Help Me Out?


author's note; sorry about this guise. D: no for now. /tears but hey upvote for the that's coming next update ;3

It was the third to the last day of fall break and Sehun was still unreasonably angry at Jongin for deleting all of the noona’s contacts from his cell phone. He would shoot the brunette nasty glares from the corner of their room or while he’d play video games, Sehun would often pretend that the person he was killing was Jongin. Shouting, ‘Die die!’ or ‘Let’s see if you’ll be able to erase any more contacts from my phone after I destroy you.’ Those sentences became quite the usual phrases that filtered inside of their dorm the past four days. But it was more than obvious that Sehun didn’t really mean anything he was saying since he would often give Jongin an apologetic look after his tantrum. Jongin knew exactly how soft Sehun really was whenever he’d get caught with a guilty expression. Idiot. It was just his way of coping with what Jongin had done days ago and in a weird, completely unattractive way, the brunette found his roommate quite cute.

He didn’t regret a thing. It was refreshing to see Sehun act like the brat he truly was. This personality of childishness had been tucked away for so long. Jongin hadn’t seen the blonde show that side of him since they were children. Sehun really only went for the ‘princely’ attitude and façade now, or at least that’s what Jongin had observed lately. But the brunette knew better than to fall for such a phony performance. Even though they were both born in the same year, Jongin was older by a few months and sometimes, well most times anyway, more mature than Sehun. “Yah! Sehun let me play! You’ve been hogging the XBOX lately and it’s not even yours.” Jongin grumbled before hurdling an empty bottle at Sehun’s back from his bed, earning a satisfying bark of temporary pain. The blonde held the black controller in one hand, before snaking the other one to rub at the spot Jongin hit.

“Yah! Jongin get my contacts back! You’ve been a lately and it wasn’t even your phone.” Sehun mimicked Jongin’s cries while returning his hand back to palm the empty side of the controller and continue his business of sniping soldiers from afar. “When are you going to get over that? It’s been done, just face the music already .” Jongin carried on, attempting to convince Sehun with the tone of his voice but failed horribly. When he received silence in response for an answer, Jongin sighed flailing his arms and legs around clearly irked by Sehun’s stubbornness. “Fine. Let me at least play some Pokemon on your 3DS then,” the brunette demanded reaching over to grab the device that sat on the study desk in between their beds. “No. You at playing video games. You’ll only end up at the Pokemon Center anyway.” Sehun argued, pausing his match to glance at Jongin in mid-motion. The brunette scoffed, “I’m way better than you’ll ever be.” Skeptically the blonde rose an eyebrow as if challenging Jongin to prove it, “Oh really? Care to demonstrate your skills?”

Jongin laughed curtly, rolling his neck and cracking his knuckles in one go as he slid of his mattress to join Sehun on the floor. “Let’s see who can go the longest in zombies mode—“

“Zombies mode? Are you serious Jongin?” Sehun jibbed, “We’re gonna play straight online matches. I’ll be the judge on whether or not you know how to game.” The brunette rolled his eyes, Whatever. He snatched the controller out of the paler boy’s hands and set up a new party to join. Once he was connected to a match, Jongin switched classes because the ones Sehun used just plain out . Well in Jongin’s eyes anyway. He made sure that he had the guns that worked best with his skills and eyeballed the bottom left of the screen, ‘0 – 0, 75 points to win’. “Are you ready to be amazed?” Jongin said confidently, getting ready to shoot some noobs. “I’m ready to laugh in your face, that’s what.” Sehun retorted with his arms crossed, long legs stretched out in front of him as he peered over at his roommate who definitely showed no signs of amateurish protocol. , maybe he does know how to game.

It was about seven minutes into the match and Jongin’s team was already dominating with a score of 54 – 23. As much as Sehun didn’t want to admit it, most of the points that were being obtained were generally thanks to Jongin. He’d manage to receive a few headshots and rarely any assists. The brunette easily wiped out his opponents, only having to respawn at most, four times. Sehun sat in silence watching the screen with awe-struck eyes, the round finally finishing as Jongin killed the last player for the winning point. “So, how was it?” the brunette questioned, heart-throbbing smile plastered across his smug face. Sehun squinted his eyes disapprovingly, “It was alright. I’ve seen better.” There was absolutely no way that he’d openly admit Jongin was a master at gaming. No way. Sehun continued to sit with a sulk hanging on his expression.

“Yah,” Jongin called out with a soft kick towards the side of Sehun’s thigh, “can’t you just admit that I kick at video games?” Sehun threw two daggers at the brunette’s face with his glare, one for kicking him, and the other for gloating. “Fine, you’re good. But I still think I’m way better.” The blonde tried to scoot his roommate’s leg away, in hopes that their conversation would end there, only for it to come right back to his thigh. “ off.” Sehun twitched as Jongin pouted, progressively managing to pester the blonde further. The teen rolled his eyes putting up the best wall he could create in order to ignore the annoying Jongin. Sehun sighed, plucking the controller out of the other’s hand and started up a new match of ‘Capture the Flag’, despite being poked and kicked. “Can you knock it the off Jongin?” The brunette shrugged, “You gonna admit that I’m better than you?” Sehun scratched the back of his head already irritated that his team was losing. “No because you’re not—mrgff—what the was that?!”

“That was for not telling the truth.” Jongin smirked before stealing the controller back while Sehun was too busy comprehending what just happened. The blonde blinked rather uncontrollably, his arms still in the position of holding the remote, “D-did you j-just kiss me? The hell is wrong with you!” Jongin shrugged once more causing Sehun’s blood to boil, the tips of his ears dying a faint red. “Calm down blondie,” the brunette spoke—not caring to give the flustered Sehun his complete attention—for he was too immersed with the loud noises and flashes in front of him. “Calm down?” A voice piped from the background, “You just tell me to calm down?”

Pausing the screen Jongin turned his head to face a blushing Sehun, swiftly he leaned in stealing the boy’s lips, “Stop being so overdramatic. It’s not like we haven’t kissed before, chill out.” With that the brown-haired boy grinned and Sehun swore that he wanted to throw himself off a building for allowing his heart to skip a beat like it did. Sehun opened his mouth to speak, surprised that nothing but air escaped his throat. Jongin had left his roommate speechless—literally. The surface of Sehun’s lips tingled with a funny sensation as he tried to recapture the attention of Jongin to redirect it towards the rules posted on the bulletin board. “You,” Sehun cleared his throat, refraining it from cracking, “you just broke your number one rule.” He honestly had no idea where he got the bright idea of bringing up those senseless edicts at a time like this but… Sehun panicked. “I don’t care about that anymore. You can tear it down if you’d like.”

What the hell is going on? Sehun screamed in his mind, practically ogling at the boy sitting next to him. “Don’t look at me like that, dummy. I don't exactly know why I kissed you either.” Jongin admitted while sneaking a few side-glances at Sehun’s pale face. “I’m just gonna roll with it.”

“Roll with it? Do you know what you’re saying right now?” Sehun whispered angrily.

Jongin smirked placing the controller on the ground, “Why’re you whispering?”

“Because,” the blonde paused trying to think of a reason why he was whispering, “okay so I can’t think of a reason why I was whispering. But that’s not the problem right now! The problem is that—“

“—Sehun. Shut up.” Jongin interrupted, his hand coming up to cover Sehun’s mouth from spilling any more nonsense. “You’re acting like a brat right now.”

Muffled responses poured from underneath Jongin’s hand as Sehun desperately tried to voice his opinion, “Lefft meh goh!” The blonde cried and succeeded in prying away part of Jongin’s hand before the other settled both hands onto of his mouth. “You don’t need to say anything right now, okay? Just listen for once.” Jongin nodded, staring into Sehun’s struggling eyes that responded with a nod back. The brunette removed his hands and Sehun quickly wiped the area with the back of his palm. Jongin rolled his eyes at the action, “Why’re you so ruffled up over a kiss?” The blonde moved his eyes in a circular motion as if contemplating on some kind of wiseass answer, “I don’t know why I was so worked up about it either! That’s the thing! You’re making me feel gross things, Jongin.” Sehun confessed and caught the brunette off guard. He didn’t expect this from the other and didn’t bother to stop him as he continued.

“I’m supposed to hate you, yet whenever you smile that stupid smile at me or laugh or come by me I feel like throwing myself over a bridge. Do you see my problem here, Jongin?” Sehun buried his face that was now covered with blush into the crook of his arm, “It’s so embarrassing. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was just supposed to be strictly physical. None of these disgusting feelings were supposed to be getting in the way. This is not the way I planned it out to be.” The blonde ranted, “I even gave you a ing charm for your phone! Even kissed you while your were sleeping.” The last part of his sentence dropping to a level that was just barely audible even though Jongin already knew he did it.

“You really are a girl,” Jongin squeezed through scratchy laughter, clenching the fabric above his stomach, “you so like me. Don’t even try to deny anything because you just openly admitted everything.” Sehun crossed his eyebrows and stared at his happy roommate in confusion, “So I really do like you? I didn’t expect this to happen.”

“I know you didn’t expect it. You just told me.” Jongin chuckled once more before the bubbled up feelings subsided, his tone coming off much more serious. “I didn’t expect to kind of like you either.”

Sehun’s jaw unhinged for a bit, “So are you telling me that we have… mutual feelings for each other?”

“I guess so,” the brunette said lifting his shoulders letting them casually fall back down afterwards.

“So what now?” Sehun questioned refusing to look up at Jongin, “I don’t think we can just jump into it.”

“We can’t?” Jongin asked, his hand quietly sneaking its way towards Sehun’s thigh, “we’ve done some things before. Don’t you remember?” The blonde nodded his body tensed beneath Jongin’s intruding presence, “But that was different, we were just doing it out of curiosity. The situation at hand is, how would you say it, in a separate category. Doing with feelings are always in a separate category, do you understand that?” Of course Jongin knew exactly where Sehun was coming from, the whole ‘enemies to friends(?) to more than friends’ was always a complicated road. The brunette drew his hand back and placed it back into his own lap, “You’re right. Let’s just continue on with how we were treating each other and gradually start easing our way into it.” Jongin offered, “That way it won’t be so much of a drastic change of constant grumbling to lovey dovey baby talk.”

Sehun acknowledged his roommate’s idea and agreed on doing what he mentioned without a problem but— “Jongin. Can I be honest with you?”

“Yeah sure.”

“I’m really,” the boy started, “ually frustrated.”

Jongin’s eyes suddenly grew to be at least five times larger than usual, “So what’re you going to do about it?”

Sehun groaned with impatience at the slowness of Jongin’s comprehension skills when it mattered the most. “Why the hell do you think I told you!? I’m asking you to help me out. Do you purposely do this to embarrass me Jongin?”

“No—I, honestly didn’t,” the brunette stuttered before an irritated Sehun cut him off hard.

“Just shut up and do something about it, would ya darling?” Sehun teased, immediately regretting the words as a light flickered in Jongin’s eyes. .

author's note; before anyone says how horrible this chapter is, i will apologize. lol. i just gotta do this before i can present a delicious scene.

sorry for putting it off so much guise. i'm crying. but anyway i'm so tired. ugh. so excuse the typos and or tyness of it all. i don't even know what this is anymore. fluff? crap? a little bit of both. haha. i'm delirious and sleep deprived. i must go my loves. bear with me on this chapter and i'll reward you subbies with amazing (i hope) next update! since this chapter is kind of cliffy. until next time, i love you. /flies away <3

please subscribe and upvote if you haven't already! :3

typos will be checked and fixed when i can bring myself around to it


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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!