... Bloody Hug ....

Mortal Fangs [Tragedy]

Everything was planned for us. Back then, we didn’t understand why whe had to go through this… But the process had to be complete.I only was the beginig.


= Two days ago, at Alexis house =

It has been two months since the death of Donghae ....Alexis was sitting in the corner where her lover picture was surrounded by flowers and candles, ready to burn all 4 candles that were lighting up the whole room.Kneeling, Alexis sticks her palms and began  the daily prayer for the rest of Donghae.

From the prayer, the salty water drops  that had the same way every day on the pale cheeks of Alexis,never missed.


Father, please take care of Donghae’s soul. I hope he will find peace….”


The prayer usually held likr.. seven hours? But that was not a problem for Alexis. She often didn't sleep at all, just to pray quietly…Only that, tonight Alexis was unusually tired ...So, she shortened them,then went to bed like hypnotized. As she put the head on the pillow, she fell asleep. But her sleep was not at all an ordinary one.



When the front door was heard Alexis leaped,oppening the eyes right away.Quickly, she got off the bed and headed towards the hallway to the door to check if it is locked, which was.

Sighing of relief,she went after a glass of water and then went back to her room to continue sleeping, but once arrived in the room, she noticed that candles, flowers and ...Donghae’s picture were MISSING!

She could not believe this.

"Jesus!" She said when she saw that the light didn't light up, no matter how many times she was pressing the switch. It seems that the whole house was without power.The only source of light was the full Moon, which amazingly, light only Donghae’s corner.

The next thing that made her jump was the violent knock in the door.Someone was hitting the door with power, almost broking it.

-   Who’s there!?But before she got to take a step forward, the door struck her down on a wall from the other side of room..  the impact being so powerful that she broked her head…. What the…?She said, touching the portion of head –above the neck- that was hurting terribly.

Her eyes got bigger,when she retired her hand and saw a wet reddish juice. That was blood ...When she stood up, she realized that someone was right in the place, where the white door had to be, thing that made her scream.The Moon turned it’s light over the man in black clothes, revealing his face… Alexis stiffened.The man sketched the familiar smile that Alexis fell in love, few years ago.

          -   D-Donghae, is that you?

          -   Of course is me.Why are you looking for the picture and candles, I'm not dead! I’m right here, right in front of you, he said opening his arms and waiting for her embrace.

          -   No… You’re dead! I saw you burried. The tears came on her cheeks.

          -   Come and convince yourself that I’m not…


Then, Alexis forgot ‘bout the aching head and without sitting and think,she ran to the silhouette that she missed so much to give a warm hug as she did once.Only that this time was different ... much different.

She couldn’t belive that Donghae was right in front of her.The thought that she will not let go of him from her arms, made her smiling through tears.But ringh in the last centimeter of happiness, Alexis felt her stomach beeing penetrated by something painfully sharp.Donghae's arms were transformed into two sharp pieces of wood that had entered in Alexis’s belly, exiting through her ​​back and making her cry a sound almost wiped out ...Blocked between them, Alexis could not move. She glaced Donghae.

But then he showed his true face.The whittish skin camed out,light gray eyes glowed in the night and the black hair, was perfectly shape his round form of the face.

-  Hi there,he said in a gentle tone as if nothing bad had happened.

Aexis was speechless when the vampire withdrew his bloody hands from her abdomen,leaving her to break down next to him.He then bent down beside her, and caught her chin with his left hand, lifting her eyes easily.He looked at each feature of her frowning slightly as a sign of regret. Alexis was surprsingly calm.

-   Does this hurt?He asked her, while caressing the place where he planted his murderous weapons.

-  N-no….She answered looking right in his silver eyes.

His fleshy lips have been arched.

-   That’s good. He caught her arm with power, lifting her up - as if she would be easy as a feather – and slammed her in bed.


Alexis has not started to realize how she got there so quickly,when he rushed on her with the same speed from earlier, pinning her there.He turned her face toward him, grabbed her wrists and opening her arms. Right then Alexis got mad.

-    Let go of me, you bastard! She said with the all the courage, looking into his eyes. Who the hell are you?? Get off me right now!

He ironicaly smirked.

-  Oh, you’re bad. I like it! I’m Micky...pleased to meet you. Alexis was completely vulenerable and she couldn’t move her body at all. You look so tasty, and it’s been a while since I’ve feed from someone such beautiful as you are. In the next moment, Alexis felt two bites in the pulse right.


In that moment, she woke up making a squeal of fear,and touched the neck with both hands, but fortunately everything was fine.She looked away to the corner where she was praying for Donghae, and realized that everything was in their place.She laid her hands on her forehead ,leaning on elbows ... “ What a dream…”Alexis said.Then, she felt how her evening shirt gets wet ever more in the stomach area.

When she put the blanket away, Alexis saw her abdomen bleeding. But now it was different ...

The pain was real ....



Hey there readers! I wanna thank you all for reading my Fanfic.

I'm new here and yeah, I guess you all saw that it takes me quite long to update a new chapter, but I want you to know that I'm from romania and my story is firstly writed in romanian, then I need to translate it in english. And this takes me quite long.

Sorry for my bad english >.<

Oh, and.... Mortal fangs is not even close to end! It is a long storry, and you all will see how Marleene,Alexis and Lucy will explore the world of vampires with the JYJ members!

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ShySunshine93 #1
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately I can't use this account anymore so I made another one. Will upload Mortal Fangs on the new channel soon!
Chapter 9: great stroy~ keep update.....i subcribed u, can u read my ff
kissingyoulove #3
i like this~!
Love the story! keep up the good work! Please update soon! I subscribed you! ^w^ ♥