
Love Recipe

The next morning you woke up before the alarm even went off due to excitement, you brushed your teeth and got changed

*sport day sport day sport day* was just replaying in your head the whole morning 

You skipped downstairs all ready for school in your sport uniform laughing

"Oh?" you stopped in front of the kitchen not seeing your brother in there

You felt thirsty and walked to the fridge but befote you opened it you saw a note stuck on the fridge door

'Hey Belle sorry i had to get to work early this morning, 
All the best of luck for today!! Make me proud!
'  it read

You giggled at the your brothers attemps to draw cute encouraging doodles on the side

"I WILL MAKE YOU PROUD!" you enthusiastically pumped your fist in the air

After double checking that everything is off in the house you turned around and locked the door

"Oh Belle!" you heard someone calling, you turned to see Hana walking towards you from her house "Morning Hana!" you waved 

The both of you started walking to school, "IM SO EXCITED!" you jumped up and down causing Hana to laugh at you "I'm sure you are" she nodded amused "Just dont waste all your energy before the race actually starts" she joked

You gasps taking it seriously "I should be more careful" you said calm and still, you were saving your energy for the right time

"Thank you for the warning Hana," you nodded walking less jumpy now 

*it feels weird with her being this quiet and still* Hana thought at she looked at you walk ahead of her

Soon you both arrived at school "Woahhh" you said in awe, everyone was in the sport uniform

what everyone was wearing(what everyone wore,T.O.P girls in pink boys in blue, Wollim girls in orange boys in red)

"TODAY IS GOING TO BE AWESOME" you yelled feeling all hyped up again 

"WOOHOO, HOO WOO HAHA" you skipped and spun your way to class

"Belle watch out!!" Hana reached out but she was too late 

*poof* you spun and bumped into something but before you could hit the ground someones arm caught your waist

L.Joe gazed down at you and smirked "You bump into me a lot" he teased

"Sorry," you dorkily smiled rubbing your neck

L.joes heart went 'ba bump' *its been doing that whenever you're around* he thought still holding onto you

"So, you going to let her go any time soon?" Niel interupted 

"huh? Oh right" he let go of your waist and you straightened up "Exciting Yeah!" you clapped and smiled widely 

"For your bread?" Minsoo laughed 

"No! Well maybe, okay yes a little, but for the other events too!" you defended your imaginary pride

"Okay okay whatever you say" he winked and patted your shoulder

The Bell rang and everyone separated to their homerooms

"Niel!" you jumped up behind and tapped his shoulder

"hmm?" he stopped and turned around

"GoodLuck okay!" you beamed doing the fighting sign with your fist

"Haha you too" he pinched your cheeks and continued walking to class

"Did I tell you today is going to be Awesome!" you said almost yelling to Hana "Yes Belle, yes you did" she laughed and entered the classroom

"Alright take your seats everyone, after I take the roll we'll go to the field" 

"oh my gosh oh my gosh, exciting exciting!!" you kicked your legs back and forward wildly making your body jump off the chair at every sway

Niel felt your movements and turned "what did you drink in the morning?" he eyed you suspiciously, in a joking manor of course

"Juice!" you accidentally squeaked because you were too excited, you quickly covered your mouth and coughed

"ahem, juice" you repeated with a straight face

Niel chuckled at your silliness, "Some juice huh" he laughed and turned back to the front, giggling you continued swinging your legs

The roll calls were done and you were the first to get out the door, surprisingly since you sit near the back

"Come on Come on!!" you flapped your hand motioning Hana and Niel to come to out too

"how did she?" they looked at each other bewildered but just laughed it off and followed you

You met the others on the way there, "You look really cute in pig tails!" Ricky flapped then up and down, you laughed as he played with your hair

"Are you going to be okay doing sport?" you looked up at L.Joe concerned as he walked beside you

"huh? Why wouldn't I-" he cut himself off remembering the excuse he used to get your number

"I mean, yeah, I recover fast " he smoothly lied smiling down at you "But, you still owe me one" he winked *that's sounds awfully familiar* you were deep in thought trying to remember where you have heard from, not noticing you walked in a different direction leaving the group

~Few minutes later~

"Hey, why is it so quiet?" Minsoo realized

"Where's Belle!" Hana spun in search for you 

*where where where* you looked up to the sky tapping your chin

*OH!-* your thought was interrupted when you bumped into something, or more likely someone

You quickly shook your head from the bump and looked up, your eyes widened at the person in front of you and so did theirs

"YOU!" you both pointed at each other with wide eyes


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Hey guys! The new author here! I just realize her name is Belle... So I'll be fixing the name thingy right now... XP


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Chapter 29: I really have a fun time reading this story... Good work :)
Chapter 4: Belle is SOOO animated hahaha XD
Chapter 2: I'm thinking that that 'pink-hair boy' is L.joe XD
twinkle_blossom #4
Chapter 29: Waaah! Awesome!
I loved it! <3
Chapter 29: haha, such a funny story :)) good job
Chapter 29: LOL this story is so hilarious!!! hahaha but I love it :D
Chapter 29: i cant stop giggling...
i love it!
thank you so much for writing this author-nim!
keep up the good work!
aja! hwaiting!:D
Chapter 29: This is so funny, but so cute. I was actually reading this offline in public.....kept on smiling like an idiot cause it was just so cute. Made myself look like an idiot xD Oh well. Worth it. Cutest couple ever! Aaawwwwn :'D Loved the story ^^ Good job author-nim :D
Chapter 20: Hahahhaah
omo author
this story is so funny
u have to write comedy in ur tags u know..
wow i am enjoying read this story ..

Omo!! I am forget to study..
Aish -___-
littlepanda7 #10
author-nim I love your poster <3