1st day of the date-part 1.

a love that can't be tell.
-the next day,1st day of the date..- iu set her alarm at 5 am,so she can get ready for the date early before yoseob come. Iu,"aigoo~what should i use for today's date?". Iu then waste 1 hour of her time picking the best clothes to wear,the she ended up using a dark purple t-shirt and a black jeans. (i know it sound simple but i just don't know how to explain it to you guys on what i've imagined what she used,but..yeah..you guys can also imagine what she used to the beach..^^). Iu,"should i put some make up one? Uhh..i don't think i have too..i know natural is better.. Hee" then iu realised something and said,"stupid!why do i have to put my make up?!why do i have to be pretty for him?it's not that i like him!urghh whatever!" then she cook some simple food for the picnic,for example sandwiches,rice cake and some other food.. -Exact at 7 am- +honk! honk!+ then iu immediately put all the food into the picnic basket and bring it and ready to go with yoseob. Iu get into yoseob's car. Yoseob,"morning my boo~". Iu,"morning..". Yoseob,"can i tell you something?". Iu,"what is it?". Yoseob,"you look soo pretty today~ and did you realised that we used the same colour clothe?". Iu checking from head to toe on what yoseob wear and said,"yeah~ how come?we didn't planned to wear same colour today". Yoseob,"that's what we called the power of love,darling~hahaha..". Iu,"y-yeah..whatever! When will we be going?". Yoseob,"anytime you want.." and he give iu a cute smile. Then yoseob drive them to the beach. About 35 minutes later the reached the beach. When the reached the beach,yoseob realised that iu's face look kinda pale. Yoseob,"are you okay iu?". He looked her. Iu,"u-uh..i am fine!fine!yeah..fine". Yoseob,"are you sure?". Iu,"i am super sure!". She try to make yoseob believe what she said bye giving him a smile that can melt yoseob heart. Yoseob,"okay,but if you're not feeling okay or if you need something just tell me okay?". Iu,"okay~". #so guys,what do you think?is there something bothering iu? That make her face become pale? Do comments and subscribe~ oh yeah,what will happen at the beach? Will they have fun or not?
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ashini1997 #1
Update quickly please
And at the end let it be a happy ending not where someone died e.g. Yoseob or IU
Pleasepleaseplease update sooooooooon!
wahh D: yoseob's dying in a month??? SO HE WANTS IU TO BE HIS GF UNTIL HE DIES?? TT________TT
I hope you guys like it ^^
the doctor is haru-izumi.(: <br />
zyan00 #6
yay!!new update....
zyan00 #7
y0se0b!!!please survive!!for iu!!!~~
zyan00 #8
y0se0b!!!plese help iu!!!~~p00r herr~~update!!
Zyan00:yes i will. Thanks for reading it. I hope you enjoy it ^^
zyan00 #10
update soon please...i'm waiting!!~<br />