I know you're not mine, but....

I never thought I'd fall for you

The next day you woke up to a beautiful warm sunny morning. You stood up from your bed, and admired the sunlight creeping into your room.

Suddenly, you remembered what had happened last night and the sudden confession Kyuhyun had told you. Thinking about it however made you smile and blush, but starting a relationship with Kyuhyun and throughly thinking if you have the same feelings as him or not still confused you a bit.

You tried hard to erase those thoughts in your mind and went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day.

When you were done, you went downstairs and cooked yourself some fried rice and eggs and the television for some entertainment.

When suddenly...


The doorbell rang multiple times.

You, confused of who would visit you this early headed for the screen that let you see who's outside your door.  You quickly pressed the button and to your surprise it was Donghae. You pressed the unlock button on the monitor letting Donghae enter your house.

"OH -------- ah did you just wake up?" Asked Donghae curiously.

"Uhh ne, but it's barely even 11 yet? So I guess I woke up pretty early?" You replied in shock that he was so lively and energetic already.

"Oh haha well I tend to wake up pretty early sometimes." He bragged.

"Did you eat breakfast yet Donghae?" You asked leading him in the kitchen and offering some of your food.

"Oh yeah, no worries I ate already. ^^" He replied to you giving a weird aegyo you've never seen before.

"Uhmm... ok. Uhh Donghae, are you alright? Are you sick? You seem really hyper today.... o.O" You asked worried of how your bestfriend suddenly turned into a fun lively person in the morning.

"Haha yeah I'm fine. What made you say that? I'm always happy and lively." Donghae reminded you.

"Oh well uhmm ok.." You replied still unconvinced.

Donghae's Thoughts:

"Gee, I really wish you'll know my feelings for you ----------. But, in the current situation right now. And considering Kyuhyun just confessed to you, I don't want to give you anymore trouble..."

"Donghae? Are you alright?" You asked Donghae who seemed doze off and focused on another subject.

"Hmm? What? Oh uhmm yeah....I'm fine. Just a lot going on..." Donghae replied snapping back into reality.

"OH HEY -------- I'm gonna ask you something...." Donghae spoke.

"If Me and Kyuhyun were stuck in an island and you can only save one, which one of us would you choose?" Donghae asked seriously.

"Please choose me please choose me...." Donghae pleaded in his head.

"Well... that's kinda a hard one. I mean, you're my bestfriend. And Kyuhyun's also one of my good friends.... but I guess I'd choose both of you. :3" You .

"WHAT?! Noooo, I mean if you had to choose one. Like YOU HAD TO." Donghae insisted.

"Uhmm can I just save both of you at the same time? Like call the Coast Guard and Helicopters to save you?" You replied still wondering why he would ask these kinds of questions.

"NO. MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE." This time Donghae was dead serious and you can tell from his eyes he's eager to know the answe.

"Hmm fine, I'll choose YOU." You smiled cheekily patting his head.

Donghae's eyes widened. But then it turned gloomy again thinking that you were only forced to say that you'll save him since you're his best friend.

"Do you really mean that? You'll choose me over Kyuhyun?" Donghae asked huskily.

"Yes, yes I will choose you over Kyuhyun." You assured him.

"You're not forced to save me?" He asked again.

"No of course not! You're Lee Donghae. My bestfriend. Of course I'd be glad to save you. I can't live without you!" You replied hugging him very tight.

Donghae's eyes sparkled with your response and the sudden reaction of you hugging him.

When suddenly....

You looked up "accidentally" meeting Donghae's sparkling eyes.

You guys stayed that way for a few seconds when all of a sudden Donghae started to lean infront of you. You, not knowing what to do just stood there awkwardly not knowing if this was reality or not.

With his face millimeters away from yours and you can hear the breathing from his mouth and the sudden rush of his heartbeat. Donghae leaned in to kiss your lips.

You, still in the shock of reality didn't understand what was happening.

When all of a sudden you pulled your lips away from his. And started to looking at the ground.

"Donghae.....why did you...." You started questioning him.

"I'm sorry ----- ah. I didn't mean to. I wasn't gonna do that, trust me. It was just.... I couldn't help it. I wasn't really gonna do that. Believe me." Donghae started to panick and explain.

"But you're.... and we're...." You started to hesitate.

"Please ----- ah calm down. I don't want our friendship to end like this. I've liked you ever since elementary school but I never had the courage to confess to you. And when I saw you getting comfortable with Kyuhyun my heart started to shatter. I didn't mean to kiss you, but I just couldn't hold on to my emotions anymore..." Donghae started explaining.

"You what? But Donghae, how come you're telling me this now? How come you never told me before when I never met Kyuhyun!' You stated with confusion and anger.

"Because! I don't want to ruin our friendship like this. I don't wanna be like those people who fall in love with their best friend and they're frienship ends just because that person never felt the same way about them. I don't want us to be like that!" He explained trying to make you see his point of view.

"But Donghae...." You started calming him down.

"I know. You might like Kyuhyun now because of what I did...." He started to walk out towards the door.

You grabbed his wrist. "Donghae, just listen to me....."


OMG. I am very very very sorry for not updating for such a long time. I know you guys probably hate me so much right now. I didn't even update when Mr. Simple came out. Or when Heechul went to the army. I'm so sorry guys DD;

It's just school started for me and it's been holding me back. Homework here, homework there. Project here, test there. UGH SO MUCH WORK.

I'm so sorry for not updating D;

But please keep supporting my fanfic yeah? Comment and Suscribe :D


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Preez update soon^^
story looks so cute i wish she could end up with kyuhyun....
Eastsea47 #3
I want her to end up with hae plz;))))<br />
I think they look good together!<br />
And donghae is with her since litte right? So I think if she end up with hae it's so sweet ;))<br />
Love your story update soon
their jealousy is hilarious!!!<br />
Cute!!<br />
I cant wait for your next Update
LOLOLOLOL! Kyu and Hae so cute!~~~~~ Being jealous all so much!~~ KYAAAAA!~~<br />
Update soon!~~~~
plz end up with Kyuhyun<br />
and one question...........in the forward itself she said that she liked him roght? then y now mixed feelings??<br />
and yeah, update soon~
I read the line "Annyeong-haseyo welcome to Sapphire Ice Cream Shop. I'm Heechul, may I take your order?" The waiter introduced himself. And out loud I said "Yeah I wish Heechul was my order to.No waite...I wish he was my waiter...on second thought I wouldn't mind having him be my order. either ;)"<br />
<br />
Awwww I LOVE it!!<br />
Please end up this story with kyuhyun!<br />
I want kyuhyun! But donghae is my second bias -_-<br />
but I love kyuhyun by the way :p