[H] 6m - [W] 3y {Part 001}



- Early December -


"Myungsoo can you help Wonbin tie his shoes, I have to change HaNa" he explained over the impatient cries of the small girl. "I know baby, I know~." He cooed in a soothing voice as he rubbed at her back and brought her to the room to change. "Remember bunnies..." Myungsoo murmured as he slowly tied Wonbin's shoes and tried to get him started in learning how to tie his shoes, even though he was pretty sure he wouldn't get the hang of that any time soon. "Uncle Hoya is going to bring me home today?" Wonbin asked as he nibbled on a poptart. Myungsoo nodded, "You wanted to play with Sooyi, Right?" Myungsoo questioned before the boy nodded, "Its much easier for you to go to their home and play. You can be as loud as you want there since Ha Na is so sleepy and we have to try and be quiet here." Myungsoo explained to Wonbin who nodded in understanding. "You can see your cousins too" he explained pulling the jacket onto Wonbin and properly zipping it up.

"Ready to go Wonbin?" Sungjong questioned as he set HaNa in the booster seat near the two as Wonbin nodded. "You're on baby duty today~" Sungjong playfully spoke to Myungsoo as he pulled his jacket on. "What--?" Myungsoo spoke, looking to Hana slightly nervously, she only watched quietly as they talked and moved around. "Can't I take Wonbin?" He questioned, a little to eagerly as Sungjong pulled a hat over Wonbin's head. "I need to buy somethings for dinner and you still cant grocery shop correctly" He spoke, going over to kiss Myungsoo's cheek "--So, no." He grinned before opening the door for Wonbin to go out. "Besides, you should spend some time with Hana--don't keep being afraid." he pressed before leaving out after wonbin and leaving the two alone.

Myungsoo sighed as he looked to Hana who was staring at the door as if waiting for Sungjong and Wonbin to come back. Myungsoo got up just momentarily to go and get his phone but as soon as he left the room, he heard the muffled cries of Hana. If ever she was left in a room alone she'd cry, but normally she could last a few moments. "I'm back, I'm back." Myungsoo reassured as he came back and placed the pacifier back into ; Eyes still b with tears. Myungsoo reached over hesitantly to dry them before she reached out to be carried and Myungsoo cautiously picked her up slowly, sighing in distress as he held her; carefully switch her position to find what would be comfortable. HaNa was the type to cry easily so Myungsoo made sure to be thoughtful of that. She seemed calm enough as she held onto him tightly and looked around the room thoughtfully. "What should we do Hana?" he quietly spoke to her as he paced the room; Hana staring up at him with large, curious eyes.

Myungsoo sighed and chuckled as he sat down with her and sat her to watch television as he went to lay back and let her sit on his chest; Hana liked to be held as much as possible and she felt safe that way--wouldn't cry, and would stay calm. Wonbin who was mostly independant and didnt enjoy being held for too long, didn't cry often, wandered, hyperactive-- basically was the polar opposite to hana who enjoyed being held and was a easy crier, calm and liked to stay where it was comfortable, relucant to go explore to new places alone. She was quiet for a long time as well, simply laying there in peace and looking around, or at the television but eventually a small whine grew to his attention and she was crying again, causing Myungsoo to situp carefully but quickly and carry her around, bouncing her just a bit as he sighed as he went through the motions of trying to figure out why she was crying. Why couldn't Sungjong just have let him drop Wonbin off?  placing Hana in the high chair, he searched the cabinets and fridge before pulling out a few jars of pureed baby food and  going to sit down--Putting the spoon to her lips to find that, this was the reason; she was hungry. Myungsoo sighed thankfully as he fed her the mushy food--Quietly murmuring, incomprehensible baby babble in response.

"Is it good?" Myungsoo questioned with a chuckle, "Looks kinda gross" he murmured, grinning to her as she stared up at him, coughing a bit and causing myungsoo to panic as he reached over to gently pat her back but she seemed alright overall. Myungsoo sighed and chuckled tiredly, calming himself down as he collected the jars to put them back and she cried just momentarily as he stood up cause him to sigh and sit down and continue feeding her. "You weren't done? I'm sorry." he cooed with a chuckle. "Just please don't choke anymore..." he softly spoke to the small girl, who picked up the spoon and tried to feed herself. Myungsoo grinned, quickly rushing to get his camera while she was distracted and quietly took her picture as she messily ate, getting food everyelse where. He probably should have stopped her to save him some time of cleaning up, but she was so cute and he couldn't help himself. The kids plus Sungjong had a large large album; actually, as a matter of fact. they were the main things he took pictures of.

Once finishing up, he figured he would give her a bath and so he set the small place for her up and filled it with water that was warm as he held into Hana and she babbled something in interest. "Yeah, your favorite time~" Myungsoo cooed, chuckling as he put a little bit of bubbles in there for her to play; remembering from the time that he helped Sungjong clean her that Hana loved bathtime, the water seemed to intruige her.  Going to get a towel, he tested the warthm of it before getting hana ready and placing her in. She looked around and Myungsoo placed her pacifier in  knowing that she preffered to have that than her thumb. Carefully washing her as she placed her hand through the bubbles and quietly grinned, sounding a soft giggle of interest before she moved her arms up and down to slightly splash it, causing her to giggle even more. "Ah, Hana You're giving Appa a bath too!" Myungsoo playfully joked as she happily played in the water. Letting her have her fun as tried his best to wash her off before getting a towel when he was done and picking her out of the water and wrapping her in the towel. Hana whined and reached back for the water with a small frown on her face. "No more bathtime, You're gonna get sick If I let you sit in there forever." Myungsoo cooed softly with a chuckle as she continued to whine and whimper behind the pacifier. "I know I know~" he hummed, rubbing her back.as he pulled the stopper from the tub and she watched the water go down sadly. "Awh." Myungsoo murmured, chuckling as he saw the sad look to her face. "Its okay, Lets go play with something else." he spoke, going to get her changed into a diaper and some clothes.

Myungsoo himself was wondering what was taking Sungjong so long, it felt like it'd had been an long time but in fact it'd only been about an hour since he left. Myungsoo sighed before looking back to Hana as he smelt a smell and he sighed. "Seriously?" he muttered, looking to the small girl who innocently was pulling at her hair and looking to him. "Is this because I made you get out of the bath?" Myungsoo playfully questioned as if she'd answer and he pulled her diaper off again and cleaned her up, putting on another; sighing to himself as he shook his head and chuckled, finishing up changing her up. Hearing the front door open and the rustling of bags, he peeked back to see Sungjong carrying a bunch of bags, picking up Hana and heading into the room. "I can he--" "Nope." Sungjong quickly replied, a grin curling over his lips as he stopped for just a moment to look at the little girl and Myungsoo, Smiling at her and waving. "Hi Hana~ Did you have fun with Appa?" He spoke, sweetly before continuing to put the groceries away.

"Did she cry any?" Myungsoo shook his head, "She did a little bit, but it wasn't that bad." Sungjong smiled as he finished putting things away and closing cabinets along with the fridge doors. "That's great, Myungsoo." He spoke, heading over to tickle her side momentarily causing her to giggle happily before he took her from Myungsoo's arm and the two headed over to sit down. "I gave her a bath and she didn't wanna get out--she pooped after as a way to get back at me I think." Sungjong snorted at this with a chuckle, he could tell he had a slightly tough time fetching her from the water since his clothes were slightly damp. "It's way too cold for them to go and swim, so i can't see an alternative." he mumbled as he tried to flatten some hair that refused to sit down on her head. "We'll find something else for them to do." Myungsoo murmured as he stretched his arms out over his head."Wonbin's going to the park with Sooyi today and they wont be back till the afternoon or such, so its just us three for now." he spoke, yawning a bit. "Still haven't been sleeping well?" Myungsoo questioned before Sungjong shook his head. "She takes so many naps but cries alot at nighttime so I don't sleep as well as I used to, but thats alright." he explained, knowing that was what came with babies for a long while. Looking down to their little one who was rubbing her eyes. "You sleepy hana?" he questioned as the small girl fought to keep her heavy eyes open.

Heading into the room and placing her inside of the crib to sleep but she was hesitant to sleep as he cried once placed in there. Sungjong sighed, "Myungsoo, You should try singing for her. Wonbin liked that." he spoke, moving out of the way by crawling onto the bed as Myungsoo went over to sing a slow song with his charming voice. She seemed to be fighting the sleep as it came but the warm tune had her drifting off quickly into a sound sleep, Sungjong as well which caused Myungsoo to chuckle at it. "You must have been really tired, hm?" he muttered, kissing the top of Sungjong's head before slowly leaving the room and giving him the silence he needed to sleep as peacefully as he could.




A/N; Formally Introooducing Kim Ha Na~ o u o She's cute right? heheh. 6 months old~may 1st;;
Its almost over soon TT__TT I actually have grown sort of attach to this storyline huhuhu
I wasn't planning at first to have them adopt another child so I'll have added one or two more chapters than I first expected for everyone to meet HaNa a bit more and etc etc  before finally ending it ^^/


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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay