtime.
She gently tucked herself under the blanket and closed her eyes.
But she couldn't, she couldn't fall asleep.
Did he really not care. Was she only a friend in her eyes, and she thought that it was only  guys who got friendzoned.
But the fact that he set her up with his friend. Now that just broke everything.
She had no choice but to agree. I mean it was Minho who begged her. 
And she can't ignore Minho, she knew that very well.
But one thing that was bothering her the whole night, and confusing her train of thoughts was...
Why did he want her to go out with his friend that bad.
Did he start despising her. Did he think that the only way to get rid of her was to pass her off to some other guy.
These thoughts disturbed Sulli.
And the painful of all was that Minho told her not to meet up with him until the date finishes, or if she wanted, not to see him anymore when she starts to have feelings for the guy.
Ouch. Her heart hurts.
"I love you, don't you know that?" Sulli whispered before her eyelids got heavy and finally fell asleep.

A/N: Annyeonghaseyo Chingus!

I'm sorry if I updated this late. I was suppose to yersterday (Nov 4,2013) but then I lost my homework so I had to

do it all over again :( Anyways, atleast I updated hihi. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and Mianhe if I have some grammatical errors or may have

spelled some words wrong. This is my first time writing a fanfic so i'm not as good as the others out there :( 

I'll be trying to update tom. But if I can't i'm sorry, it's hard to update when there's school, though I badly want to update but I cant :(

Thanks also to those who updated, upvoted and commented. I love you all hehe

Stay tuned, and for those who have twitter, you may follow me @queenssul if you want, though im not forcing you haha. I'm crazy :)

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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update