

a/n; c:

Muffled groans escaped Sehun’s mouth only to be caught by the one causing him to do so, Jongin. Sehun peered up at Jongin with eyes that could kill, trying his hardest to jerk his head away from the other. Jongin noticed the distress and struggle signals that were being emitted from the blonde’s body; a sneaky smirk began to play at his mouth. Jongin considered this little kissing game as a little punishment for all of Sehun’s silly actions. Seeing how worked up and heated the other got because of something small like this made Jongin feel like he was the one in control.

Jongin s his hands around Sehun’s waist to flip them again so that the blonde’s back was on the edge of the small bed. Sehun continued to fight against Jongin, his dull groans coming out stronger as he almost manged to free himself. The brunette withdrew his head back making sure to tug at Sehun’s bottom lip before breaking the kiss, “You’re a horrible kisser.” Jongin pinched Sehun’s flushed cheeks before flashing a mocking grin. Sehun’s expression was kind of cute, but there was no way in hell Jongin would openly admit something like that. Jongin flicked Sehun’s nose before shoving him off his bed.

“Punishment.” Jongin said looking down at the discombobulated body on the wooden floor beneath him. Sehun furrowed his brows, wiping the saliva off his lips, “Punishment!?” The brunette crossed his arms placing them on the edge of his bed and rested his chin on top of his arms, “Yeah, punishment.” Sehun shook his head before scrambling to his feet, backing slowly away from Jongin.

“You’re disgusting.” Sehun spat with an accusing point of a finger, still clearly flustered from Jongin’s kiss.

“And you’re irritating. So next time you think of doing something that a seven year old would do, think again,” Jongin grinned completely unfazed by the heat lingering on his lips, “or I’ll be sure to do more than just kiss you.”

Sehun faked a gag, “You sure do break a lot of your rules, Jongin.” Jongin shrugged in response before throwing the blanket back over his body, “I don’t consider a punishment as ual interaction, Sehunnie. Now seriously go to sleep.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.” The blonde retorted while sitting back down at his desk to study for a few more minutes. He could hear a chuckle leave Jongin’s mouth and rolled his eyes at his textbook.

Jongin woke up the next morning to an empty room, seeing that Sehun had already left for his math class. It seemed like their kissing incident hadn’t made a difference in the blonde’s attitude because the room was messier than usual. “This guy…” Jongin groaned running a hand through his unruly hair. After Jongin finished tidying up his side of the room, he noticed a note left on his nightstand. Unfolding the wrinkled piece of pink paper, Jongin squinted in attempt to decode the scribbled handwriting.

Hope you enjoyed the mess I left for you.

Don’t think that just because you kissed me as “punishment” I’ll change.

I won’t and…

I love kisses, fyi. So your tactics are useless. Better rethink your strategies.

See you later today. Love you Jonggie.

The brunette bitterly laughed at Sehun’s note, crumpling up the already wrinkled paper and tossed it into the hurricane on the blonde’s side of the room. Sehun’s personality never really changed from when they were younger, he was still the same arrogant slob that never backed down or listened to anyone. Especially Jongin.

“Time’s up. Please pass your tests forward.” The math professor announced slapping the wooden desk in front of him. A number of students around the room cheered while other’s moaned in despair at their incomplete papers. Sehun had already finished his test 15 minutes before the time ran out and it was surprisingly easy. The questions were all multiple choice and whenever Sehun was unsure of the answer he’d use process of elimination. The blonde was more than confident that he had aced the test with flying colors and wore a smug grin. He acknowledged his professor before exiting the room and made his way back to his dorm. Sehun’s heart tightened knowing that Jongin had no classes today and would most likely be waiting for him at the dorm.

It was a little after twelve when Sehun unlocked the door to his room and he was expecting to see a Jongin with an irritated look on his face, arms crossed, sitting on the edge of his bed. But the brunette was nowhere in sight, and the room was spotless. Sehun couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at the empty room. He really wanted to see Jongin’s face so he could do something that only a seven year old would do and peeve the crap out of him. It was unusual for Jongin to go anywhere around this time of the day since all he ever did was study nonstop.

“It’s too clean.” Sehun complained dropping his bag by the entrance not bothering to hang it on the back of his office chair. Kicking off his shoes, the blonde left them scattered by his closet and hopped on his comfy bed. Letting out a tired sigh, Sehun glanced around the room paying attention to how every item was in their rightful places except for his shoes and backpack. The dressers he pulled out earlier that morning were closed and the clothes that he debated on wearing were put back into his closet. Jongin must have been a maid in his past life or some kind of servant because he did exceptionally well when cleaning a space.

Sehun’s idea of leaving behind a wreck in their room before going to his math course must’ve worked, but he didn’t get to see the reaction of his roommate, which resulted in another sigh. The blonde contemplated on whether or not he should look through Jongin’s things, but he had already done that more than once and it was starting to become predictable. Sehun knew of all the things Jongin brought along to college. Sehun needed to come up with another plan while he had the room to himself. His eyes traveled to the rules that Jongin posted on their shared bulletin board and scanned over them, reciting each one in his head. “Ah! Food!” Sehun sprang up and moved his way over to Jongin’s mini-fridge, yanking the handle open as a rush of cool air kissed his pale skin.

Water. Water. Water. Apples. Protein shakes. More protein shakes. Dietary commercial dinners. Yogurt. Sehun made a face at the lack of junk food that Jongin had in his fridge; if Sehun weren’t dying for something to eat he wouldn’t ever have to worry about someone touching his food. The blonde settled for some kind of strawberry fruit bar, a water bottle, and one of the iced tea packets Jongin had sitting on the top of his fridge. “Damn Jongin. You really need to step it up on a number of areas in your life, huh?” Sehun said with a mouth full of the cold fruit bar, shuffling his way over to his bed once again. A fluorescent yellow color caught the boy’s attention from the corner of his eye as he reached for the folded paper that was neatly situated on his desk. Sehun held the fruit pop between his lips and unfurled the small note in his hands.

Sehun don’t ing mess up the room while I’m gone.

I swear I’ll do more than just punish you.

I’ll be back a little after 1:30.

The room better be in the condition I left it in or your is grass.

Don’t try me Sehun.

“Whatever,” Sehun muttered the juice that had melted off the ice pop while he read the note Jongin had written, “your threats are so empty it’s pathetic.” Chuckling to himself, Sehun crushed the paper into a little ball and shot it towards Jongin’s bed. It was only 1:00 and Sehun had thirty more minutes until the other was supposed to be back. That was more than enough time to do some damage, but Sehun decided that he was too drained to actually do anything since he didn’t get more than a wink of sleep last night. Munching on the last bits of his fruit bar, Sehun tossed the wooden stick into the trash bin and fell back on his pillow. A nap didn’t sound all that bad as the blonde’s eyelids felt heavier and heavier with each waking second until they eventually shut.

Jongin had a few questions to clear up with his own professor about the homework he assigned and wanted to be absolutely sure that he was doing it right. Jongin was taking a philosophy class being that he was a “pre-law” student at Seoul National University. Once the brunette had everything his mind was uncertain about cleared up, Jongin bid his professor adieu and began trudging his way back towards the dorms.

While approaching his room, Jongin stood outside of the door pressing his ear up to the cool surface. He could hear a few murmurs a voice that didn’t belong to his roommate and Jongin rolled his eyes at the nerve Sehun had to bring someone to their room while he was out. How rude. Jongin rummaged around in his pocket for their room key, twisting the doorknob out of habit, not expecting that it be already be open. Before Jongin could even analyze who else had been in their room with the blonde, he began to scold Sehun, “You could at least lock the door Se-“ The brunette stopped midsentence looking over at the tall figure in the room, “-Ah Chanyeol? Why’re you here?”

“Long time no see, Jongin. Sorry about the sudden stop by. I just wanted to check up on Sehun.” Chanyeol mentioned with a huge grin, motioning over at the still body on the bed. If Sehun was sleeping how’d this giant manage to get into their room, unless Sehun really did leave the door open while he fell asleep. The giant took notice of Jongin’s confused expression and held up a pair of keys and jingled them in the air, “My dad is the dean of this here university. I asked if I could borrow the keys to your guys’ room. Don’t worry the door was locked.” Jongin lifted a skeptical brow and shrugged his bag off his slim shoulders. Chanyeol sure knew how to use his dad’s position of dean to a full potential.

“I’m just glad that I didn’t walk in on Sehun ing or having with you.” Chanyeol laughed, sitting himself on the edge of Sehun’s bed.

Jongin nearly choked on the words that left the other’s full lips, “Having s- with me?”

“Yeah. Aren’t you guys like… ing already?” the giant said nonchalantly.

“No. We are not.” Jongin replied with pure disgust, “Why the hell would you think that?”

“Oh I don’t know. That’s just the vibe I get from you two.”

“Well it’s the wrong vibe.” the brunette reassured.

“Right,” Chanyeol winked, “my mistake.”

Just as Jongin was about to reassure Chanyeol of his assumption once again, Sehun stirred on the bed, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. “Chanyeol what the are you doing on my bed. Get off.” Sehun grumbled with a slurred, sleepy voice as he flailed his legs around in attempt to kick the large body off his bed. “Whoa there sleeping beauty,” Chanyeol snickered taking hold of one Sehun’s bony ankles, “watch where you’re kicking.” Jongind watched the two fools thrash around on the twin-sized bed as the thoughts in his mind were in an entirely different place.

Do Sehun and I really give off that kind of vibe? Jongin pondered, his eyes shadowing Sehun’s every move. The brunette hadn’t ever thought of advancing on Sehun in that way until Chanyeol mentioned them having . Even when he kissed the other, it was purely on intentions of punishment nothing more. Jongin’s brain suddenly flooded with Sehun in all sorts of naughty positions and the fact that Chanyeol was now wrestling with the blonde didn’t help. He imagined what it would feel like to have Sehun writhing beneath him and begging-

“Jongin!” Chanyeol and Sehun called out from the other side, snapping Jongin out of his heated fantasy.

“Huh? What?” Jongin answered trying to sound as calm as he possibly could.

“Chanyeol just invited us to a party tonight,” Sehun wiggled his eyebrows, “you in?”

Jongin wasn’t much of a drinker or partier, and he seriously considered rejecting the offer but Chanyeol soon tackled him insisting that it would definitely be a good one.


expect some drunk touching next chapter. ;3 i didn't know what to write for this chapter so it's kind of filler. sorry. > <

but anyway, i hope you guys enjoy and comment your feels and ideas that i could use for next chapter.

also do me and Nostalgia a favor and subscribe if you haven't already as well as upvote. c: thank you lovelies!

typos and yadda yadda yadda will be fixed later and still on the hunt for a poster. ;c

until next chapter! /dies

edited; omg i'm so dumb i posted the story more than once -.- /punches self

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!