3y {Part 001}




Sungjong quietly readied breakfast, yawning to himself before feeling tiny fingers pulling at the hem of is shirt and tugging. "Eomma.." Wonbin spoke, quietly--quieter than he normally would be. Today was his third birthday and he was still in that age of trying to find the right tone of voice when he spoke--Not too loud, Not too quiet. Sungjong looked over, humming curious as the small boy looking up at him expectantly, He'd given up long ago on trying to get Wonbin to call him Appa and simply dealt with the 'Eomma.'

"I'm hungry." He spoke with a small frown, impatiently. "Eomma is almost done Wonbin-ah~ Go sit at the table and wait for me, Okay?" he asked and Wonbin nodded his head slowly before going over and sitting--his large cheeks puffed out in an obvious pout. It didn't take him very long to finish as he placed Dinosaur shaped pancakes in front of the boy and his pouting face brightened up. "Dinosaurs!" he exclaimed happily. "Mhm~" He hummed, kissing his the top of his head before going to down next to him and eat the regular pancakes he'd made for himself. By now, Wonbin could eat by himself and he did so; just with a little bit of struggle but Sungjong tried not to help him too much with it because he knew that he couldn't baby him forever. "thfank you Eomma.." he muttered with food in his mouth causing Sungjong to chuckle. "You're very welcome Wonbinnie~" He hummed, taking a bite of pancakes as well. "So what do you want for your birthday today birthday boy?" He questioned as Wonbin put most of his attention on the food before him, very much immersed in the action of eating the shaped pancakes.

"Appa..appa to come back." He murmured as he finally picked up a piece of pancake and brought it to his mouth and chewwed it. "Awh do you miss Appa?" Wonbin nodded a large few nods. Myungsoo was on a business trip and had been gone for a week, sadly enough missing Wonbin's birthday today. Sungjong hummed, thinking to himself. "After you eat, we can talk to Appa." he explained and Wonbin nodded, keeping to try and eat which didnt take overly too long as he nibbled on them--"How does it taste, Wonbin-ah~?" He questioned, remembering to keep conversations with Wonbin when he could to keep him on the steady speaking path he was on. "Its.. delicious!" He quietly exclaimed, slowly speaking the words and not tripping over the many letters in the large word. "It is?" He questioned with a grin and Wonbin nodded. Finishing up and reaching over to his sippy cup and drinking some milk down. "You wanna go talk to Appa now?" Sungjong asked as he picked up both plates and placed them into the sink, turning the water on and letting it run momentarily to let it soak in some water and not stick to the plates. "Yeah!" Wonbin finally explained after taking a big drink of milk and carefully sliding out of the chair, following Sungjong as he went into the living room and hummed throughtfully as he messed with somethings on the computer, hooking it up to the television. "What doing?" Wonbin questioned curiously. "Mn, Its 'What are you doing' Wonbinnie~" he corrected with a small grin, before going back to the computer and typing a few things before a ringing sound filled the living area.

Wonbin seemed to be amused by it. "The room is ringing!" He loudly exclaimed causing Wonbin to question, before Myungsoo finally answered the skype call and his videochat showed on the TV.  "Appa!" Wonbin happily cheered, jumping in excitement. "Wonbin-ah~" Myungsoo called through the call with a chuckle at how excited Wonbin was. Sungjong had the computer webcam faced to Wonbin but he was Looking at the TV since thats where the picture of Myungsoo was. Turning back momentarily to Sungjong. "Eomma, Appa is in the tv!" He exclaimed causing Sungjong to laugh. "He is~!" Sungjong cooed and Myungsoo called the boy once more to get his attention. "Neee...?!" Wonbin asked, taking a bit breath and drinking more milk. "Happy birthday! Are you being good for Eomma?" Myungsoo questioned and Wonbin nodded a big nod that seemed to move his whole body causing Myungsoo to laugh a bit. "He said he misses you." Sungjong murmured as Myungsoo grinned, "Did you Miss Appa, Wonbinnie?" He questioned as Wonbin seemed to have lost his attention, picking at something on his shirt. "Did you Miss Appa?" Wonbin nodded slowly. "Appa I miss you.." he murmued softly. "Awh I miss you too." Myungsoo spoke before Wonbin finally lost interest in whatever he was doing with his shirt and looked back up to the TV. "Why are you in the TV Appa?" Wonbin questioned causing Myungsoo too laugh. "Umm...." he mumbled, trying to think of something real quick to appease his question. "I'm..fixing it." he finally spoke, "Fixing it?" Wonbin questioned, "Yep!"

Wonbin stayed quiet in thought for a moment,"Appa!" he finally exclaimed causing Myungsoo to laugh quietly. "You missed.." Wonbin took a deep breathe as if there were too many words in the sentence and he had run out of breathe, "You missed Dinosaur pancakes." he finally finished and Myungsoo playfully frowned to appease him. "I Did?" Wonbin nodded in response. "Oh, Well I'll be home soon, Okay?" Wonbin nodded again before walking to the TV and putting his arms up to it, hugging it which made Sungjong laugh, finding it cute. "I love you appa, byebye" He muttered, waving at the TV and Myungsoo grinned, waving back. "Love you too." he replied before hanging up the call.

"Wonbin-ah~" Sungjong spoke softly, going over to him and scooping him up in his arms. He seemed kind of sad that Myungsoo was gone again. "Appa will be home soon sweetie." he spoke calmly in a gentle soothing voice as he gave the boy a kiss to the side of his head and rubbed his back comfortingly. Wonbin nodded reluctantly despite the small frown on his lips as he looked down. "We're gonna go to the store to buy more presents today, You can pick anything you want~" He explained. "I can?" Wonbin questioned as Sungjong nodded, "Yes, Do you wanna go right now or--" he began to explain but once Wonbin started to nod to the question he grinned softly. "Alright," He spoke, grabbing his son's hand and going to get his wallet before the two headed out of the home; Sungjong locking up before they headed to the car.

Helping Wonbin into his carseat before getting in the drivers side, he pulled out and drove, turning the radio on, to keep Wonbin preoccupied, despite the toys he had in the back. It was gloomy outside and was most likely going to rain soon, so he was glad to have set the birthday party inside of the Kim mansion; easier to deal with that way. Sungjong sighed quietly thinking about how he was going to See Myungsoo's parents again today. It wasn't like he didnt like them--or that they didn't like him; infact--it was quite the opposite, They liked him quite alot. It was just that he couldnt say that he was overly comfortable them because he only saw them so many few times; he always felt on edge. "Whats wrong Eomma?" Wonbin questioned, hearing the sigh from him. Sungjong grinned with  a soft chuckle--forgetting that Wonbin had always seemed to be rather sensitive to emotions and he could see things for how they really were even when he was younger than before this. "Its nothing, We're almost there. Its going to rain so lets pick the toys quickly, Okay?" Sungjong spoke in a slightly upbeat tone to help the little one think that he wasn't stressing about anything.

Once parked, Sungjong got out and went inside with Wonbin to pick the toys. After walking through, the cart had about 10-15 things when Wonbin was done. Surprisingly enough despite how many, it wasn't overly expensive; Wonbin was actually really picky when it came to things he liked. He didn't like trucks but he liked small cars, Didn't like aliens nor cowboys but he liked dinosaurs and robots--trains. "Thank you Eomma." he happily spoke as they two loaded the car up. "You're welcome Wonnie." He hummed as they drove back to the house--bringing the toys into his room and placing them down. "Go put your good clothes on okay? Your party is soon." He explained to Wonbin who nodded and energetically ran off causing Sungjong to chuckle as he brought in the last of the toys and noticed that the rain was really starting up now. In July? It was supposed to be a bad storm later tonight so he made the party early so everyone could head home quick--even though most of the people who were coming lived in the mansions just beside theirs.  Wonbin came back with his clothes messily put on but the attempt was great. Sungjong grinned as he went over to tidy him up before getting an umbrella. "Its starting to drizzle a bit.." Sungjong murmured as he gave Wonbin his own umbrella; something he was always excited to use as they left the house and headed over. Sungjong watched over him as he ran ahead. "Don't jump in the puddles at least till we come back!" He spoke with a laugh knowing that it wouldn't be long till Wonbin ruined his nice clothes.

Arriving to the mansion after about ten minutes of walking, they entered in and were greeted by all; Mostly it was people fawning over how big Wonbin had gotten now that he was turning three years old today and that he was so cute and handsome. "Uncle Hoya!" Wonbin called as he ran to Hoya who kneeled down to catch the boy hugging him tightly "Wow! You're a big boy now, huh?" he muttered, smiling to the small boy, "Sooyi is over there if you want to go play?" Hoya questioned as he let the boy go and he nodded eagerly before running off to go see her. Hoya chuckled as he came to Sungjong's side. "Wow, Seems like he was just a months old the last time I saw him." Sungjong laughed, snorting quietly. "You just saw him a few weeks ago hyung." He corrected causing Hoya to grin and pull Sungjong into a hug. "Jiyeon wanted to say hi too--but she couldnt come." He explained as Sungjong frowned slightly. "Awh, well I'm sure Wonbin would like to see Sooyi so I'll probably see her another time." Sungjong explained with a grin as he looked over to Wonbin and Sooyi, Hoya and Jiyeon's daughter playing with each other. "Oh Sungjong!" Mrs. Kim noticed him and came over to give him a hug in which he grinned awkwardly and patted her back; Hoya took this as a time to slip off as he grinned.

"Hi Mrs Kim." he spoke and she grinned large, "Aish, Remember i told you can call me eommeonii~" She cooed lovingly and Sungjong smiled sheepishly as he nodded. "Ne, Eommeoni.." he quietly spoke in a shy manner causing her to quietly laugh. "Aigoo, so cute." she murmued before looking over to Wonbin. "Such a big boy now that Wonbin is." She spoke with a smile on her face. Sungjong was sure that if he knew her better, he would have been fond of her--she was warm and kind despite the way that she looked like she would be business and strict, she was understanding and loving. "Yeah, he's growing up fast." Sungjong sighed slightly with a small grin anyway as he looked over as well. "Did you guys think of getting another?" "A-another?" Sungjong questioned at the sudden question. "Yes! Wonbin is old enough that you could have another with you." Mrs kim suggested "Hmm..." Sungjong hummed thoughtfully. "Well I.. A new baby..." he murmured, slightly taken aback by the sudden question.

"Am I gonna get a baby brother?" Wonbin questioned causing Sungjong to jump slightly as he chuckled and looked to the small boy who was looking up to the two. "When did you get here?" Sungjong muttered with a chuckle. "Sooyi wants me to play over  soon!" Wonbin spoke and Sungjong nodded. "Of course thats fine~, You know that." Sungjong spoke with a grin before Wonbin looked to the two. "But, is there a baby coming?" Wonbin asked, obviously curiously and Sungjong hesitated, looking around awkwardly. "Well....'" he slowly spoke, taking a deep breathe. "Would you like a baby brother or sister, Wonbin?" Sungjong questioned and Wonbin nodded. "Yeah! I can teach them stuffs!" Sungjong chuckled along with Mrs Kim. "Well..I mean.." he muttered, looking from Wonbin back to Mrs. Kim. "I wouldn't mind it..but I'd have to talk it over with Myungsoo, See what he wants." He explained, sending Wonbin off as She grinned, "Well I'll put out word that you might be interested and maybe that could make things go along faster, you know how long that process is with adopting." She explained and Sungjong nodded with a bashfully chuckle. "I'll make an appointment for you to meet up with some people and if you decide against it, you can just tell them you changed your mind." "Thank you." he murmured and she chuckled. "Oh, No need to thank me dear! Thank you for making my son happy, and giving me such an adorable grandson. I think thats thanks enough." She spoke kindly as Sungjong grinned, nodding.

The party went by quick enough and Wonbin and himself headed back to the house, slowly enough for Sungjong to carry the unwrapped toys that'd been giving to Wonbin as presents. This gave Wonbin enough time to jump in puddles and happily run around. "Be careful Wonbin~" Sungjong murmured in a nagging voice before arriving home and  Sungjong let Wonbin play a bit outside while he went to put the toys away and when he came back--he was surprised to see that Myungsoo was there, driving up in the car. Once he got out Wonbin dropped his umbrella and ran to him. "Appa!" Wonbin exclaimed, running over to him and hugging him tightly as Myungsoo picked him up. "Hey little man, I'm sorry I missed your party.". Sungjong grinned, heading over to hug Myungsoo as well, pecking his lips just momentarily. "You're home early?" Sungjong spoke with a grin, actually rather glad  that he was back as he had missed him as well; The three heading into the home to continue their conversation inside out of the rain. Sungjong picking up Wonbin's discarded Umbrella as they did. "they finished early so I had a chance to come back; a little late but at least i'm here." he grinned, looking to Wonbin. "Appa, I got lots of toys!" He exclaimed before Myungsoo set him down. "Is that so?" Wonbin nodded eagerly. "Why don't we dry off and you can show me some?" Myungsoo questioned before Wonbin grabbed Myungsoo's hand and dragged him into the room to see the toys.

Sungjong took this as a moment to go and relax; heading into the room and taking a shower before heading into bed to take a much needed rest; the storm was loud and thundering hard but somehow that only made his sleep more comfortable to him--lulling him to sleep. It didn't take long before Myungsoo returned maybe an hour or two; Showering and quietly changing--getting into bed; slipping beside Sungjong and forming to the curve of Sungjong's backside. Warmly reaching an arm over to hug him as he sighed, taking a deep breathe and letting himself smell the vanilla scented shampoo that Sungjong liked to use.  Sungjong slowly turn back to him, still half asleep as he looked curiously between heavy lidded eyes that were still heavy with the remnants of sleep. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Myungsoo murmured quietly, Hugging Sungjong sightly from behind before Sungjong turned back to face him, laying on his back comfortably as Myungsoo propped his head up with his hand, looking down to him. "Mnn..thats okay." Sungjong tiredly murmured as he rubbed at his eye and cuddled close to Myungsoo's side. "We missed you." Sungjong whispered quietly, voice sightly groggy as he tried to wake up.

"Yeah?" "yeah." Myungsoo grinned "Who is we?" he asked suggestively, letting his hand reach down to brush at Sungjong's crotch;  giving him a hard time--knowing that Sungjong rarely would directly tell him that he missed him because even after being together for so long--he still got slightly shy and embarrassed.  "Not that, you ert." Sungjong murmured, quietly laughing as he swatted Myungsoo's hand away causing him to smirk, snickering at it. "I missed you too." he murmured, leaning down a few meters to peck Sungjong's lips twice before kissing him deeply.
A sneaky hand trailing up Sungjong's shirt to caress his torso, causing Sungjong to quietly moan softly in approval but this moment didn't last long as the door creaked open slowly, causing them to still their actions. "Eomma...?" Wonbin's tiny voice was heard as Sungjong pushed back Myungsoo away gently, causing Myungsoo to sigh deeply. "Yes, Whats wrong sweetie?" Sungjong asked as he sat up and then Wonbin took this as a sign to come in all the way--crawling into the bed along with them. "The storm is scary..." he murmured. "Awh," he murmured making room between him and Myungsoo for Wonbin to sleep. "You can sleep in here with us, that thunder is pretty loud isn't it?" he asked calmly as he patted the spot; letting Wonbin crawl in and snuggle besides Sungjong, quickly falling to sleep with the comfort of his parents around him.

Myungsoo on the otherhand looked disappointed and was slightly pouting despite how he warmly allowed Wonbin to sleep there causing Sungjong to quietly chuckle. "Don't be a baby." Sungjong murmured. "A different time Myungie~" he murmured quietly as Myungsoo sighed with a chuckle as the thunder outside struck loudly and Wonbin whimpered softly and squirmed slightly--shocked back awake until Myungsoo rubbed Wonbin's back causing him to calm down and drift back slowly in sleep. Sungjong yawned, rubbing his eyes as he looked down to their sleeping child. "Wonbin said he wanted a sibling today." "A sibling?" he questioned, Sungjong nodded. "Well i'm not against it..but do we have the time for that?" Myungsoo questioned, Wonbin had always been energetic and hyper--so he was a handful but he was becoming easier to handle lately. Sungjong shrugged, "It was just something I thought I'd run past you." Sungjong Murmured quietly, mindful of the sleeping boy beside him. "Ah..Well, Do you want another?" Myungsoo questioned and Sungjong thought about it before nodding a bit. "I wouldn't mind it, but we don't have to if you don't want too. We already have Wonbin. " Sungjong spoke with thoughtfulness. "Then we'll go look, and get our decisions then." Myungsoo spoke before Sungjong grinned and reached over to hold onto Myungsoo's hand. the two falling asleep just like Wonbin not too long after.




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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay