3y {Part 002}




Sungjong sighed as Wonbin whined, turning over in their bed. "Myungsoo can you please get him up?" Sungjong asked tiredly as he went to go do something else as Myungsoo grinned; Sungjong was never good at disciplining Wonbin and ussually thats were Myungsoo came in. "Wonbin-ah, Time to get up. It's a big day." he spoke, lightly hitting the boy on the to get his attention. Wonbin whined, opening his eyes but not actually getting out of their bed. "One--" he started counting before Wonbin got out and frowned--clearly upset as he grunted in a slight tempur tantrum. "Hey." Myungsoo warned as Wonbin groggily stomped to the kitchen causing Myungsoo to chuckle at his childish actions. He could remember the time when Wonbin would fight to stay awake; refused to sleep, but now it was the opposite. "Are you excited about preschool?" Sungjong questioned as he watched Wonbin frown, pouting to himself still as he stubbornly shook his head. "You arent? Why not?" Sungjong quetioned as he put food infront of the smaller boy and then some in Myungsoo's spot as well. "I wanna stay home with you...." wonbin sadly spoke as he let the spoon swish the milk around in his cereal. "awh you'll come back with us after school sweetie." Sungjong spoke with a sigh as he rubbed his back comfortlingly.

After giving Wonbin his bath and brushed his teeth, letting him change; they all headed over to the preschool, to drop him off. Wonbin seemed to very much dislike this as he held on Tightly to sungjong's hand as they walked through.  The kids inside seemed friendly enough and seemed to be having fun but Wonbin didn't look the least bit interested. "Oh! Is this wonbin?" A woman spoke as she noticed the unfamiliar faces and she left one of the kid's sides to come and see them. "Wow, Handsome!" She spoke sweetly but Wonbin still kept a safe place behind Sungjong. Wonbin had been friendly with strangers normally but he knew that his parents weren't going to stay with him and this would be the first time he was away from them for so long of a time. Myungsoo grinned down to Wonbin as he continued to look down at his shoes and cling to behind Sungjong. "This is normal, Don't worry." The woman spoke as she looked up to sungjong.

Sungjong kneeled down, "Don't you wanna go play Wonbin-ah~?" he questioned and Wonbin shook his head furiously. "Sooyi is gonna be here later and you'll make so many friends while you're here." Sungjong tried to further convince him as he pet the boy's head and he looked around for Sooyi and when he didnt see her; he didnt agreed. Sungjong sighed. "Wonbin, You've gotta be a big boy and go to preschool today, you know?" he questioned as Wonbin slowly but reluctantly nodded his head--Tears starting to come out. "Oh..Wonbin.." Sungjong murmured, feeling a sadness as he reached over to his son and hugged him tightly; rubbing his back. "Myungsoo do we have to leave him here today? Maybe he's not ready...?" Sungjong asked, looking up at Myungsoo;  obviously breaking easily by the first sight of tears. Wonbin was never the type to cry easily and that made the tears even more effectful. "No Jongie, He needs to learn now. " Myungsoo pressed on firmly.

Sungjong sighed and continued to hug wonbin; comforting him in his silent tears until he pulled away and gently wiped the tears from his cheeks with a deep sigh. "Look Wonbin, Sooyi is here now; you two can play." Myungsoo spoke as Jiyeon trailed in with Sooyi who looked just as timid, "Look Sooyi, Wonbin is here!" She spoke softly to her daughter who had her bottom lip puffed out in a pout and going to Wonbin's side and holding onto his hand; she seemed to be a bit more comfortable with him around and him as well. Sungjong chuckled and tilted his head. "Do you guys wanna go now? do you think you can?" Sungjong asked curiously to them both, reaching over to pat both their heads. Wonbin suprisingly nodded now, but Sooyi looked hesitant. "SooYii-ah~, Eomma is going to have your favorite meal later today, so be good, okay? You have your best friend with  you~" She cooed lovingly before the teacher directed the two inside, Sooyi looking back as they walked but eventually they went inside and were fine.

Sungjong sighed deeply as he stood up, running a hand through his hair and he chuckled softly. "You saved us." Sungjong spoke to Jiyeon as he went to give her a hug. "Well, I think you saved me as well, She cried the whole car ride here." jiyeon spoke with a laugh, turning to look at Myungsoo who grinned and gave her a nod as a greeting as the three walked out. "Where's Hoya?" Sungjong questioned, as Jiyeon grinned, "He had to work early. I think thats why it was so hard for Sooyi because shes a total daddy's girl." Jiyeon explained as Sungjong nodded with understanding as he sighed and looked from Myungsoo to back to Jiyeon. "Mn, They say it gets better after the first time." Sungjong spoke to lighten the mood, even though it was obvious that it was slightly bothering him to leave Wonbin there.

"I have to get going for work myself now, I'm finally going back today now that Sooyi is going to preschool." She explained as Sungjong grinned. "Oh, Thats great. If you want, after it gets out--we can bring Sooyi back with us?" He suggested and Jiyeon smiled in reponse. "That'd be great but I really think that Sooyi needs to be with Hoya after that hard day she'll have. He was really torn to have to leave her also." Sungjong nodded in understanding. "Well, We'll see you later Jiyeon-ah~" He spoke waving before the two parted to their own cars. "That wasn't so hard." Myungsoo spoke as they sat in the car and started to pull out, causing Sungjong to laugh with a sigh. "He cried, Myungsoo." Sungjong spoke rubbing his own face and reclining into the seat. "I don't know, I was expecting something much more dramatic actually." he admitted with a chuckle as they headed to the meeting for today--Going to look to see if there were any kids that seemed to fit them. Sungjong had a soft spot for orphans since he technically was one at one point in his life, so it probably wouldnt be hard for him to find a child he could love and for Myungsoo, He was sure he could learn to love any child they adopted. His thing was that he was frightful of small children because they were so tiny and Sungjong knew this so he tried to look towards to the older kids but there was one baby that was just born that caught his eye.

"That baby--" Sungjong spoke, interrupting the worker who was speaking, "are they sick?" He questioned, noticing how it was specifically moved away from the others. "Oh," the worked murmured quietly as she huffed quietly and brought them over to see her. "She's not sick persay, But she's just premature." she explained, "Also malnurished; we don't know what happened to her family but she left alone in an apartment; it was cleared out with only the crib left over. She was in there for a week just wailing and someone heard and called someone luckily we were able to get to her in time, But she's still kind of frail. We keep her in there so we can keep a better watch on her." The worker explained and Sungjong nodded slowly, looking to Myungsoo and he could tell from the look he gave him what he was thinking, "If we wanted to adopt her..?" Myungsoo questioned and the worker smiled a bit, "That can work, you'd have to wait until she's in her third or maybe even fifth month to take her home depending on her progress because we have to tend to her malnurishment and make her stronger. She's smaller than most babies, and..because of her being abandoned like she was--she might have a sort of attachment issue?" The worker honestly spoke, wanting the two to know what they were getting into. "She might need a bit more comfort than other babies is what I mean, but other than that she'll be perfectly fine." Sungjong nodded, looking to the baby who was comfortably sleeping.

"Since you've adopted before, the process won't be so difficult, but the only thing for you is just..waiting for her to get healthy enough to leave the hospital wing. but, I thought you two wanted a older child?" The worker asked with Curiousity. Myungsoo grinned with a chuckle, looking over to Sungjong, "We were, But I think we're pretty much sold on her now. I'm sure the age won't matter any, we'll take care of her just the same." Myungsoo spoke causing the worker to grin. "You said you'd bring your son here afterward to get a look at her?" Myungsoo nodded, "He was excited to have a sibling so I think he'd be happy to see her." He explained as the worker nodded. "We'll get the papers so you can sign and you guys can hold her and get her comfortable with you; You should come visit as much as you can so she can grow comfortable with you before you take her home." The worker spoke and the two nodded as they headed off to work on the papers.

Once finished, the worker grinned and told them she'd see them later as they left out and Sungjong took a deep breathe as the two sat in the car. Myungsoo looked over to him and grinned a bit, chuckling. "What?" He questioned as Sungjong stared off into space. "Nervous." He muttered quietly, Myungsoo reaching over to hold his hand and gently rub his thumb over the top of it. "You weren't nervous with Wonbin~" He teased a bit as Sungjong pouted cutely, lacing their fingers together and looking to their enveloped hands. "Sure I was, but I didn't show it because I didn't want to worry you or make you scared or anything. You seemed really nervous then." Sungjong muttered with a smile as he looked up from their hands to Myungsoo. "I was," Myungsoo admitted, letting a laugh out. "What's different this time?" Sungjong questioned curiously; Myungsoo thought on this question a bit.

"Its not all new this time?.." He hummed in thought of how to explain it better, "I mean..I did it once so, I can probably do it again." Myungsoo spoke before laughing. "When I hold her though, I might feel that nervousness return. She's even smaller than wonbin was." Myungsoo spoke in some sort of nostalgia. "I'm sure you'll do well~" Sungjong reassured, leaning over to peck Myungsoo on the cheek. "Wonbin is tottally attached to you now. I didnt get a chance to tell you, He was really really sad when you weren't there on his birthday and when you came back he was soo so happy." Myungsoo smiled, quietly laughing to himself. "He was?" Sungjong nodded causing Myungsoo to smile wider with a chuckle. "You know, I'm really happy you suggested kids. I didn't think I could love anyone as much as you but.." Sungjong let out a laugh,  covering his face with his hand--slightly bashful from the comment causing Myungsoo to laugh along with him.

"We should probably go get Wonbin, It'll take us some time to get back and It's already nearing that time." Sungjong muttered as he looked to the time and Myungsoo pulled out of the driving way and began heading back to pick up Wonbin from his first day of preschool. Sungjong was really hoping that he wouldn't go back and see him in tears or something. To his suprise he was laughing and playing with the other kids happily, despite the fact that Sooyi didnt seem to be there anymore since the two arrived a little late. "Was he good?" Myungsoo questioned as the two looked to Wonbin as he was playing. "Oh yeah, he's great. A little angel." The teacher chuckled with a grin. "Wonbin, Your parents are here!" She called as he turned his head and got up to run over to them happily, going to Myungsoo's side. "When you first leave them its hard but they slowly get comfortable, I think he'll be okay from now on." The teacher explained, smiling down to the boy who smiled back to her with an adorable smile, dimples showing causing Sungjong grin happily that things went well. "Well, We'll see you tomorrow, right Wonbin-ah?" He questioned as Wonbin nodded and held onto both of his parents hands as they walked back to the car.

 "We have a suprise for you Wonnie." Sungjong spoke as they walked and Sungjong set him up inside his carseat before sitting in the passenger seat. "Suprise?" Wonbin questioned, looking ahead with wonder as he clutched onto the stuffed animal in the back. "Do you wanna meet your little sister?" Myungsoo questioned and Wonbin gasped, bouncing a bit in his seat. "I can? I want to, want to~!" she happily spoke. "Can she play?" he asked with excitement that made Sungjong chuckle. "No not yet, she's really small right now so we have to be reaaally really quiet, okay?" He explained as they drove on their way there. Wonbin simply nodded obidently. "When we bring her home she can play with you." Sungjong continued to explain and Wonbin blinked in curiousity. "she can't come home today? Why Eomma?" Wonbin questioned and Sungjong hummed in thought trying to see how he could explain it to him. "She's got a little cold right now, So we have to make sure she's super healthy so she can come home and play alot alot with you." Sungjong explained and Wonbin nodded.

When they arrived and headed in Myungsoo reminded him that he had to be quiet, picking up the boy as Sungjong was able to hold her, letting out a soft breath he seemed to be holding in as he held her. "Shes really tiny." he muttered quietly in slight awe, slightly rocking her just a bit and she seemed to enjoy it, making soft sounds. "Is that my sister?" Wonbin whispered in an exaggerated fashion to be quiet causing Myungsoo to chuckle  at his actions, nodding. "Her name is Hana." he spoke, walking closer to giving Wonbin a better look as he looked to the small baby who's eyes were still closed. "Get better soon so you can play! I love you little sister." Wonbin whispered and reached over to gently pat her small head.




A/N; I ussually try to update only once a day, but I might not be able to update tomorrow because i'll be busy from morning to late in the day; lots of things to do. So this update is early early ~ if I end up having some time to write one...thenn...you'll just get a faster update ^^/ ! heheh Hana will be properly introduce with pictures and such next a/n in upcoming chapter when everything is finalized and they bring HaNa homeee~


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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay