
We're Messed Up






        Before Sehun noticed, it was dismissal time once again. Luckily the sky was clear this time. Chanyeol was happily chatting beside him, with his usual cheery voice and excitement Sehun has been missing these past days. They bought two frozen yoghurt for each of them and enjoying it as they went home. Sehun ate it quietly, but his ears were fully aware of Chanyeol's blabbers. Just when a question popped on his mind, Sehun called for Chanyeol who almost immediately stopped talking.



       “...about my daily journal you've read before...” he trailed off as he bite the tip of his spoon. Uncertain for what should he say, he was afraid yet curious about what Chanyeol thought about it. Chanyeol opened his mouth and inserted his full-of-frozen-yoghurt spoon, ears perked up at the mention of the daily journal. Chanyeol hummed as a sign for Sehun to go on. “What do you think...about it?”



       Chanyeol's spoon stopped midway when Sehun's question had already progressed in his brain. Then he continued to eat the frozen yoghurt, pretending to not hear the question. Thus, Sehun decided to smack him in the head. Just before his hand could touch Chanyeol's big head, the older boy exclaimed happily, “Ah, that diary? Why?” Chanyeol looked like a stupid person right now, with a frown and all.



       Sehun scoffed as he scooped some frozen yoghurt with his spoon in pure annoyance. “A daily journal, Chanyeol. A daily ing journal.” Sheesh. Everyone seemed like not understand that he has a daily journal not a diary. A damn diary was for girl. Okay? Okay.



       “What's the point? It still a goddamn diary for me. You used it for expressing what were you feeling. Anger, happiness, sadness, and well...crush.” Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows as he turned his head to face Sehun. Sehun threw him some frozen yoghurt in return, right in the face. Sometimes Chanyeol could be a total if he wants to. Chanyeol looked at the yoghurt that began to melt on his face, a small frown took its place on Chanyeol's lips.



       “What's that for?” Chanyeol growled as he wiped off the yoghurt. Sehun snorted, obviously trying to hide his laugh that threatened to come out. When a spoonful of frozen yoghurt came to his side, the pale boy dodged it quickly, leaving a hanging hand which is Chanyeol's. Chanyeol groaned and stuffed the yoghurt inside his mouth, not-so-silently throwing some imaginary daggers onto Sehun who just stuck out his tongue in return. Sehun was going to put off his mask and laughed out loud as he saw Chanyeol's face that screamed misery all over, but then an arm decided to sling itself around Sehun's broad shoulder (he thinks so. But Chanyeol thinks his shoulder is crappy).



       “What's up?” the intruder said and Sehun just cringed when he heard that sacred voice of Kim Jongin. Chanyeol answered with an energetic 'Sup!' before he eyed them suspiciously, eyes darted towards Sehun, to the arms on his shoulder, to Jongin, and back to Sehun. The youngest among them, however, paid no mind. He knew Jongin's arm had rested on his shoulder far too long from the usual, and honestly it began to feel uncomfortable but still, Sehun didn't make any movement to brush the arm off him.



       “Nothing much,” Sehun said. “And watch where you put your arm, you peasant,” maybe he didn't do anything to brush Jongin's arm off from his shoulder, but he spoke and that sure stung. Watching the face Jongin put on, he knew his words stuck him right in the heart. Sehun smirked and brushed his shoulder as if something dirty had stuck there when Jongin's arm moved away.



        Jongin snorted in annoyance, “I'm not dirty, you little brat. And what's wrong with that gesture? I was trying to act friendly toward you If you haven't figure it out.”



       “I don't want your friendly gesture, if you haven't figure it out.” Sehun snapped back. Chanyeol just watched them in amusement.



       When the giant laughed, both Jongin and Sehun turned their head and shouted in the same time, “What are you laughing for?!”



       They noticed this and yelled at each other (more as Jongin was the one who yelled and Sehun just talked in the same boring tone but sounded more annoyed), “Why did you copy my words?! Don't follow me!” Chanyeol laughed more loud that was before Joonmyeon came and gave Chanyeol a nice punch in the gut, which was the reason why Chanyeol clutched his stomach. He also smacked Sehun's and Jongin's upper arm.



       “You bunch of elementary school kids. Go home and don't make a ruckus on the street, damn it.” Joonmyeon hissed as he eyed the surrounding with an ashamed face. He grabbed Chanyeol's hand and dragged the giant away, leaving Jongin and Sehun who looked at each other before scoffed and turned their head, not wanting to face the other. Silently, Sehun cursed Joonmyeon that has to drag Chanyeol away from him and Jongin. He didn't feel comfortable if he has to be in the same place with Jongin. He isn't ready.



       His heart isn't ready.



       Suddenly, Jongin sighed and put his arms behind his head, looking at the direction where Joonmyeon had dragged Chanyeol. “They're pretty close nowadays, aren't they?” as Sehun looked into Jongin's eyes, somehow he found the tan boy's eyes reflected something close to jealously and disappointment. He quirked an eyebrow at that. Jongin turned his head so that he could look at Sehun who blinked his eyes in return, but then the younger among them decided to stare at something else but Jongin.



       In the end Sehun just hummed in agreement. Chanyeol and Joonmyeon did look pretty close lately anyway. And he was curious about it, something smells fishy.




       The next day, Sehun found himself was being sandwiched between Jongin and Zitao, one of his classmate that somehow managed to be his close friend. Not something like how close Chanyeol to him, but still, Zitao is a close friend. Sehun looked around his small group that already decided by their teacher. He felt comfortable enough being in the same group as Zitao (and there's Juniel too) at least he could chat to him, and wouldn't have to talk to Jongin all the time. But the other members were too annoying for Sehun's liking.



      Felt a nudge at his side, Sehun looked at the direction and found Jongin was grinning at him, “Any ideas?” Their assignment for this time was to make their own script for a play and act it out. Jongin, since he was the leader, immediately pointed Sehun to be the one who will type their script. Not only that, he also asked Sehun if he has any ideas for the script because he himself didn't have any. Sehun clearly objected Jongin's order at first, but then the tan boy just smirked and said, 'Well, guess what? Who's the one that get the highest mark on the latest test of this subject?' and everyone else, including Zitao and Juniel, excitedly mentioned Sehun's name.



       “We will play a simple play. Romance and friendship.” Sehun uttered as he took out a notepad and scribbled some ideas that popped out in his mind. He was really focused on the paper that he didn't even notice when Zitao leaned closer to peek at what he had written on the paper (an strangled whine came from Jongin's side). Sehun then blinked when he saw a shadow on his notepad, he lifted his head and saw Zitao who was still examining his writing. Lightly grinning, Sehun tapped his pencil to the notepad, “What do you think, Tao-yah?”



       Zitao hummed and pointed out a word he didn't quite catch, since he was Chinese and he still struggled to learn hangul. Sehun explained the word awkwardly, he was never good at describing things but Zitao understood anyway. “Ah,” Zitao mumbled. “It's good. Simple yet it fully describes about teenagers in some way.” Sehun slightly pulled the corner of his mouth at Zitao's broken Korean.



       Jongin felt like he was ignored which is true, looking at how Sehun chatted with Zitao and here he was, sitting quietly and being budged by those annoying girls. Except Juniel that approached Sehun and Zitao, she leaned closer from the space between Sehun's and Zitao's head. And Jongin didn't like it for a bit. With a full force and a bit of anger (actually he really pissed off), he slammed the table. Sehun flinched and stared at him with question all over his face, and Jongin stared back. Totally not noticing the smirk on Juniel's and Zitao's face.



       “Well,” Jongin stated with a loud voice, face scrunched in annoyance. “It looks like you had found an idea, huh? And you didn't tell me about it? Who do you think I am?”



       “Huh? Are you mad or something?” Sehun gripped on the pencil in his hand a little bit to hard. Zitao noticed this and tried to loosening the grip by tapping on Sehun's knuckles. Jongin watched as Zitao touched Sehun's hand, then suddenly he was standing and slammed the table once again before stormed out from the classroom. Luckily, their teacher was sick and had left earlier, leaving them with this assignment.



       Sehun was confused but he did nothing, not before Zitao told him to follow Jongin and bring him back into the class before Zitao chose to approach him instead and beat the hell out of him (“Don't even expect him to be as handsome as before after I use my material art skills.” Zitao added with a dark laugh in which Juniel slapped him on the arms).



       After some more encouragement from Juniel and the other members of his group, Sehun went out from the class to look for Jongin. With a big sigh he walked calmly to the boy's restroom and checked every cubicle just to find it empty. Then he went to the rooftop, searching for a bunch of brown hair in every corner, but he found nothing. He went to the clinic and asked the nurse in charge if she saw Jongin by any chance, and all he got just a shake and a 'sorry' look from the nurse.



       Lastly he went to the school's garden. But he never spotted Jongin after so many attempts to search him out. Out of exhaustion, Sehun sat under the biggest tree among the other in the garden. He sighed as he examined his surrounding. “Where are you, Jong-ing-in? Goddammit, don't be such a pain in the , will you?”



       As in cue, there was something that hit his head. Followed by a quiet yet annoyed, “er.” Sehun looked up and—



       —there he was. He sat on the biggest branch of the tree and smirked when he saw Sehun rubbed the sore spot from his hit.



       Oh, well. Sehun thought. I found him.







Here's the eighth chapter ^o^

It seems like I killed everyone's character ;~;

It feels so different, somehow. well to me it is

Forgive me guys. idek I tried my best to finish this chapter today and yeah

This what happened owo

I'm sorry if it's crappy or something. And sorry for the late update. And sorry if this chap is so short

My school had choked us with a bunch of try outs and tests ;w;

And oh. Thanks for always waiting for my updates patiently ^^

You guys are AWESUHM *^* Love y'all <3

Till the next update then! :3

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Hi! I am currently editing WMU (from the 1st chapter!)
It won't change much from the original since I mainly focus on the grammatical errors and stuff.
Pls do check MWU out again if you are still willing. Thanks!



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Chapter 11: At least he finally acknowledged his feelings~ I'm looking forward to his confession xD

Take your time to update! :) Thank you for this new chap~
Chapter 11: jongin..u are imbecile xD
CuTAEpie #3
Chapter 11: Hahahahaha poor jongin, go kyungsoo!!
kendedes #4
Chapter 10: oooh i love this~~ stay healthy and i cant wait for your update :)
Chapter 10: I liked how this chapter was more from Jongin's side. He put himself in trouble xD
Don't worry about updating slowly, update when you can :) and congratulations! /throws confetti with you/ ^O^
Chapter 10: More! I demand for more updats=es...kekeke jk update anytime you want but.. I'm sooo excited for the next chapter.
Kyuhyun101 #7
Chapter 10: Congrats!
Wow, Jongin has put himself in some major poop.
Update soon please!
Chapter 10: yaaayyy congrats congrats
annalied #9
Chapter 10: Your fic is better and better for every chapter :D Congrats on becoming a high schooler! And I'd love it if you'd write a Sukai fic, there are too few of them... Thank you for updating ^^ I enjoyed it a lot.