

author's note; whoa prepare for some absolute ery because that's what this chapter is. /shrugs

Get up. Get up right now Jongin. It’s already 12:45. Jongin whirled with closed eyes as he tossed and turned endlessly in the delicate comforters that encased his weak body. He had been falling in and out of that sort of weird consciousness of being asleep… but not really being asleep for a few hours now. The only thing racing through his mind was the cultivating warmth of Sehun’s lips lingering, radiating, and tracing all over his body. Jongin had replayed the scene countless of times inside of his head, imagining what would have followed if he were awake. He lied motionless, pining that he could have it happen all over again.

The afternoon sunlight acted like a rather troublesome mother coaxing Jongin out of bed, like a child at the crack of dawn, pushing to make their way towards brick-walled buildings for the next six hours. Jongin earnestly tried his best to neglect the alluring sunbeams that tickled his skin with intensifying heat, but eventually gave in. The brunette shifted beneath his sheets that shone brighter than usual from the light sneaking in from the window, and leisurely strung his body upright. Jongin slowly brought a hand to his eyes, wiping the sleep out of them with careful movements managing to rid the blurry outlines of his vision.

His dark brown pools swept across the room, not quite seeing everything as clear as he had wanted yet, but eventually they fell upon a familiar figure and Jongin released a breath of relief. Why? He really had no idea. Maybe it was just the fact that Sehun was still in bed and hadn’t left to do some kind of miscellaneous activity. He watched sleepily and soundless as Sehun’s chest would rise than fall with such permitting grace. The atmosphere felt so utterly serene that Jongin had no choice but to dwell in the moment as long as he could before reality begin knocking at his door. He didn’t even mind the frigid, unforgiving air that seeped through his bones as he tore the blankets from his body, his feet hitting the bitter cold floor. Jongin kept his eyes focused on Sehun before he had to tear them away so he could disappear into the bathroom for a short bit.

With all truth being told, Sehun had a lot of trouble trying to keep his heartbeat from pounding too loudly that it would cause Jongin to get suspicious. Ever since some kind of strange unknown force decided to take over his body earlier that morning, the torridity of his body temperature never ceased rising. Even if it wasn’t scientifically possible for one’s bodily temperature to reach such lengths, Sehun could have cared less. The blonde’s entire temple blazed with a subtle fervor that started the moment his lips came into contact with Jongin’s, and it genuinely scared the out of him. Sehun, in all of his nineteen years of living, had he ever dealt with the emotions towering in the depths of his stomach and he wasn’t too sure if he liked the conflicting excitement or hated it.

Jongin went through most of his ordinary morning routine of brushing his teeth and hair, before shutting the lid of the toilet and sitting on it with his chocolaty brown locks tumbling between his fingers. He spent more time than he had planned reflecting on a bunch of worthless scenarios, yet no matter how insignificant he told himself those ideas were they continued to pour into his mind relentlessly. Let’s just put it this way… all of thoughts filing into Jongin’s brain may or may not have involved Sehun bending over in all sorts of positions. What? He couldn’t help having thoughts about his roommate that wormed their provoking self into his thoughts and mentality forever causing him to want to punch himself in the face for having such impure intentions.

“Jongin, hurry up. You’ve been in there for like twenty-four and a half years already. I gotta piss.” Sehun demanded with a tinge of drowsiness smoothing over his voice as he impatiently hammered on the bathroom door. “Shut up and wait your turn. I got up first so that means I have bathroom rights.” The brunette disputed from behind the door as he finally unglued himself from the toilet seat lid. Jongin sluggishly walked towards the door’s handle and unlocked it. “Took you long enough,” Sehun sassed, shoving Jongin’s limp body out of the bathroom making sure to slam the door in his face and relocked the handle. Nothing seemed to have changed between the two, or no changes that Jongin could physically see, but Sehun would oppose otherwise. Even though it appeared that Sehun was his normal, cheeky self, the insides of his body were overflowing. He couldn’t even bring himself to look straight into Jongin’s tired eyes, like usual, or even crack a wiseass joke about how he stayed in the bathroom way longer than usual. What was he doing? Fapping?

The bathroom had become sort of like a safe haven for the two. Someplace they could be alone, and just bathe in useless issues and thoughts. Sehun washed his face, twice; finger combed his blonde locks, brushed his teeth, and finally gave himself a weighted stare in the mirror. He could see his cheeks staining that unforgivable pink color once again right after he spent so much time trying to get rid of it. Sehun wanted to bang his head on the sink, “Are you really blushing right now? Knock it off.” He whispered angrily, twisting the sink’s knob allowing water to rush through the pipes. The blonde splashed the cold liquid onto his face for the third time, flushing away all the color behind his pale skin. “It was just a kiss—no, not even a kiss. More like a peck.” Sehun reminded while dabbing the wash towel around his face. The whole thing wasn’t even supposed to be a big deal, so why was he so flustered over it. . I’m a girl.

It’s almost impossible to sprout feelings for someone overnight, right? Sehun had hated Jongin for most of his life, so why was this happening? Why was his heart jumping out of his chest? Why were his lips still blistering with this dreaded heat? What was becoming of Sehun’s brain? The blonde could’ve sworn that his brain was slowly deteriorating into a pile of mush. He glanced over at the locked door, knowing that right outside of it would have a dazed Jongin—probably lying down on his bed. Sehun recalled the conversation he had with Tao, Feelings. Sort out my feelings. Nodding to himself, he in a breath and exited the haven.

Sehun nearly had a heart attack when he unhinged the door, “Jongin! What the !” His roommate had been right outside, his arm held up with fingers tucked in to form a fist, “I was just gonna ask you if you had anything to do today? Damn, I didn’t know you were going to be coming out.” Jongin blinked, lowering his arm to hang at his side with a small shrug. Sehun huffed, maneuvering around the boy, once again avoiding direct eye contact with the other. “Anyway, I don’t have anything planned today. Why what do you want?” Jongin really just wanted to hang out somewhere besides the dorm since fall break would be concluding soon, and neither of them had done anything a college student should be doing during a break. Plus, Jongin wanted to spend some time with his idiot roommate and soak in each other’s company elsewhere. “I’ve got a few errands to run in town. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come with?” He baited, secretly hoping that’d the answer would be yes. Sehun puffed his cheeks—he hadn’t been in town for a few months, “Sure. I’ll come with.”

“Just behave yourself alright.” Jongin warned biting back a grossly happy smile.

“It’s not like I was planning on acting out of misconduct anyway, dummy. I know how to act like an adult.” Sehun retorted, pulling a light blue sweater over his blonde head of hair. Jongin scoffed at the remark while also throwing on the hoards of clothes since the weather was quite ruthless today. The idea of using “errands” as an excuse to go out with Sehun was actually a superb idea. Jongin made a mental note to thank Jongdae later when he had the chance.

To say that the two were being stared at the entire time they were out would be an understatement. Girls would form crowds, murmuring and hinting obnoxiously loud at Jongin and Sehun as they passed by. Some even had the bravery to waltz on up, asking for their number. The girls that Sehun would attractive had a certain flair to them, while the girls that would approach Jongin varied in styles. Being the natural coy person he is, the blonde happily accepted numbers as well as handed his own out to whoever requested it. Jongin would politely decline saying he already had someone special kind of, which got positive reactions from the girls cooing about how cute and adorable that was. “So who is the lucky person?” Sehun questioned, obviously knowing the answer. The brunette lifted his shoulders only to let them fall right back down.

“It’s none of your business.” He said continuing their way down the strip of stores.

“I think it is.” Sehun smirked.

“It’s not.” Jongin contended because he knew that the person he was referring to was indeed, Sehun. “Besides why would I consider a boy who kisses people while their sleeping as ‘someone special’?”

The blonde nearly dropped his phone on the pavement, “You were awake?!”

“What’re you talking about?” He played dumb, shooting Sehun a fabricated concerned expression, “I was just using that as an example. But don’t tell me you’ve actually done something so scandalous, Sehun?” Jongin smiled.

Sehun cleared his throat for what seemed like forever, nervously thumbing the women’s contacts into of his phone—averting his eyes from Jongin’s stare—he waited a few moments before speaking. “W-what are you talking about? I’ve never done such things. You must be out of your mind.” Sehun choked, gripping the hem of his shirt. “Of course you haven’t.”

“Why do you sound so unconvinced?”

“Oh, I’m not. Don’t worry I’d never doubt you.” Jongin added patting Sehun on the back sarcastically. “O-okay then. But seriously I have never done that before.” The blonde falsely reassured and Jongin held in his impulse to laugh at just how cute Sehun was being. Sehun, I swear you are an idiot. Jongin thought basking in the almighty ruffled up Sehun. It seems like the tables have turned and it was Sehun’s turn to take the harmless verbal abuse that Jongin dealt with for more than enough time. Seeing that Sehun still fiddled with his phone, the brunette fluidly swiped the device from his fingers. It had taken him less than a minute and thirty seconds to delete all of the girls’ meaningless digits, adding his number into of his contact list with a “flame emoji” at the end. “Here,” Jongin tossed the phone back to which Sehun almost fumbled. “Couldn’t you have just given it back to me nicely? .” The teen sneered watching as Jongin’s complexion glowed with satisfaction. He didn’t really bother to know why as he safely tucked his phone into the back of his jeans pocket.

“I’ve got to go this way for a bit,” Jongin mentioned, “I’ll meet you back here in 10. Okay? Or I’m leaving your here to ride back in a taxi by yourself.” Sehun hated catching taxis by himself since he had a horrible experience a few years back with a driver that seemed to be creepily in love with his “anime-like” face. The blonde shivered, “Okay. Ten minutes, got you.” Sehun peeked at the time on his watch it was 3:05. Jongin soon disappeared into the crowd leaving Sehun to explore around by himself for a little. So far the two haven’t brought much, just a few underwear and shirts. Basic college stuff. They also shared some food from a delicious café down the street that served bomb- bubble tea drinks. The blonde peered at the shops in front of him and then to the ones across the street. There was nothing that seemed to particularly grab his attention.

Sehun strolled down the sidewalk, occasionally being stopped by vendors until a certain stand screamed for his attention. It was a dainty booth that had all kinds of cute little trinkets for people’s cellphones as well as handmade cases displayed in a glass box. “Hello sir,” the worker greeted, deep dimples indenting both of his pale cheeks, “I’m Yixing. Shopping for a girlfriend perhaps?” Sehun put a hand up with a small wave, “Ah no. Just looking. These accessories stand out a lot, so I had to come and check them out is all.” He admitted, carefully caressing a charm between his fingers. The worked nodded along making sure to generically point out the sales and offers he had to give. Sehun took them into consideration while walking around the stand. He had to accept that he really did have a weak spot for cute decorations and witnessing all of these treasures in front of him took a huge toll. “I guess Chanyeol was right when he said I’m like a girl when it came to these kinds of things.” Sehun said to himself. He scanned over his phone—there hadn’t been a case or charm on since he brought it, maybe adding one wouldn’t hurt.

His hand reached for a charm in the shape of a bear. It was black and white with a pink ribbon tied around his neck. The bear had its arms raised as if it were celebrating something, yet it’s facial expression didn’t show any signs of cheerfulness. But it was still adorable. Sehun fondled the trinket in his hand as he seriously contemplated on buying it. “You have quite the sweet taste despite your cold appearance,” the vendor commented, “no offense.” The blonde was at a lost for words, he couldn’t help being pulled towards girlish type items when it came to device accessories. “Ah—none taken. How much for this one?” The male pursed his lips, “Those charms come in pairs. It’s a Rilakkuma special edition. So it would be cheaper if you were to buy them together.”

“So it’s a couple type thing?” Sehun questioned looking over at Yixing. “Well, you could say that but most customers use them as friend charms.” He smiled. “Ah, I guess I’ll just buy both of them then.”

“Splendid. I’ll ring you up.” Yixing piped, bagging the little bears together in a box before placing them into the blue plastic bag. “Come back again, okay?”

“I’ll be sure to try,” Sehun answered taking his things from Yixing with a grin.

“Thank you and come again!” The woman gestured from behind the counter just as Jongin walked out of the game store with a black bag in his hands. He wanted to pummel himself into a pulp for actually sinking down to this level of being “whipped.” The brunette hoisted the bag to his face, intensely glaring at the letters running across it mocking him in his entirety. ‘Thank you’ the words jeered and Jongin closed his eyes in shame. He had brought Sehun a video game from one of the electronic shops on impulse. That was definitely not apart of his original plan of just leaving the boy for ten minutes to buy a beanie he spotted earlier. He just couldn’t help purchasing the game since it reminded him of Sehun so much. Jongin had yet to reveal his skills at gaming, having a round with his roommate would surely be a lot more exciting than him having one with Tao.

It surprised him to see Sehun already sitting down on a bench in front of a clothing store. Jongin quickened his pace so that’d he reach the other a little faster. Once Sehun noticed the brunette’s presence he tensed up, clenching the bag in his fist a tighter with each step Jongin took. “Ready to go?” Jongin inquired his breath just a bit shaky. The blonde nodded getting up from the bench to stand along side Jongin.



The two laughed skittishly, Sehun taking the initiative to finish his thought first.

“I-um, I got these charms from a stand down the street. The vendor said it would have been cheaper to buy both so I did,” Sehun opened the plastic grabbing for the box inside, “and since I don’t need both of them, I was kind enough to let you have one.” He presented the gift with shy eyes and awkward tension waiting for Jongin to take the box out of his hands before he died of embarrassment. In a way it felt like they were an amateur couple exchanging presents for the first time, Jongin swatted away the comparison mentally while accepting the mysterious charm from Sehun. His heart skipped a beat in attempt to open the nicely wrapped square, but Sehun stopped him from doing so. “Don’t open it now!”

Jongin raised an eyebrow, “Okay then. I won’t.”

“Thank god.”

It was now Jongin’s turn to feel the embarrassment by showing Sehun what he had brought. Except he didn’t have some excuse like the blonde did, he just got the game because he wanted to buy it for him. What a joke. “Here.” Jongin said hoarsely, not exactly knowing how to approach the situation at hand. Sehun inspected the bag with precarious eyes, “What is it?” The brunette bit his lip, “Just take it. Don’t question about what it is.” Sehun pried the pouch from Jongin’s hand, not hesitating to take a look inside. “Whoa. Is this seriously for me?”

“No. It’s for Zitao. Of course it’s for you.”

“How’d you do it? This game didn’t even come out yet!” Sehun awed.

“I’ve got my sources.”

It was the newest C.O.D release, Call of Duty: Ghosts. Jongin was actual a very big closet gamer and had connections all over the internet, so of course he had the game pre-ordered way ahead of time. He planned on picking up the game just for himself, but the part of his brain that bonded itself with thoughts of Sehun convinced him to hand it off. “You’re amazing. Why didn’t you tell me you had connections earlier?” Because you were too busy with Tao, that I didn’t have the chance too. “It slipped my mind.”

Sehun couldn’t stop oogling at the shiny case that Jongin basically had to rip it out of his sweaty hands to make sure the blonde didn’t run into a pole. “Watch where you’re going, moron.”

 [Jongin; 5:54 p.m.] Hey Jongdae! Thanks for the suggestion earlier. It worked pretty well.

[Jongdae; 5:56 p.m.] You’re welcome. How’d it go? ^ ^

[Jongin; 5:57 p.m.] Well, I ended up giving him my pre-ordered COD. And he gave me this cute little bear charm for my phone, said that he had an extra.

[Jongdae; 5:57 p.m.] WTF! You. Gave. Him. That? Jongin you’re crazy.

[Jongin; 5:58 p.m.] Don’t remind me… -_- But anyway, thanks again.

[Jongdae; 6:00 p.m.] No problem! Make sure to use that accessory. Ttyl.

“Hey, you don’t need to use that charm if you don’t want to.” Sehun said with eyes glued to the small T.V he borrowed from Tao’s room. He didn’t even ask permission from his Chinese friend for the use of his televions since Sehun figured they were close enough to allow each other to borrow things without permission… that and the blonde just happened to remember how to open Tao’s room without a key. “No, it’s fine. I like it. It’s cute.” Jongin answered watching the bear dangle from his phone with loud gunshots blaring in the background. The blonde didn’t bother to continue their conversation after that for he was too busy swearing at some noob on the other side of his headset. Jongin pouted at the lack of attention he was receiving from the oblivious blonde and decided to spice things up.

“By the way Sehun, if you wanted to kiss me that bad you should’ve just asked. Not that I’m complaining or anything about that whole ‘kissing me while you think I’m actually asleep’ thing. It was super cute. Just cute enough that I decided to let you break my rules for once.” Jongin teased, throwing his pillow at the boy sitting on the floor whose jaw literally just hit the floor. Now he listens.

“So you were up, you jerk!” Sehun cried his face flushed with a red so intense it’d make Lust jealous. “Just forget about that! I was delirious! You better forget about it or I’ll make sure to do more than just kissing the next time you’re asleep!”

“That a threat or a promise?” Jongin laughed not caring that Sehun had thrown his headset across the room abandoning his match of COD, and began charging straight for the brunette with cutesy humiliation clouding his expression. “It was threat! Most definitely a threat.” The blonde shouted flinging his body directly at Jongin’s face and holding him there in a tight chokehold struggled laughter filtering throughout the dorm.

[Zitao; 9:12 p.m.] So how’d things go with your organization of feelings for that pretty boy Jongin?

[Sehun; 9:12 p.m.] I hate him. He was actually up while I kissed him after I texted you earlier that morning!

[Sehun; 9:12 p.m.] Doesn’t that make him the weird one? Just lying there pretending!

[Sehun; 9:12 p.m.] How gross! I’d never like him. Forget I even said I would.

[Sehun; 9:13 p.m.] But he did give me his pre-ordered game of COD:Ghosts.

[Zitao; 9:14 p.m.] Why couldn’t you just send me all of that in one text, dummy. You almost made my phone freeze. Yeezus. Anyway, just ing go out with him already. You’re starting to sound like a petty teenage girl. I’ll talk to you later loser.

P.s you don’t hate Jongin. You loooooove him. ;3

“Huh. That’s weird all of the contacts I had from those girls earlier today are gone. Jon—“ This ! “Jongin! You deleted them!” Sehun complained shoving the bright screen in the brunette’s face.

“I did no such thing.” Jongin defended trying his best to slap Sehun’s phone away.

“You did. I know you did. You even put your number in with a ing flame emoji next to it. What is that even supposed to mean?”

“That I’m hot.”

“Oh get a grip! I can’t believe you did that!”

“It’s not like you need those digits anyway. Calm down.” Jongin reassured flopping his wrist up and down, “You’ve already got everything you need.”

author's note; "author-nim, what is this ? 3k+ of absolutely nothing? where's the ?"

lol i'm pretty sure none of you guise thought that right? right? /cries/ i'm sorry i went a little overboard, but longer than usual chapters are always nice right? i'm sure i'm right. anyway, you guys wanted some kind of date or something to happen between the two without it actually officially being one and there you have it. it's gross i know. fluffly sekai is gross. just kidding. so, i hope everyone enjoyed and looks forward to next chapter. btw, i love the fact that i made sehun into cute little trinkets and because who isnt? okay leave your comments and feelz down below with some suggestions. i'm in dire need of suggestions. /cries more/

btw, please upvote and subscribe if you haven't already! (。・ω・。)


until next time my loves, goodbye. /vanishes leaving everyone with no love this time

(ಥ⌣ಥ) i'm so dead from this update so if there's a tremendous amount of errors i apologize.

what the ? i've only seen these gifs now........ what kinda SEKAI SHIPPER AM I? /sobs

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!