I'll make him pay for this.I swear! [Akexis's Story]

Mortal Fangs [Tragedy]

I was inside of a dark cathedral.The single wireless light that entered the darkstained glass was the moonlight, which secretly watched the whole scene.I saw the coffin where Donghae was 'sleeping'... as it was embraced by some fragile hands… Alexis didn’t want to separate from him in any form,leaving her tears to make their way on the closed cover, that kept prisoner the boy who showed her that life consists not only of beautiful things ...


Behind her, I cried in silence...holding my silk handkerchief to mouth, to not allow the sound of each sigh that I made to be resounded in the cathedral. I didn’t want Alexis to hear me. That would sadden her even more.. If that was actually even possible....*sigh*


The heavy silence was expelled by the sorely crying echo,that came from a teenager with a broken heart who cried on her knees, near the coffin of her lover.


-   Donghae, no.. Don't leave me, please!!

Alexis’s voice became hoarse because of the desperately cries. She sat on the edge of the pit, hitting the ground with fists and begging  the sky not to take Donghae away from her.

 I looked away , throwing my eyes on the ground and starring  the top my shoes, just because i didn't want  to watch as the coffin was slowly swallowed by the more intense obscure grave that longed after Donghae's lifeless body.


In the end, a heavy blanket of earth, blocked the last visible part of the coffin.Along with it,Alexis's soul went two meters deep too,thing that made ​​her cry out even more,letting her tears to cover the entire earth under her knees.


I couldn’t stand to see her in that state…So I got close enough to her to grab the shoulder,hugging her tight


- Calm down, please ... I know it's hard, I muttered caressing her back.

- Marleene,don’t let them take Donghae away from me, she said looking down at the grave.

- We must be strong...

- How can I be strong when all I had was taken away?! Wae... Wae God did this to me….

-  Maybe... is a test… I didn’t now what to say next to calm her down…You still have me and Lucy,don’t forget this okay?We are not going to leave you no matter what.

-  Thank you ….she answered detaching herself from the embrace and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.  Who…or what did this.. ?

-  I don’t know..

- Whoever or whatever it is, a glow appeared in her eyes, I’ll make him pay for this.I swear!

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ShySunshine93 #1
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately I can't use this account anymore so I made another one. Will upload Mortal Fangs on the new channel soon!
Chapter 9: great stroy~ keep update.....i subcribed u, can u read my ff
kissingyoulove #3
i like this~!
Love the story! keep up the good work! Please update soon! I subscribed you! ^w^ ♥