Life is like a fanfic

What happens behind the stage...stays behind the stage

Those last days had been thrilling and exciting for Taemin and Minho as they took advantage of every break, every moment they were alone to spend some time together. They would never miss an upportunity to grab the other's hand for a second or to stay longer in the locker room of the rehearsal room to kiss and giggle when someone asked them what took them so long to get dressed.

One day, as usual, their schedule was very tight so when the evening came, the boys were happy to be able to relax after that tiring day, just doing nothing, listening to music on their bed, cooking, doing whatever they wanted to do.

But Minho was bored again, he didn't like doing the same things for hours. He had done everything he wanted to do and there he was with his laptop, doing uninteresting things on the internet. He wrote "Choi Minho" on the research bar and clicked on the research button.

The results were various: articles, videos of music shows and random TV shows, a Wikipedia page, forum pages about k-pop... when something attracted his eyes. A link leading to a fanfic website. 

The author had shipped with Taemin. Of course. It felt weird to read a story where he was a character. He didn't really recognize himself in the Minho from the story but the plot was entertaining so he went along with it. He was amused at the thought that fans liked imagining a relationship between him and Taemin while being totally unaware that it was true.

The story developped and so did the attachment between him and Taemin and it came to point where their feelings went unrestrained and the tension rose. Things were getting steamy and Minho didn't really know if he wanted to read this but he couldn't get his eyes away from the chapter he had started. 

He read the whole scene, taking in all the details but he was so weirded out by it that he didn't feel like finishing the story, instead he loudly let out a swear word that surprised his friends who were also bumming around in the living room. they looked up from their phone or laptop with a surprised expression.

-Hey what's happening? Onew asked

-I...I read a fanfic with me... It was... pretty intense...

-Oh, that's probably with Taemin too. Key shrugged.

-Y..yeah. I'll never read fanfics ever again. Minho sighed

-2min is still really popular. Key mused

-If only you'd seen what I did with Taemin? I mean...oh gosh, the descriptions are... so detailed and precise... it leaves no place to the imagination. Minho shook his head

Taemin sat down next to Minho and scooted closer to have a look. 

-Oh my...that's really...dirty. Taemin murmured and looked away in embarrassment. 

-Don't tell me that you never read any of these fanfics? Key scoffed

-No, fanfics and fanservice aren't my cup of tea...Minho answered

-I read millions of them! With us, with Suju , with 2ne1, with SNSD, with BEAST....

-We get it, thanks! Wh..What? You read stories about us? Minho was astounded.

-Of course, some fans are really talented! But if I may say... so did you, just now.

-Hmyeah... I was just bored...

-So was I! So you can't blame me! My favourites are Minho and Taemin, Taemin and Jinki, Jonghyun and me and Minho and me... honestly, it's either super cute or kinda hot...

-Key! Oh My God, you didn't! Jonghyun shouted and he blushed 

-You're so dirty Kibum! Taemin screamed, his red cheeks were showing he was embarrassed

-Please never mention ever again that you read fanfictions where we or where Jonghyun and you ...Minho exclaimed

-Come on guys, don't be so coy! And you Jinki, I bet you also read some fanfics about us!

The older boy who hadn't talk much before said softly:

-Yes I read some..but it was really cute ones -I'm not fond of rated fanfics- where you and Jonghyun were secret lovers, and Minho and Taemin were enemies but later they fell in love! I loved them! 

Jonghyun, Taemin and Minho were puzzled, they had the weird feeling that fangirls had spied on them and found out about their relationships a what Jinki had described was plus or less the truth.

The conversation was over so everybody returned to their own business except Taemin who asked Minho in a whisper:

-Hyung....It might be a bit strange but...can I read fanfics with you?

-Erm...yes, but please don't ask me to read rated ones! I don't want to see Jonghyun doing hot things with Key or whatever else.

-No of course! I want cute ones!

They found on the same website millions of others fanfics on their SMtown friends, on JYP singers, on YG singers, they met at some Tv shows. They avoided Rated M ones and found a "family friendly" fanfic with them.

They read it together, chapter after chapter, when at the last one they had a kiss, Minho leant his head toward Taemin's and kissed him.

-This way we can say it's not fiction anymore.

Taemin blushed but to hide his trouble he smiled and said happily:

-I want to read another one!


They read fanfics again and again until Taemin fell asleep on Minho's shoulder. When the tall boy noticed it, he smiled and rested his cheek against Taemin's head and the unavoidable happened, Minho fell asleep too. It was so comfortable to be against Taemin's warm body, smelling the soft smell of his hair, listening to his calm breath.

-Guys! Dinner is ready! Key called.

Jonghyun and Onew came but Minho and Taemin were missing.

-They read fanfics all evening, maybe they are still in the living room? Onew suggested

-They're one to yell and say that I'm dirty. Key grumbled

-Unlike you, Taemin and Minho probably didn't read rated M fanfics.

-Yes, so let's go and see what they are doing.

They went to the living room and found the two asleep boys on the sofa

-They're so cute! We should let them sleep,today was exhausting. Onew said

-Let's eat or it will be cold. Key answered

They came back to the kitchen for the dinner and then went to their bedroom to talk a bit but they quickly went to sleep.


When Minho awoke, he rubbed his eyes and looked around. There was no light. He stood up slowly not to wake Taemin up and walked toward the kitchen. Nobody. His stomach growled and he realized that he was really hungry.

How long had they been sleeping? He looked at the stove's clock.

23:30. They slept for approximately 3 hours!! That was the longest nap he had had in his whole life...

Why didn't Key, Onew or Jonghyun wake them up for the supper?

He searched in the fridge and picked some eggs, mushrooms and cheese to make scrambled eggs for him and Taemin when he would wake up. He tied the apron around his waist and started cooking. He put a teaspoon of oil in the frying pan, broke the eggs, cut the mushrooms and put everything in the frying pan. He added some cheese and salt.

The good smell floated to the living room and woke up Taemin.

-Hmm..smells good...I guess it's dinner time! 

He went to the kitchen and discovered Minho, an apron tied around his waist, cooking scrambled eggs.

-Oh, you're awake. Are you hungry?

-Yes, but I thought it was Key hyung who was cooking, it smells so good!

-Thank you but I'm not as good as Key. And he is probably peacefully sleeping like Onew and Jonghyun.

-What? But it's only...What!! 23:30 !?

-Yes, I wonder why they didn't wake us up.

-I wonder too. But I really want to taste what you've made for us!

Minho grinned and put some eggs on each plate. Their stomachs growled at the same time. They looked at their dinner, laughed and started to eat.

-Not too bad hyung! No, in fact, it's delicious! Taemin said happily.

-Thanks it's really easy to make you know, I'll teach you.

-Hey, I know how to make scrambled eggs!! By the way, this apron suits you very well !

Minho blushed lightly and replied:

-I know I look ridiculous...

-I was not joking!

They finished their scrambled eggs and cleaned the plates.

-Do you want dessert? Minho asked

-Yes! I'm still hungry! Taemin exclaimed

-Ok... so what do you think about fried bananas with sugar and vanilla?!

-That's sound yummy!! I love bananas!

-Yeah, I noticed it a long time ago.

They burst into laughter and baked the dessert together.

-Aaah! Let's eat this handsome dessert! Taemin said.

-hey..wait a bit you will ...

-Aaaah! It's hot!!! Taemin yelled

-Sshh! You will wake up the guys!

-Shorry.....Aaah I burnt my tongue...

-Here some water to refresh your mouth...


-Are you ok?

-hmmm... hyung ?


-This dinner..... don't you think it looks like a date...Taemin muttered

-That's r..right.

Taemin stood up and kissed Minho over the table. They blushed and finished their dessert quietly.

They were washing the dishes when the doorbell rang.

-Who is it this late? Minho asked.

-I wonder, Taemin added.

~~~~~~ Author Time ~~~~~~

Aha! Who is it? Who is it ? You wonder he? I'm the only one who knows the person behind the door! I can just say that it's a girl!!

I hope I'm not too late! I can go to the shool library, there are some computers and I can write my fanfic ! ^^

see you my dear susbcribers! I thanks all my subscribers and I'm sorry if I didn't thank you on your wall!

I have a new fanfic idea but I don't want to disappoint you with an end written fastly to get rid of this fanfic! So I will take the time to finish this story and after I will begin my new fanfic! (It will be with SHINee again!)

Personally I don't read much rated M fanfic (I'm a shy girl ! lol! And the rare rated M ones that I read are not very shocking or it's only because of vulgar words) so I don't really know what happen in those kind of fanfic so I invented it!

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Really cool FanFic *-* I loveeeeee it <33333
Salut!! Moi aussi, je parle français!! (mais je suis québécoise (Canada)). J'ai vrm adoré ton histoire. Taemin et Minho était tlm cute! XD J'ai hâte de lire ta prochaine idée, je suis sûre que ça va être une excellente histoire. J'aime aussi le côté réalistique: si ça arrivait pour de vrai, je crois en effet que tous les fans sauteraient de joie! Surtout toi, puisque tu aurais deviné leur secret ;) Donc, j'espère que ce commentaire va te pousser à écrire plus. En tout cas, moi, j'ai très hâte. À propos des fautes, il y en avait quelques unes, mais tu sais, moi aussi, l'anglais n'est pas ma première langue et je t'ai trouvé très bonne <3 Mais si tu veux, je pourrais toujours t'aider à traduire lorsque tu as besoin d'aide: je suis pratiquement bilingue :) Alors, merci pour la super histoire, continue!!! <3 <3 <3 ^-^
SHINee4ever5 #3
Update soon!!!!
SuperVelma #4
Noooooo update please
starpaints #5
SuperVelma #6
Please update soon as you can. Thank you. Good story by the way
I like your story. And your grammar isn't bad. I've seen worse from people who english is their frist language. But overall great story. Keep writing.
I like the tags XD
wiiii,<br />
update soooon!<br />
FFiolet #10
Onew is teaching him dancing, how nice! :D Omo, I found you because you're commenting in my story! =p If I knew you're story was this nice, I had commented earlier. ^^ Hope you update soon :D