The Engagement Ring

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                “Yah... we’re here” Stacy shakes Chris, but Chris won’t budge. “Yah... shorty...”

                “Mnnnhhhh... no...” Chris stubbornly leans on the seat.

                “Yaaaahhh!!! We’re not home you know!” Stacy said that made Chris open her eyes and immediately gets out of the van but as soon as she steps on the ground she walks a few steps and steps on a stone.

                “UWWWWAAAAAA---!” She was about to fall when a pair of hands were able to caught up on her and grab her by her armpits. “Mooooommm!!!” She whimpered before realizing that she was saved.

                “Gwaenchana?” A soft voice asked.

                 Chris looked up with a cute saddened face. It was Hyesung’s gaze she met. HyeSung’s eyes widened as he saw something in her expression... aegyo. HyeSung froze up and let go of Chris making her fell on the ground... good thing she was able to land on her hand to avoid her face meeting the ground.

                “KEUHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!” Stacy laughed out loudly as Chris stands up on her own, glaring at her sister. “And you don’t want to wake up, now look what happened”

                “Shut up... uuugggghhh” Chris glared at hyesung who looked away.

                “Ah~” Hyesung’s face was very red.

                “Yah... why are you blushing...” Dongwan asked.

                “N-nothing” HyeSung said while Junjin smirked on him and went close to him.

                “You saw something, didn’t you” Junjin laughed naughtily.

                “What?! No!” HyeSung exclaimed, still red on the face. Minwoo and DongWan who were close by went to the pair to hear more.

                “What did you see?!”  DongWan asked.

                “Yah! What do you mean?” Hyesung was backing out.

                “Yah, what are you four talking about?” Eric called out who was unloading the two trunks which were unexpectedly heavy.

                “Nothing, hyung~” JunJin gave him a sly smile.

                “Yah!” Eric yelled. “You guys—”


                Everyone’s attention was on Eric and the fallen luggage on the ground. Chris looked up and widened her eyes to see all of her stuffs scattered on the floor.  Some of her photo albums her clothes and her... under garments (bras and underwears) were also scattered and on display in front of Eric and the guys. Stacy was too shocked to move.

                It didn’t help much since Chris’ phone rang at the wrong time and the guys kept on hiding their laughter even though they were looking away. Chris felt like giving up... but there’s no point in giving up. What is there to give up?

                “Eeeeeuuuuuurrrrrgggghh!!!” Chris groaned. “Aiiiiiisssssshhhh! This life!”

                Chris’ face darkened with blood rushing on her face. She looked at her stuffs especially at the displayed undergarments that comes in colour blue, pink, white, yellow and black and her undies—well she’s just so embarrassed. Chris slowly piles the clothes and albums. Eric doesn’t know if he should help her or not—the longer he stands in front of displayed garments, the awkward it becomes which resulting to the members’ laughs.

                “Do you need help?” Stacy asked.

                “Obviously?!” Chris grumbled.”Stupid flight, stupid jetlag, stupid phone, stupid Stacy, stupid *looks at Hyesung* stupid pebble, stupid *looks at Eric* Stupid BAG!!!” Chriis grabs a laundry bag from her other luggage and it came in handy.

                “Yah... don’t hate the world right now” Stacy said.

                “Hmmmppphhh” Chris grumbled and carries her knapsack, laundry bag and luggage in one go. “Lead the way” She told Stacy who looked at Eric and shrugged.

                As they were making their way, Minwoo saw something on the ground, a bit far from where Chris’ stuffs fell. He went towards it and picked it... it was a navy blue coloured case for rings. He opened it...


                “Ahhhh~ it was awkward...” Hyesung said as they were settled in the kitchen while Stacy was together with Chris in her new room.

                “I really thought she’s going to call Eric and Hyesung ‘stupid’” DongWan said and the others looked at him. Eric sniggered.

                “If there’s someone stupid here, it should be minwoo.” Eric said while looking at a very unhappy Minwoo beside him.

                “Yah, yah, I didn’t do anything towards you” MinWoo in his lower lip to show his mock anger.

                “But hyung’s been eyeing at the little sister for the last hour” Andy said and all of them made some catcalls.

                “Sounds like a e” Hyesung said and JunJin laughed loudly.

                “Yah, I’m not a phaedopile! Plus, she’s already on her age to get married” MinWoo defended himself.

                “Keuahhahah~ hyung are you going to settle now?” JunJin laughed.

                “I don’t mind a wedding invitation soon” DongWan said.

                “Yeah, me too” MinWoo said smugly. Eric just shakes his head and looks around.

                “Where’s Gomdori?” Eric looked under the table for the dog. Just then Stacy entered while carrying a bunch of stuffs. “Have you seen Gomdori?”

                “Eh? Gomdori?” Stacy gave him a sly grin. “He’s with Chris now”

                “MWOH?!” Eric widens his eyes. “Won’t he get hurt?!”

                “Nope” Stacy said.

                “With a rage fit like that, won’t your sister take her out her anger on the poor dog?” Hyesung asked and Eric looked like he was going to faint.

                “Nah... don’t worry” Stacy said as she grabs a pitcher of juice from the fridge and served it to the guys. “Chris is a dog lover... she owns one back home. When she first saw Gomdor, she immediately smiled and changed her mood 180 degrees”

                “But...” Eric whined.

                “Aiyo~ Chris won’t hurt him...” Stacy said. Hyesung noticed something from MinWoo’s pocket.

                “What’s this?” Hyesung asked as he grabs the small box used for containing jewelries.

                “Ah... that—I...” MinWoo started but then...

                “You’re getting married?”  Hyesung asked as he saw a diamond-stubbed, rose-shaped ring inside.

                “No” MinWoo said. “It’s Chris’” The guys looked at him incredulously.

                “YOU’RE PROPOSING TO HER?!” JunJin asked loudly. MinWoo frowned while the other guys cheered.

                “No!” MinWoo said.

                “Yah, you better explain Lee MinWoo” Stacy placed her hands on her hips.

                “I-I picked it up since you guys didn’t see it!” MinWoo said defensively. Stacy grabbed the case and looked at the ring.

                “I didn’t know she’s going to get married. Wah~ this is some ring!” Stacy said, admiring the ring.

                “Whoever gave it to your sister must be rich...” Andy said as he takes a look on the ring. “The ring itself seemed white gold embedded with diamonds.” MinWoo seemed disappointed. Just then Chris turns up.

                “What’s that?” Chris asked and Stacy stuffed the ring case in MinWoo’s pocket.

                “Nothing” Stacy said and the rest of the guys looked at her curiously.

                “Oh” Chris picked Gomdori. Eric became worried. “Eoooonniiieeee~~~ Look!” Chris presented Gomdori in front of her.

                “Yah... what are you doing?” Stacy asked.

                “Look! It’s cute Dog!” Chris said sweetly while the guys are observing her.

                “So?” Stacy asked.

                “Buy me one!” Chris said cheerfully., Stacy gave her a blank look.

                “No” Stacy said firmly.

                “Nnnnnnniiieeee” Chris whined. “Buy me one so I’ll have a friend~”

                “If you want a friend, you can be friends with the guys here” Stacy pointed at the guys who were at the table. Chris looked at them and laughs awkwardly. “Don’t tell me you’re shy. Yah, how old are you?”

                “At least younger than you” Chris snapped.

                “I’ll get you a cat...” Stacy smiled while Chris frowned.

                “Ayyyyy! Cats are boring... they can’t play too well” Chris said.

                “Aiyoo! One dog is enough!” Stacy said and looked at Gomdori. Chris pouted.

                “Arassoo...” Chris said gloomily and walked back.

                “Did she eat something? How come she’s in a bright mood?” JunJin asked, the guys frowned too... except for Hyesung who was blushing.

                “She looks lively compared earlier” DongWan smiled similar to a Father’s.

                “Ah... she seemed to be 4D.” Andy said. “But I agree, dogs are more fun compared to cats”

                “Neh... Hyesung, what’s with you?” Eric asked.

                “N-nothing!” Hyesung said with a faltering voice.

                “You’ve been blushing since earlier, what’s with you?” MinWoo asked, obviously annoyed.

                “AH!!!” JunJin yelled, causing the others to flinch out of surprise.

                “Mwoh...” Andy asked as JunJin can’t stop laughing at HyeSung and the curiousity is eating them.

                “Aegyo” JunJin said simply and Hyesung runs his hand on his face.

                “Ahhh!!!” The guys said in synch and laughed. Eric just shakes his head.

                “Yah, yah! Stop laughing! It’s not even funny!” HyeSung said, red in the face.

                “It is for us!” JunJin teased and laughed again.


                MinWoo and Andy walks towards the elevator to go to their respective units. The others have gone as well. Soon they reached the elevator while chatting animatedly about today’s events. It was when MinWoo reached his pocket and felt something, he grabbed it and took a good look on it. It was Chris’ ring. He forgot to give it back to Stacy before he left.

                “Hey... why’s that with you?” Andy asked as he took a glance on the thing.

                “Stacy puts it in my pocket when Chris suddenly appear” MinWoo said.

                “Ah” Andy smiled. “Hyung seem to like her” MinWoo chuckled.

                “Ah, I can’t help it, I really think she’s cute” MinWoo laughed and Andy just smiled.

                “Even with that attitude?” Andy asked.

                “Well, Lee MinWoo tames any girl” MinWoo said smoothly.

                “It’s a shame though, hyung...” Andy said. “She’s engaged”

                “Yeah” Minwoo said and pockets the ring case. “I’ll just return this tomorrow”

                However... MinWoo hasn’t return it.


Hyesung: Minwoo... you are a creeper
MinWoo: I'm not!
DongWan: no wonder girls and some guys are creeped by you
MinWoo: YAH!
JunJin: Yah why didn't you return the eing? *wiggles eyebrows*
MinWoo: I don't know! Ask the author!
Eric: You're just a creeper MinBong...


Patch1997   Hahahaha awww this had me laughing throughout :P Ummm sorry Junjin I don't like you i like Hyesung sorry :p and lol i love how she makes fun of these dorks so subtly but its geniuos! Keep up the great work author-nim I'm loving this story! 

JunJin: what? Whyyyy???
HyeSung: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Bask in my Glory!

orangekath   Funny how she diss the boys. its like she's shcj trollin these dorks. And interesting a/n. Talking to shinhwa like wth? Hahaha 
Eric: Ahhhh changjos kept playing with us... YAH AUTHOR! Why are you doing this to us?
MinWoo: Stop it! It's embarassing me!
ShinMei: Don't you want it, MinBong? You're one of the leads here ^^
MinWoo: I am? then keep it up!
ShinHwa: -.-!!

CM_StylexI cant stop laughing at the ending! Where Shinhwa is like reading the story. It's hilarious!! The plot is really nice! Keep it up! Junjin doesnt look old to me though:P 
JunJin: SEE!!! I don't look old! The magnae looks older than me!!!
Andy: Yah, don't drag me in your age issue
DongWan: Aish you guys... just admit you're old. The truth will set you free!

KpopLover7087   Hhmmm.... I don't know what I should think about Chris, I don't know if I like her personality that much. I'll get used to her when I read more. I really like Stacy. She reminds me of my friends being protective of me. So, I'm born lucky because I have the same birthday as you, Eric? That doesn't really make sense, but ok! I really like your story Author-nim! 
Eric: See~ You like my wife ^^
Hyesung: Ehem... wife?
Eric: Yeah, my fictional wife ^^
Hyesung: *evilly* you're never going to have a wife AHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

AiMei_4: Lol saeng xD add a little more feisty to your character, it will make us go crazy xD 
ShinMei: Feisty? What do you mean, eonnie?
DongWan: xxyyyy~~~
Andy: ...

andy_dyan: OMO! the last part crack me up!!! a conversation with shinhwa thats very unique! ^^ 
Andy: Waaaahhh I  like your name!
DongWan: ...



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jellybearred #1
Author-nim can you please continue updating this story pleaaaase? :((
feelgyo #2
Chapter 11: If you ask me, then the answer is always Hyesung oppa *smiling innocently*

Eii...ige mwoya? Now you dragged Andy oppa again. I thought it was about Dongwan-Chris-Minwoo, but you keep put Andy in it. Now I'm confuse... *pouted*

It's ok hyesung oppa. Just asked your baby bird to carry me,I don't mind,kkkk xD
Eric oppa, you shouldn't bring up 'old' theme like that to Hyesung oppa, bcoz you're the oldest -__-

Again..another sweet story from you. Thanks a lot authornim :D
KpopLover7087 #3
Chapter 11: It's fun and annoying having so many siblings. Fun because I get to play and mess around with them and annoying because, well...they can be really annoying and bothersome a lot. No, my brother doesn't have a girlfriend, but we all about this girl he likes. My family also teases me about this guy they assume I like, but I don't...they also tease me about this guy that confessed to me when we were in 3rd grade. I have to admit, I did like him but it's been about 5-6 years since I've seen him. Love your story Author eonnie!<3
AiMei_4 #4
Chapter 11: Lol Chris is a changjo?! Wah~ she must have watched ShinBang ahahhaha!
eeehhh oppa xD put me down alr ^^
Cable car? hmmm I'd spend it with MinWoo oppa? XD >///< Ah I'm blushing at the the thought. I'm going to make it memorable to it so he won't forget me easily!!! XD
KpopLover7087 #5
Chapter 10: Oh...mianhe Minwoo...oppa. But you shouldn't call one of your members a traitor! I'm the 3rd oldest in my family. I have 2 older brothers, 2 younger brothers, and 2 younger sisters. My youngest sister is so adorable! She's only 3 months old and she's just so cute! Author eonnie, you're the same age as my oldest brother. Love your story Author eonnie!<3
Chapter 10: If u ask me..i'll appreciate the chance...i'll hug him tight and pretend that i am fainted..haha!!!i'll b more glad if it is dong wan oppa..hehe~~
Btw..this chapter is good~~cant wait for the next chapter~~thank you for updating~~~
Chapter 10: BAHAHAHHA ok, rather than anything, i want KIM DONGWAN to get her. Wannie !! Go make her fall for you idiot !
feelgyo #8
Chapter 10: CARRY ME TOO OPPA!!! *screaming like a mad girl* lol
I think Chris is lil bit jealous there :p good job minwoo oppa :D
But, Hyesung oppa is the real prince. Period. :P
Aww..thanks for your chapter author-nim, it's so cute.. (˘́⌣˘̀ʃƪ)
AiMei_4 #9
Chapter 10: WAAAAAHHH I WANT TO BE CARRIED TOOO!!! *jealous jealous* Hmppphhh but I wish JunJin to carry me since he's tall~ I want to feel the air on that high atmosphere XD
Chapter 10: I will die too!! Minwoo carrying me will be freaking awesome!!! Hyesung cooking for me?? Oh gosh I would love it!! Because I love sesame oil and seeds. Hahahahaha. Actually any shinhwa members carrying me, is to die for!! Honestly, how cool and awesome would that be??