

author's note; why do i always write two an's? i dunno. i just like talking to you guys. ^ ^

Suho eyed both boys with suspicion, carefully walking around the room peering from side to side. Sehun bit his lip in suspense, as their dorm advisor would pass his closet where all of the unopened cans of beer were currently being stashed. He prayed to the college gods that he wouldn’t look there. , , . Thought too soon. Sehun winced when Suho took hold of the closet doors attempting to pull them apart, “Suho!” Jongin called not realizing what he had done, “can you leave now? Sehun and I were about to watch some .” Idiot.

Suho froze, releasing the handles of Sehun’s closet, “You need to keep that kind of information to yourselves, Jongin… Anyway, I’ll be going now. Don’t stay up too late.” Sehun let out a fat sigh as they both bowed letting Suho shut the door behind him leaving the two alone again. Jongin untied the jacket that snugged against his waist, tossing it carelessly to the side before collapsing to the ground beneath him. Sehun soon joined him stretching out his long legs in the process, “. That was a close one.” The other nodded a smirk dancing across his full lips, “Yeah I know. My heart is still pounding.”

“Looks like you’ve sobered up a little,” Sehun said motioning towards the brunette’s face, which happened to be a less red then before, “and your hard on is gone too.” Jongin quickly covered his crotch, face flushing immediately, “Shut up Sehun. I was drunk that’s all.” The blonde cocked an eyebrow crawling closer towards a blushing Jongin, decreasing the small distance between them.

“So you wanting me to touch you all over was just because you were drunk?” Sehun whispered into the shell of Jongin’s reddened ear.

“Y-yes! Now get away,” Jongin retorted while pushing Sehun away and escaping onto his bed.

The blonde fell onto his back with a roar of laughter, clenching his sore stomach, “Oh my Sehun, please kiss me! Touch me all over with your strong hands. My is so hard.”

“Yah! I-I did not say that!” Jongin fired back kicking the blonde softly with a leg that dangled off the edge of his bed. Sehun ignored the half-hearted boots to the side and continued with his teasing. “Sehun just me already. I need you.” The blonde’s laughter rocketed throughout the small space bouncing off the blue walls while Jongin’s abuse grew stronger along side it. “I would be the one ing you! So don’t even!” The brunette sneered just about ready to throw the other out for being dumb and childish. With one last jab to the ribs Sehun stopped, “Okay! Okay! I’m done. Stop your kicking.”

Jongin withdrew his foot, “I did not say any of those things, stupid .” Did the other forget how their positions were before everything came to an abrupt stop? Jongin was the one on top, so Sehun’s shameless teasing should’nt even be occurring right now.

“But you were thinking it.” Sehun corrected, picking himself off the wooden floor, still a bit out of breath.

I guess I was a little bit. Nah, who am I kidding? I totally was. Jongin thought. “Was not.” He lied.

“Whatever. I know you want my D.” Sehun winked, chuckling as he seen Jongin pretend to gag into his pillow, “You’ll come to me. They always do. Drunk or not.”

The brunette rolled his eyes, not caring to reply to the overly confident mess across from him. “I’m never letting you break rule number four again.”

“You . Stop bringing up those worthless rules. I miss the , lustful Jongin that kissed me ever so urgently. The one that grinded against my crotch. The one that begged me to touch him naughtily. When you’re drunk your true self comes out, I like that Jongin bett—“

“—Don’t say any more.” Jongin piped his usual smooth voice cracking from the humiliation.

“—but,” Sehun tried to continue but instead got a face full of pillow.

“I said don’t say any more. Starting tomorrow there’ll be new rules. So go to bed.”

The blonde frowned at the back of Jongin, mumbling complaints before using the other’s pillow as his own. “I’m keeping this pillow then.”

The following morning Jongin had gotten up with a grueling headache and an empty room. The pain that racked around the boy’s head made it rather difficult for Jongin to sit up. “Aish. I swear I went to bed sobered up.” Jongin hissed while massaging his temples searching for some kind of mild alleviation. This is why he did not want to drink with Sehun in the first place for he knew this horrible fate would be waiting for him in the morning. Jongin decided that his willpower against Sehun’s crafty words—or just Sehun in general—needed to be taken up a notch. But then again… Jongin probably wouldn't last long in a battle with a certain annoying blonde fellow. Just look at what they had done last night, but then again it’s not like Jongin disliked what happened anyway.

The whole thing was just a complicated mess.

“Damn that stupid dirty haired blonde. I’ll ruin him for convincing me to drink just so we could do ual that gets interrupted just as it was getting heated. Curse him. Curse him to bits. Who does he think his is? He’s going to be the one begging me for my . Just wait and see.” Jongin muttered swiping the yellow piece of paper off his desk. Scanning over the scribbled words, the boy scoffed which later triggered a throbbing sting to his head leading him to wince. Jongin grit his teeth, “Bastard.” Writing notes to each other seemed to be a regular occurrence when one left the room for a while. It was a way of communicating since neither of them had bothered to exchange phone numbers yet.

Sup Honey  (^▽^)

Hope your head is okay. Seen you tossing and turning in your sleep.

I’ve got some Aspirin in my nightstand drawer if you need it.

Take some so you’ll be grateful towards me and shower me with kisses

I went out for a bit with a friend

I’ll be back later today

Don’t miss me too much

XOXO Prince Oh ( ˘ ³˘)♥

“Who uses emoticons when handwriting a note? How old is this fool? Why did I ever imagine doing ual things with him?” Jongin hesitated about using the pills Sehun offered to him since he currently had none of his own, but then again he didn’t want to give the other that sort of satisfaction. It was exactly what Sehun hoped for. As silly as that sounded. The brunette paced around their dorm for a few minutes stealing peeks at the drawer, head screaming for peace, before he eventually rummaged his way into Sehun’s nightstand his pain being too much to bear. Uncapping the bottle, Jongin poured two tablets into his hand. “Prince? Oh please.” Jongin said before downing the Aspirin with water.

“So how was your visit back to China?” Sehun questioned with a mouth full of turkey pesto. The other sitting across from him reached over to wipe the falling crumbs from Sehun’s mouth before settling to answer his question. Sehun took the napkin from his friend’s hand and quickly swiped it across his lips.

“It was normal. My parents bugged me about finding a wife again, same .” Zitao shrugged, dark hair falling onto his forehead. The black beneath his eyes were more noticeable then usual, he must’ve been exhausted from the plane ride back. Sehun nodded, “Ah, I see. How’re you and Kris dealing with that?” The lanky boy hummed, “Well, he just said not to worry about it. You know how he tries to act all tough and under control. The usual approach on the topic of marriage.” A faint light flickered behind Tao’s dark pupils, like how they’ve always done when Kris’ name came up in a conversation. Kris was Zitao’s boyfriend of a few months and one could say that their relationship was much like a walking yin-yang sign. Their relationship was one to envy, because despite their constant and useless bickering, they completed each other.

 “How’s Seoul National?” Zitao asked while sipping his tea with a flowing elegance.

“It’s okay,” Sehun said thinking of his next interesting fact to share about his college life, “I’ve got Kim Jongin as my roommate.”

The Kim Jongin?” The other said repeating the information that was handed to him but instead rearranging it into a question.

“Hn.” The blonde nodded once more.

“How unfortunate. Must’ve been Chanyeol’s doing, huh?” Zitao was on point.

“Yup. Just for a couple laughs. Jackass.” Sehun sighed running his long fingers through his tousled strands of silvery hair. Zitao chuckled reaching over the table again to pat the other’s back in comfort, “Don’t worry about it. Jongin’s cute so you’ll be going out with him in no time. I ship you two. Not too mention he’s exactly your type, I don’t know why you two were such on bad terms all the time anyway.”

It wasn’t like Zitao was completely wrong, Jongin was cute and they had already kissed more than once, probably would’ve done much more than just touching if Suho hadn’t made his unwanted appearance on a two-man show only. Being the brunette’s roommate wasn’t so much of a burden anymore than it used to be. Sehun learned that Jongin was actually quite the simple guy and not all glamour and glitz like he’d thought before. Kim Jongin to Oh Sehun was starting to grow more like a normal human being. It was a miraculous miracle. “So I’ve heard. You’re not the first one to say that Jongin and I will be going out soon. Chanyeol also said something similar.” Zitao didn’t look surprised to hear that, “I’m guessing he worded it to sound far more ual than I did.” Sehun laughed and that let Tao know that he was exactly right.

“I think that I’ll be enrolling there soon. So I’ll be on campus to bother you and Jongin a lot. Hope you don’t mind.” The blonde lit up knowing that one of his closest friends was going to potentially be attending the same university as him. It sounded like a delightful plan to Sehun, but it didn’t process to him that Zitao was quite the clingy person at times and that could serve as a difficult problem in the future. But those petty troubles didn’t matter at the moment. “I think you’ll love the campus and classes! They’re great.” Sehun added with a grin.

Zitao returned the other’s smile, “I’ll ask my parents about it and let you know soon. It would be great if I could get some classes there and maybe even dorm as well. Kris works right next door too. Maybe then my mom will lay off about that whole marriage biz.” The two teens chatted a while more in the small café located a few blocks down from Sehun’s university before finally bidding each other adieu.

“You’ve got my new number now, right?” Zitao called out, a few lengths away from the blonde.

“Yup! All set. I’ll text you later.” Sehun responded.

“Okay, see ya Sehun.”

“See ya.”

Back at the dorm, Jongin spent his time being unproductive. After taking the medicine to rid himself of the pounding headache he had, he fell asleep again. He woke up with the room still being empty, but the good news was that his poor head was no longer occupied with bloody shocks of pain. Jongin sat at his desk, staring up at the list of rules he had posted on their bulletin board, “Oh yeah. I needed to add more of those.” Extended his arm out to tear the paper down from the corked wall, Jongin sat up from his office chair.

“I definitely need to edit these rules.” Jongin declared while studying the previously written edicts. Grabbing out a pen and a clean sheet of paper, the brunette got to work scribbling away at the fresh piece of notebook paper.

Basic Rules Revised Ver. 1

  1. No ual Interactions with each other (Especially if drunk)
  2. No in the dorm (Especially with each other)
  3. No drugs or alcohol (It causes extreme headaches)
  4. No touching other’s belonging unless you have been given permission (This excludes hangover medicine)
  5. No noise after 11 p.m.
  6. Do NOT touch Jongin’s food (Especially Strawberry Fruitpops)
  7. Chanyeol is not allowed into the room without permission
  8. Always be prepared for Dorm Checks
  9. Keep the room clean!

Jongin slumped in his chair satisfied with his newly arranged set of rules. He happily moved around his desk to post them on their bulletin board, “There. This is it.” The boy crumpled up the old piece of paper before basketballing it into the trash bin. “This time they definitely will not be broken.” Jongin announced to himself as he stood there basking in the glory of his work.

“I’m back sweetie.” Sehun cooed, swiftly wrapping his arms around Jongin.

The brunette had no time to react as he felt Sehun enclosed around him, “Get off. You’re breaking my revised number one rule!”

Sehun rolled his eyes, not bothering to drop his hold, “Still blabbering about those stupid rules? I’ll break as many as I want to.” Sehun voiced before briskly placing a kiss on the corner of Jongin’s lips before releasing him. Jongin acted as if he were disgusted by the fact and cleaned the side of his mouth with the backside of his hand, his heart beating loud in his ears, “You will not. I won’t let you.” Jongin refuted.

“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try and stop me,” Sehun challenged swooping in to center another kiss on him, this time landing it perfectly on Jongin’s lips. “You’ll cave soon enough then your silly little rules will be gone from existence. And I’m about to break rules six and nine because I know I’ll be hungry right after I purposely disorganize our lovely abode.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Just watch me.”  


author's note;

IM GONNA MAKE SEHUN TOP. or maybe they'll switch. ;3 but yeah. i think that's the plan. so like i don't even know what's going on in Jongin's mind anymore... -.- like srsly. lol

i'll throw in some taoris sides for you guys too. just so that i can have some diversity y'know? no? okay. /cries but... i would like you guys to help me figure out what you'd like to see next chappy. i need some ideas. so comment your ideas and feelz, it would be greatly appreciated. :> or don't. /cries again/ don't get the idea that sehun actually LIKE LIKES jongin, because he doesn't... yet. he's just sort of messing around with him because he thinks that he's cute. o^o sorry about this crappy chapter though, i don't know what it is. i don't know what this is. ;c but yeah. enjoy! ♡ btw, i think i'm funny by making Sehun adress himself as Prince Oh.... okay... yeah.

Upvote (love them upvotes cause i'm an upvote ), comment, and subscribe if you haven't already! :3 /loves your face

typos and all that jazz will be fixed later

until next time, love you all  /dies

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!