11m {Part 001}



With the connections in Myungsoo's family they were allowed to have special conditions and they met with a mother who was looking to put her unborn baby for adoption. Things went by smoothly enough and the baby was born on July 6th with the name of Kim Wonbin; They weren't able to take him home early but they visited regularly. From the time of meeting with Wonbin during this wait, the two grew fond for their new son--even though Myungsoo was cautious. Early next month, he was brought home--attentive, curious, and mostly quiet for a baby.

"Hes so small.." Myungsoo murmured in a quiet voice as he sat nearby and watched as Sungjong patiently fed Wonbin baby food; who was Attentively eyeing the room but regardlessly returning his attention back to the spoon that was feeding him. Sungjong grinned, chuckling quietly at the curious actions; "he's alot bigger than before." Myungsoo nodded in agreement, looking to his tiny fingers as he held out his hand and wonbin grasped onto the larger fingers with both his hands and waving his arms a bit.. "He'll get bigger too." Sungjong spoke, taking a moment to let Wonbin play with him before turning to his side to look at Myungsoo. "You should feed him too." Myungsoo looked hesitant but nodded, he could do that. The milk formula stage was alot scarier to him than this stage--it was definately alot easier to feed him mushed food.

 Honestly the thought of having a child that was their responcibility was frightening to him, he didn't want to mess anything up and normally when there were sittuations like that he just would avoid it but he'd grown to really love Wonbin over the months hes been with them and the fear had settled some, but he was still rather cautious and Sungjong understood that cautiousness and only suggested for things to help him get more comfortable. Myungsoo moved the spoon into the puree'd mush of apple sauce and carefully directed it to Wonbin's mouth; who in part Stared at Myungsoo with large eyes.

Sungjong grinned and laughed softly. "It isn't so bad, see~" Sungjong cooed as reached over to the top of their babies head. "Yeah. How did you get so good with babies though?" Myungsoo questioned with a sigh, "Before this I've never even held one honestly." Sungjong snorted at that sentance "You barely hold him." Sungjong teased before getting up to cater to food for the two of them as well. "I took alot of care for Chii when she was little and my mom welcomed the help." He explained as he turned the stove on low and went back to sit down; watching Myungsoo who seemed to be less cautious on feeding Wonbin now who was mumbling syllables incoherantly to himself. "You didn't help with Jaesun?" Myungsoo shook his head. "We had nannies to do that." Myungsoo replied simply, causing Sungjong to snort once more. "Ah,the life of the rich." he hummed

Wonbin spit up a bit and Myungsoo jumped, stilling all his actions as he stared at the little boy who seemed to be oblivious to it, staring back at Myungsoo in wonder of why he was looking at him that way and grinned with gummy smile, only a few teeth showing despite the mess he'd made, soflty giggling. "Its alright~" Sungjong reassured, smiling to himself a bit as he got up to get a tissue and gently wiped at Wonbin's lips to clean him up before poking the baby's adorable dimple, causing him to turn to Sungjong and smile at him aswell. Myungsoo on the otherhand was slightly startled, "Did I feed him wrong?" He asked, a calm voice--but Sungjong knew he was slightly freaking out underneath his cool demanour. "No myungie, Remember I told you Sometimes Babies just do that." he spoke, laughing at bit at how jumpy Myungsoo was still--even after having Wonbin for a little under a year.

"I think we can stop feeding him now though, thats probably more of a sign that he's done." Sungjong advised, carefully lifting Wonbin out of the seat and patting his back just a bit. He was 11 months and didn't  need help with burping but it seemed to be comforting when he rubbed and patted his back so Sungjong decided that he'd continue it just a while longer. Wonbin rested his head comfortably on Sungjong's shoulder as he on is fingers thoughtfully. Myungsoo grinned a bit at this,  sighing quietly, wishing he had his camera with him at this moment. "Youre so calm about everything" he spoke with a sigh as he got up to press a kiss onto Wonbin's head. "If you freak out too much you can scare him. Cause hes so attentive." he murmured thoughtfully   "He seems more comfortable with you." Myungsoo murmured as Wonbin clung to Sungjong but also kept a thoughtful attention on Myungsoo. Sungjong grinned a bit, "Well, thats cause I work at home and stay with him everyday, all day." Myungsoo nodded thoughtfully at this, After they graduated University, the two moved to a home nearby and Myungsoo started working in the Kim family line and he was good--despite what many in his family had thought about him when he was younger.

"Can you take him for a moment please?" Sungjong questioned, Myungsoo looked hesitant of this as well but held his arms out to him. As soon as Sungjong began handing him to Myungsoo, Wonbin started to whine and reach back for Sungjong. "See look--" Myungsoo whined as well and sungjong snorted. "I just need to finish the food Myungsoo." Myungsoo sighed and carefully held him and as he sat down and Sungjong started walking away--it was a slow to quick moment and wonbin started to cry and wail. "Sungjong!" Myungsoo whined. "Tsk," Sungjong sighed as he came back over and sat beside them; pulling a chair close to their side and reaching over to Wonbin and gently rubbing at his cheeks that were large and round. "Be gooood Wonnieee~ Appa wants to play with you too" he cooed and Wonbin had a slightly disgruntled over his expression along with Myungsoo as well. Sungjong sighed. "I've got two babies here." Sungjong murmured as he looked as Wonbin who had calmed down now from his soothing voice. "Appa.." Wonbin murmured, repeating Sungjong who let out a soft laugh, "Yes, Appa."  He replied, Picking Him up momentarily to Turn him in Myungsoo's arms; causing him to whine a bit more, trying to turn to Sungjong again. "Just hug him and rub his back, let him know its okay, I think he's just fussy." Sungjong explained carefully with a chuckle "You're his appa too~" Myungsoo sighed and did as he was told and eventually Wonbin stopped struggling and whimpering--resting on Myungsoo just as he had with Sungjong moments ago. "See~" Sungjong happily commented and leaned in to peck Myungsoo's cheek. "He's just been around me so much, when I put him down for too long he whines."

Myungsoo hummed softly in response, rubbing the baby's back as Sungjong finished cooking.  "I think he's sleeping." Myungsoo muttered, speaking quietly as Sungjong placed the food down and leaned over to peer at Wonbin who was quietly sleeping and grasping tightly onto the fabric of Myungsoo's shirt. Sungjong grinned and slowly picked him up in an attempt to not wake him and brought him to the play area for him to sleep quietly with his stuffed animals but keeping him nearby if need be he wake up and cry. Myungsoo looked slightly exhausted now when he came back and Sungjong snorted. "Youre worrying too much." Sungjong muttered soothingtly as he went to hug Myungsoo from behind as he went to get something to drink. "He's just so tiny, its kinda scary." Myungsoo murmured with a sigh  as he rubbed at Sungjong's hand for a moment before continuing to get something to drink and Sungjong waddled behind him cutely as he clung to him and nodded, "You won't break him Myungsoo." "But--" "Well do you love him~?" Myungsoo sighed loudly at this, "Of course I do Sungjongie--." "Then you'll be just fine. You won't let anything bad happen to him." Sungjong cooed, letting him go and giving him a quick kiss before going to sit down. "You're lucky that he's rather quiet, some babies are loud and monstrous." Sungjong spoke with a laugh as Myungsoo sat down and began to eat. "Do you have work again tomorrow?" Sungjong questioned and Myungsoo shook his head. "No, tomorrow's off." "Good~" Sungjong hummed happily with a smile. "How come, need to do something?" Sungjong nodded in agreement before picking at his food bashfully. "Yeah, but moreso I just missed you." Sungjong admitted quietly as he shifted the food around on his plate.

Myungsoo grinned at this, "You did~?" He cooed  in a slightly teasing way before getting a look from sungjong as he lifted his foot to gently kick him, "Don't push it." he muttered as Myungsoo snickered to himself now. "People at work are always saying, You're only turning 23--24 this year--you're married? have a kid?" Sungjong puffed out his cheeks some, pouting to himself. "My mom had my sister earlier than that hmph. I'd rather not be 50 and have kids anyway." Sungjong stubbornly spoke, causing Myungsoo to laugh at how offended Sungjong seemed to be. "We just look a lot younger than we are I think. The elderly always have something to say." Myungsoo sighed shrugging, "Ive learned not to take it too seriously." Sungjong nodded, "And you're doing just fine, Like I told you that you would." Sungjong proudly exclaimed.

"I have to take Wonbin to get some shots and then My sister's want to come over and see him tomorrow." he explained as he finished eating, "That should be interesting." Myungsoo murmured with a smirk to his face as he snickered. "Whys that?" Sungjong asked with a laugh. "Because Sumin will probably come and you know how they are." Sungjong sighed, "You can't touch me at all tomorrow." He spoke, pointing at Myungsoo accusingly who pulled an innocent face in response. "Not even a hug?" Myungsoo muttered, sniffling pittfully and Sungjong grinned. "Not even a hug! you're on timeout." Myungsoo playfully puffed out his bottom lip in a pout and Sungjong smiled, "Aish" he muttered going over to kiss his pout a few times. "I dont think you can resist me for a whole day." Myungsoo murmured as he pulled Sungjong into his lap and hugged him tightly. "I can!" Sungjong retorted, grinning as he brought his arms around Myungsoo in a hug. Before hearing a tiny voice, "Eomma!" Sungjong turned his head out of habit and Myungsoo snickered causing Sungjong to playfully smack his arm with a sigh as he got off of Myungsoo's lap. "Why is it, I have to be Eomma. Why can't you?" He grumbled as he went over to let Wonbin out of the play gate to crawl around--attempting to stand up and walk but only making a few steps before flopping down back on his --giving up, crawling back over to the kitchen. "Well thats because you're the prettier one." Myungsoo teased as he kneeled down to sit and hold his arms out for Wonbin to come to him as Sungjong pouted to himself at the comment.



A/N; this will be a short sequel, just a few chapters maybe like around 5? ; u ; /
basically likeeee a bunch of drabbles themed or somesort ouo of different ages of wonbinnie~
I used mavin for FC because adorable ; u ; heheh I think if Myungjong had a baby; he would be cute like him \ o u o /



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Chapter 9: Omg this was Awesome!!!!! I loved it !!! Myungjong's Family is so CUTE!!!!!!!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 9: i cant believe i read this stories again and again.. double with the hired help.. really.. these are fics that worth to be re-read over and over again
shinoside #3
Chapter 9: I really enjoy reading this.
andreaylen #4
Chapter 9: Wobin is a nice liitle son....... Happy that myungsoo n sunjong happy and became good parent...
Chapter 9: im Sad and Happy at the same time, Sad cause i been attached to this story so much, its been part of my daily routine when i woke up ill read new updates. but i know every story has to end. and im happy cause the story was so amazing didn't have to much drama, in every chapter i didn't get bored at all, and you did an amazing job author-nim~ i keep on following your stories since the beginning and ill be waiting for your 3rd story <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 9: It's complete?? D':
Omo wonbin is really cute when he said, he's happy that myungjong had him grown..adorable! :')
And wonbin is such a responsible brother for hana ㅎㅎㅎ
Lol! They said kiss is yucky.. ㅋㅋ~
I really enjoy this adorable fic author-sshi~
Hope you make more myungjong soon! \(´▽`)/
bohyemi #7
Chapter 9: Yaaaaaaaaaaay