The Bus Stop

Fly To EXOPLANET With Luhunnie || EXO Mini One Shot Collection

The Bus Stop


Every morning to you are the same, heading to school with ear buds on and waiting for the bus behind that stranger with the manly back. Today wasn’t any different except for that luggage beside the stranger.
‘He might be going on a vacation.’ You thought, dismissed what you saw to drown in your music.
Unknowingly your eyes drifted to that luggage. It bothered you. Maybe it’s because your mornings won’t be the same without him. Yes, that’s probably why. You sighed in thought, ‘he is leaving, it’s not like I can do anything about it.’
You were surprised with the stranger turned back to look at you. He spoke words which you didn’t hear. Quickly taking the ear buds off, “ pardon? I didn’t hear you with my ear buds on.”
The stranger looked at you and let out a soft chuckle, “it’s nothing you should be worried about.” This was the first time you’ve heard the stranger talk. His voice was really warm against the cold winter morning and echoed in your ears like music.
“But I want to know.”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he said with an angelic smile and waved bye shortly after. His bus came.
“Bye,” you waved your last words to him.

After that one morning, you never saw the stranger again. Everyday without him there felt incomplete. Time did its trick and slowly you forgot about him and those words you’ve yet to find out.

After all your education, you found a job in Seoul. On the first morning you ride the bus to work like how you did years ago. The stranger you waited behind reminded you of your forgotten memories.
“’You’ll find out soon enough.’ what a lie,” you chuckled to yourself with that lie of the stranger in the past.
“It’s you again.” The stranger in front said in the voice from your memories. His eyes were on yours. It seems as if time has stopped that moment and the two of you traveled back in time.
“H-hi,” you managed to choke out. You didn’t expect this to happen at all. He was standing in front of you.
“I didn’t lie, see, I told you you’ll find out soon enough.” He said with his famous smile.
“What did you say that morning?” you asked.
“We’ll meet each other at another bus stop one day to prove that we are fated to be together.”



Who did you imagine your stranger to be? Mine was Luhan as the inspiration was from a picture of him :)

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Wow I love this!
RozyBaekHan #2
Chapter 1: Wow chanyyyy awesome...but can u please make your one shots a little big longer plz??
RozyBaekHan #3
Chapter 2: Liked it a lot...but u could have made it longer and more interesting u know...bc the plot is nice enough and can u make a sequel for this??like a romantic chapter after they met again and he says how much he missed her?lol thanks