Video Games and Idiots


author's note; all aboard the ty chapter train! choo choo muthaa choo choo

“Sehun! Clean up this ing mess before I end your life!” Jongin shouted, already infuriated with the blonde for eating all of his food in both his mini-fridge, as well as closet drawers. Sehun continued to lounge on his bed, plugging his ears from Jongin’s ing voice with his earphones, so he could concentrate on finally beating the Phantom Shadow Beast—Bongo Bongo—on his 3DS. Jongin balled his hands into fist and threw one straight for Sehun’s shoulder, knocking the device out of his hands. “What the ! I was just about to beat him!” Sehun cried quickly trying to recover the DS in attempt to check if he could still manage to defeat the boss. The brunette snatched the teal device from the bed and away from Sehun’s grubby hands, shut it, and chucked it on his own bed, “I’ll give it back to you once you clean up this damn mess!” Sehun proceeded to cry more, mumbling about how Jongin should just die and leave him alone.

“You better get up and do it, or I’m trashing your DS,” Jongin threatened, “you’re already 18 years old, you don’t need to be playing this anyway.”

“It’s a 3DS,” the blonde corrected sliding himself slowly off the bed and onto the floor, “and I’ll never be too old to play video games. So shut the hell up.”

Jongin rolled his eyes, “Whatever. Just hurry up.” Sehun pouted and began to sluggishly pick up the clothes and books he threw onto the ground earlier. He didn’t really think this through, or well he just didn’t expect Jongin to make him clean up the wreck since he’s usually just the one that makes it. Whenever Sehun did something like this, Jongin would become so pissed that he wouldn’t speak for the next 30 minutes and just spend it dousing the entire room with cleaning products. Kook. Sehun would just kick back on his bed and laugh occasionally at the soft comments his roommate would make about him.

One by one the trash that scattered the bedroom floor all got removed and placed back into their rightful spots, “There. I’m done. Now give me back my game, jerk.” Jongin peered up from his desk and scanned the small space before returning his eyes back to the grumpy blonde that stood in front of him. “It’s still messy, there’s cans and underneath your bed and the sheets are crumpled. Fix them up.”

Sehun couldn’t believe his ears, he wasn’t going to clean up every damn spot in their room, just the ruckus he caused earlier, what the is this ? “What? I just cleaned up,” the blonde argued, “besides that’s my side of the room anyway. I can leave it dirty if I want too.” Jongin sighed and shoved Sehun away from his desk to retrieve his 3DS, “Fine. Here brat.” Sehun gladly took the device out of Jongin’s hands and plopped back onto his bed.

“Aw man, what the duck! It died!” The teen announced, scrambling to get his charger from his nightstand. “This is all your fault!” Jongin shrugged, penciling equations into his notebook, “No it’s not. It’s your own fault. If you didn’t break rule number nine, you would’ve beaten that boss.” Sehun flung his pillow towards Jongin’s head full of dark brown hair, which the other dodged, the pillow just barely skimming the lamp on the other side of the room. “Your aim .”

 Sehun sneered at Jongin, still sulking about his game when a text came in.

[Zitao; 8:32 p.m.] Sehun my parents said that I could attend S.N.U!

The blonde nearly jumped out of his skin as he read the incoming text from his Chinese friend. He thumbed his the screen on his phone as fast as he could, whipping out a text with impressive speed.

[Sehun; 8:32 p.m.] that’s great! when are you gonna start?

[Zitao; 8:33 p.m.] Next week at the earliest. Maybe two weeks at the latest.

[Sehun; 8:34 p.m.] i’m stoked that youre gonna be attending. ^ ^

[Zitao; 8:35 p.m.] Me too. I’ll text you tomorrow. Gonna visit your dorm.

Sehun grinned before nodding at the text before locking the screen and tossing his phone back on the far edge of the bed. It was nice to know that Zitao was going to be studying to the same university as him, they haven’t seen much of each other lately since they both had their own plans and schedules. Knowing that Tao would be on campus gave Sehun a place of refugee whenever he wanted to escape the terrors of Jongin. The two were also childhood friends since both of their parents worked together quite often being in the business industry and all. It gave both parties an advantage to have a partnership in another country. “I have a friend that’s going to be visiting tomorrow.”

“Oh? Who is it?” Jongin asked with eyes still glued to the work in front of him.

“My longtime friend, Tao. You know him right?”

“Oh yeah, I know him. He’s going to be coming in here tomorrow?”

“Yup, he’s going to be attending our university next week.”

“Great.” Jongin said sarcastically for he knew exactly how Sehun and Zitao acted when they were together. It may have seemed like they are civilized Samaritans to the outsider looking in, but Jongin knew all too well just how false that observation was. Since Jongin knew the two boys since primary school, the brunette could easily tell someone how Sehun and Tao really were like it was the back of his hand. They would always cause some sort of trouble wherever they went. They were loud and obnoxious. They had no sense of humility or shame. It was like they were the same person but had completely different appearances.

Jongin knew that by Zitao attending Seoul National University Sehun would have been happier than ever to finally have a friend to hang out with, since Jongin wasn’t necessarily considered one. In a strange and alien way it made the brunette kind of envious of their friendship. “So yeah, I’ll probably be out of your hair a lot more now that Tao is going to be here. So that’s good news right?” Sehun remarked breaking Jongin’s train of thought. Of course it was good news hearing that Sehun wouldn’t be around right? But why did Jongin feel a slight pang of emptiness? “Yeah it sure is. I can finally have some peace and clean with you gone.”

Sehun nodded before giving his full-undivided attention on his 3DS once again. There were few strings of ‘s’ and ‘s’ that strung its way into the room before Sehun was finally able to defeat Bongo Bongo. “ yes!” Jongin chuckled while peering over his shoulder to see an idiotic blonde sticking two middle fingers at his illuminated screen. Was he really going to miss hearing this voice more often once Zitao came? Nah, Jongin didn’t think so.

“What the hell Tao! Why’re you so good at shooting games now? You before!” Sehun shouted watching as Zitao snipped three men in a row, flawlessly. The dark haired boy paused to check where his current standings were on the leaderboard, 25 kills and only 2 deaths. That was pretty damn impressive for a teen that hadn’t been good at shooting games for most of his adolescent life. “I’ve practiced quite a bit with Kris. We’d hold competitions and whoever won would get a blo—“

“—no need to say more, I get the gist of it.” Sehun said making a disgusted face at his friend who continued to headshot and avenge himself during the online match of Call of Duty. It had already been three weeks since Zitao started to fully attend Seoul National University and another two weeks since he started boarding. The boy was lucky enough to score a room without a partner since he enrolled so late into the school year, so the two would usual stay up late and play video games. It definitely was livelier than before having someone he knew and enjoyed the company of here at the dorms. The two would occasionally stop by Sehun’s room and chill out there for a few hours before Jongin would become his pissy self and kick them out.

Sehun spent generally most of his free time with Zitao, except for when Kris would come over and the blonde had no choice but to retreat back to his own room unless he wanted to hear the sinful moans of a certain friend. Sehun had learnt his lesson when he decided to stay the night and an unexpected boyfriend came hurdling in through the door, wasted and . Needless to say, Sehun’s ears were molested with the dirty sounds that filled the room that night. He was too scared to leave since the two towers moved constantly around the room, banging each other on everything and anything. Sehun was relived knowing that they didn’t end up smashing one another on the bed he was supposedly “sleeping on”. The next morning, Tao made sure to express his deepest condolences towards Sehun.

The blonde would hardly ever see Jongin anymore now that he was always occupied with someone else. Whenever Sehun would come back to their shared living space, Jongin would either be sleeping, out, or studying at his desk. Sehun thought that him being away all the time would make Jongin thrilled since he no longer had to worry about waking up to a messy room or his rules being broken. It worked out perfectly.

It was tremendously dull constantly having an empty room. Jongin would have way too much time to think that sometimes it would drive him crazy. In a way he kind of missed having a stupid conversation or argument with Sehun, but that was a rare thought that would only pop up when his roommate would come back. Jongin wouldn’t say a word whenever the blonde would make his appearance for a short time and neither would Sehun. The room was hushed with only the sounds of Link’s grunts emitting out of Sehun’s 3DS. It was awkward to say the least. Jongin had no idea why there was a need to be awkward around each, he much rather bicker and fight over cleaning than have this weird lingering tension hang around them.

Sometimes Sehun would blab on and on about the things he did with Tao that day or some new game that just came out recently and how he had no money to buy it. Hearing the blonde’s interesting stories about the pranks they pulled on some douche at the mall with his Chinese friend stirred something inside of Jongin’s gut. It was like he wanted to be the one laughing and fist bumping Sehun. But he’d never say that aloud of course. Though Sehun would never talk about what went on inside of Tao’s room, it would often ignite a flicker of curiosity but Jongin managed to snuff out that flame whenever it came by.

One night Sehun came back to the dorm saying that Kris was at Tao’s room and he didn’t want to stay any longer before things got heated. “What do you guys even do when you’re at his room anyway?” Jongin questioned looking up from the textbook he had laid out in front of him. “ each other’s and nonstop.” The brunette nearly fell out of his seat hearing about the activities that were being done, but instead kept his composure, “So you’ve made Tao a cheater? Congrats.”

“No, Jongin. I was just kidding idiot.” Sehun laughed and Jongin’s shoulders relaxed. “I never know when you’re being serious or not.” The brunette admitted before flying an eraser at Sehun’s head. “Ow—what was that for?” Sehun complained rubbing the side of his noggin that Jongin mercilessly chucked an eraser at. “That was for being a . You don’t joke around about that kind of stuff.” The other rose an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his tinted pink lips, “What? I can’t joke about fooling around?” Jongin shook his head in response and that earned a hearty laugh from Sehun, “If my instincts are correct, it sounds like you’re just jealous hearing that I could’ve possibly Tao’s before I even got to even yours.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Casanova. I’m nowhere near jealous, nor do I want you to my . I’m just telling you that messing around with someone who has a boyfriend is bad.”

“Oh riiight. So then I can mess around with someone who doesn’t? Is that your point?”

Not exactly but, “Yeah I guess so.” Jongin replied curtly.

“Okay, thanks for the advice Jonggie.” Sehun teased throwing the eraser back onto of Jongin’s desk. “Don’t you at least miss having me around?” Sehun egged.

Kind of, “No. I don’t. It’s lovely having so much quite. I can actually focus on my work.” Jongin lied.

“I miss you though.” Sehun said while batting his eyelashes, rather grossly.


It was a Saturday night and Jongin as well as Sehun were both studying for exams at the campus library instead of cramming for it inside their room like usual. After about 25 minutes of arguing, Jongin gave up and let Sehun tag along with him to the library. “I’m actually going to study, so it you’re going to bull around. Stay here.” The brunette warned his roommate before they had left their room, Sehun nodded with an irritating smile plastered on his face shifting the backpack he had on his shoulder. “Don't worry, I have exams too so I won’t be fooling around.”

The night started off normal with both boys nose deep in their textbooks, scribbling down important notes and key words to help them remember certain formulas or patterns. It was a satisfying feeling to finally have some time alone with Sehun since Tao was now his only priority as well as Chanyeol occasionally. But it’s not like Jongin had the right to stop Sehun from hanging out with whomever he pleased. It was just that sometimes he honestly missed spending endless hours of doing nothing with the blonde by his side as much as that pained Jongin to mentally admit it. They were about two hours in when a familiar voice chimed in from across the library, “Sehun! There you are! I finally got the game we were talking about. Let’s go get some time in.” Jongin nearly snapped his pencil as his brain matched the voice with Zitao’s face. .

Sehun jumped out of his seat and ran over to Tao’s side, basking in all of the newly brought game’s glory, “, how’d you get it?” The lanky boy smirked, shrugging his thin shoulders, “I’ve got my sources.” And that there sentence could have only meant one thing, Kris. Sehun gawked at the shiny case and quickly gathered all of his study materials off the table where Jongin sat witnessing the event unfold. “Okay let’s go—“

Jongin’s hand shot out to take hold of Sehun’s wrist, draggin him back towards his seat, “Where do you think you’re going?” The brunette questioned his gaze falling on Sehun’s glossy eyes. Zitao observed from afar, “C’mon Sehun!” Sehun stared at Jongin then back at Tao, or rather the game he held in his hand, “I’m gonna go play the new HD Legend of Zelda, The Wind Waker. It’s a classic.” Jongin sighed tugging the blonde boy’s arm back down into his seat, “No you’re not. You’ve got exams tomorrow remember?” Sehun whined knowing that his roommate was right, but he still wanted to go with Zitao and play LoZ until the break of dawn. Who needed to pass exams anyway? Sehun tried to get up from his seat once more, but it was no use. Jongin had the boy’s hand tightly intertwined with his own, “Jongin! You don’t understand! I have to play!”

“Shut up Sehun. You can play another time. Right now you have priorities to study.” Jongin said sternly but deep down inside he knew that that wasn’t the reason for keeping Sehun back. If this little scene were to happen a few months earlier, Jongin would have had no problem letting the blonde go to game with Zitao. He probably wouldn't have cared less, but things were different. Jongin’s feelings felt mushed up as if he suddenly had developed a sort of possessiveness over Sehun. “So you coming or not?” Tao called out once more. The blonde shot a glance over at Jongin, “I guess not. I’ll play with you tomorrow!” The dark haired Chinese boy wore a quizzical expression, before leaving with a shrug and a beautifully crafted game in his hands.

“Yah! Why did you do that? I could’ve studied later,” Sehun complained while stealing his hand back from Jongin, “do you know how much I wanted to play that game?”

“Sehun, It’s going to be there tomorrow. So it’s not that urgent.”


“Whatever, you’ll thank me later.” Jongin felt a strange reaction bubble up inside of his gut, one that made him feel almost guilty and selfish that he allowed himself to keep Sehun back when he had no right to do so. He couldn’t help that he only now realized that whenever Sehun would gallivant away with Zitao that the emotion he had bottling up was indeed jealousy.

“Jongin you’re jealous aren’t you?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean jackass. Stop trying to all of my plans.”

“I’m not. What the fu—“

“Don’t even try to worm your way out of this one. I know a jealous person when I see one.”

“Well, you’re wrong because I’m not jealous.”

“Yeah and that’s exactly why you told Tao I was sleeping and couldn’t come out when I was actually just taking a shower. Totally not something a jealous person would do.”

“I—uh—I didn’t say that.”

Sehun held up his phone with a text from Tao that read;

[Zitao; 10:54 p.m.] Hey I know you’re sleeping right now, but you should come over tomorrow and we can chill out. Play some games and . We haven’t done that in a while. And by a while I mean like a week. Lol. But anyway see you tomorrow. ^ ^

Jongin froze knowing that he had been caught. “Uh, yeah about that…”

“Just admit that you’re jealous of me hanging out with Tao. I’m sure he won’t mind spending some time with you if that’s why you’re getting all worked up about. Tao’s a nice guy and he seems to like you so just ask him.”

“Wait what? You think I’m jealous of you hanging out with Tao? Is that it?”

“Yeah why else would you be keeping me here in this dungeon with you if that wasn’t the case?”

The brunette face palmed himself so hard that he seen stars for a few seconds. Taking in a huge breath of air and releasing it as a sigh that engulfed the entire room, Jongin rolled his eyes. Why did he find this idiot attractive? He must’ve done something unforgiving in his past life to be cursed with this fool. “Sehun, I’m not jealous of you.”

“You don’t need to lie, Jongin. I know you are. It’s okay.” Sehun said with fake sympathy patting the other lightly on the back as if he were trying to comfort him.

“I’m not jealous of you! I’m jealous of Zitao!”

“Oh,” the blonde nodded, “wait what? Why Tao?”

“You’re a moron. I hope you know that.”

“You still didn’t tell me why you were jealous of him!”

“Nevermind. Figure it out on your own.”

Sehun pleaded, holding onto Jongin’s arm, “C’mon! You have to tell me!”

“No. Just go and hang out with him already.”

“You’re annoying—”

“—And you’re dumb.”

author's note;

3k+ words of pure crap. i don't know guise. i don't know. why am i cursed with such talentless writing skills? it's late and there's errors up the wazoo in this update. but like i tried to make a jealous jongin... /cries at my failure omg but yeah sehun loves to play video games with zitao >3< they're so cute right? no? k whatever. but yeah if anyone can figure out what game the boss sehun was fighting in the beginning is from i'll write you a drabble with a pairing of your choice lol. okay? c: so anyway after this chapter i'm probably going to have major writer's block so you know what that means? i need your guys' help once again! you know the drill. leave your ideas/suggestions/feels down in the comment section so i can look at 'em and birth an amazing update. haha. this is way too long. omg

sorry if i disappointed you guise /burries self

upvote, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already~

until next update, farewell~ /loves each and every one of your faces

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I'm cramming for finals like the dumb author-nim I am. I'm sorry for the lack of updates! >


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Please update? :(
xHurtless #2
Nope', I'm in your side taoual. Kai is the iest when he top. :)
tini1kero #4
Chapter 14: i'd like kai to be the submissive one~
solace #5
Please make kai submissive one, because he is an angel and a gentle guy actually
-_____- #6
Chapter 14: I love this story. Like omfg my feels for this story just cannot be contained. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? WHY SO MUCH TALENT? Like, qurl I can't handle. Too much amazingness for me. Took me 13 chapters before I made a comment. Wow I'm lame. IM SORRY FORR NOT COMMENTING EARLIER. I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME.
soonyngs #7
Chapter 14: yo new reader here lol im so glad that i found yous story omfg this is so adorable istg T.T
Chapter 14: No please don't make Sehun top *gets slap* >///< sorry @anatasha12 but I can't read top!Sehun fic >///< Pleasee don't do this to me!!!
Bunny1713 #9
Chapter 14: I'm crying at the part where Jongin passed out!!! Thank u for updating!