11m {Part 002}




"This places makes me nervous." Myungsoo muttered, leaning over a bit closer to Sungjong to speak quietly enough--despite the loud wails of children around them. Sungjong brought a hand to his mouth to muffle his laugh a bit as he looked across to a boy who had just came out of the room and was screaming his head-off. "These places are never as calm as you'd like them to be." Sungjong muttered as he looked down to Wonbin who was thoughtfully biting  and nibbling on a ringtoy, unaware of what was headed for him. "I really wish we didn't have to take him to get these shots though" Sungjong sighed as he reached over to pet their son's small head. "You would think it gets easier to deal with the more times you do it but--" "Kim Wonbin?" A voice called for and the two stood up and headed inside after the nurse. Pediatrics were normally very friendly and kind but normally when you brought your baby in, it seemed they always came out crying.  Myungsoo carried Wonbin carefully despite how antsy he was--he didn't really want to be carried at the moment, the bright colours of everything catching his attention and he wanted to investigate. "Appa..." he murmured in a whine with grunt and grumble, trying to get free from his grasp. "We're going to see someone really interesting Wonnie" Myungsoo cooed, trying to make the boy settle down but he still seemed displeased.

Arriving into the room, he was able to put Wonbin on the floor to explore while they waited for the doctor to come in; Sungjong thoughtfully taking the teething toy from him so it didnt get dirty from the floor. "Be careful Wonbin." Sungjong warned, keeping a close eye on him as he stood, grasping at Myungsoo's pant leg for support and eyeing the room quietly as he nibbled on his finger gently. Taking one step before tumbling down and then getting back up to take one or two more than he did before Causing Sungjong to sigh. "I really am dreading the moment that he starts to actually start walking.." Myungsoo chuckled as he watched Wonbin's struggle to walk to wherever exactly he was headed. "Why? isn't that supposed to be a great stepping stone?" Myungsoo questioned with a grin over his face and Sungjong nodded slowly, watching as Wonbin seemed to grow tired of using his legs and went to the easier movement--his more advanced technique: crawling. "Of course, but.." Sungjong sighed, bringing a hand to rub at his temples at the thought. "He puts everything in his mouth and he falls a lot, I feel like he'll be getting into everything thats a hazard. Aish." Sungjong muttered, causing Myungsoo to snort lightly. "You sound like a worried mother." Myungsoo teased, causing Sungjong to sigh, quickly getting up to get Wonbin as the doctor finally came in. "Alright, How are you three doing today?" The doctor spoke in a upbeat voice which seemed to catch Wonbin's attention as he stared at the man and held tightly to Sungjong, his comfort zone reduced down now that this new stranger had came in.

"Good." Sungjong softly spoke, and Myungsoo only nodded--still rather the quiet type; he found it better to let Sungjong do the talking if he was comfortable; which normally he was. "Alright, he looks like a shy one so, lets keep him with you." The doctor spoke, giving the baby a smile before getting up to ready the needles. "Myungsoo, Can you--?" He quietly questioned and Myungsoo quickly got up to hold Wonbin, knowing that Sungjong wasn't very strong for this type of sittuation and the last few times he cried; watching their little one in pain made him upset as well, it was a difficult necessity. "First is always the best." The doctor spoke as he readied the baby's arm and carefully gave him the first shot--it only took moments until he was wailing and crying from the small sting of the needle. Sungjong frowned and quietly tried to distract him with toys but  Myungsoo seemed to be best in these sittuations as he calmed him down and rubbed his back, muttered soothing words to him. "Its almost done." he murmured quietly, as the doctor went and made the second shot to the other arm, causing Wonbin's crying that was starting to calm down, raise up once more. "All done there handsome!" The doctor spoke despite how the boy was seemingly upset. Handing Sungjong the lollipop to give to him once he calmed down. "Thank you." Sungjong quietly spoke, eyes slightly watery. "He'll probbly show little signs of being sick because of the shot, but just pay attention to what he does and he'll get better just fine." The doctor reassured and Myungsoo grinned a half grin. "Yeah, Thanks." He spoke before chuckling softly as he continued to calm Wonbin down enough to stop the loud wails and cries.

His eyes still b with tears as Sungjong pressed a kiss to his tiny cheek "You did so good Wonnie, We can go home now!" Sungjong spoke calmly  as the two made their way out and to their car. Wonbin clinging tightly to Myungsoo and not wanting to let go when they reached the car so they simply sat there until he got comfortable enough and finally fell asleep--exhausted from all the excitement and crying. Sungjong huffed a heavy breath as he rubbed his face. "You okay?" Myungsoo asked with a bit of a laugh. "Yeah." Sungjong spoke quietly; Myungsoo reached over to grab Sungjong's hand and press a kiss to it. Sungjong just laughed quietly, "Maybe you should just do these alone, I always get teary." Sungjong joked quietly as he lightly squeezed Myungsoo's hand. "You'll get better at it." Myungsoo reassured calmly, chuckling quietly to himself, thinking it was funny how he was reassuring Sungjong when it was ussually the other way around.


"He's so well mannered!" Sayuri praised as she held him carefully and bounced him around a bit, Wonbin only held tight to her and kept the lollipop he'd been given tight within his tiny hands. Sungjong grinned, leaning back a bit in his chair as he yawned slightly, relaxing a bit. "Well, its easy for you to say that because almost All babies like you Sayu." Sungjong reminded her as she smiled sheepishly to the comment, even though everyone knew it to be true. "I'm not so good with them." Sumin muttered as she stood nearby, smiling to the small boy and waving to him-despite her words, and Wonbin slowly raised his hand to wave it with slight difficulty causing a few observing to laugh and giggle about how cute he was. "He's alot like you when you were little Sungjong." Minyoung spoke and Sungjong sighed, "Can we not talk about--" "Wait, I'm listening--shh~" Myungsoo cut him off, giving his attention to Minyoung who smiled triumphantly and Sungjong sighed, bringing his hand up to his forehead and rubbing at his temples. "Sungjong was really quiet and always looked at everything, and he was afraid of everyone! He always hid behind me  and wanted our mom to hold him and if he didnt get what he wanted he'd poop," She snapped her fingers. "Just like that!" Sungjong grimaced, "Noona!" he whined in embarresment as Myungsoo laughed, earning a slap to his leg from Sungjong who was sitting nearby. "He got big so fast, he looked like a peanut when I saw him before!" Chiyo spoke, a little too loudly which caused Wonbin to stir uncomfortably in Sayuri's arms. "Chii you gotta talk quiet around babies because they're sensitive to stuff we arent" Minyoung instructed the Nine year old who frowned a bit but nodded, doing as she was told by the eldest sister.

"Myungsoo Oppa never wanted to wear his diaper, so he'd run around and Eomma said she would have to keep putting it back on him." Sumin spoke, lips curled into a mischevious grin as she looked to Myungsoo, "She told you that?" he grumbled, cheeks slightly tinted. "When you get bigger, lets play together." Jaesun muttered quietly to the baby. Who only murmured something incomprehensible as if he could really understand what exactly it was that Jaesun meant; but he seemed to be thoughtful of the fact that someone was talking to him and that enough was great. "Do you still all live in the mansion?" Sungjong questioned as the others nodded, "Much more comfortable, We enjoy the space." Minyoung spoke, chuckling heartily. "Especially now that you two Lovebirds moved out." She teased, smirking a bit. "Sungjong suggested it would be more natural, Right Jagiya~?" Myungsoo playfully cooed causing Sungjong to grin and play along, "Of course, Yeobo~"

Minyoung dramatically gagged at the actions, "Gross." She muttered, despite Sayuri and Sumin who quickly looked at each other--stifling some fangirl type giggling. Wonbin seemed to be growing tired of being held and whined, squirming in her arms. "Whats that?" She questioned to Wonbin, noticing his finicky attitude suddenly a pout formed over his face as he grunted and struggled to get free. "No." Wonbin said causing Sungjong to snort, "I think he wants to get down." chuckles at abit, holding back this laughter at Wonbin's stubborn sounding response. "He only knows a few words, don't take it personally. He seems to like you alot" Sungjong spoke carefully going to take the lollipop from Wonbin's hand before she set him down on the floor to explore some more. Speaking carefully just incase since he knew how his sister had a tendency to overworry and overthink sittuations--very similar to myungsoo despite his cold facade he put up.

"Mine..." Wonbin pouted as he looked at the lollipop that Sungjong had just taken from him, raising both his hands to show he wanted it back, clearly upset for it being taken from him. "Just give it to him, He won't get it dirty." Myungsoo spoke before Sungjong Sighed, nodding a bit in agreement. "You can't put this on the floor, if it gets dirty we have to throw it away, Okay?" He spoke calmly, enunciating his words to try and help the small boy understand even though he seemed to not be listening to any words; he only wanted the candy back and as soon as he got it, he stuffed it back in his mouth.  Chiyo sat down thoughtfully, waving Jaesun over to sit as well as they seemed to playing some sort of game with Wonbin who seemed to be fairly amused. Minyoung laughed at how Sungjong was, "You told me that Myungsoo was the cautious one but you seem more highstrung than he is Sungjongie~" She cooed, with a grin, "I think we both have our own things we're cautious of." Sungjong spoke, quietly sitting down with a sigh, "You look tired as well." Sungjong just grinned, waving his hand in a dismissive fashion despite that he himself actually was pretty tired, it felt like it had been a really long day actually. "Well, we should get going anyway," Sumin spoke kneeling down just momentarily to coo and squish at Wonbin's cheeks who replied to this action with a charming grin that caused Sayu to grin. "Ah hes so cute!" She squealed softly to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.


A/N; One more (Really short?) chapter for 11months wonbin, then it will time skip just a liiitle bit for when Wonbin can speak properly ^^/ 
These are just short fluffy drabbles till i can figure out which story idea I want to work on next.
Looking at what i have planned for this its looking like this short little sequel of drabbles will have maybe 5 or 6 chapters(All together:Two Ages with multiple [Part 00#]'s!) as i thought before(but it might be more or less depending on how i write them LOL)
Somehow it feels bland to me, but I Hope you guys like it though ; u ; / Casually revisiting older characters and closing up ties and such to end the story nicely~


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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay