[H] 6m - [W] 3y {Part 003}




"You three should help!" Jaesun called, impatiently as him and Wonbin rolled a large ball of snow for the bottom part. "You two play too rough, She'll get rolled over by that!" Chiyo protected, holding the small girl in her lap as her and Hana watched at Wonbin and Jaesun worked on the forming of the snowman's body. It was christmas and as if giving a gift, it snowed a bunch and gave them lots of snow to play with.  Sooyi sat besides Chiyo thoughtfully as she watched quietly. "We'll help you dress it up" Chiyo explained causing Jaesun to sigh loudly. "What a girly thing.." he muttered b before Chiyo narrowed her eyes. "What was that!?" She yelled back and Jaesun chose to ignore that question as him and wonbin rolled the second ball of snow. "Binnie, Don't let girls push you around, you're a kim!" Jaesun told Wonbin who only looked confused to his words but nodded as if he understood. "You gotta be a man..and...um...be strong and tough." He explained as Wonbin continued to nod. "Strong..tough..." the younger boy repeated as Jaesun nodded proudly.

When they finished,Wonbin held onto Hana's hand as the older kids put the designs on the taller spots. Hana instead of the snowman seemed to be more interested in the snow itself as she sat and and grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into her face, attempting to eat it and giggling happily at the sensation of this new thing to her. Wonbin reached over to wipe some of the snow from her face before standing on his tippy toees as if it would give him a better look of the snowman. "I'll go ask hyung to use his camera." Jaesun spoke before running off into the mansion quickly as if it would melt if he waited any longer. "Are you guys having fun?" Chiyo questioned sweetly as Sooyi quietly nodded her head. "Yep!" Wonbin cheered being the more vocal of the two.

Jaesun came jogging back not too much longer and took a picture of the snowman before Chiyo went over and graciously took it from his hands, "You go stand with them, we should take pictures with it!" Chiyo insisted and Jaesun nodded, as he went to go hold hana since the other two kids were too small and weak to hold onto the baby properly. Chiyo took the picture and Wonbin shivered a bit. "Cold?" Chiyo questioned and Jaesun opened his mouth. "Oh. Hyung said to come inside so we can open presents and eat." He explained and they all headed inside, Wonbin walking slowly not to leave Sooyi behind because she seemed to be walking slowly--probably because she had been wrapped up in such thick winter clothes, it was difficult  to move.


"but how does...does..santa get inside?" Wonbin suddenly asked as Sungjong pulled his and Hana's winter clothes on the the end of the day.. "What Santa?" Jaesun muttered before Sumin smacked the back of his head. "Does...santa not exist?" Wonbin asked now, causing Chiyo and a few others nearby to chuckle nervously. "Of course he does! Doesn't he Jaesun?" Sumin asked forcefully before Jaesun sighed and nodded reluctantly. "you little brat." Sumin murmured quietly to her litlte brother

The carride was quiet and it was a uncomfortable quiet. "Appa..Theres really no santa?" He suddenly asked caused Myungsoo to slightly panic as he looked over to Sungjong who smiled, "Of course there is a santa, Wonbin-ah~" he quickly answered, "That was just a mistake that jaesun made on accident." "Oh." wonbin murmured before getting quiet again and looking over to Hana who has passed out well after and was sleeping soudly in her chair.  Wonbin reached over to touch her rosy cheeks with his bare hands, "Hana is cold." he muttered and Sungjong looked back through the back mirror. "You guys were in the snow for a long time." he chuckled as he turned the heat on a bit. Wonbin thoughtfully reached for a blanket nearby and placed it over the little girl before stretching and rubbing his own eyes. "Sleepy?" Myungsoo questioned with a chuckle as he looked back to watch Wonbin stubbornly shake his head despite the obvious tired actions he was showing. 

"Appa." he called causing Myungsoo to hum in curiousity. "Where do babies come from?" Wonbin questioned causing Sungjong to choked on his drink and Myungsoo, looked over to him akwardly, patting his back before Sungjong looked out the window, covering his mouth to fight the fit of laughter that was coming to him. "Yes Myungsoo, Where do babies come from?" he asked in amusement causing Myungsoo to hesitate "Uh..Wonbin why do you ask that?" He asked curiously, looking back through the center mirror momentarily to see the boy's expression. "Uncle Dongwoo's girlfriend has a baby in her belly." Wonbin spoke honestly with curiousity. "How do babies get in your tummy? Do you eat something?" Wonbin questioned more and Sungjong Leaned forward, doubling over in his quiet laughter--getting a sharp look from Myungsoo as he wiped the tears from his eyes and sniffled quietly, taking a step in since Myungsoo seemed to be dumbfounded by this sudden question; Wonbin was way too young to have the real question answered so Sungjong quickly came up with an excuse.

"You're right Wonbin-ah~, Its like baby seeds. You eat them and then you have a baby that grows." Sungjong spoke before Wonbin nodded understanding. "Ohh.." he murmured in understanding, "Are baby seeds expensive? You can't plant them in the ground?" He asked curiously causing Sungjong to laugh even more finding this to be extremely amusing. "Um, Not very expensive...I guess..But you can't plant them in the ground. Um..Sometimes people can't grow babies so they have someone else grow the baby for them and then..the stork brings them to them." Sungjong continued to explain slowly. "Did I get growned by someone else?" Wonbin questioned and Sungjong sighed quietly "Yes Wonbin~ because uhm.. Two...Appa's can't have babies, so we had someone grow you for us~." Sungjong explained and Wonbin nodded some more. Questions obviously done now as he went quiet. "I'm happy you grew me." Wonbin suddenly said and Sungjong chuckled, looking back to the boy's hair. "I'm glad too Wonbin~"



A/N; Two really short chapters so I updated twice today ouo/ Next It'll be when Hana and wonbin are a liittle bit bigger once more.

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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay