Shut Up


author's note before hand; still looking for someone to make me a poster ;c updated; also looking for a beta if anyone is interested ; o ; 

It was around midafternoon and Sehun had already managed to break two of Jongin’s silly rules. “Why do you have so many pairs of underwear?” Sehun said while snooping through one of the other’s suitcases that had been lying around by his nightstand. He didn’t really know what triggered his sudden curiosity to look through Jongin’s stuff but he rolled with it. It was a good thing that the other had class during this time of the afternoon, because that left Sehun basically free to do whatever he pleased in the room until he came back. Which should be in about 35 more minutes. Perfect.

Just as Sehun planned on giving up his search through Jongin’s boring items and throwing in the towel, he found himself an interesting landmine of items.

“Oh and what is this,” Sehun snickered, removing what seemed like a thousand pairs of folded jeans to pull out a stack of CD’s, “adult movies, eh? Well I’ll be damned.” He never expected that Jongin would even have something like this in his bag, and besides why would he carry around CD’s? There was something mystical called the Internet and didn’t take up much space in important places such as a suitcase. What a kook. Sehun the edge and popped open one of the cases. He examined the inside of the rectangular box, “Eh, I’ve seen this one online like three years ago.” He criticized while squinting at the scarce words on the cover before tossing it back into the suitcase.

None of the videos that Jongin had stored in his luggage were very… recent, most being made a few years ago. Sehun faked a gag seeing that most of the movies had ugly male and female lead stars in them. This guy really needed to step up his game Sehun thought because Jongin’s taste was just a complete train wreck. Sehun promised himself that’d he’d show the kid some real later, if he ever had the chance to that is considering Jongin’s “no ual interactions” rule. A few picks later, the blonde snatched his hands on yet another peculiar find, “Strawberry lube?” Sehun rose an eyebrow.

Why the hell did Jongin pack all of this ual ? He definitely was not the average hormonal teenager, well in Sehun’s eyes. Plus, it’s not like he got much action. Or that’s what Sehun thought again anyway. The other didn’t make any sense at all, first he brings out a sheet of foolish rules, and then forces them upon Sehun, and yet everything he packed in his suitcase goes against them. Weird guy. Inspecting the small bottle of cold liquid in his hand, Sehun concludes that it was indeed a brand new bottle. Deciding not to go as far as unwrapping the plastic on the canteen, Sehun threw the tube back into the bag without bothering to zip everything back up inside.

One could say that Oh Sehun had a very strong sense of honesty. Larger than what most normal people were born with. In the past, he wouldn’t be ashamed of telling anyone how he felt or what he didn’t like about a certain person, even if it would case the other to cry. Sehun depicted a perfect picture of a brat, which surprisingly attracted a huge amount of people to him, despite his crappy attitude. Even though he was rude and cold, girls and guys would fawn over him like he was the last living human on earth. The situation wasn’t much different with Jongin either, since students as well as teachers, would always try to “get into his pants”. Take it in whatever context you please.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” A voice rang behind Sehun immediately causing him to freeze in his act of snooping. Dropping the pocket tees that were in his hands back into the large suitcase, he turned his head to see a fuming Jongin standing in the doorway. “.”

Jongin scowled at Sehun, marching his way over to him snatching the blonde up by the collars of his shirt. “Hey there. How was class?” Sehun smiled smugly, hands trying to pry away Jongin’s off his now wrinkled shirt. “Cut the Sehun. Why the are you rummaging through my things?”

Sehun shrugged, a smirk pulling at the ends of his lips, “I was curious.”

Jongin’s right eye began to twitch just as his grip on Sehun’s shirt tightened, “Curious?”

“Yeah,” Sehun managed to say before shoving the other off him and dusted the wrinkles off his chest, “I just seen your suitcases laying around and decided to look through them. Don’t worry I didn’t take anything.”

“That’s not the point. You don’t snoop through my stuff. Haven’t you ever heard of something called privacy?” Jongin huffed, kicking the lid of his suitcase while shooting a death glare over at Sehun.

The blonde teetered his head back and forth as if he were contemplating on his next choice of words, “I have no sense of privacy. By the way,” Sehun grinned motioning towards the bag on the ground, “Your taste in .”

That was enough to throw Jongin over the edge as he lunged for the other, tackling him onto Sehun’s bed behind them. Sehun’s face was tinged with a pretty pink from holding in his obnoxious laughter as Jongin stared down at him with daggers. “Get off you kook.” He managed to say through struggled breaths.

Jongin kept a good hold on Sehun’s wrist as he pinned them above his head straddling the male beneath him, his face showing no sign of amusement. “What else did you see?”

“Your strawberry lube. I didn’t know you were so fruity, Jongin.” The blonde cackled with Jongin’s face merely centimeters away from his. He didn’t seem to mind the heat that was slowly starting to transfer from Jongin’s body to his own since he was too busy laughing at the other’s reaction. “Is that all you seen?” Jongin continued. “Yup,” Sehun announced making sure to pop the ‘p’ at the end, “why is there something else you’re hiding in there, Jonggie?”

The brunette’s face flushed his eyes wider than ever before, “No.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Just don’t ing snoop through my again or I’ll end your life,” Jongin emptily threatened, his grasps on Sehun’s wrist loosening with each word.

“That a threat?” Sehun laughed.


“I’m looking forward to it then.”

Before he relieved the other of his strong grip, Jongin sneered, “And don’t ever call me Jonggie.”

“So how are you and Jongin doing?” The deep voice boomed on the other side of Sehun’s phone.

“Hate him.” Sehun replied within seconds after Chanyeol asked.

The blonde could hear that annoying laugh of Chanyeol’s once again as he cackled loudly on the receiving end, “Don’t worry you guys will be all in each other’s pants by the end of next week.”


“Whatever, brat. I need to go, got a hot date soon. I’ll check up on you again another time.”

Sehun didn’t think even think about saying goodbye as he pressed the “end call” button, locked his phone, and rested his head back on the desk in his room. Sehun had been doing some last minute studying before Chanyeol’s stupid called to poke at him. He had called Sehun just to mock him and laugh at how his chemistry with the other had been coming along. Sehun questioned himself and his relationship with Chanyeol sometimes.

It was a quarter to midnight and Sehun was buried nose deep in his math textbook once again, ignoring the snoring Jongin on his left side. “God you snore so loud Jongin.” He complained scratching the back of his blonde head, throwing his pencil down on the desk.

Two weeks had already gone by since their little snooping incident and things had only gotten worse since then. Jongin would nag about the room looking indecent or how Sehun would never take the initiative to clean their bathroom once and a while. It was like having his mother as a roommate. But of course, everything that Jongin grumbled about went in through one of Sehun’s ears and out the other, as he would just stare blankly at the brunette male causing him to get frustrated and do it all on his own.

Seeing how irritated Jongin would get was the only good thing about having him as a partner, since Sehun was able to get a kick out of it almost every day. Occasionally, Sehun’ll leave his clothes out on the floor or mess up Jongin’s desk just to spite him so he could get a laugh or two from his reaction. Days like those were always so interesting, or well, for Sehun anyway.

Turning his head to face the sleeping brunette, Sehun smiled devious intentions hiding behind his stretched lips. Scooting his chair out from under the desk, the blonde noiselessly stood and crept his way over to the lifeless body. He peered his dark orbs down at Jongin hovering his hand over the boy’s face to give it a nice smack. But before Sehun could even manage to wind his arm back slightly, a hand shot from under the sheets, grabbing his hand, and causing the blonde to get knocked off his feet.

Sehun blinked with his jaw open in shock as his position was now tangled up on Jongin’s body, with the other wide-awake looking down at him. A lanky arm wrapped around the waist of the blonde’s keeping him in place as he attempted to squirm off Jongin’s body. “What the Jongin. Let me go.” Sehun fidgeted but Jongin’s hold only tightened.

Jongin didn’t utter a word as he flipped the two of them on their sides, keeping Sehun’s struggling body in his embrace, before feeling around for the blanket and tossing it over the two. After a few excruciating minutes, Jongin finally spoke his voice smooth and drowsy, “Just shut up and go to sleep, Sehun.” And with that the brunette pulled Sehun’s chest closer to his own before allowing his eyes to flutter shut. But Jongin was definitely not completely sleeping yet. 

“Let me go. Why’re you doing this you stupid a-“

Before Sehun had the chance to finish his sentence, Jongin snatched his lips with his own and the whole room fell silent.

author's note;

cliffhanger, cliffhanger, cliffhanger. so yeah, should i make the next chappy with ? i dunno. what do you guys think? ; o ; is it too soon?

but yeah why did Jongin do that? i don't even know. c; but anyway sorry about the typos and , i'll fix um later. enjoy this crappy chapter.

and i'm still looking for a poster for this fic, so if you're willing to make me one that'd be awesome. /dies

until next time lovelies, /koala's you and loves your face :3

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!