02: First Meeting

First Love
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Chapter 2: First Meeting



Days turns to weeks and soon after, we find ourselves cramming for our midterm exams. This is what highschool is all about. Exams and more exams. Adults told us it’s important to pass every exam during highschool. It’ll prepare us for our college. These exams are gonna help us decide wisely what we want do for the rest of our life. Like seriously? Do we need to ‘cosine’ or ‘sine’ while driving a car? Do we need to integrate to the nth power when we decide to marry someone in the future? Or.. do we need to divide, multiply plus or minus when we suddenly find ourselves bankrupt and not a single penny is left in our savings?


Don’t get me wrong, I love studying. In fact, I love math. Yes. For real. And I’m good at it too. But I’m not a nerd. Seriously. I don’t have those big rim glasses, I don’t wear braces too. I’m just your typical boring girl. Always wearing comfortable jeans and tshirt. I hate wearing skirt and I hate wearing shoes with stilettos or something, I’d rather choose my comfy chucks.


I just don’t get why mostly adults find joy in torturing our young minds with complicated formulas, impossible word problems and gruelling English grammars? Aisht I could communicate with my fellow human being with simple ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, thank you very much. And I think , and I’m positive that I can handle my future without those ridiculous trigonometric problems.


Why don’t they just put together a class that’ll be more helpful for our young and naïve minds. For example: “How to find a boyfriend” or “Beauty 101” or “How to make Money Fast 101”. Imagine, our world would be much simpler and believe me, for us teenagers, life is going to be much better.


“Oh my gaaahd!! My head hurts!!” CL whined right after she walked out of the classroom.


“I agree, That was the hardest exam ever! How can someone come up with those types of questions?” Bom butted in, while draping both her arms over my shoulder and CL’s.


“I bet Dara-unnie got a perfect score again!” Minzy said.


“Aniya.. It was pretty hard. It was my first time stumbling upon those type of questions either.” I said truthfully.


“Yeah right!” CL scoffed.


“Sincha!! I’ll even give you my report card, when the results come out.” I raised my right hand, swearing I was telling the truth.


“Arasso! By the way, since exam week is finally over. Why don’t we do something over the weekend?” Bom excitedly said.


“What do you have in mind unnie?” Minzy’s face suddenly lit up.


“My cousin has a private cabin just right outside seoul, it’s near a beach. I was thinking we could all hang out there, just the four of us. What do you think? It’s been so long since we had some girl bonding!” Bom said while waiting for our response.


“Kyaaaah! That’ll be so much fun!! Can I bring my boyfriend along?” CL asked with her twinkling eyes.


“NO!! definitely no. what part of ‘girl bonding’ you don’t understand?” Bom said crossing her arms across her chest.


“Aisht! Arasso.” CL dejectedly said.


It’s official, Me and Bom, I think are the only one without a boyfriend. But I think, sooner or later, she’ll find someone for her too. Leaving me alone. Tsk. I’m going to die alone. Aisht!


“Ok! I’m in! Where do we meet?” Minzy excitedly said.


“I’ll go too.” CL joined in.


“How about you unnie?” Minzy turned to face me.


I don’t have anything better to do anyways.. “Count me in!” I excitedly said.








Saturday.  I had my Dad drove me to CL’s place. The four of us decided to meet there. Since we still don’t have our own driver’s license, CL’s big brother, Teddy oppa decide to drive us to our little get away.


My father was a little hesitant at first. I don’t blame him, since it’s gonna be my first time sleeping over night at another’s place without them. But they had to accept the fact that I’m no longer their little girl. I’m now in highschool. Soon, I’ll be attending college then after several years, I’m gonna marry someone. Ok.. that’s a little bit fast. Biyanhe. I got carried away.


“Bye appa! I’ll call you as soon as we arrived safely there, arasso?” I waved goodbye to my father before I saw his car sped off.


With my backpack securely strap on my shoulder, I ran towards CL’s house and knocked on her door.


“coming!” I heard her yelled inside. I was 10 minutes early from our agreed time. But hey, I’m usually early anyways. I guess I’m always that bored. And frankly, I’m also too excited with our little get away.


Seconds later, CL opened their front door and led me inside their living room.


“Wait here, I’m still not yet done packing up. Bom said she’s on her way and Minzy too, just open the door and let them in. ok? I’ll be right back” She said before she run up to her room.


I plopped on the nearest sofa. Why are they taking so long to pack their things up? I did mine in less than 10 minutes. A couple of t-shirts, 1 pajama, and 1 bikini. And I was all set. That shouldn’t be hard. Should it?


Knock knock


I heard someone knocked on their front door. It must be them. Finally. I thought I was gonna die out of boredom.


“CL! I’ll get the door!” I hollered. I n

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cant update any of my stories right now. Byanhe. T_T so so many things happening right now.


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mrsjiyongchy #1
reneelou #2
Chapter 14: hello. i came across wid ur story while browsing some darahe related fanfic. and please im begging u, let this be a darahae story. jiyong was her past, let donghae be her future. please please pretty please
miquah #3
Chapter 14: Hi!!! Will wait for your update! I miss Jiyong
andaesung #4
Chapter 14: I Miss Jiyong and I hope Daragon will back again, cause they're only can live in the world like this. Hehehe.
Author-nim I'll wait, no pressure. Fighting :)
jetpitchblack #5
Chapter 13: darAhae.. friendship is the best foundation of a good Relationship... kwkeke.. coz he already knOws how lunatic and Dumb you are.. hahaha.. <3
Sone4eva88 #6
Chapter 14: I wanna know what made Jiyong walk out of data's life!!! I'm sure jiyong really loved dara so what happened??? Pls update soon! Perhaps move forward to a few years later, where jiyong appear again?
Update soon juseyo! ^_^
mitsukikyuhyun #7
Chapter 14: darahae =)
hope u're doing fine. update only when u can...no pressure
darahae darahae
eloixxi #10
Chapter 14: Darahae..