11m {Part 003}



"Hes still so awake. . ." Sungjong murmured quietly with a tired sigh, "Well he took that nap in the car.. and then had the candy after." Myungsoo reminded him with a snort as Sungjong laid comfortably and tiredly watched as Myungsoo lifted Wonbin in the air and carefully walked around the room, making wooshing sounds. "at least his little fever went down like that doctor said." Sungjong murmued as Wonbin giggled loudly, enjoying the 'airplane' ride. Myungsoo sighed with a laugh, starting to feel tired as he safely ended the 'ride' and placed Wonbin on the bed. "Nap timeee now~?"  Myungsoo asked almost hopefully and Wonbin was quiet for a second, his thumb in distraction to some other things and Myungsoo wondered if he could relax but once he turned--"Appa! Fwsh...!!!" Wonbin whined again, imitating the wooshing sound that Myungsoo did and making a cute pouty face as he raised his arms up again. Sungjong snickered, "This ride is going to break down if you over ride, Wonbin-ah~" Sungjong cooed, sitting up momentarily to bring Wonbin to him--trying to save Myungsoo from the Nth time he's played airplane with Wonbin. Myungsoo climbed and laid down, pretending to be more exhausted than he really was by making a 'oof'' sound as he bounced down on the bed.

"He keeps crying for us if we put him in the room." Sungjong sighed as held his hands out to Wonbin to who studied them carefully before placing his tiny hands in the middle of his large ones. "You Should sleep, I can watch him while you do." Myungsoo reassured before Sungjong shook his head,  holding on to wonbin's tiny hands; pulling and shaking his arms a bit, to make him seem like he was dancing. "Wow, He's gonna be a star, Can see it now. Lookat these moves Myungsoo." Sungjong jokingly spoke as he laughed to himself. "Okay, You definately need to sleep." myungsoo snickered. "What?" Sungjong asked, in a fake offended voice as he turned his head to look at Myungsoo with big eyes. "Look! Wonnie likes it!" He exclaimed, from the way that Wonbin was giggling  happily and he wiggled slightly, causing Sungjong to break out into a laugh--Myungsoo as well. "Don't step on his dream!" Sungjong playfully cooed, grinning up to Myungsoo before poking at Wonbin's dimples in his cheeks. He seemed to be proud of his actions, smiling with the small teeth he had and letting out short breathy laughs as he eyesmiled. "So cute." Myungsoo murmured, chuckling to himself and quickly reaching over to snap a few pictures with his camera. Which by now, Wonbin had grown accustomed to and didn't even bat an eyelash at the sound of the clicking and snapping.

"Aish, You're making me tired with it~" Sungjong muttered as he brought his hands to his face to cover it from Myungsoo who took pictures of him, "but you look best right before you sleep and wake up--....And after you shower-- and during~" Myungsoo murmured causing Sungjong to reach over to smack him for that last comment, even though he was laughing. "peebuuuu..." Wonbin muttered, putting his hands up to his face like Sungjong did causing Myungsoo to laugh, "he thinks you're playing Peekaboo with him."  Sungjong chuckled, "Wonbin-ah~ Where did you gooo? I miss you~?" Sungjong called, playing along with him as he pouted sadly and sniffled before Wonbin energeticly put his hands down, "Wao! When did you get there!" Sungjong exclaimed causing Wonbin to giggle happily at the response doing it again. "Oh no, he left again..." Sungjong muttered sadly before Wonbin revealed himself again with a excited laughter, "Oh you came back! Don't go away anymore~ Appa gets sad!" he cooed, sitting up a bit to hug him; Wonbin looked thoughtfully for a moment and turned to Myungsoo, "Appa!" he called, automatically associating that word with Myungsoo and not Sungjong--no matter how many times he tried to refer to himself as it. Myungsoo broke out into a cackle. "Yes Wonbin? Do you have a story for Appa?" Sungjong pouted, but grinned as Wonbin began speaking a story of jibberish in an excited fashion. "Is that so?" Myungsoo questioned as Wonbin waved his arms. "ksjgkdghatgda!!!" Wonbin babbled and babbled; Sungjong snorted, "Well thats the best sentance I heard all day." He said between laughs at the incoherant babbles mixed with a few coherant words of 'No', 'Appa', and the other few words that he already could pronounce; Myungsoo replied as if he actually understood.

"Wait, ask him questions." Sungjong spoke, wondering if Myungsoo had heard the way that Wonbin had lately been responding to commands and questions. "Wonbin-ah, nod your head~" He spoke and in responce, Wonbin shook his head causing Myungsoo to laugh and Wonbin mimicked it, laughing along. "Wonbin-ah, This is Nodding," Myungsoo nodded his head, "this is Shaking." He then shook his head and Wonbin pouted "No!" He exclaimed causing Sungjong to snort, snickering to himself. "Well, he'll get it eventually." Myungsoo muttered with a laugh as he Wonbin's head. "Wonbin-ah~" Sungjong called, causing Wonbin to turn his head in recognition. "Umm..." Sungjong thought for a moment. "Give Myungsoo Appa kisses. bbobbo~" And in response, Wonbin stood up slowly and wobbled the few steps to where Myungsoo was sitting and made a fishy face in an attempt to give him a 'kiss', causing Myungsoo to laugh and kiss his son's fishy face. Wonbin clapped his hands together happily in response as he giggled softly. "Aw you got a kiss from Appa~ Are you happy Wonnie~?" Sungjong cooed before Wonbin waddled back over to Sungjong and repeated the fishyface-action in which Sungjong gave him a peck too with a smile.

"Can you...make a heart?" Sungjong questioned now as Wonbin looked at his hands and played with them, making a circle instead causing Myungsoo to laugh, "I think a heart might be too advanced, he's still not even 1 years old yet.." Myungsoo murmured, "No, no~ he did it when he was watching tv with me." Sungjong tried to explain, "Wonbin-ah~, A heart, hearteu~, Saranghaee~" he cooed and Wonbin smiled big, and raised his arms up over his head in the supposed shape but it was still a bit crooked, but still impressive for a baby. "Saanghae!!" Wonbin murmured in an attempt to say saranghae "Yes~ neomu Neomuu saranghae~" Sungjong repeated, Wonbin sitting down--his little legs probably getting tired. "nomu.." he repeated softly as he got distracted with a stuffed animal now.

Myungsoo chuckled, "I thought TV was supposed to be bad?" he teased playfully, Sungjong laughed quietly, shrugging. "He just keeps surprising me with the new things he does everyday." Sungjong explain as Wonbin stayed focus on the doll before stopping and his face scrunched up as he made a soft grunting sound before, looking up to the two as if looking for a response. Sungjong sighed, laughed quietly to himself now. "He just pooped didn't he--?" Myungsoo muttered and Sungjong sighed, getting up and picking up Wonbin who seemed to continue playing with the toy as if he hadn't just went to the bathroom. The two bringing him into the baby room; quickly and carefully changing his diaper before he decided to pee as well. Myungsoo handing him the things he needed before Sungjong changed it and handed him the remainders over to throw away.
Sungjong helped in Sitting Wonbin up, "All clean." Sungjong murmured as Wonbin looked from the toy and back to Sungjong before grunting and reaching out for Sungjong. "Eomma!" he called, causing Sungjong to sigh once more from the name but picked him up and paced the room, slightly bouncing the boy in his arms; Wonbin holding on tightly, resting his head on his shoulder as Myungsoo returned back in, "Looks like he's finally getting tired." Myungsoo muttered quietly, not wanting to hype him up by talking too loud "Good." Sungjong murmured in exhaustion with a warm chuckle as he gently pecked the top of Wonbin's head. it didn't take to long before Wonbin (finally) drifted off and Sungjong slowly placed him into the crib, sighing deeply before the two made their way out of the room quietly and quickly.

 "What time is it?" Sungjong muttered as the two relaxed finally on their bed. Myungsoo turned and looked with a yawn. "4:02AM." he murmured causing Sungjong to sigh, quietly chuckling at all the hours they'd spent trying to get Wonbin to finally sleep."You'll be okay for work?" Sungjong asked, frowning a bit in worry. Myungsoo grinned, sitting up just a bit to lean over and kiss Sungjong on the lips briefly. "its fine, don't worry about it. Lets just sleep while we can~" Myungsoo cooed with a chuckle as he pulled Sungjong close to him, cuddling before The two falling asleep.



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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay