
We're Messed Up





Sehun tried to maintain his cold expression and calmly said, “Do you have to say that? It's not important to me, isn't it.”



Jongin shrugged, “Just want you to know it.” this made Sehun snickered then kicked an imaginary rock in front of him. The tip of his shoes soaked with rain however Sehun paid no mind. Jongin's words played repeatedly in his mind like a broken record. “..Why do you want to break up with him. He's nice and caring, y'know.” his mouth moved on his own, okay? He would rather get soaked in rain than say that to the now giving-him-a-raised-eyebrow boy.



Again. Jongin gave him a shrug before answered, “I don't feel like being in a relationship with him anymore.” one of Sehun's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.



It's not as easy as you think, .”



Huh? Why?”



Tch. You're dumb. Think about it yourself.” They both chose to keep their mouth shut, the still heavily pouring rain filled their silence in a calming way. At least that what Sehun thinks about rain. Jongin looked like he wants to say something but can't. He opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish that begging for water to keep on living. “...are you mad at me?” and after a long eerie painful silence, Jongin decided to end it.



Sehun snorted in the ugliest way ever, he silently opened files of s inside his brain to throw back some words to Jongin, somehow he found it hard to talk back to people like he couldn't say a word, or like he didn't understand the language. “Do you even care?” he said. He didn't like how it sounds, it looked like he was in the verge of dying, like he was weak. And Oh Sehun wasn't weak. Not in front of Kim Jongin.



Jongin was going to answer him if a baby blue umbrella didn't show up, approached them and Chanyeol's face came out. His uniform were long discarded, he was wearing a simple yet comfortable clothes—and Sehun sure it was warm. The giant's eyes darted from Jongin to Sehun, to Jongin again, then to Sehun, and he was surely going to stare back at Jongin but Sehun grabbed his long limbs and quickly walked away from the school.



--it was the stupidest decision ever.



He really should have thought about it first before doing something out of the blue—like how his mom and Chanyeol always said. Clearly, he and Chanyeol were still in an awkward and bad terms, he shouldn't grab him like that, should he? So now they walked in a thick strangling atmosphere ever between them. If they were okay, Chanyeol would already throw jokes and purposely stepped on a puddle of water.



What were you doing right there with Jongin?” Chanyeol asked, the guy was never a fan of a long sickeningly awful silence. Sehun ignored him and decided to watch two kids having fun in the rain, playfully splashing each other with the pouring water. He chuckled lightly, in his mind the two kids were gone, replaced by the image of how he and Chanyeol also did that somewhere between their sophomore and freshmen years. It was too childish of them, actually, but hey they have fun right then so it's okay.



Chanyeol nudged him to the side which made his shoulder wet, a big patch of water on his uniform could be seen, and it felt sticky when the fabric clung onto his skin. “What was that for?! And we didn't do anything! So stop bothering me!” Sehun has finally exploded. It was rare since Sehun had learned how to keep calm even when his annoying classmates threw him a raw egg on his birthday a long time ago, he didn't even that close with them, but he just smiled and strangely after that, his classmates began to respect him more.



When Chanyeol stopped, his legs rooted to the ground as he scanned eyes of Sehun that decided to stop too because he still need the umbrella. Sehun stared back which slightly startled Chanyeol because Sehun never had the guts to look at people's eyes. But, Chanyeol thought as he caught a glimpse of bravery among the sea of emotions in Sehun's eyes, there's always a first time for everything. “You think I'm a bother, Sehun?” he was smiling but his eyes spoke differently.



Sehun broke the eye staring contest, deciding that the road under his shoes was more interesting than anything else. He released a shaky breath as he thought about what should he say to Chanyeol. Sehun was never the type who held a grudge or stayed mad for a long time at someone when they hurt him, he tried once but failed nevertheless. “You know I didn't mean it...” Sehun's voice trailed off when he saw Chanyeol looked at him in disbelief with the corner of his eyes.



...Sorry.” After a long painful silence, Chanyeol opened his mouth to say one word that startled him more than anything. “I know I've been an this past days, but I...It's just...I found it hard to believe that you liked Jongin. The Kim Jongin. Kim ing Jongin! Goddammit!” Chanyeol's way to speak about something always amused Sehun to no end. He would flail his arms into every direction he could point, the way his face would show any expression that exist in this world, and his tone that would raise or fall on some specific words. Sehun thought Chanyeol will make a great actor. The silly one.



Chanyeol continued to rant with a face and voice full of expression, “And about how you came late last..week, I think? Well you know what? that, the past is in the past.” He turned to Sehun who was chuckling all the way while he was speaking about how ed he was, how bad he was as a friend—Sehun's friend. He pulled a long face as he complained why did Sehun laugh when here he was, pouring all of his heart's content. “Don't laugh, stupid big baby.”



At this, Sehun stopped his series of chuckles and stared at Chanyeol with a fake shock written on his face. “Excuse me. I think you're the one who's a big baby in here? No?” He laughed afterwards, because stupid Chanyeol was threatening to punch him but a stupid puddle of water decided to save Sehun as Chanyeol stepped on it. A long series of curse with different languages came out almost automatically from Chanyeol's mouth.



Does this seem funny for you, Oh Sehun? Does it?” The big baby Chanyeol crossed his arms, one of them still holding the umbrella persistently even though it was kind of useless because he and Sehun had mainly become wet. While Sehun was trying to protect his bag and books, Chanyeol, who felt like being ignored, purposely stepped on the very same puddle of water with a bigger force. Thus that made Sehun's trouser wet, and the pale boy didn't like it even for a little. Thus he decided to take a revenge, he let his hands full of water before splashed them onto Chanyeol.



With that, they continued to throwing water towards each other, which was the reason why they looked like drenched kittens looking for a new home. They laughed and Chanyeol started to talk like there was nothing going on between them to begin with. Sehun's face showed no sign that he was interested in what Chanyeol blabbered about, but actually he quite happy hearing the same voice with the same portion of happiness again. “My mom's going to kill me, you shouldn't do that in the first place.” Sehun mumbled, usually with this heavy rain pouring down the earth and its noisy sound, a normal person wouldn't hear what Sehun has said. But Chanyeol did, all because he has the most sensitive ears.



Well excuse me, why did you ignore me then? That wouldn't happen if you didn't ignore me, would it?” Chanyeol grinned and that made Sehun splashed him with more water he had gathered in his hands.



Chanyeol still didn't register what was happening until he heard Sehun's laugh from afar.






And I'm pretty sure they were bestfriend again. Yep.




Let's break up.”



Huh? What are you saying? Something's wrong?”



Didn't you hear me? Let's break up.”






Tsk. Oh come on, you know there's nothing between us anymore. You like that guy from your course, don't you?”







To say that he didn't feel happy when he heard about the news was completely a big fat lie. He still has feelings for him anyways. So when Chanyeol told him that “JONGIN AND KYUNGSOO ARE NOT TOGETHER ANYMORE! HOLY .” with that excitement all over his face instead of a cheerful 'Good Morning!' like the usual, all Sehun wanted to do was jumping from the top of his school with a light heart. But he chose to be cool and smirked at Chanyeol instead. He couldn't show his childish and not cool act at school where he supposed to be the 'walking mannequin' like everyone said.



Just when he walked to his seat and Chanyeol still talked about how ridiculous the news is, (because, hell, Jongin and Kyungsoo were all over each other the last time he saw them) the main character for today was approaching him. What made it even more weird that Jongin was smiling, ing smiling for a guy who broke up with his boyfriend yesterday. “Oi, Sehun!” he smacked Sehun's shoulder who just blinked in return.



Uh, good morning to you too, Jongin. I guess?” he earned a laugh from Jongin. Chanyeol has gone from his side the moment he saw Jongin and went to where the class president—Joonmyeon—sat. He was talking with the president, and in the next second they were laughing. Sehun watched how happy Chanyeol and Joonmyeon looked before turned his head to Jongin once more, “What's with the sudden greeting?” his blank expression was present, thus it made Jongin frowned slightly.



I don't like that face. You should smile more.” Jongin wasn't smiling, but the corner of his lips raised as he poked Sehun's cheek, and Sehun his lips out of habit.



You're fine with me using this face for 2 years already, why complaining now?” Sehun walked past Jongin and sat on his seat, putting his bag under the table. Sehun fished out his earphone and MP4 to kill time before the teacher starts the lesson, fortunately for him and his classmates, this teacher well-known with how late he was.



Jongin stood at the same place, wondering about what has Sehun said to him. Yeah, Sehun already used that face for 2 years, and he said nothing about it before. So why now? Why did he complain about it?



Deciding that he didn't want to think about it, Jongin walked to where Sehun sat. He claimed the seat in front of Sehun in a second, gaining a groan from the original owner of the seat. Jongin just shushed him and turned his body so he was facing Sehun, he examined Sehun's face. The paler boy long eyelashes, the cheekbones, the strong jaw, almost everything. And he might examined Sehun further down is the said boy didn't open his eyes, silently asking Jongin what the hell he was doing. Jongin found himself couldn't answer the silent question.



What was he doing?





A/n: Waaaaaa! I'm so sorry! I have been busy with school ;w; I'm in the senior year now, and the final exam is on May, so my school decides to give us some tutoring after school (is that even make sense? oh god ENGRISH ono) more exam will come from now on, and i'm afraid i can't update this story fastly.

I'm a bad writer, huh? I haven't been updating this, yet i give you guys this short and crappy chapter. Honestly, ideas seem to be avoiding me, but i'll still continue this story. So please bear with me and my slow updates. I LOVE YOU GUYS! /huggles/ AND I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. TYPOS, GRAMMAR, SLOW UPDATE. and for all of the subscribers i'll understand if you unsubscribe this^^ thank you for being here and waiting guys

Till the next update! Ppyong~

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Hi! I am currently editing WMU (from the 1st chapter!)
It won't change much from the original since I mainly focus on the grammatical errors and stuff.
Pls do check MWU out again if you are still willing. Thanks!



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Chapter 11: At least he finally acknowledged his feelings~ I'm looking forward to his confession xD

Take your time to update! :) Thank you for this new chap~
Chapter 11: jongin..u are imbecile xD
CuTAEpie #3
Chapter 11: Hahahahaha poor jongin, go kyungsoo!!
kendedes #4
Chapter 10: oooh i love this~~ stay healthy and i cant wait for your update :)
Chapter 10: I liked how this chapter was more from Jongin's side. He put himself in trouble xD
Don't worry about updating slowly, update when you can :) and congratulations! /throws confetti with you/ ^O^
Chapter 10: More! I demand for more updats=es...kekeke jk update anytime you want but.. I'm sooo excited for the next chapter.
Kyuhyun101 #7
Chapter 10: Congrats!
Wow, Jongin has put himself in some major poop.
Update soon please!
Chapter 10: yaaayyy congrats congrats
annalied #9
Chapter 10: Your fic is better and better for every chapter :D Congrats on becoming a high schooler! And I'd love it if you'd write a Sukai fic, there are too few of them... Thank you for updating ^^ I enjoyed it a lot.