... Only a Ilusion? ...

Mortal Fangs [Tragedy]

-         Lucy,are you okay? I asked worried.

-         Yes,I guess…

-         You scared us like hell,Alexis continued.


Lucy was now in a hospital room after being taken out of lake by a man who heard her desperate cries. Me and Alexis were shocked because of what happened between them but worried in the same time ‘cause we didn’t know what effect it will have on Lucy.


She was laying on the bed,connected to a perfusion and staring at the pale neon lights…


-   I had a dream.No!a nightmare… It was horrible,she said looking at the same place like before.It was like Yesung was ...drowing.But he was...dead.

After that a moment of silence was installed.I glanced Alexis who was speechless.

-   Lucy…Listen… I didn’t know how to tell her the cruel truth.She was not prepared to a confrontation with reality…

She made an ironic laugh and turned her eyes to us. My bereavement and Alexis’s were like a impulse for her to realise everything.Her eyes got bigger followed by panic:


-   My phone!!I need my phone right now!My parents are dead,I need to tell Yesung this!

-   Lucy lie down,please! ... Her phone was in my hands but I didn’t want to give it .

-   No,give it back!I need to be sure that Yesung is fine.

-  Yesung is DEAD !!I yelled led by nerves.

- Marleene ! Alexis grabbed me .Are you crazy??

When she heard this,Lucy stopped and stared at me with big eyes.

-    What.Did.You... just said ?


-    I’m sorry Lucy….Even now... It breaks my heart that I had to tell her on that tone.I hugged her tight sticking her head against my chest.Alexis didn’t say a word the whole time but it was expected at how she was affected after the loss of Donghae.

-   Yesung…why you too? Lucy covered her face with her palms and began to cry Yesung’s name with a low voice… Her hair formed a small brown curtain around her head,leaving visible the water drops falling on the white blanket…

= =


…Does all that really had to happen??I often think if it was right that everything we had more valuable around us to be taken away….


I was watching Lucy sitting on her knees at the edge of the lake as she sent away a little boat with a candle and Yesung's picture on it. I was with Alexis a few steps behind her to pray, but Alexis cried quietly.And Lucy too….


Yesung…my sweet Yesung.Thank you for sitting beside me when I needed the most. I'll miss your warm caresses,your gentle heart,your beautiful eyes….Please take care of me and of my parents from Up there…I love you...”



The days passed quickly,maybe too quickly…But the nights were like a torture. All memories that swirled in our minds turned into waves of tears that always dampened the pillows material under our heads…


It was like a huge wave coming over a town and devastate everything in its way.

Me,Lucy and Alexis didn’t go out at all,didn’t socialize with anyone not event between us! And the dark nights never ended.


Isolation from the world was not so bad for them such as the isolation to each other ...

Nothing was in its place: our future plans, hopes and dreams, everything was taken away.

     What we could think of then,suicide? Maybe that was a solution....

      = My Room =

     I felt that I couldn't breath. I was turning when to a one side when when to another, so I could find the right position to sleep.The dry air didn't let me alone so I got up,easly angry because I couldn't sleep at all and I went to the kitchen for a glass of refreshing water that would satisfy my thirst ...

     Once in the kitchen, I went directly to the sink without being need to turn on light.The Moon was my personal lantern ...I was waiting impatiently the cup to fill with the colorless refreshing liquid so I could drink it and ran back to sleep,but when I started to approach it near my mouth , a cold shiver like a breath of wind, surrounded me.In the next moment I saw how in  my cup appeared a white face which looked at me with silver eyes.I hit the glass to the wall, scared of that "man's" reflection but again, the cold wind began to make its way through my kitchen approaching me without hesitation, as a force for evil.

I started to panic and,not to sit and think, I ran in the first room that I managed to get in that moment: the bathroom...As I put my foot in the bathroom, I closed the door behind me locking it..I could hear my heart beating in my throat because of fear...

What could be that cold air flow and the man image that appeared on my glass cup? ​I was dreaming?I approached the sink to wet my face hoping that my imagination played a trick or the tiredness may want to attack my brain...but when I looked up at the mirror above the sink, the same face earlier, was waiting me....

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ShySunshine93 #1
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately I can't use this account anymore so I made another one. Will upload Mortal Fangs on the new channel soon!
Chapter 9: great stroy~ keep update.....i subcribed u, can u read my ff
kissingyoulove #3
i like this~!
Love the story! keep up the good work! Please update soon! I subscribed you! ^w^ ♥