It's about Time



Aah—“ Sehun groaned through his clenched teeth, “not so ing rough Jongin.” Waves of pleasure and pain tingled in every spot of the boy’s body as he laid face down on the white linen as it carefully cradled him. Jongin smirked and purposely pushed harder causing Sehun to gasp beneath him. “What? You can’t handle this?” Sehun tightened his jaw wanting to throw a sarcastic remark at Jongin’s stupid face for that stupid remark, “Erg, fu—“

The brunette kept his mouth tugged in a sly grin driving his palm once more in the base of his roommate’s back, “It’s your fault that you don’t sleep correctly. If you did, I wouldn’t be doing this right now. Even though I kind of like the way your voice sounds when you moan.” Sehun scoffed at such a disgusting confession before tossing Jongin off his back, “I asked you to massage my back not make it worst, .” Sehun slowly sat up, rubbing his fist in a circular motion where Jongin had been “massaging” earlier.

Jongin shrugged, a foolish expression on his face, “Don’t ask me next time then.” Sehun shot Jongin a dirty glare, “Whatever.” The brunette belted out with laughter quickly trying to plant a shy kiss on the corner of Sehun’s mouth, but was swiftly rejected. “What’re you trying to do?”

“Massage your lips, maybe?”Jongin winked to which Sehun pretended to gag at his roommate’s greasiness.

“Piss off, would you?” The blonde sneered, flipping two middle fingers in Jongin’s direction.

Jongin’s mouth rounded to form a little ‘o’ shape before swiftly switching to his signature smirk, “Oh my, I didn’t know you were into water sports Sehun. You—”

A fluffy pillow soon hit the other square in the face, succeeding in shutting him up, “—You’re disgusting. I’m going to Zitao’s room.” Sehun grumbled, removing himself from the warm linen, managing to get one thigh off the bed before being yanked back down by an unwelcoming hand. “I said piss off Jon— “

Full, plump, lips smothered Sehun’s thin pliant ones in a last resort effort to sweeten the blonde’s mood before he got the chance to fully get off the bed.  Their mouths moved in a familiar and fluid movement, Jongin setting the pace into an achingly slow rhythm. Sehun fought and resisted as best he could, eventually failing and falling into Jongin’s dumb trap.

Once Sehun had enough and remembered that he was supposed to be pouting right now, not kissing Jongin like the world depended on it, he shoved the other away. Jongin’s eyebrow rose in disappointment, almost like he thought he had Sehun in the bag, yeah right think again. “I’m still going to Zitao’s. I’m pretty sure he’ll do a much better job at ridding my back of these dreaded knots. Later, .”

The bronze-skinned boy frowned as his boyfriend(?), grabbed a jacket, which was Jongin’s, and shuffled out of the room. That dummy. Jongin continued frowning even with Sehun long gone and probably down the hallway in Zitao’s room, receiving a mind-blowing massage that Jongin could’ve easily given him if Sehun wasn’t been such a little prissy.

“Tao-ah! Zitao! Zitaaaaaaoooooooo!” Sehun knocked impatiently at his friend’s door, “lemme in! My back’s killing me and I need a massage.”

With no response after a minute of waiting out in the lonely and kind of creepy dormitory hallway, Sehun grew frustrated and just a little scared despite his room being no less than five doors away if anything freaky were to happen, “Zita—“

“—What the do you need, Sehun?!” A voice that clearly didn’t belong to Tao rang out as the door flew open revealing a rather familiar, tired face. Kris.

The blonde didn’t immediately answer choosing to instead ignore him in order to peer around Kris’ huge body in search for his friend. Once his eyes fell upon the desired target, Sehun squeezed himself right pass Kris and into Tao’s dorm.

Tao was bundled up in layers after layers of cutely designed blankets, dirtied tissue papers littering his bed and floor as Sehun sidled up beside him. “Poor thing.” He responded shortly after Kris joined him at the foot of his sickly friend’s bedframe. The blonde patted Tao’s back in concern.

“He’s been sick for the past three days. You know how he gets once he’s infected with a virus. Out cold for hours and once he wakes up it’s a living hell.” Kris rubbed the back of his neck, a kind-hearted look in his eyes. Sehun nearly convulsed at the amount of love he could feel in the stuffy room, but at the same time made his chest clench. It kind of made him jealous and envy Tao that he had someone there to take care of him and comfort him when he needed it. Perks of having a boyfriend, Sehun shrugged.

“Kris-ge…” Zitao’s scratchy voice sounded from beneath the blankets, body stirring from slumber.

As if something possessed the taller man’s body, Kris dashed to the small fridge pulling out bottled water and snatched a package of soda crackers from the desk before returning beside Sehun just as Tao rose from his sheets like some kind of reviving corpse.

Boy did Zitao look horrible, Sehun thought as he watched Kris assist his boyfriend into sitting upright. And cue the fit in T minus three, two, one—

“I’m so ing cold! I need more blankets. Never mind, I think my fever is coming back I need an ice pack! Where are my soda crackers? Kris-ge!”

The visible stress on Kris’ face was uncanny as he scrambled around the room to tend to whatever bull nonsense Tao ordered him to do. Sehun almost felt bad and was just about to help Kris out when his bedridden friend sneezed, twice in a row, directly on the blonde’s face. Definitely not missing a single inch of his pale face. “ing fantastic,” Sehun muttered with closed eyes, grabbing at whatever he could blindly get his hands on to wipe the bacteria that was currently infecting his face off. It really didn’t help the situation when Sehun cleared his face with a used tissue. “I think I’m gonna go now.”

He could hear Kris mumble a soft apology before the clicking of Tao’s door closing cut it short.

No longer than a week after the sneezing incident had Sehun managed to catch whatever demon sickness Zitao had because the blonde was stuck in bed with piles and piles of blankets encasing his slim frame and hoards of tissues scattered across his sheets and floor. Déjà vu. He felt like and most likely looked worst than that of . Sehun frowned, curling his body into more of a ball than it had already been in.

“Sehun? You up?” Jongin questioned with a light shake on the shoulder, “I have your medicine and some rice porridge. C’mon, get up.”

“Nrgg… I don’t feel like it. My head’s pounding and I don’t have an appetite.” Sehun groaned not bothering to move or get up despite his roommate’s constant urging. How Jongin ended up as Sehun’s personal care taker? No one knows, but Sehun wasn’t complaining that’s for sure and it kind of shocked him that he actually allowed Jongin to take care of him even with all the unnecessary fuss. Well that and Jongin didn’t leave him with much of a choice saying that he’ll die if he didn’t tend to his sickly body.

Sehun just seen this opportunity as a gateway for Jongin to blackmail him with in the future and that gave the blonde the shivers just thinking about what Jongin would do.

“Why do you think I’m trying to give you your medicine, ? How do you expect to get better if you’re not willingly to take a damned pill.” Jongin dug his palms beneath Sehun’s body, hooking his arms around the bony frame and forcefully flipping the exhausted body over. If Sehun weren’t so weak he’d totally put up more of a fight. Stupid virus.

The blonde’s usual pristine, flawless face had been kissed with an underlying tone of red in the rounds of his cheeks, tips of his ear, as well as nose. Jongin couldn’t help but think Sehun’s state was kind of adorable. Did that make him weird or creepy to think such a thing? He sure hoped not. Jongin hadn't noticed that he happened to be staring at Sehun’s face until the boy piped up from beneath him.

“Yah, stop staring at me. I know I must look terrible but you don’t need to keep looking.” Sehun griped while bringing his arm to rest across his eyes, shielding Jongin’s face from view.

“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to stare it’s just—Here take your medicine.” The bronze-skinned boy bumped the small cup containing the two pills into Sehun’s arm, suddenly flustered as he took a seat on his roommate’s bed.

Sehun made zero attempts to take the cup out of Jongin’s hand, “I don’t need to and you don’t need to take care of me. I can do it myself.” The blonde scrunched his face, a strange feeling of warmth gathering in the pit of his stomach and chest. For a minute Sehun actually considered the cause for the strange feeling in him to be Jongin’s fault… that was until Sehun abruptly sat up and threw up on himself.

In the aftermath of Sehun’s little incident, Jongin sighed while dusting the clean sheets of white linen to replace the soiled ones. “Do you now understand the concept of needing to take your medicine when asked to?”

Sehun sat on Jongin’s bed in a fresh pair of clothes and blankets as he pouted, eyes following the movements of his roommate. “It’s not like I wanted to throw up…” the blonde retorted, “and it’s not like I asked you to clean it up because I could’ve—“

“—Done it yourself. Yeah I heard that one before.” Jongin finished for him, shooting a knowing smirk at the other.

“Why’re you even doing all of this for me?”

“Are you seriously asking me this question, Sehun?”

“Nah, I’m asking the other Jongin behind you. Of course I’m asking you.”

“Well, it’s obviously because I like you in case you didn't already know.”

“Oh,” Sehun glanced down at his palms that were a lot sweatier than before this conversation struck up, “that’s right. And I like you too? Doing these types of things is normal for each other, right? Taking care of the person you like is like some kind of unsaid protocol?” The blonde babbled and Jongin cracked a smile.

“You're seriously so oblivious to everything concerning feelings, aren’t you?”

“I am not! I just—I’m just not used to it yet!”

“We did agree on having mutual feelings for each other so of course naturally one would think that they’re going out right?”


“So there’s your answer.” Jongin concluded just as he completed cleaning Sehun’s previously rank bed, patting the creases out of habit. “Now get on your own bed.”

“I don't want to, your bed is much more comfortable and smells a lot nicer.” There goes Sehun’s personality switch again. In Sehun and Jongin’s relationship, there was no way someone would be able to label the more dominant or submissive roles because the two idiots were constantly flip-flopping between them and the author is a dummy and can’t decide so deep apologies if that confuses any readers out there.

Jongin rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration, how could Sehun go from annoying brat to slightly-less-annoying-more-adorable brat in a matter of seconds? It astonished him to no end, yet Jongin could not help himself from thinking just how cute it was. It really wasn’t fair. Sehun wasn’t fair. “Fine, stay there. I’ll just use your bed until you decide to get off.”

“And you talk about how I’m oblivious,” Sehun sighed exasperatedly, “can you just come over here and cuddle with me?”

Jongin nearly choked on his own spit, there goes that cutesy bullcrap again, “B-but you’re sick and I don’t want to catch whatever you have that’d be disgus—“

“—JONGIN! Just shut your and get over here.” Sehun demanded lifting the mountains of blankets up to invite his said boyfriend to join him in the warm. “Don’t be a little and just cuddle with your boyfriend. Don’t worry about getting sick because you’ll have me to take care of you, got it?”

The word ‘boyfriend’ rang in Jongin’s mind resulting in him blushing furiously as he steadily moved closer and closer, his bed sinking under the added weight when he finally joined Sehun under the covers. “Now was that so hard?” The brunette shook his head and Sehun took the chance to kiss the living hell out of the corners of Jongin’s lips, not giving a single if he happened to be sick because taking care of his roommate didn’t sound in the least bit unappealing.

“Can you not kiss me right after you,” Jongin decided not to finish his sentence and acted it out instead. It was rather disgusting if you thought about it, nothing romantic about it even though Sehun intended it to turn out that way. It just wasn’t happening.

Sehun scoffed, rolling his eyes, “Don’t you know there’s a thing called a tooth-brush and I happen to use it quite often.”

“Whatever,” the brunette argued, “just don’t do it again, well at least not on the lips, because I don’t plan on getting sick.”

“Well I hate to break it to you Princess Kim Jongin, but I can almost assure that you’ll catch it despite your precautions. But don’t fret for I know I’ll make a fantastic doctor.” Sehun winked.

“Oh get a grip, Oh Sehun.”

“Sorry about getting you sick, Sehun-nah.” Tao apologized a few days later and the blonde had already been back in action prior to his friend’s visit; his body fully restored and running at his normal, healthy state.

The other dismissed the apology with a smile, “Don’t worry about it, thanks to you I get the chance of a lifetime to nurse my boyfriend back to his own well-being.”


“Yeah, Jongin got sick right after I did,” he directed Zitao’s attention to Jongin’s soulless body, “but he’ll be better soon.”

“So… you guys’ are official now?”

“I guess you could say that.”

“Well, final-ing-ly.”

“I know, I know. Shut up.”

Zitao smirked, “I’ll get going then, but just remember that having when someone is sick could be dangerous.”

“We haven’t even done it yet!” Sehun threw a tissue at Zitao’s snickering back with a blush before hearing Jongin coughing his guts out from inside the room and immediately rushing to his side to check up on him.


a/n; OMFG IT'S HERE, FINALLY IT'S ABOUT TIME. AN UPDATE!?!?! DID YOU GUYS' FORGET ABOUT ME? /CRIES IT'S OKAY IF YOU DID BECAUSE I AM A TERRIBLE AUTHOR THAT HAS NEGLECTED THIS POOR STORY AND DARE RETURN WITH THIS CRAP OF A CHAPTER. /THROWS SELF OFF CLIFF please forgive me for i an idiot that deserves no love. kidding, please love me! i need love. so anyway, first of all) sorry about the delay second) sorry for this chapter third) sorry about this long author's note and forth) i need to clear some things up. jongin and sehun are finally together! /claps for the idiots/ or at least i think they are official now? i dunno. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ sorry if this chapter confuses anyone, i'll be more than happy to clear up any misconceptions. thank you for everyone that is still subscribed to this story and hasn't lost faith in me as an author and is still aboard this ship! choo choo muthaa! wait that's a train........ okay i'm rambling and need to stop, so before i leave i'd like to love each and every one of you! /loves you all/ && typos and will be beta-ed when i have the chance which may be never since i'm about to die.

until next time, i leave you with this long author's note and crappy update /vanishes

comments, subbies, and upvotes are greatly appreciated >//3//<

love amy - 3 -

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!