[H] 2years - [W] 5years




"Where do you wanna go next?" Sungjong questioned as he kneeled down to the two kids, Myungsoo himself instead of trying to figure out how these darn Park maps worked. Summer was nearing and it was close to Hana's third birthday but because of inconviences Myungsoo wouldn't be able to be there so they decided to take a trip to a mixed amusement park for hana's benefit and despite her quiet Misdemanour, she seemed ecstatic. Pointing to a fountain that was surrounded with people who were tossing in pennies, "You wanna make a wish?" Sungjong questioned as Hana smiled a small smile, nodding; Hana very well could talk by now, but she was mostly quiet and people who weren't inside the family couldnt understand quite what she was saying yet if she even did talk, so she only seemed to talk when she really had to in most sittuations.

Sungjong guided Wonbin and Hana over to the fountain and fished in his pocket for two penies and handed them to them. Wonbin quickly threw his penny in before looking to hana who seemed to be thinking hard on hers before throwing it in. "I wished for--" Wonbin spoke before Sungjong grinned, shaking his head, "You can't say or it won't come true." Sungjong corrected before Wonbin quickly covered his mouth to stop the words from coming out which caused Sungjong to laugh before Wonbin ran back to Myungsoo who looked like he was about ready to rip the paper to bits. "Do you want to swim soon?" Sungjong asked softly to the small the was staring at the fountain curiously for a long while. "No Fishies..." She murmured finally causing Sungjong to grin, "No fishies in the fountain Hana, Do you want to go see fishies?" Hana nodded to this finally as Sungjong took her hand. "Did you figure the map out yet." He asked to Myungsoo who was  kneeled down with Wonbin who was simply showing him how it worked. "Our son's a genious." he murmured during paying attention and Sungjong snorted, "That and maybe you're just making it more difficut than need be." he murmured as he swung arms with Hana who was waiting patiently to see the fish.

Once figuring out where it was the game where you caught the fish Wonbin went ahead and caught a fish for Hana since she was too little and then handed her the goldfish in which she smiled happily. "You can't shake him too much or he'll get sick." Myungsoo spoke to her as the small family walked ahead, Hana  happily grasping the plastic bag as she peered in at the fish. They had a place to hold the fish for if you wanted to do things around the park longer so they left him there and Hana cutely waved to the fish before  they left and headed torwards rides upon rides and they couldnt ride too many because Hana was small but the ones that Wonbin wanted to ride badly, Sungjong or Myungsoo would switch out waiting with the small girl. When it started getting dark, they started to speak about heading home but Sungjong stopped, looking for a moment. "Wonbin, where is your sister?" he questioned slowly before Wonbin looked around, "I dont know, She was walking next to me just a minute ago..." he spoke with curiousity as to where she was as well. Sungjong sighed quietly trying to keep a calm mind, "Lets just go back to where we were and try to see if she's still there." he calmly spoke as they backtracked to about three different rides--no sign of her. Sungjong was starting to feel paniced and Myungsoo rubbed his back. "These places normally have a help center for these sittuations." Myungsoo calmly spoke, realizing that Sungjong was worrying now, and probably thinking of worst case scenario.

Sungjong knew that even if she didnt get kidnapped and she was simply just lost and wandering around here, she was probably scared to death. For a small child, being alone in a huge crowds of people was terrifying. "A Little girl, two years old named Hana Kim--Pigtails with pink barretes, black shoes and a red frilly dress has gone missing. If you see her, please direct her to the front help desk" The helper spoke over the loud speaker. "What is that going to do?" Sungjong asked impatiently, The person at the desk seemed to be used to frantic parents coming up to this place and freaking out on them. "If anyone sees her, they can bring her here." "Hana doesn't like strangers." Sungjong quickly interjected as he brought his hands to his face in distress and sighed deeply,  "I'm sorry but, its best for you to stay here--just incase someone find  her." "And what if they dont!? This isnt helpful at all!" Sungjong snapped, taking this difficultly because they'd never lost Wonbin before and the difference between Wonbin and hana was immense because Wonbin had always been friendly and strong as a baby and even now, but Hana was extremely shy and got scared easily--She was the worst of the two to get lost. "Eomma I can go find her." Wonbin suggested before Sungjong looked to him shaking his head, "No, we don't need you getting lost too wonbin." He spoke quickly and Wonbin frowned, "But If you're gonna stay here I can just come back here, I know how to get here!" Wonbin whined, trying to make his point. "Here, Sungjong I"ll go with him, Okay?" Myungsoo murmured and Sungjong nodded, Letting the two go with hesitation.

They were gone for a long while and Sungjong was getting even more and more worried, pulling out his phone to call them. "Myungsoo--" he started before Myungsoo chuckled softly. "Jongie its fine, She went to go get her fish because she thought we were leaving and forgot about him. We have her." he spoke calmly causing Sungjong to sigh deeply in relief. "Please come back quickly, lets just go home." Sungjong murmured softly now, calming himself down. When they arrived, Myungsoo was holding the small girl and she inturn was grasping the bag with the fish inside. She looked as if she had been crying before but she looked okay now that she was with Myungsoo. "Wonbin is the one that found her and brought her over." Myungsoo spoke, giving Wonbin a grin in which Wonbin smiled brightly in a proud fashion. Sungjong sighed in relief and went over to her, taking her from Myungsoo's arms and hugging her tightly. "Hana, You can't just go by yourself, Please tell us next time if you want something." he spoke in a stressed but calm fashion as he kissed the side of her head. She nodded in response before murmuring a 'Sowwi' in a small voice. Causing Sungjong to sigh again and rub her back. "Its okay, I'm glad youre fine. That's all that matters." he murmured before going to Wonbin's dark hair, giving him a grin without words but Wonbin seemed to understand as well and smiled big. "Lets go home now? I think I've had enough excitement today." Sungjong said with a long sigh before chuckling and they all headed to the car.


After getting home after a long drive, Wonbin played with Hana on the floor, bouncing her a ball in which she would grasp onto and for moments not really want to give up before finally passing it back to him. The shock and wory of just a couple hours ago had died down to a bit below nothing and all that was left was a quiet comfort. Sungjong in turn had his head rested in Myungsoo's lap on the couch nearby the two kids who were quietly laughing and giggling, conversing with each other--and Myungsoo took this rare moment of silence where both of the kids were distracted to caress Sungjong's face, trailing over the outline of his cheek bones, a lazy thumb gently dragging over his bottom lip. Sungjong only grinned, quietly laughing as he opened his eyes to look up at Myungsoo in curiousity. "What?" he questioned as saw the soft look over Myungsoo's face. "Nothing, I just love you." he quietly murmured with a dimpled smile as he took in Sungjong's features in admiration which changed from a curious grin to a bashful smile--eyes wrinkling at the side before he sat up momentarily to give him a quick kiss. "I love youu too Yeobo." he hummed against his lips before Wonbin let out a 'Ew.' causing Sungjong to laugh and turn his head to the small boy who had witnessed the two give each other a kiss. "What's ew wonnie~?" Sungjong questioned as Wonbin stuck his tongue out in a grossed out fashion. "Kissing, Yucky." he mumured and Hana murmured a, "Yucky!" simply repeating what Wonbin said causing both Sungjong and Myungsoo to laugh.

"You don't like Eomma's kisses?" Sungjong asked as he got up to chase the two kids who attempted to run, giggling as he chased after them, scooping up Wonbin and placing kisses all over his cheeks and forehead. "Ewww Eomma germs!" he squealed causing Sungjong to gasp, "Eomma doesnt have germs." he spoke, tickling the boy and looking back to Hana who had hid behind the television. "Myungsoo, There's still one kid on the loose, Kisses police must catch her!" Sungjong played spoke between Wonbin's fit of laughter at the tickles he was recieving to his belly and Myungsoo got up and went over to hana, causing her to scream and giggle, trying to run away but in the end Myungsoo was definately much faster as he picked her up and gave her big hugs.

After the laughter, kisses, and tickles died down, "Appa, do you have photo albums?" Wonbin questioned, before Myungsoo nodded. "Millions." he spoke with a laugh before Wonbin grinned "I wanna see I wanna see!" He cheered before Myungsoo smirked deviously. "You two wanna see the video of when I proposed to your eomma?" He hummed thoughtfully just to get under Sungjong's skin. "WhY DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT?!" Sungjong squeaked in embarresment causing Myungsoo to laugh. "Did you think I was gonna just erase that?" He questioned causing Sungjong to whine. "I wanna see!" Wonbin cheered and Sungjong pulled him back. "No you don't-- you wanna see your baby pictures instead!" he quickly corrected as the family headed into the other room to get the albums and flip through them. There were four different books. One of Sungjong alone, One of scenery group pictures old pictures and just pictures of Myungsoo and Sungjong, One of Wonbin, and also a growing one of Hana that was already quite filled. "Wow.." Sungjong murmured as the family sat comfortably on the ground, flipping through the books. "Hm?" Myungsoo looked over to the book to see what it was they were looking at on that side.  A picture back from around the first christmas that Myungsoo had spent with Sungjong and back when Sungjong more or less hated his guts. "is that you?" Wonbin questioned as he pointed to Sungjong in the picture and looked up to him and Sungjong chuckled, nodding to himself.  

Sungjong and Myungsoo ahd been bickering at that moment, and Sungjong rolled him a quick glare just as the picture was taken. "You look angry." Wonbin murmured causing Sungjong to snort. "I really didn't like Appa back then." he murmured causing Myungsoo to smirk. "Uh If I remember right, you put a barrier of pillows between us, I think that qualifies as more of hate." Sungjong Shrugged innocently to this comment with a smirk over his lips. "Well--" was all he had to say because it wasn't a lie. Wonbin seemed to frown at this. "But you don't hate each other now do you?" He seemed worried about it, "No, Of course not." Sungjong murmured and Wonbin still seemed a bit upset. "You won't get a ..um..divorce right?" he asked and Myungsoo seemed surprised that Wonbin even had known what the words were, Looking to each other curiously for a quick moment. "Why do you ask that Wonbin?" Myungsoo asked and Wonbin continued to pout, bottom lip puffed out. "Because, You were fighting last week and Hyojin at school said that when parents fight they get a divorce and you can't see one parent anymore.." Wonbin sadly spoke and Sungjong's eyes widened as he hugged the boy tightly in his lap. "No no, its okay sweetie." he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his head to comfort him. "Um...Sometimes parents fight but they make up after." Sungjong cooed and Myungsoo seemed to be trying to think about what it was that they fought about before. "We have lots of fights but they're just small dumb fights, nothing too serious." Myungsoo explained but Wonbin didn't seem convinced even still. Hana in her innocence didn't understand and simply continued to flip through the books slowly--At least that meant only one child to console; Sungjong chuckled at this thought. "We love you and Hana alot too." Myungsoo spoke in, Hana seemed to looked up at Myungsoo in curiousity at hearing her name but quickly went back to flipping through the pages of the album.

"Sometimes you fight with someone because of stupid reasons but it helps you...." Sungjong sighed quietly, pausing a moment as he looked up trying to find some words. "it helps you, grow closer if you can say whats wrong and fix it and Appa and I do that, People who divorce just have fights and never fix it...but when Appa and I fight we always fix it after. so we won't divorce, Okay?" he murmured, and Wonbin looked to Sungjong and then to Myungsoo who nodded, Still slightly in awe at how Sungjong seemed the best at words, that definately was one of Myungsoo's less skilled qualities. Seeing them both, Wonbin nodded. "Okay.." he murmured quietly and looked back to the book, Sungjong chuckled with a sigh. "You know, Its kind of hard to believe we've been married for..Wow..almost nine--ten years." he murmured and Myungsoo grinned. "Eh, thats nothing, lets make it fifty." He teased as he leaned over to place a kiss on Sungjong's lips, "Love you" Sungjong hummed in response. "Yuck." Wonbin murmured quietly causing the two to laugh once more. 



A/N; So sadly this short drabbles come to an end ;u; because its drabbles, If i ever come up with new ideas for this i'll be sure to update it ouo/ but it isn't likely that i'll have much ;; sorry guys, i hope you enjoyed this though c:

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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay