... Real Pain...

Mortal Fangs [Tragedy]

He was watching me. Crazy? I wasn’t crazy… I wanted to run but my body wasn't listening my brain..Why? Because of an incredibly power force that kept my body still.


Suddently, I felt thousand of knives  splitting my skin.I grabbed my head like a crazy woman when I saw my blood spurting out continously from the injuries caused by the mirror that threw it’s sharp blades to me, in the moment when it broke.My skin looked like a tiger fur, but intead of perfectly shaped black stripes, were many knieves deep cuts.

Covered by fear, I began to scream as loud as I could ,but It was weird… I didn’t actually felt any pain.I was just scared to death.


I collapsed limply on the blue tiles, seeing how my palms looked more and more alike the tiles color and becoming incredibly cold.The room was spinning ..causing me sickness….


= =

When I woke up I was still in the bathroom. But I had a surprise.

The mirror that was broken few moments ago, was now back at it’s place in a perfect condition, and I was completely cured of the wounds caused by the mirror shards, like nothing happened. Or I really was  insane…?


I glaced the mirror to be sure that nothing left  there, but a bloody connection of letter terrified me: “I’ll be back…”

My heart was beating so fast that I ran out of there, going straight to my room, hoping that I’ll forget everything…Unfortunatelly, those words were dancing non-stop in my brain, causing me a headache. Will I be okay ? Will I pass this night safely?



When I was laying bloodstained in the bathroom, I thought that my end is near… but I didn’t feel a thing.No pain... because nothig was real.



I was sitting on my bed, lyied down with my eyes facing the ceiling, and try to expel those words tattoed on my mirror with blood…”I’ll be back’’ … What that supposed to mean?what happened last night was real? But why? What the heck he wants from me?

I got up and went to the bathroom ,I wanted to see if the message was gone but fortunately it was. I breathed relieved...

= =


The evening was installed quickly and I was still in bed. I didn’t want, in any way, to leave my room. Somehow, I felt that my room was the only one safe…

The Moon was finnaly up and after I saw 'her' I felt much better.It was nice to know that there is ‘someone’ who I can smile in that situation, but wait! Lucy and Alexis? I haven’t talked with them for a couple of  weeks… I searched the phone to call them. They had to know what happened ... I jumped out of bed and walked to my blue cellphone that waited on my desk, to call my friends. But then it happened. He camed back…


Both windows have opened instantly with a creepy sound,giving permission to the same cold wind like before, to invade in my room like a storm. The window glass was broken and turned into million sharp pieces that danced with the wind around the room, forming a circle around me... like a glass tornado.


-   What do you want? I yelled, closing my eyes. I made my hands like an X  in front of my face, as a sign of defense from the strong wind that pushed me more and more near the glassy wall, wich never stoped spinning. He wanted me to get hurt, I could feel that. Leave me alone!


Then everything stopped. The broken pieces were lined up above me, transforming in arrows-tipped glass wich glowed in the moonlight…

I knew that I was their destination and I was dying of fear.


The cold wind surrounded me again and my body paralyzed.Then, he appeared.

His  skin was so white ..as it was visible even in the darkest place.He began to approach me but with every step he made, I felt how my skin got colder ..And then I realized! It was because of him. The man in black stopped so close to me, that I could feel his cold breath.


He began to examine me from top to bottom until his silver eyes have met mines.The wind, which entered through broken windows, was slowly moving his brown hair in different directions, revealing one of the eyes and covering it back.

It was hard to admit that he was… beautiful.


 - You’re scared, aren’t you ? he said grabbing my left arm with power, almost breaking it.

 - Who… W-what are you? I asked him through breaks. It hurts!! I yelled. His hand was crushing my arm. Then I felt how my bone has been acutally.... broken!  I knelt down in pain.

 - This time is real,he said grinning mockingly.


The pain was unbearable. He finnaly let go of my arm and I looked up to him, holding my injured arm with the healty one. I glaced him with so much hate in my eyes for what he did to me.


-   G-Go away! I cried out lifting up and ready to hit him with the other hand, but just then He disappeared from my face like magic.When I turned back he was already behind me grabbing my other hand, turning it to my back with the same power as the last time. The pain was growing ever bigger and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.


The only thing I got to see was when he raised a hand in the air, facing the glass arrows that were waiting the command to attack. My eyes got bigger when I realised that... he was their commander.

-    Oh, by the way. I’m Xiah, he said smiling ironically and then gave the signal to the arrows, wich fell like a rain of stars over me.


He left, leaving me in a pool of blood ..In real pain.

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ShySunshine93 #1
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately I can't use this account anymore so I made another one. Will upload Mortal Fangs on the new channel soon!
Chapter 9: great stroy~ keep update.....i subcribed u, can u read my ff
kissingyoulove #3
i like this~!
Love the story! keep up the good work! Please update soon! I subscribed you! ^w^ ♥