Two Deep In Thoughts

A Whole Lot of Ball Games

Lorde - Royals By Hanbyul of Led apple Music note #39/50


Leo left N in class when it was lunch break. *Man, that was so damn boring and that girl was just… Whatever.* Leo shook his head. He needed to get to the toilet since a girl in class has been serving him green tea right after he finished his cup. Wait, correct that. She topped up every time he took a sip.

He was on the way to the toilet when he bumped into someone. *Oh, the can’t-believe nerd from my class.* He thought, almost chuckling when he replayed the memory of your entrance into the class. He found it funny now that he was right in front of you.

He kept a straight face like he always did. He caught you making a face. He muttered a ‘sorry’ when he walked past you. He felt that he needed to apologise after he saw your expression. *We are going to classmates anyway, right?*

He quickly went off to the toilet to relieve his about-to-explode bladder.

After his nature’s call, he decided to walk back to class but changed his mind. *I left my basketball at the court this morning. I should go and get it.* He was practicing basketball this morning and he forgot about his ball since he was rushing to class.

He stepped into the indoor basketball court to see someone walking towards his ball. He sat on one of the seats nearby and squinted. *It’s her again. What’s she doing with my ball?* Leo raised his eyebrows. He was about to approach you to get his ball back but stopped when he saw you positioning yourself at the three pointer line. *Don’t tell me…* Leo walked a few steps forward to get a nearer view.

The next thing he knew, you perfectly scored the ball into the hoop. He stared in awe. *What was that man?* He thought, as he saw you screaming in joy. He let out a small smile. He liked how you found happiness in the little things in life.

*On second thought, maybe I can get my ball after school.* He turned around, quietly leaving the court as you continued to shoot hoops.


After school, VIXX gathered outside the school gate, making plans for the rest of the day.

‘Hey, joining us at the café?’ Hongbin asked, looking at Leo who looked like he was so distant.

Leo snapped out of his thoughts immediately and muttered an ‘okay’ before following VIXX to the café nearby.

‘Since Leo Hyung has his ball, why not we go and play a short match later?’ Ken suggested, earning nods from the rest of the team.

They walked to the café to find that it was closed.

‘Awwww, it’s not open. Not what?’ Hyuk pouted.

‘I know of a newly opened café. It’s quite near if we take the bus.’ Ravi said, pointing to the bus stop.

Ravi led the rest of the way as the rest of them chatted, except for N and Leo though.

Leo was just staring at his basketball, thinking about his ball in your hands. *Come to think of it, my ball never had move in such a perfect path for shooting in a long time.*

‘What’s wrong with him?’ N asked, gesturing at Leo who was looking at his ball so intently.

‘I don’t know. Isn’t he always like that?’ Hongbin replied, turning to look at Leo.

‘No, look at him. He looks like he wants to deflate the ball.’ N pointed out.

‘Maybe he misses basketball too much since our final match for this year’s season just ended.’ Hongbin shrugged, getting back to this phone.

N leaned back into his chair, his thoughts drifting again. Guess what?

He mind was filled with… you.


At the café, it was normal. Well, not really. N was still caught up in his thoughts. Leo too was still staring at his basketball, not touching his hot chocolate drink. VIXX still chattered as usual even though they noticed the two out of sort Hyungs. N and Leo wasn’t the type to share their problems and thoughts so the rest of them didn’t probe much.

After the drink, they went to the basketball court nearby. *How does Ravi know such stuff?* Ken thought, looking at the basketball court. It was really great since the net was still intact. Plus, the basketball court lines on the ground were still clear. The best thing was, there was no one using the court. That kind of explains why the court looks so new though.

‘This is the a-w-e-s-o-m-e!’ Hyuk said, running around the court. It seems like Ken wasn’t the only one who thought this place was great.

‘I know right, totally love that it’s surrounded by trees too.’ Hongbin went to sit under a tree nearby.

‘How did you know of this place?’ N asked, trying to jump to touch the rim. Ravi just smiled, shrugging his shoulders like it was not really important.

N’s dream was to be able to dunk. His dream was the same as almost the same as many basketball players. He was still far from it though.

‘Guys, let’s start the match.’ Leo said, tossing the ball up as it landed straight into his palms again.


You did a last check before leaving the house.

‘House keys, checked. My phone, checked. My wallet with money and bus card, checked. My water bottle, checked.’ You smiled, closing your bag pack. You grabbed the basketball as you headed downstairs. You wanted to seize every free time you had to polish up on your basketball skills before the extra classes started during the holidays.

You skipped towards the basketball court. You nearing when you noticed that there were people using the court. *Awww, maybe we can share courts. Who are they anyway? Usually there’s no one using the court.* You pushed up your spectacles to take a closer look and gasped, quickly hiding behind a tree nearby.

‘Sodium hydroxide! Why are VIXX here?!’ You muttered under your breath. You weren’t expecting them to be using the court that was near your house. You calmed yourself before planning your route to escape since you already decided to come down another day to practice the moment you saw VIXX.

You peeked out of your hiding spot to see them in two teams. N, Ken and Ravi in one team while Leo, Hongbin and Hyuk in another. Like any other school day, you made eye contact with N which shocked you so much that you immediately hid back into your hiding spot. *! He saw me!* You panicked, staying still in your position.

N was trying to snatch the ball from Hongbin but stopped when he made eye contact with someone in the distance.

‘Dude, what was that man!’ Ken shot N a look when Hongbin scored in easily. N muttered an apology since he was too occupied with what he saw. *It can’t be her right, of all places?* N shook his head and diverted his concentration back into the game.

You slowly walked out of your hiding spot when you were sure that N, as well as VIXX, were not looking at that direction. You then sprinted your way back home.

You panted as you pressed the lift buttons. *That was close.* You didn’t know why you ran away from them. Was it because you didn't want them to know you played basketball? Or was it because of N?



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still hoping,praying and wishing you will update this story asap. <333
bap_fluffyzelo #2
Chapter 9: This is AWEMAZINGG!! Love it so much ♥
Update soon, author-nim ^_^
MinjiLee #3
Chapter 9: omg i likeeeeee please update soon~
((am waiting for she fall in love with N tho heuhue))
Chapter 9: Please update soon this is awesome who would know danjae is a total badass xD really good love it Hope you can update soon unnie!
Chapter 8: XD poor Danjae has no idea what's going on...
MiKen9192 #6
Chapter 6: Author-nim!! I really enjoy this story... Please update soon <3
Chapter 6: Aksdjfa Led Apple! <3
Chapter 4: N is such a creeper LOL
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh, I found myself smiling throughout the whole thing *^* I really like this story! :D