First Time


author's note; what kind of update is it this time? a trainwreck. srsly though. lol. k. talk to you after your done reading.

For the next few weeks that passed by the semester soon came to an end and rolling in came fall break. And Oh Sehun couldn’t have been any more irritating. If the blonde wasn’t complaining about his exam scores or what’d he do over the break, it was about what Jongin had been jealous of. Every day Sehun would pop a question that would be along the lines of, “So… why’re jealous of Tao?” Jongin would groan running a hand through his chocolaty brown hair, his answer always being the same, “Would you mind using the brain that God gave you and at least try to put one and one together?” Sehun would sometimes try to warm up to Jongin by offering him to massage his back or buy him some kind of cheap food that had been sitting in their lounge vending machine for weeks.

“Stop being so uptight. Just tell me why. It can’t be that bad.” Sehun reasoned one chilly fall break night. It was a strange coincident that neither of the boys decided to go home for the two weeks they had off from school, not that Jongin was complaining. He honestly enjoyed Sehun’s company despite his stupidity. The brunette, who happened to be lying down in his bed encased by the warmth around him, tried extra hard to ignore Sehun who had been doing everything and anything to get his attention. It was until Sehun decided to fling his body onto of Jongin’s bed that made him finally speak up. “Get off of me fat .” Jongin said, shoving the long-limbed body aside.

Sehun dramatically scoffed, holding a hand up to his chest in fake hurt. He got Jongin to flip over in one fluid motion so that he now had him pinned under Sehun with knees planted on both sides of his waist. Jongin couldn’t help but squirm—his practically being murdered by Sehun’s —and not in a good way. “Sehun, get off!” the brunette ordered, “You’re hurting my future generations!” Sehun didn’t budge, “Not until you tell me why you were jealous of Tao.” . Jongin thrashed his body around in hopes that it would shake the boy sitting on his ing pelvis off, but to no avail. “Sehun. I’m giving you until the count of five to get off me or—“

“—you’ll end my life?” the blonde finished, a smug smirk tugging at his lips.

“I’ll do more than end your life Sehun. Now hop off.” Jongin demanded while trying to shift Sehun’s body up further so that he wouldn’t be situated so much on his lap and uncomfortably rubbing against his “baby”. This would definitely not be a time for springing boners, it was the last thing either of them needed right now. Sehun seemed to notice why Jongin was so urgent for him to move aside as he writhed under him. The blonde eye’s glazed with shady intentions, steadying his body from Jongin’s moving one by squeezing his thighs around the other’s waist. Sehun smiled, “Tell me or I’ll start grinding on you.”

“You wouldn’t dare—,” Jongin spoke through choked air as Sehun boldly jerked his hips forward causing the brunette’s breath to hitch, “.”

Sehun continued to grin as if he had victoriously won first place in some type of huge event in Korea. Reaching his hands to grip onto Jongin’s shoulders, Sehun leaned his head towards his roommate’s scrunched up face, “If you’d just stop being a little scared and just ‘fess up we wouldn’t be going through this torture right now.” Jongin stared into Sehun’s mischievous orbs with a look so intense he swore it could burrow holes and said, “I was jealous of Tao spending so much time with you! There I said it! Now get off of me before my starts poking you in the !” Sehun cocked a perfectly shaped eyebrow, mouth unhinged at the surprising words that he had been so oblivious too, “What?”

Jongin shook his head just about ready to lose all of his patience with the idiot as cruel heat began to travel its way down south. The brunette made an effort to keep as calm as possible, biting his bottom lip while his jeans tightened around a shameful mound in his lower regions. Sehun cleared his throat releasing Jongin’s shoulders, “So you were jealous of Tao because you wanted to hang out with me?” Jongin made some kind of head motion, not really knowing if it was supposed to be a yes or a no, and finally shoved Sehun away. And like the speed of light, Jongin hastily walked into their bathroom leaving the blonde dumbfounded.

“Jongin—wait—where are you going?” Sehun called out, hopping off the messy bed to pound on the locked bathroom door. “If you’re gonna do it out here. I wanna see,” the boy joked still hitting the door with his fist. “Shut the hell up you . I’ll never do that in front of you!” Jongin refuted a slight blush tickling the rounds of his cheeks in embarrassment. Jongin really debated with himself if he actually wanted to e with such an unbelievably thin door and wall between them… but his that was fastened inside the confinements known as his pants, begged him to do otherwise. Jongin’s lust eventually overcame his conscious as he slipped down his jeans and briefs in one tug. The gelid air danced across Jongin’s exposed skin biting harshly into in, a wince of shock leaving the brunette’s mouth. “Why’re you always so shy? We already made out and practically ed one another! Lemme see!”

While all of that may have been true, Jongin still couldn’t bring himself to do something so lewd. What they did before was only fine because Jongin didn’t really feel anything significant towards Sehun at the time. The only feelings he had discovered that he had developed for Sehun were ones of desire. So he didn’t really care that they touched and rubbed each other up.

Maybe if Jongin hadn’t actually felt some sort of weird appeal towards Sehun, he wouldn’t have had a problem unlocking the bathroom door… but that wasn’t the case. As much as Jongin hated to admit, he was without a doubt, attracted to the dummy outside in more than a simple ual way. Sehun obviously didn’t understand that, thinking that everything Jongin said was just a bitter joke. It didn’t matter how many hints the brunette threw at his annoying face. It was like pouring out one’s feelings to a brick wall. So of course, Jongin wouldn’t be able to in front of him and have Sehun thinking that he was just doing it because of fun and games. Because to Jongin, interacting with Sehun was no loger just for amusment. “Leave me alone would ya? Can’t a guy pleasure himself in peace?” Jongin shouted through Sehun’s noisy knocks.

“You didn’t even understand why I was jealous of Tao. What makes you think that I’d give you the satisfaction of seeing my ?” Jongin argued as the pounding stopped, and the room fell silent with only his words floating in the atmosphere around them.

[Sehun; 1:23 a.m.] tao, i think jongin likes me. like genuinely likes me.

[Zitao; 1:37 a.m.] Ya think.

[Sehun; 1:38 a.m.] what do i do then?

[Zitao; 1:39 a.m.] Well how do you feel about him?

[Sehun; 1:41 a.m.] i dunno. i don’t think i like him in the same way… yet?

[Zitao; 1:44 a.m.] What do you mean yet? So you're saying you will? -_-

[Sehun; 1:44 a.m.] maybe. i don’t know things could happen, ya know? i still kind of dislike him from what happened in high school and , but not as much as before. he’s okay and i don’t want to hold any grudges from the past.

[Zitao; 1:47 a.m.] Yeah I guess… I’m surprised you actually found out that he liked you though. Took you long enough. But anyway, I suggest that you try and sort out your own feelings first. I mean if you were okay with potentially ing him then, I’m sure you feel just a tiny bit of emotion for him, right? Whether it be strictly physical or not, that’s a start. Just start off with YOUR own feelings first.

[Sehun; 1:48 a.m.] yeah you’re right. i guess i’ll do that then. Lol. don’t really know how i’m gonna do it but, i’ll find a way. sorry for bothering you at 1 in the morn tao love you - 3 -

[Zitao; 1:50 a.m.] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Love you too. Sometimes. -.-

Sehun didn’t even want to know why Tao had been up that late, but deep down in his gut he had a feeling that it had something to do with Kris. Just knowing that bit of information was enough to give him the creeps. Tossing and turning around in his cozy cavern of blankets, Sehun burrowed his head deep inside his fort, going through some sort of self confliction of whether or not he should peek above at Jongin’s sleeping body. Sehun stirred for a few minutes before finally having the courage to take a quick glance at his soundless roommate. Jongin appeared to be in such peace and tranquility, the complete polar opposite of Sehun who at the moment was restless and antsy.

The blonde took the time to trace the outline of the boy in the shadows, carefully noting every nook and cranny of the way Jongin’s body curved that he could see. His eyes skimmed over the brunette’s sleeping face, noticing just how long Jongin’s eyelashes were and how his nose crinkled ever so slightly as he exhaled. Even though Sehun was about one bed space away from Jongin, he was still able to realize just how beautiful Jongin happened to be. He finally understood why so many people forced themselves onto him or at least tried to become acquainted with him. Sehun peered around the dimly lit room when his legs suddenly spontaneously grew minds of their own, influencing him to get off the bed to examine Jongin a bit closer.

Once Sehun had quietly removed himself from his bed, he tiptoed towards Jongin’s bed. He observed the teen’s face with better proximity than before while he tried to hush his breathing. At first he stood with hands to his sides, just looming over Jongin’s motionless body admiring his everything before dropping to his knees. Sehun had to admit that he almost felt like some kind of killer stalker, but Jongin’s features happened to be worth the comparison. It’s not like he planned on staring forever like how girls would in Korean dramas or fall asleep next to them or brush his eyelashes with his fingers. No. Sehun swore to himself that he’d only look for a little and crawl back into bed like nothing ever happened once the sun rose. But before Sehun knew it, his finger itched to feel Jongin’s soft cheeks beneath his fingertips and caress his full lips. It must’ve been the fact that it was so late and Sehun hadn’t got in a wink or sleep and because of that he was slipping into deliria. Or so he’d like to blame.

Jongin didn’t twitch or move as Sehun dragged his long fingers across his roommate’s faintly puckered lips or as he swept a piece of his sleek brown hair aside. Sehun indulged himself in everything he had promised not to do, but it was almost as if Jongin had a gravitational pull implanted into his body that made Sehun crave for more. “You’re weird…” the blonde said with his mouth barely moving to match the soft sound that came out of it, “but I kind of like it.” Maybe this was the process Sehun needed to go through in order to discover his chaotic emotions for Jongin. Maybe this is what Tao was talking about. Or maybe it wasn’t, but Sehun liked the idea he had in mind. In that very moment, Sehun created a brilliant plan that would commence first thing in the morning.

Before Sehun stood, he took one last gander at Jongin’s tanned skin as it glistened in the pale moonlight that shone through the thin curtains, leaning over to align his face with the other’s for his final inspection. Sehun froze as their lips accidently grazed one another’s and the blonde in a sharp breath at the invisible distance between their faces. He couldn’t bring himself to a stop. Sehun yearned for that adrenaline once more. . Stop right now Sehun. Get out. Abort mission. Don’t— and right then and there at 2:06 in the morning, on a Tuesday, Oh Sehun, genuinely kissed someone for the first time in his life.

He just kissed me. What the ? Okay. Don’t move Jongin. You’re supposed to be sleeping. Do not kiss him back. And just as quickly as it had happened, it was over and Jongin could hear Sehun’s bedsprings squeak and bedframe rock as it seemed like the blonde just threw himself on it because of moving too swiftly from his previous position. Jongin stifled a laugh while he vaguely, if at all, pried his eyes open to see Sehun’s back towards him and his hands rubbing his ears. Idiot. Don’t kiss a sleeping person if you’re gonna be embarrassed about it later.  

author's note; it's fall break es and you know what that means for our two lovely boys? that's right you guessed it! just kidding. it's time for feelings and fluff. i think. ^ ^

anyway, i still don't know what i'm doing. not like i ever know what i'm doing. amirite? okay. so like, sehun? i just wanna clarify in case anyone is confused. he is just starting to realize his slight feelings for jongin. just because he kissed him doesn't mean he likes him completely now, i feel like that'd be too cliche and rushed ya feel me? but that also doesn't mean that the kiss meant nothing because in the past sehun was a player so whenever he kissed someone it really held no significance. even when he and jongin made out before. so i just wanted to clean that mess up for you folks who might be confused because sometimes i confuse myself when i write since i do not plan out my chapters. i just write 'em. \(T∇T)/ but i tried to hint how special it was for sehun to actually make the first "move" on a more serious note. so hope everyone enjoyed this chapppy and comments the sekai feeeeelzzzzzzzzz and leave suggestions for next update like always cause i love when you guise do that. /showers everyone with love/ if anyone has questions, ask.

i'm gross. okay. until next update! /flies away sprinkling love dust all in yo weave

typos and blah blah blah will be fixed later.

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!