iam sorry-not a new chapter

a love that can't be tell.

sorry guys this is not the new chapter.

i just want to apologize that i haven't update the new chapter because of few reasons.

Since last few months i'm having a fight well a misunderstanding between me and my best friends and it getting worse this month since i decide to break my friendship with them because i think that is a good choice. I try to smile evrytime i see them but they show me a gloomy face (its look like they hate me and i also feel that they didn't even want to see my face again..) i thought we're best friends..for five years we've been best friend. we even promise to will always be best friend until we death. The reason that i want to break my friendship with them because everytime we gathered i feel like i was being ignored. They also left me when we supposed to go to the lab. so my question is.. is that really a friend?let me correct it BEST FRIENDS? to tell you the truth every night i always cry because it really hurts. My heart..it really hurts..it feel like someone is stabing at me. It even worse when i see their face when i have to pretend that iam alright. Before they said to me,if someone take me from them they will come to me and get me. Best friends will always say the truth to each other as in being honest but in the end they broke their promises.. i tried to think positive but ....ugghh i don't know what to say.. i love them like i love my own siblings (sisters) even now. I know they hate me but i don't want to hate them. Sometimes i wish i could control my feeling. My hatred keep oon developing,but it hurt me when i know that they were my best friend before.. i miss the time we spend together. i miss their laughter. i miss their smile. i miss  to hang out with  them. i have some questions for you guys..i hope you can help me.. am i ego?selfish or else? my decision to break my friendship with them is it wrong? lastly for my X-Best friends (i know it's rare to see the X-Best friend words lol XD) "i love you guys..iam sorry" and i also have one more reason that i haven't tell you guys..

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ashini1997 #1
Update quickly please
And at the end let it be a happy ending not where someone died e.g. Yoseob or IU
Pleasepleaseplease update sooooooooon!
wahh D: yoseob's dying in a month??? SO HE WANTS IU TO BE HIS GF UNTIL HE DIES?? TT________TT
I hope you guys like it ^^
the doctor is haru-izumi.(: <br />
zyan00 #6
yay!!new update....
zyan00 #7
y0se0b!!!please survive!!for iu!!!~~
zyan00 #8
y0se0b!!!plese help iu!!!~~p00r herr~~update!!
Zyan00:yes i will. Thanks for reading it. I hope you enjoy it ^^
zyan00 #10
update soon please...i'm waiting!!~<br />