The Difference Between Kyungsoo and D.O

Fly To EXOPLANET With Luhunnie || EXO Mini One Shot Collection

The Difference Between Kyungsoo and D.O (ft. The one and only Do Kyungsoo)


D.O and Kyungsoo are two different people but they are linked closely together. D.O is a part of Kyungsoo's life. Kyungsoo is what D.O is made out of. If one is affected, both is affected.

"How are you doing Kyungsoo?" Luhan asked Kyungsoo after they safely arrived in the van.
With a small smile Kyungsoo told Luhan he's doing fine. He'll make up for the lie later, Kyungsoo had told himself and played on his phone.

The fans are starting to scare Kyungsoo. Although he knows not all are like that but his mind would just generalize all of them.

The EXO boys arrived at their hotel. Since the schedule was tomorrow, they were given free time. Most members decided to just stay in their hotel rooms. Kyungsoo on the other hand, decided to seek out without the fans knowing nor his team members.

The night air was refreshing. Kyungsoo walked along the body of water with no one around. He didn't know whether it was a river or sea. That didn't matter to him. Kyungsoo was singing along to EXO's upcoming song on his phone. The phone gave a notification a few minutes ago. It was low on battery but Kyungsoo figured that listening to music won't waste that much battery life.

Time passed by quickly. Kyungsoo wasn't sure how far he had walked. When he decided that it was time to turn back to the hotel, a girl dressed in a white dress leaning on the railing as wind hit against her face could Kyungsoo's attention. Not sure why, Kyungsoo's legs acted on its own. A moment later, Kyungsoo found himself beside the girl.

The girl noticed Kyungsoo's company. She turn towards Kyungsoo with sparkles in her eyes and a faint smile, "yes?"
Nothing left Kyungsoo's lips, he just stood there.
"Don't you have a concert tomorrow? Shouldn't you be resting in the hotel instead of being out here?"
"Huh?" Kyungsoo completely froze. She is a fan, he thought. What if she's like the rest? Kyungsoo didn't plan on taking any risks. He took a step back from the girl.
"Yea, I don't blame you. It's nice here. Not much people comes here so it's quiet. I guess it's a good place to relieve stress." She gave him a warm smile.
Kyungsoo's mind is now yelling at him to run away but his guts knew this girl was safe.
"Yes, it's quiet here. I like it here." Kyungsoo said giving the calm water a glance.
"How was the airport today?" The girl asked.
Kyungsoo was taken aback from the question. He was about to speak a lie again but the girl interrupted, "please tell me the truth."
"The fans were a little too crazy." Kyungsoo sighed.
"You have to know all fans aren't like that right?" The girl asked. Kyungsoo nodded.
"Are you a fan too?" Kyungsoo wondered.
The girl thought for a moment before giving Kyungsoo another smile, "something like that. It's late, you should get going. I should get going. I'll see you some other time."

Kyungsoo didn't want to say goodbye when the girl waked bye and left him with her firgure getting smaller and smaller until he couldn't see her anymore.

Ever since that night, Kyungsoo couldn't stop thinking about the girl. The way she smiled. How she was calm. How he felt like she knew everything about him but not in a creepy way like he had always felt.

"Kyungsoo, we're here." Suho snapped Kyungsoo from his thoughts.

Oh right, Kyungsoo remembered. They were supposed to meet some fans today. Another part of the job. Another meeting with crazy fans.

' You have to know all fans aren't like that right?' the voice of the girl said in Kyungsoo mind.

The EXO members came to this restaurant where they'll be having a meal with the lucky fans. The doors of the VIP room opened to six girls. The six girls looked beautiful but only one caught Kyungsoo's eyes. You. You look exactly like her. Or are you her?

Just like the first meeting, Kyungsoo walked over unknowingly. Except, this time he self introduced himself. You chuckled in response, "I know who you are."

Kyungsoo felt different around you. He chat with you like old friends more than idol-fan. He felt comfortable around you. The day ended. It was time to bid goodbyes.

"Am I going to see you again?" Kyungsoo couldn't stop but wondered. You gave him a smile, "Of course. I'll make sure I'll be in the crowd of fans for you to see."
"Don't be in the crowd of fans. I don't want to generalize you with them."
"But I am one of them."
"I know..."
"You have to know all fans aren't like that right?" That line rang in Kyungsoo's ears. He nodded.
"I'll make sure I find you in the crowd then." Kyungsoo offered a smile.
"Good luck with that." You laughed, "do you have any idea how many fans you have?"
"I do but I'll still manage. Until then, keep supporting me okay?"
"Don't worry because I'll be there when you're down. I'll be there when you're happy. I'll be there silently by your side. Remember that not only I will be there, there are many others who aren't cray cray."
Kyungsoo laughed at the words 'cray cray' and nodded. "I'll keep in mind that I'll always have you guys."



I heard about the D.O underwear thing .... I thought of writing this cause I want to believe that D.O doesn't generalize all of us fans being like that~ Hope you liked it ^^

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Wow I love this!
RozyBaekHan #2
Chapter 1: Wow chanyyyy awesome...but can u please make your one shots a little big longer plz??
RozyBaekHan #3
Chapter 2: Liked it a lot...but u could have made it longer and more interesting u know...bc the plot is nice enough and can u make a sequel for this??like a romantic chapter after they met again and he says how much he missed her?lol thanks