[H] 6m - [W] 3y {Part 002}




"Hana takes so many naps." Wonbin pouted as he stood on his tippytoes to peer into the crib where Hana was quietly sleeping, but he couldnt quite seeing anything because he was still a small kid himself--despite how grown up he said he was. "You used to sleep all the time too." Sungjong replied with a chuckle as Wonbin crawled into the bed with them as well to sit comfortably between the two. "You don't wanna go play, its not boring?" Myungsoo questioned before Wonbin shook his head, wanting to be with everyone despite the fact that Sungjong was only reading and Myungsoo was trying to finish some work he'd brought home. Wonbin only sat and peered over Myungsoo's side to look at his works, quietly sounding out the words on the paper but only having luck with very few despite how much of an accelerated reader he was because of Sungjong insisting he get started early. "Youre getting pretty good at that Wonbin." Myungsoo spoke encouragingly to the boy who grinned happily. "Mrs. Lee said that... i'm the best reader!" He proudly spoke, taking a deep breathe as he spoke. "Thats great wonnie~" Sungjong said happily, as he hugged Wonbin momentarily before Wonbin crawled out and ran into the other room before coming back with a few things as he sat at the foot of the bed and sprawled out, working on puzzles and drawing books.

"Eomma?" Wonbin suddenly spoke out randomly causing Sungjong to hum in curiousity. "Can Hana play with me in the snow?" he questioned and Sungjong thought on it for a moment before nodding. "No snowballs though." He explained as Wonbin smiled and nodded firmly. "I can teach her how to make a snowman." he suggested before going back to his attention on the puzzle. This was how he was like lately since they brought her home a month or two ago, constantly asking to do things with Hana and that made the two parents happy that Wonbin was so excited and accepting of the little baby--patient as well as to when she cried or when she couldnt play or whatever it may be. It was almost suprising at how caring and thoughtful the little three year old was, and maybe that was because he was so pure and innocent. One night when Myungsoo and Sungjong were talking, Sungjong spoke that he hoped that Wonbin would keep his amazing character as he grew up.

The sound of quiet murmuring caught their attention. "The baby is awake!" Wonbin happily cheered but still rather quietly, mindful of his voice as he climbed from the bed and went to the side of the crib to hold to the wooden 'bars' and try to peek through. "Still not tall enough buddy." Myungsoo chuckled as the small boy pulled a stool to stand on and finally could see into the  crib, Looking down to the small baby who was still in the process of waking up. Putting his tiny hand through the bars to  place a hand on her head, Hana cooed and grabbed onto his finger tightly cause Wonbin to pull his hands back. "Ow.." He pouted causing Sungjong to chuckle "Babies don't know their own strength, be careful~" Sungjong warned as Wonbin sniffled and pouted to his hand, Sungjong reaching over to press a kiss to the small fingers. "Don't be angry at her Wonnie~" Sungjong spoke before Wonbin shook his head slowly, the pout still prominent over his facial expression. "Not angry." he murmured, "She didn't mean to, just owwie." he continued to speak, causing Sungjong to grin and hug the boy momentarily before he turned to the crib to see the finally fully awaken Hana who was holding herself up in a stand as she held onto the sides of the crib. Sungjong went over to pick her up and bring her over to sit on the bed along with them and Hana whined for a moment as she was set down and Sungjong wondered why for a moment before getting her stuffed rabbit toy and her pacifier from the crib--it seemed to answer her whines as she quietly sat up and watched as Wonbin placed the puzzle peices slowly as if to show her.

Hana grabbed one and put it down but it wasn't anywhere near the spot it was supposed to go. "Not there," Wonbin said as he took the piece and placed it elsewhere. Hana seemed to me more upset that the piece had been taken from her as she she quietly whimpered pitifully. Wonbin reached over to get the piece for where was putting the old piece and handed it to her, ceasing her whines as she placed it in the spot and it sucessfully went in; a delightful noise left Hana as she did. "Good!" Wonbin spoke, patting her head before giving her more pieces to place and eventually the two had finished the puzzle. Wonbin crawled a place back to eye the masterpiece before humming 'Hmmm' loudly in thought; thinking if a new game for them to play. "Eomma what games did you play with me when I was a baby?" Wonbin slowly questioned, still have difficulty with longer sentances but Sungjong patient till he was done; grinning at the fact that Wonbin considered himself not a baby anymore. "Uhm..Appa used to fly you around with airplane," Sungjong slowly spoke, chuckling to himself in though as he  reminiced "You'd drool down his arm." Myungsoo quietly laughed as if remembering that himself as well.

"Uhm...you got a kick out of peek-a-boo, maybe she'd like that?" he question, looking down to Hana who was eyeing them curiously as they talked. "Hana!" Wonbin called causing the tiny girl to turn and look to him before he covered his face. In return to that Hana slowly broke out into tears. "Aww..." Sungjong chuckled as he scooped her up and patted her back. "Why is she crying, does she not like that game?" Wonbin questioned sadly as he crawled over to sit in front of him. "For babies, they don't realize that youre still there--She probably thought you disappeared forever." Sungjong explained as wonbin grabbed her hand and shook it a little to get her attention.  "Hana its okay i'm right here!" He cheerfully spoke as she calmed down. Myungsoo who had stopped on his work to look, chuckled at the cute scene  "Wonbin never cried during that." Myungsoo spoke in interest and Sungjong shrugged as he sat Hana back down now that she'd stopped crying. "Well it doesn't shock me. you know how Hana is if we leave the room." he chuckled and Myungsoo nodded making a connection. "She must love you alot then, bud!" Myungsoo added in with a grin before going back to his work. Wonbin seemed pleased at this information. Hana seemed to be growing tired of holding herself up and laid onto  her back instead, hand still tightly grasping the bunny. "Awh is she sleep already?" Wonbin questioned with disappointment as Sungjong brought his attention the small girl. "Babies are weaker than us bigger people Wonbin." Sungjong explained as he picked hana up and she curled up his arms as if she was ready to nap.

"Its getting late, you two can play in the snow soon, I think its your bedtime too" Sungjong causing Wonbin to whine "Noo...Appa?" he question as Myungsoo looked up from his work "You heard him kiddo, bedtime." he spoke, putting his things down to take Wonbin to bed. "I'll set him to bed today since you've got Hana." he spoke as Wonbin sadly trailed to his room, crawling back into his own big boy bed. Wonbin couldnt sleep well either so they let him come in the room to sit with them for a few hours but now it was getting late and it was time for him to sleep some more. Myungsoo sitting beside the bed to read him the story. "Do I really have to sleep?" Wonbin asked when Myungsoo finished, It was obvious that the boy was getting tired again but he was desperately fighting it. Myungsoo chuckled, "You can play later." He spoke, petting the boys head before turning the light down till it was barely lit before heading out "Door open? Closed?" Myungsoo questioned thoughtfully because it gave him a little bit of extra light. Wonbin grinned. "I'm a big boy now, you can close it appa!" He spoke before Myungsoo chuckled and closed it. "Goodnight Wonbin."

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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay