Oh, so that's why

I never thought I'd fall for you

It took a few minutes for Donghae to come back to his senses. "Whoa. Why did I just feel...furious?" Donghae asked, confused of what just happened. However, seeing you and Sungmin sunbae still somewhat bothered him.

~Meanwhile, on your side~

You and Sungmin sunbae just entered the cafeteria. The smell, of fresh bread and banana milk starts hitting you, and your stomach gave off such a loud growl, it can be heard from 5 feet away. "Hahaha, someone missed breakfast this morning." Sungmin sunbae laughed. "Oh, well uhmm I kinda don't eat breakfast since I don't have time in the morning." You replied hesitantly.

Sungmin sunbae then smiled and pulled your hand towards the line, making you feel somewhat uncomfortable, considering the fact that he never really did that around you before.

As you get closer towards the cashier, Sungmin sunbae ordered for two banana milk and two bread. You two sat on an empty table and started talking about school, and just chatting away.

"So.... [insert your name here] uhmm can I ask you something?" Sungmin sunbae asked, somewhat stuttering and avoiding eye contact from you.

"Sure sunbae, go ahead what is it?" You asked, curious why he's avoiding your eyes.

"Well you see, I was wondering if you can introduce me to your friend, Yoon Hee." He said, still hesitant after every word.

"YOON HEE? Oh, you mean Yoon Hee unnie?" You asked, somewhat shocked.

-Yoon Hee's a friend of yours. You met her through the freshman orientation. She was one of the ambassadors.  Although she's not really close friend, you still keep in touch with her.

"Ye, uhmm I sorta, well not really, kind of, maybe, I don't know like her." Sungmin sunbae replied blushing.

You still unaware of Sungmin sunbae sudden revelation just smiled at him, and tried your best to give off and "Aww" feeling.

"So is that why you bought me banana milk and bread?" Teasing Sungmin sunbae.

"Well...let's say, it's 15%. The other 80% is completely because you were dazing off and I wanted to make you feel better. He replied, sighing off relief like he was off the hook or something.

"Oh, alright I'll let that one slide." Giving off an "I'll get you next time face"

"Well... will you help me?" Sungmin sunbae asked this time, giving off his puppy dog face.

"Crap, what is up with guys and puppy dog faces?" You thought, preventing to give in to Sungmin sunbae.

~5 minutes of Sungmin sunbae's puppy dog face and aegyos later~

"UGH. Fine since you bought me banana milk." You replied, annoyed by the puppy dog face and the aegyos.

"REALLY?! UWAAAA. YOU CAN'T BACK OUT NOW! YOU'VE SAID IT YOURSELF!" Sungmin sunbae yelled, jumping out of happiness.

After finishing the banana milk and bread, you and Sungmin sunbae parted off, and went to your next class. As you were about to enter, someone grabbed your shoulder. You turned around and see Donghae, with a very sad, yet furious looking face.

"I saw you leaving class with Sungmin sunbae." He said, giving off this glare from his eyes.

"Oh, well we just went to buy some banana milk and bread." You replied, still curious why he seems so mad.

"Hmm, I see. You seem so happy being around Sungmin sunbae. You guys look good together." Donghae replied looking down on his feet.

"HAHAHAHA. What are you talking about? We don't look good together. Besides, he only bought me banana milk and bread 'cuz he wanted me to introduce him and Yoon Hee unnie together." You replied still amazed how Donghae said you and Sungmin sunbae look good together.

"Jeongmal? Is that what you guys talked about?" Donghae said, looking up from his feet, this time having a smile that reach from ear to ear.

"Hahaha ne. That's what we all talked about." You replied, laughing from Donghae's sudden change of reaction.

"Oh, that's good then. I thought he was gonna ask you out or something." Donghae said, relieved.

"Bwo? Ask me out? Where did you get that idea from?" You asked shocked.

"I don't know. Just thought of it when I saw you too together. Besides, gotta protect my best friend from all those guys out there." Donghae said, putting his arms on your shoulder

"Ya! You're one of those "guys" too you know." You said, taking off his arms on your shoulder.

"Kekekekekeke." Donghae grinned.

"Ya! Donghae,                don't you guys want to come to class, or you just wanna stand infront of the door chit chatting away." Professor yelled.

"Ne, sorry Professor." You and Donghae said in unison.

While entering class. Donghae nudged you in the stomach and whispered "Remember, I'm one of those "guys" now, and you said it yourself." And left to take his seat.

"Aiish, Lee Donghae." You said, irritated by what just happened.


UWAAAA. I'm sorry, for not putting Kyuhyun in this chapter. Also, how is it? Sorta cleared out the confusion from Sungmin and                    ? Comments are always appreciated. Thank you for always supporting my first fan fic. Even to the silent readers, thank you for reading my fan fic. :)


And, just a fair warning I probably won't be able to update in 2 weeks or so. I'm going over to my hometown and visiting my relatives there. If they have WiFi or something I'll try to write the next chapter. Sorry again...

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Preez update soon^^
story looks so cute i wish she could end up with kyuhyun....
Eastsea47 #3
I want her to end up with hae plz;))))<br />
I think they look good together!<br />
And donghae is with her since litte right? So I think if she end up with hae it's so sweet ;))<br />
Love your story update soon
their jealousy is hilarious!!!<br />
Cute!!<br />
I cant wait for your next Update
LOLOLOLOL! Kyu and Hae so cute!~~~~~ Being jealous all so much!~~ KYAAAAA!~~<br />
Update soon!~~~~
plz end up with Kyuhyun<br />
and one question...........in the forward itself she said that she liked him roght? then y now mixed feelings??<br />
and yeah, update soon~
I read the line "Annyeong-haseyo welcome to Sapphire Ice Cream Shop. I'm Heechul, may I take your order?" The waiter introduced himself. And out loud I said "Yeah I wish Heechul was my order to.No waite...I wish he was my waiter...on second thought I wouldn't mind having him be my order. either ;)"<br />
<br />
Awwww I LOVE it!!<br />
Please end up this story with kyuhyun!<br />
I want kyuhyun! But donghae is my second bias -_-<br />
but I love kyuhyun by the way :p