
We're Messed Up





Sehun blinked and scoffed, “What are you? 5 years old? Get down this instant. I won't play any games with you today!” Sehun threw him a glare.


Then come and get me, Sehun.” Jongin—yes, it was Jongin—smirked and motioned Sehun to climb the tree. Sehun growled, he hates to climb tree. He could do it but he had a bad experience after he saw his cousin fell from a tree, and almost died but fortunately he still alive but in return some memories got deleted from his mind.


No way in hell I will do that. Now get down.” throwing his best glare, he pointed the ground and tapped his foot impatiently. However, Jongin didn't move even for an inch, like he has already glued to the tree. But glued or not, he still have to get down and help him do that damn assignment. Because Sehun was very sure the other member would be all over the place without someone to lead them, and they wouldn't help him think about the script anyways. It was hard to admit, but he needed Jongin's help in this matter.


Then, no way in hell too.” Jongin exclaimed and moved around, searching for a comfortable spot on that tree's biggest branch. He lied down and started to close his eyes. The gentle breeze and the shady tree really helped him to get sleepy.


Sehun rolled his eyes, “Oh, come on. Don't be such an .”


At this Jongin spat at him (it nearly landed on his shoulder) as he retorted, “Excuse you, who's the actual in here? At least I'm not ignoring someone who was supposed to be your leader.” Great, Jongin thought, now I'm acting like a kid who needs attention.


Sehun found it funny as he heard Jongin talking like that. Oh wow, the kingka is whining for attention. His attention. Are you kidding me? “Are you sulking right now, Jongin? Cause it sounds like that.” he snorted as he got up from that nice-cool-spot under the tree. He should go here whenever he feels like isolating himself from anyone else.


Seriously, are you even the 'Kim Jongin'? Our school kingka? Where did he go all this time?” Maybe Sehun had had enough about this sulking thing. It has gotten more annoying the more he decided to play along with Jongin. “Whatever. If you're not going to come down we will just do the assignment without you. Go rot on that tree.”


He walked away from there, hands buried deep in his pocket, and Jongin's eyes that still followed his movement even though he already disappeared into the building. Leaving Jongin alone once again and that made the sun-kissed boy wondered. Where's The Kim Jongin?




When the school bell rang and the teacher dismissed them, Sehun stayed still in his desk. He ignored Juniel's and Zitao's call that ushered him to go out, after he asked them to go away already he silently picked up his phone and connecting his earphones into it. He scrolled down the list of music, but then the phone vibrated just as Sehun wanted to play a music. A small icon of a letter blinked on the top right corner of the screen, he slide his thumb over the top down to the bottom in one swift move and pressed the new message notification.


His lips let an audible hum as he noticed the sender. Yoda, it read. A name he had given to Chanyeol after he watched Star Wars and kept saying that somehow Chanyeol looks like it, the giant surprisingly accepted the new nickname with ease.


Come to the nearest cafe from school.


The message said. And Sehun raised an eyebrow as he found it amusing. Chanyeol would never ask him to come to a cafe unless there's something wrong or there's something he wants to talk about. Lips quirked when a thought came, Sehun put away his phone, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and began to walk to the cafe.


He found Chanyeol was fidgeting in his seat when he arrived. It has been a sunny and bright day, so Sehun was really thankful as a cup of his favorite bubble tea flavor, still cool and fresh, was on the table. A small smile tugging his lips as he made his way to Chanyeol's table.


What do you want to talk about?” Sehun said shortly after he sat down the seat in front of Chanyeol's. He looked so tense, Sehun noted inside his head, I hope it's not going to be some drama or something. He played with the straw of his drink, poking the boba absentmindedly as he waited for Chanyeol to tell him the matter.


Joonmyeon?” He actually voiced out his thought. He kept on his poker face even though Chanyeol was visibly getting more tensed in front of him. Sehun drank the bubble tea calmly, lips turning downward as his bestfriend kept his mouth shut.


Is it too difficult to—“


I like him.”




Chanyeol stared at him, his eyebrows furrowed and the playful Chanyeol just disappeared right at that moment. Sehun exhales quietly. Chanyeol was never the type of person that could get serious easily, but when he does he'll become another person. Like he has two different personality.


The giant blinked, “Got any problem?” he muttered and sipped his cola. Sehun didn't say anything, instead, he fished out his phone and began playing one of the games in his phone.


He could feel the hard stare from Chanyeol even thought his focus was still on his game. “I should say that to you instead.”




When the character died, Sehun took his time to look up at Chanyeol and titled his head, eyebrow quirked in a confused manner. “Uh, yeah? Because you made a—little—fuss over me liking Jongin?” He tapped the replay button and gave his attention on it again. “Anyway, I'm fine with it if you're wondering.”


Chanyeol sighed and Sehun smiled slightly as the usual Chanyeol popped out again. “Man! I thought I'm going to die back then! But Sehun, actually, it has been for a while now. The feelings, I mean.”


Sehun groaned at both of his character's second death and Chanyeol statement. “Now that was unexpected.” He glared at the taller fiend of his, phone was abandoned as he put it aside. Chanyeol laughed sheepishly before took a big gulp from the cola. “Since when?”


Chanyeol looked at the ceiling as he tried to remember, “Since 2 or 3 weeks ago? It's not that late to tell you, right? How about you and Jongin?”


Sehun blew raspberries, “It's still late enough for me to do this,” He reached across the table for the favor of flicking Chanyeol's forehead. “And what do you mean me and Jongin? That kid was giving me headache for his stupid behavior.”


Chanyeol chuckled, “Like what?”


Nothing much, just acting like a freaking spoiled brat and climbed a tree when in fact he should be the leader.” Sehun sipped his bubble tea again, chewing on the boba that got caught. Chanyeol guffawed loudly and Sehun tried to act like he didn't know the guy he sat with. Now he knew how embarrassed Joonmyeon got when he hang out with Chanyeol.


When Chanyeol's laughter ceased, he ordered some snacks, claiming that his stomach needed its daily needs of snacks. “Then what about your group assignment? I guess it didn't go well, huh.” Sehun shrugged and propped his chin on his arm, looking outside the cafe.


And there was Jongin. Looking straight into him through the window, and Sehun must blinked for 3 times before he concluded that yes, that was indeed Jongin. Not some kind of his silly imagination or whatever. Chanyeol hadn't noticed him yet as he was preoccupied with the tray on the waiter's hand, full with all the snacks he had ordered. Sehun frowned when he saw Jongin moved his mouth, he was trying to say something. But he didn't get a single thing Jongin mouthed.


Chanyeol, finally got his attention away from the light meals, poked Sehun's cheek and asked him what's the matter. Sehun simply ignored him.


Oh, Jongin?” His best friend's deep voice startled Sehun. But the pale one waved his hand dismissively, Chanyeol frowned at that. “Should we ask him to join us?”


Sehun'd hand picked a fries out of Chanyeol's plate, even though he also got the same food. “No.”


Aw, come on. Seeing him standing out there when we actually know him is awkward.”


Not for me.”


You're really heartless sometimes, Sehun.” Chanyeol sighed and turned to give Jongin an apologetic look.


But Jongin was nowhere in sight.




Jongin was sulking, he could tell. The said boy was quietly pressing the button on the game console that one of his friend had brought with one hand, the other hand propped his chin. And it was odd since Jongin could be a blabber mouth sometimes. But maybe he wants to get back that 'I-am-the-kingka-Kim-Jongin' feel again. Sehun didn't know.


Deciding he didn't want to think about Jongin, Sehun turned his attention back to his home work. He forgot to do it as he fell asleep as soon as his body met the bed. Thus, with a full speed, he forced his brain to think fast. But then someone hit him on the head with a book. “You're thinking too hard.”


A broken korean that no other than Zitao could muster out flowed into his ears. “I'm doing my math home work now, Zitao. Can you not disturb me, please?” I don't want to get punished by the teacher.


But thinking too hard is not good, Sehun,” the only word that didn't sound awkward when Zitao said it was Sehun, and it made Sehun proud somehow. “You're going to get...uh..” Zitao gestured wavy lines with his finger and pointed to his face.




Yeah, wrin—whatever.” Sehun snorted playfully when Zitao have a problem of testing the new word. Zitao glared at him and snorted back. “What's wrong with that flower boy?”


Massaging his temples slightly, Sehun said, “You watched too much dramas, Zitao. Jongin is no flower boys, can you use other words instead of that? Like 'that dark guy'.” He scribbled the answer on his paper as fast as he can, and as neat as he can. Because unfortunately this math teacher was a near freak, or maybe he was too old already so he can't always read any type of hand writings.


It's not dark,” Came an immediate reply from Jongin. “But y bronze.”


And Sehun must restrain himself from throwing any hard object into Jongin's big mouth. Did it really necessary to answer that? How did he like Jongin anyway?


Shut up.”


Why don't you do it yourself?”




Sehun talked to Jongin without staring into the other. His heart still went thump-thump-thump even though it's just a simple stare from Jongin. So no, no staring.




Jongin smacked the table right after Sehun said something unpleasant in front of him, Juniel, and Zitao.


I'm not doing the scenario. I can't finish it.”


Huh!? After all this time, you only say this now? Good job, Sehun, good job!”


Juniel who had a frown on her face talked with more calmness, “Any particular reason, Sehunnie?” Sehun propped his chin on one of his hand and looked around the table, everyone had this helpless yet angry face.


I'm falling in some subject, need to do more study. My project wasn't ready yet and it's due next week.” he let out a big sigh, eyes avoiding any contact especially from Jongin. “Look, I'm sorry. I've typed some of it, but I can't keep on focusing on that. Juniel's pretty good at this thing, she can resume my work if she wants to.”


You think this assignment doesn't also nearing it's due?!” Jongin's voice boomed, and seriously Sehun never saw him that mad. Sehun stayed in silence. The air that surrounded their table was really uncomfortable and he was getting sick of it.


Oh Sehun!”


What, Kim Jongin!?” Sehun roared. And his throat got sore immediately because he never talked in that tone. “I also want to get good grades in other subjects! Can you just tolerate this? I will take it over again if I can finish my projects fast.” As he stared into Jongin eyes his heart was thumping loudly, both from anger and...well, yeah. He still liked Jongin after all.


How easy of you saying all of that. You think this is a game?!”


Jongin was more pissed off than he thought, but it was already too much. Fine, he was wrong for suddenly saying that he can't continue the script but should he get angry like that? It's not like Sehun has stole something from him. Is it that hard to understand him?


What's your problem?”


No, it's not mine. What's YOUR problem?”


What do you mean?”


I don't know, maybe kissing someone when you have feeling for someone else didn't sound wrong to you?”


You don't make any sense.”


I am, Sehun.” Jongin fished out a very familiar daily journal form his pocket. “I've read this. And noticed that you have feeling for me, why did you kiss Chanyeol then?”


Okay, first, that book wasn't supposed to be on Jongin's hands. Second, Jongin wasn't supposed to know what's inside. Third, when did he kiss Chanyeol?


You're supposed to like me, right?!”


And fourth, why did Jongin sound like a jealous wife?






Okay so maybe that last part didn't make sense to any of you.

I promise I'll explain that on the next chapter.

And heeeey! How are you? Miss me? I miss you guys lol

I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been busy with my choir team and my band

becuz were going to perform in my graduation party aslsjfh

Yeaaa I'm going to graduate from middle school

Anyway, I will be really happy if you leave comments :3

Till next time o u o

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Hi! I am currently editing WMU (from the 1st chapter!)
It won't change much from the original since I mainly focus on the grammatical errors and stuff.
Pls do check MWU out again if you are still willing. Thanks!



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Chapter 11: At least he finally acknowledged his feelings~ I'm looking forward to his confession xD

Take your time to update! :) Thank you for this new chap~
Chapter 11: jongin..u are imbecile xD
CuTAEpie #3
Chapter 11: Hahahahaha poor jongin, go kyungsoo!!
kendedes #4
Chapter 10: oooh i love this~~ stay healthy and i cant wait for your update :)
Chapter 10: I liked how this chapter was more from Jongin's side. He put himself in trouble xD
Don't worry about updating slowly, update when you can :) and congratulations! /throws confetti with you/ ^O^
Chapter 10: More! I demand for more updats=es...kekeke jk update anytime you want but.. I'm sooo excited for the next chapter.
Kyuhyun101 #7
Chapter 10: Congrats!
Wow, Jongin has put himself in some major poop.
Update soon please!
Chapter 10: yaaayyy congrats congrats
annalied #9
Chapter 10: Your fic is better and better for every chapter :D Congrats on becoming a high schooler! And I'd love it if you'd write a Sukai fic, there are too few of them... Thank you for updating ^^ I enjoyed it a lot.