

“You have to switch dorms with me! Please I’m beg-“

“- no. My roommate is hot as hell. You’re on your own Sehun.”

“You , Luhan.”

“I do actually.”

“Get the out.”

“You’re in my room, idiot.”


That was it. That was his last resort. Luhan was Sehun’s last resort, and just like that he was declined with no pity whatsoever. It was like every single sin he had committed in the past caught him and just decided to waltz on up and all over his supposedly perfect college life dream. Why oh mighty college gods? Why did Kim Jongin, of all people, have to be my roommate? Sehun sulked, his head hanging low as he shuffled down the hall to his dreaded abode. It was just too unfair for words. Just when Sehun thought that he’d never have to see that blasted face again, his name pops up like it had never left in the first place.


Reaching into his rather tight fitting jeans, Sehun fished for his cellphone. In the midst of all this unfortunate disaster, he could see a shining star of hope in the distance, just within his reach. Scrolling through his list of contacts, Sehun stopped on a particular name, Park Chanyeol. Now just to have a little background on this Chanyeol guy, his father was the dean of Seoul National University, and that meant Sehun’s life in college still had a chance of being resurrected.


Quickly thumbing his phone, Sehun prayed that’d he be kind enough to pick up and not just screen his call like he had done so many times before. When the ringing ceased, the heavy feeling in Sehun’s chest lifted, “Hello, Chanyeol!” He might’ve came out a bit too strong hearing that Chanyeol hissed at the sound of the younger’s voice. Sehun couldn’t help it. He was determined to have another partner as his roommate at whatever cost it may take him.


“Aish, would you not yell in my ear when I pick up, brat?” Chanyeol spoke, sounding as irritated as ever.

“Sorry about that. But anyway, I’m glad you picked up. Could you maybe- uh- swi-“

“No.” The other interrupted before Sehun could even conclude his proposal, like he knew what the younger would be requesting.

“What? You don’t even kn-“ Sehun tried to recover, but was again, cut short by the other party.

“I am not asking my dad to let you switch rooms with someone, Sehun.” Chanyeol finished.

“And why the hell not?”

“Because,” He could hear the older trail off, poorly muffling an obnoxious laugh, “I told him to put you and Jongin together.”

“Why would you do that, you ?” Sehun cried, “You’re evil.”

“Calm down, it was just for laughs. You’ll thank me later.” It was almost as if Sehun could feel the devious smirk Chanyeol wore on the other side taunting him in all of his distress.


Just as Sehun opened his mouth to complain and whine some more to his shady friend, the dial tone beat him to it. Sehun gawked at the bright screen, watching as the call ended leaving the boy to bask in his misery. “I can’t believe that little !” Sehun’s eyebrows crossed as he dug for his room key, sticking in the shiny, bronze item in the lock with mass aggravation. The boy knew that he shouldn’t have said anything to Chanyeol about how he’d hate life if Jongin were to somehow be his roommate. Hell, Sehun wasn’t even aware of the fact that Jongin applied to the same university as he did.


There was still no sign of Jongin making himself at home in their joint room, for only Sehun’s baggage remained scattered across the floor next to the entrance. This brought some sort of relief to the boy knowing that his roommate had not arrived yet. Sehun didn’t even want to think about the earful he knew he was going to get from Jongin as he finds out that they’re stuck together for yet, another year.


Sehun literally threw himself onto the bed that he claimed, before releasing a rather heavy sigh. Words could not describe how bummed he felt knowing that his fantastic illusion of college life had officially died, a tragic death indeed. Having Jongin as a dorm partner meant that he wouldn’t be able to bring home any girls- or guys, for that matter, since Jongin was a stickler for quite in the night. The realization of every single restriction he'd be held for finally started to take quite the toll on Sehun’s spirits as he rolled around on his small mattress, moping.


“No ing, no booze, no smoking, no nothing…” Sehun complained to himself, counting every con of living in this dorm on his left hand. In all of the years that Sehun knew Jongin, it was no doubt that if he wanted to do any of the choices he mentally listed, he’d have to go elsewhere. Jongin was all about studying and actually getting somewhere in his life, while Sehun was the complete polar opposite. The teen loved the adrenaline that ran through his veins after doing something frisky, or the satisfying feeling that pooled in his gut after a good “night.”


Ever since Sehun and Jongin were children in primary school, they had developed a strong dislike for each other. The two were always in constant competition, whether it be who could finish their lunch the fastest back in middle school, or who could manage to get a certain girl to date them the quickest in high school. Everything and anything one could think of making a bet or challenge on, consider it already done by Sehun and Jongin. There was no end to their silly gambling, and when senior year came, the two couldn’t wait to get away from each other.


There had been a few incidents in their final year of high school that drove both parties off the edge. Sehun convinced Jongin’s steady girlfriend of two and a half years to cheat on him and have a more than one nightstand with him. While Jongin on the other hand, stole the boy Sehun had his eyes on for ages practically beg for his after letting him get a taste of what everything was really about. Harmless competition drastically morphed into something darkly twisted by the end of their second semester of senior year.


“Oh, you’ve got to be ing me right now.” Sehun heard a cringe worthy, familiar voice call out from behind his room. The sentence was tapered with bitterness and Sehun’s chest caved in as he seen the doorknob begin to twist.


“Well, hello there beautiful.” The teen mocked, propping his body up on his elbows to face an unentertained, Kim Jongin.


Situating the backpack that sat on his slim but built shoulders, Jongin threw daggers at Sehun’s head, who casually shrugged dismissing the mental action, and continued to lie on his bed. Taking a few glances around the compact room, Jongin rolled his eyes, “Why the does it look like a tornado ripped through here and it’s only the first day?” Scratching the side of his forehead, Sehun pretended to ponder on the carping comment.


“First of all, it doesn’t look like a tornado ripped through here, a tsunami would be a better description. And second of all it’s only my half of the room that somewhat resembles a mess.” Sehun retorted wittily, while Jongin remained standing in the doorway of their room. “Would you come in already, you’re letting in a draft.”


Making sure that the heavy door behind them was shut correctly, Jongin made his way over towards the empty side of the space.


"You're in college now Sehun, why do you still act like a child? You should really learn to pick up after yourself." Jongin motioned towards the clutter of suitcases on the wooden floor.

"Shut up, Jongin. You're just as bossy as you were when you were younger. Worry about your own side of the room, will ya?" The other fired back, flipping his body towards the wall so he wouldn’t have to look at Jongin’s ing face any longer than he needed too.

Hearing Jongin scoff, as well as a zip of a duffle bag, made Sehun curious enough to peer back over his shoulder to spy on what the other was up to. He observed Jongin as he began to take out all of what looked like, his basic necessities, and set them neatly on the nightstand next to his bed. He’s only been here for what, five minutes, and he’s already unpacking? What a kook. Or maybe it was Sehun that was the kook, since unpacking was one of the first steps someone took when moving into a new place.

“You haven’t even touched your bags since you got here, right?” Jongin questioned, already knowing the answer.

“Nope. But what’s it to you?” Sehun sassily served back, still in the same position as before, only this time he began to slowly shift his weight back onto the other side of his body, catching a glimpse of Jongin’s brown hair.

“Nothing. I was just asking.”

“Right. Hey, I wanted to ask yo-“

“-Let’s get some rules set.”

Apparently it was rudely interrupt Sehun day, since Jongin was already like the seventh person to do it. “Uh okay, what ki-“

Pulling out a sheet of paper from his dark blue duffle bag, the other got up from his bed and waved the form in his face. “-Here’s what I’ve already got written down. If you’d like to add any more, feel free to pen them in there.”

Sehun managed to sit himself upright and snatched the paper from Jongin’s grasp in the process. Quickly scanning over the preset orders that Jongin had messily scribbled down, Sehun laughed, “What the is this? No ual interactions with each other?”

“Mind you that they’re rules that I had made before knowing that you were going to be my roommate. So disregard that one, because I know for a fact that that rule will never even be close to being broken.” Jongin clarified.


Basic Rules

  1. No ual Interactions with each other
  2. No in the dorm if roommate is present  
  3. No in the dorm
  4. No drugs or alcohol
  5. No touching other’s belonging unless you have been given permission
  6. No noise after 11 p.m.
  7. Do NOT touch Jongin’s food

“Having you as a roommate is going to balls.”

“I know.”




anyway enjoy, if you can. :< lol i'm dramatic

typos and , let me know and i'll fix 'em.

until next time /flies away

p.s still looking for that person to make me a poster c:


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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!