The Ice Cream Date Part 1

I never thought I'd fall for you

So, I decided to make the date two parts, just in case the chapter gets long and I bore you guys to death. Thank you guys for supporting!


As you and Kyuhyun walked to the ice cream shop, still holding hands, you start feeling butterflies in your stomach. You took a quick glance at Kyuhyun and he looked back at you, giving you a warm smile with those twinkling eyes of his. "Gosh, his hands are so soft. Kyaaaaa! I wish we never reach the ice cream shop." You told yourself enthusiastically.

Finally, you two reached the ice cream shop. Luckily, there wasn't that much people considering it's after school and usually people stop by to relax and hang out with friends. As you two reached the door, Kyuhyun opened it for you and let you in first. He led you to an empty table overlooking the streets and pulled out the chair for you to sit in.

"What would you like? There's gelatos, crepes, frozen yogurt, or just regular ice cream?" He asked as he eyed the menu.

"Uhmm, I don't really mind, you can go ahead and pick for me." You said shyly

"Oh alright then. Are you sure you don't want any specific ice cream, gelato, crepes, frozen yogurt? Any of that? He asked, his eyes giving off this message that says "it's ok, don't be shy around me."

"Ani, kwenchana, I'll let you pick." You said reassuring him.

"Oh okay then, if you say so." He replied, calling the waiter to take your orders.

The waiter soon arrives, holding a cute, but somewhat girly notebook in his hand.

"Annyeong-haseyo welcome to Sapphire Ice Cream Shop. I'm Heechul, may I take your order?" The waiter introduced himself.

"Ah ne, annyeong, uhmm were sort of unfamiliar with the menu, mind recommending us some of the best crepes or gelatos?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yes. For crepes we have our bestseller strawberry banana with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. And for the gelatos, we have our chocolate and green tea gelato with a choice of waffles or biscuits. However, if you're interested sir, we have a promotion today for couples. We'll give you couple t-shirts if you can finish one extra large strawberry banana crepe at no time limit." Heechul recommended.

"Oh, well were not really a couple so I don't think we can use the couple t-shirts." Kyuhyun replied, looking at you with a worried face.

"But sir, it's the best deal. If you can finish the extra large crepe anytime, at no time limit we'll give you a free couple t-shirt for free. Maybe you may not use it, but you can always keep it as a souvenir to remind you of this day." Heechul persuaded.

"'s all up to my friend here. If she wants to do it then sure, why not." He replied, still looking at you.

"Hmm, I guess it's worth the try. We won't lose anything anyways." You replied with a smile to calm Kyuhyun's worried face.

"Alright sir, ma'am. I'll be right back with your extra large crepe." Heechul replied leaving you and Kyuhyun alone.

An awkward silence surrounded you and Kyuhyun after Heechul left. A few more minutes pass by and you couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence that's preventing you and Kyuhyun to have a conversation.

" think we can finish that crepe? We don't know, it might be enormous." You exaggerated.

"Haha, please. If you're with me, we can finish every food they serve us." Kyuhyun grinned.

Seeing Kyuhyun so happy and playful gave you such a warm and fuzzy feeling. The feeling where you can just spend every single minute with him and not get bored at all. A few more minutes passed by and Heechul finally came back with the extra large crepe. And it was enormous alright.

"WHOA. Is that a crepe? Or a large pizza folded in half?" You asked in shocked of how big the crepe is.

"Well ma'am it is extra large." Heechul replied.

"Pssh, we can finish that. Plus, there's no time limit right?" Kyuhyun boasted.

"Yes, there is no time limit and once you finish it, and I mean completely finish. We will give you the couple t-shirts." Heechul explained.

"Oh it's on." Kyuhyun his lips, holding a fork in his hand.

You, still in shock if you are able to finish the crepe or not just gulped with your eyes still wide open.

~30 minutes have passed~

"Kyuhyun-ssi, are you ok? You attacked that crepe like Cookie Monster attacking cookies." You asked worried of how Kyuhyun ate so much.

"Ah ne, I'm fine. I'm sorry if I shocked you with my big apetite. You see, I don't usually eat breakfast, and for lunch I only eat a little bit, so to conclude, I'm always hungry." He replied with a smile of course.

"Oh I see. Are you sure your stomach's not hurting? I think we should stay here to let you digest all of that crepe you ate." You asked, holding his hand.

"Hahaha, ani, kwenchana. We still have to go walk around the park remember?" He replied, patting your hands that's still resting on his hands.

"Well if you say so..." You replied still trying to persuade him to stay in the ice cream shop.

"Sorry to interrupt, your "we-are-not-a-couple-relationship" moment but I'm here to congratulate you for finishing our extra large crepe and here are the couple t-shirts we promised earlier." Heechul butted in.

Surprised of how Heechul suddenly showed up out of the blue,  you two suddenly let go of each other's hands and pretended nothing happened.

"Ah, yes the couple t-shirts." Kyuhyun replied scratching his head while taking the couple t-shirts Heechul's handing out.

"Hope you guys have fun at the rest of your date today. Come back again soon!" Heechul waved and went back into the kitchen.

"So uhhm, do you want to go to the park?" Kyuhyun asked, somewhat shy again.

"Haha, sure." You replied, taking his hands interlocking them with yours, making Kyuhyun blush.

"Gaja?" He replied crinkling his nose.

"Yup!" You replied excitement pouring in your face.

And with that, you two set off for the park, holding hands, feeling comfortable with each other, very different when the two of you first met, or when you hesitated to hold his hands for the first time.


Kekekeke. Getting comfortable with Kyuhyun now huh? Ahh, I sense cheesiness in the next chapter. I hope you guys had fun reading this chapter. Your comments made me want to update faster. Thank you guys for commenting so much on my fanfic. Keep supporting please and to silent readers, thank you for reading! Once again, to people who find this update uninteresting, I'm sorry if I disappointed you. Don't worry, I'll try to update interesting stuff/events next time. Comments are always appreciated. (:

By the way, do you guys like the new background? If it sorta irritates you, or it hurts your eyes while reading. Feel free to tell me, I am more than happy to change it to another one. (:

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Preez update soon^^
story looks so cute i wish she could end up with kyuhyun....
Eastsea47 #3
I want her to end up with hae plz;))))<br />
I think they look good together!<br />
And donghae is with her since litte right? So I think if she end up with hae it's so sweet ;))<br />
Love your story update soon
their jealousy is hilarious!!!<br />
Cute!!<br />
I cant wait for your next Update
LOLOLOLOL! Kyu and Hae so cute!~~~~~ Being jealous all so much!~~ KYAAAAA!~~<br />
Update soon!~~~~
plz end up with Kyuhyun<br />
and one the forward itself she said that she liked him roght? then y now mixed feelings??<br />
and yeah, update soon~
I read the line "Annyeong-haseyo welcome to Sapphire Ice Cream Shop. I'm Heechul, may I take your order?" The waiter introduced himself. And out loud I said "Yeah I wish Heechul was my order to.No waite...I wish he was my waiter...on second thought I wouldn't mind having him be my order. either ;)"<br />
<br />
Awwww I LOVE it!!<br />
Please end up this story with kyuhyun!<br />
I want kyuhyun! But donghae is my second bias -_-<br />
but I love kyuhyun by the way :p