
Fly To EXOPLANET With Luhunnie || EXO Mini One Shot Collection

Finals (Ft. Suho)


The cups of coffee isn't helping me to stay awake anymore and I've started to think I'm hallucinating. The finals are next week. Either I died from studying now, or I drown in disappointment from my parents when I fail. Deciding that I should take a short break, the blood rushed through my legs as I stood up and walked towards the closet. I felt as if I didn’t know how to walk because I have been sitting for so long.

After changing into presentable clothes I skipped makeup. My first stop was the park. I walked around the corner of my apartment building hall and moments later I was found with my on the floor.

I collided with someone named Suho. Some guy from my math class. He quickly apologized and helped me get up.

“Is it really you?” Suho asked as I stood up.
“What do you mean is it really me?” I guess the coffee does have some effect, making me cranky as hell, “Of course it’s me. I’m in your math class.”

“You look prettier without the makeup you cake yourself with at school.” Suho said, “I really mean it”

It was a complement. I should’ve said ‘thank you’ but instead I blankly looked at him.

“Why aren’t you studying for your finals?” Suho wondered. Most of his friends are freaking out about the finals.
“I’m taking a short break.” I shrugged. “Why aren’t you?”

“I don’t need much studying thanks to my parents. They gave me a good brain.” Suho somehow manage to make his bragging acceptable and doesn’t seem like bragging.
“I see.” I nodded, “I’ll see you later then”

Before he could say another word, I opened the apartment building door and left for the park.

- - - - -

It was July. The weather was exceptionally hot but cool breezes pass by every now and then. The trees were filled with green leaves boarded the side walk on both sides. Families where having picnics on the grass wherever I pass and Suho was walking beside me.



“Oh, hi again.” Suho laughed, “I didn’t expect to see you again this soon.”
“Why are you here?” I questioned
“Why can’t I be here?” Suho challenged.
“Well, fine. Just continue on with your day and I will with mine.” I said, continuing my walk.
The next time I looked beside me, Suho was gone.

I decided to stop by the library for some more studying material when I see Suho at the shelf I wanted to check out.

“Are you stalking me?” were the first thing I said.
“What if I am?”
“Then you’re creepy” I laughed.
“Maybe in your dreams I will stalk you because you want me to but right now I’m lost.”
“This is the library, how are you lost.” I rolled my eyes.
“The library is like a maze though. I need to find something and I don’t know where to start.”
“Then ask the person who owns this place, or manages this place like a librarian. Are you sure your parents gave you a good brain.” I turned towards the shelf to find the book I want.
“If only it was that easy.” I heard Suho sighed followed by faint footsteps.

Some parts of me expected it to happen but after the library, I decided to stop at the ice cream shop and there he was again. Suho. I held my cup of ice cream and gave him a suspicious look.

“You are stalking me aren’t you?”
“No, not really. I just wanted ice cream. So here I am. Oh! Is that the new flavour? I’m going to try some.”

Without a moment wasted, he took a spoon full of my ice cream with my spoon and ate it.

“Oh, this is really good.” He smiles as he puts the spoon back in my cup. I just stood and stared at him. This guy is unbelievable.

“Thanks for the ice cream. I’ll treat you after our exam.”

- - - - -

That was the last time I’ve went out in a couple of days. The exam day was brutal. At least with all that studying, I think I managed to pass with minimal grades. Better than failing.

I was walking out of the school when Suho stopped me and pulled me aside.

“Are you going to stalk me again?” I asked.

“What do you mean ‘again’?” Suho knitted his eyebrows.

“Well, that day we bumped into each other at the apartment hall, I went to the park and you were beside me, I went to the library and you were there. On top of that, you even took some of my ice cream at the ice cream shop. And in additional, you said you’ll treat me to ice cream.”

“Are you okay?” Suho took my shoulders and showed a worried face. “I went to sleep in my room after I bumped into you.”


“But that doesn’t matter.” Suho slid his hands from my shoulders to mine.

“I don’t want to be lost anymore. I need to find out how you feel about me. You told me in my dream that I should ask the person who owns the place right? I couldn’t stop thinking about you after I saw you without makeup. Really, I really mean it. You look so beautiful without makeup.”

I didn’t reply. Dream?

“I’m lost in your heart and I want to know if I have a chance or not. Let’s go on dates?”



LOL this one doesnt make sense at all but basically, at the park, library and ice cream shop, you("I" in the story) hallucinated Suho being there; But that isn't all LOL those hallucinations were Suho in his dream form if that's what you call it. So basically, that wasn't the real Suho, that's Suho dreaming. I hinted it at the beginning when I said oh coffee is making you think you are starting to hallucinate. Also if you notice, those three incidents, there was no skin contact what so ever. I'll probably edit this another time LOL but for now I'll leave it as it is because I'm lazy and tired. 


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Wow I love this!
RozyBaekHan #2
Chapter 1: Wow chanyyyy awesome...but can u please make your one shots a little big longer plz??
RozyBaekHan #3
Chapter 2: Liked it a lot...but u could have made it longer and more interesting u know...bc the plot is nice enough and can u make a sequel for this??like a romantic chapter after they met again and he says how much he missed her?lol thanks