Two months apart is so hard

Hard to Get

Krystal’s POV




Krystal: Oppa… What happen to Amber?

Yuri: H-huh? Why are you asking me that? He ignores me too.

Krystal: I just…. I just thought you and Taeyeon know why. But I think I got wrong. It’s okay.


When I was about to walk, Yuri stopped me and grab my hand.


Yuri: Just don’t tell anyone I tell you this, okay? Especially to Amber.

Krystal: Okay.

Yuri: Amber is now facing a very big problem than can cause someone’s death even himself. That is why he ignored all of you. He is just protecting all of us. Me and Taeyeon are just pretending that we are also confused about what happen to Amber but from the start of this we all know. That is why his Uncle recommended the bodyguards to stay close to Amber and he also wore the mask to protect his image.

Krystal: Image? But why?

Yuri: The one who wants Amber’s death is his Uncle Yifan. Mr. Yifan never knew Amber’s face that’s why he searched Amber’s face and killed him.

Krystal: Why he didn’t tell me about this?

Yuri: He’s afraid to lose you. If he told you about that, some of the stalkers that searching for Amber might get you and black mailed us and can cause your death. That’s why he decided to just ignore us to protect us from that es. I hope you understand Amber. He’s in a very deep sadness and stress all this days. Only Kristine can make him smile, but its not the smile that he gave to us before.

Krystal: I understand Yul. I just hope he’s fine. I wanna help him but I think its not a good idea.

Yuri: Just let him solve this problem by himself. Its good if we don’t give him so much stress so its better to stay away from him.

Krystal: Okay, Yul.


After that day I never dare to talk to Amber or get near at him. I just let this days passed not talking to him. Its hard but I need to do this for the sake of hiself.


End of flashback…….


The day of Graduation, Minhyuk gave me flowers and he said that he wants to be friends with me and I accepted it. Then he drove me home and he asked me if I he can kiss me in the cheek for the last time. I let him kissed me and hugged me, I can see from his eyes that he’s very sincere on apoligizing to me and to what happen between him and Amber.




After our “Session” in the car, Amber drove me home. He said that we must maintain our situation like this. We will ignore each other like we never met each other, we will never text each other and also I must not go to his house. I agreed about that, atleast now our relationship is now confirmed that we are still together.


Amber’s POV


When I got home in the morning all the people in the house are gathering in the Living room with some guards I think, cause they are wearing a black suit.


Amber: What is going on here?

Anne: YAH!!! Where have you been!! We are all searching for you and we even texted and calling you but your not answering it. We are all so worried about you…

Amber: I’m sorry, my phone died and I cant charge it in the car cause I forgot my charger.

Kristine: Dad said that your going to your Dad’s grave but your body guards didn’t find you there. Where have you been?

Amber: I went to-----?? I even don’t know what that place but I know that it has a beach with it.

Anne: YOU STUPID!!! We thought that Uncle Yifan got you!!!


The she ran towards to me and I ran too. She tried to catch me but Mom stopped us.


Mom: Stop it kids… Amber, next time if your going to somewhere just make it sure that everyone knows where you are going. We are all so worried about you..

Amber: I’m really sorry mom. I wont do it again, I promise.

Kristine: But who’s with you? And why your so blooming today? You not like that from the past months?

Amber: Guess who….


Then I ran to my room upstairs and took a bath and change my clothes for later. I’m going to the company today and meet all the members of the board especially my most rivalry, my Uncle Yifan.




I stepped out of the car and all the staff our forming a line, I walked in the middle and all the staffs are bowing their heads. I’m escorted by my Uncle Yixing and 3 of my body guards. I didn’t wear my mask and I wear some suit.



When we enter the room, I saw many people in suit and standing up. They bowed their heads when they saw us.


Yixing: You may all take a seat.


And they obey Uncle.


Yixing: Starting today, this man will be our new CEO of Liu’s Corporation. He is the only heir of Yiyun Liu, our brother. (he also looked at the man beside him “I think he’s Uncle Yifan”) I want you all to meet Amber Joseph Liu and I hope you all take care of him.

Amber: Annyeonghaseyo (I bowed 30 degrees only)


Then Uncle Yixing introduce me all the board members and also to Uncle Yifan. They all called me Mr. Liu either Uncle Yixing called me that. Maybe no relatives when we are in work.


All the members of the board are all nice or maybe thay are just showing it because they just want something from me. And after the introduction, they gave me all the problems and plans for the company but I think all the plans is all about getting the company down and it will end up being bankcrupt. Its not that organize, I think they just think about that and giving it to me without any worked on it.


After the meeting, Uncle Yixing brought me to my office. I think its Dad’s office before. Then all the papers are all in my table and also my new secretary is there.


Yixing: Mr. Liu, this is Lee Soon Kyu but you can call her Sunny. She is you secretary here in the company. I hope you two can get along.

Sunny: Yes, Mr. Yixing.

Yixing: Okay, I’ll leave you here. Just ask her if you want something, okay?

Amber: Okay.


Then Uncle leave the two of us here in my office. I really don’t know what to do first cause I didn’t memorize all the names of the board and I don’t know how this company runs when my father is in here. I don’t even know how long this girl is been here in the company but I think I can ask her about that.


Amber: Ah Ms. Lee, can I ask you how long have you been here in the company?

Sunny: (Laugh) You can call me Sunny. Ah, I’ve been here for 2 years Mr. Liu.

Amber: Can I ask you how this company runs? I really don’t know who to handle it first cause you know, if I run it with my own way maybe all the staff and employees here wont like it. So I just wanna know it first and also I want all the names of the employees and board members.

Sunny: Okay Mr. Liu. I’ll give it to you first thing in the morning but you need to sign the contracts about the plan that the board members gave to you.

Amber: I’ll read it first before I’ll sign it, okay?

Sunny: Yes Mr. Liu. Do you need anything else?

Amber: No I’m fine. You can leave.


When Sunny leave, I walked to my desk and sit down for a minute before I read the papers infront of me. Some of the papers are about the ups and downs of the financial problems of the company. But I saw something strange, on the February the **** Corporation donates us 1.5 million dollars and the **** Corporation also donates us 1.3 million dollars. But this month the balance of the total donations since February is 1.2 million dollars only. Where is the 1.6 milion dollars? Then I checked the other paper about the objects that they donate, its only 500,000 dollars they donate. Where is the other remaining balance of the company?


Then I walked to my door, but before I open my door I heard someone inside talking.


Man: I heard you got the 200,000. Is that the money you bought for you car?

Man2: Yeah, but Yifan got 800,000 dollars its still unfair.

Man: Don’t worry, The *** Company will donates us 2 Million dollars this month. And I’m sure we will get some of the money on that.

Man2: Yah yah! Yifan is coming, come on.


I opened the door little bit just to know who are talking and I saw that their the one’s with our board member. And I can see that Uncle Yifan is coming, I ran to my sit pretend that I’m busy.


Knock Knock….


Amber: Come in.


Then Uncle Yifan peek on the door and asking if he can come in.


Amber: Come in, sit down.


Honestly, I’m nervous. He’s the one who wants me killed but I’m just pretending to be cool.


Amber: Want something?

Yifan: No. I just want to see you. You’ve grown like your father. I never saw you since your 8 years old. You’ve changed a lot.


WHAT THE HELL IS HE TALKING ABOUT??? He’s lying… He never saw me. That’s why his searching me cause he doesn’t know my face… YOU ING LIAR!!!


Amber: Really… I don’t really remember you face.

Yifan: Ofcourse you don’t. Your only 8 years old when I left. You doesn’t know anything when your in the age of that.

Amber: Ahh really…

Yifan: So where do you live now? Who’s with you?


OKAY! Time for the informations…. Don’t worry I’m aware with that.. I already planned my alibis.


Amber: I just live in a Condominium and I’m only alone in there.

Yifan: Really? Where’s your mother?

Amber: She’s in China right now. She’s taking a vacation there.

Yifan: Ahh, You have any girlfriend?

Amber: Nope. I wanna prioritize the company first before that.

Yifan: Oh come on… That handsome face doesn’t have any girlfriend?? You got to be kidding me..

Amber: No, I’m serious. I just don’t wanna have girlfriend right now. It’s a destruction.


Then after the talking, chatting and laughing he leave my office finally. I’m really sick of his lies about himself and about this company when he’s in charge.


My two months here in the company is so fast. I discovered so many things like the other board members corruption and all of them are all fired. I don’t need a bul in company. If I can fire my Uncle, I will.. But he’s our family so cant. Sunny is one of my partner when it comes to secrets here in company. She’s the one that giving me the informations about the people here. She’s not just an employee her, she’s also a very friend of mine.


2 months apart from Krystal is very hard. I missed her already, I cant get to see her. Maybe I’ll wait more and be patient… But I cant!! I really need to see her…


It’s already 3 am in the morning and I cant sleep. I drove my car and went to Krystal’s house. I jumped to their backyard and walked silently to the down to her room. I climbed to the walls and jumped in the grills of her window. Then I opened the window silently and went inside..


It’s so dark in here and my princess is sleeping soundly. She’s so beautiful… I walked to her bed and held her face.


Amber: I missed you baby.. (And I kissed her forehead and lay down to her shoulder) I love you don’t forget about that…


Then I got up and was about to leave…


Krystal: Are you gonna leave me just like that?


I turned around and seeing her sitting in her bed.


Amber: I thought your sleeping and I don’t wanna disturbed you.


Then I walked to her and hugged her. She’s sitting and hugged me back also.


Krystal: I missed you too and I love you too. Don’t forget about that also, okay?

Amber: Yes, my princess.. Come on, you need to sleep.


I carried her bridal style and put her down to her bed where she placed earlier.


Krystal: Can you stay with me? I wanna be with you just for now.

Amber: I want babe, but I cant. Someone might catch us if I’ll stay here till morning. Don’t worry, starting next week we will be together freely. We can do whatever we want..

Krystal: Okay… (she smiled weakly and lower her head)

Amber: Hey (I raised her head) Don’t be sad… Come on here (Then I hugged her so tightly) I want to tell you something you something..

Krystal: What is it??

Amber: (I put on my knees and get something on my pocket) My lovely princess that caught my heart and taking care of me even though I don’t like you that much before. The girl who makes my heart flutters everyday, the girl who makes me so happy and make me crazier everyday because of missing her. And the girl who’s always so patient to me on waiting.. Krystal Jung Soojung, Will you marry the stupidest guy that makes you everyday sad and making you wait that long?

Krystal: I will even wait so many years just to marry you.. I will stupd Amber..


And then I took the ring and put it on her hand and kissed her hand.


Amber: don’t ever took that off, okay? You look more beautiful with that.. (I kissed her lips) I love you princess..

Krystal: I love you too stupid….

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1143 streak #1
Chapter 47: Luv this story!
mmmmmm kryber.
mareza4 #3
Chapter 47: good story I like it
keep writing author ********
Chapter 47: I thought that Jeno was his nephew?
jasonds #5
Chapter 47: nice story...luv it
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 47: Ahahahahhahahaha can I laugh? But its amazing fsnfic
Chapter 47: bravooooooooooooooooooo! HAHAHA BYUNBER FTW!
ajollie #8
Chapter 47: You do a very good job author-nim
Chapter 47: YES! FINALLY!! A FINISHED STORY WITH AN ANAZIG ENDING!! I READ THIS ALL DAY AND COULDNT STOP (unless I was eating, I mean c'mon, it's food) This story was amazing. I really enjoyed it!! You're a fantastic writer!
foneall #10
Chapter 47: I LOVE IT.....Thank Author....
Keep writing about them more more and more....I LOVE KRYBER SO SO MUCH.....
Thanks again...:D