9 - Watermelon Juice

SoShi Horror School

Tiffany felt like there was a weight placed on top of her head when she woke up. Her head felt so heavy that she wished she had not woken up at all. "Wait... Taeyeon-"


Sitting upright, Tiffany looked around and realized that she was in an unknown room. The room was painted baby blue and she suddenly felt someone shifting beside her. Her breath hitched and she slowly turned her head. To her surprise, Taeyeon was beside her sleeping soundly.


She remembered clearly that Taeyeon was badly beaten up but why did Taeyeon look normal now? Only little scratches and scars could be seen. Tiffany finally realized that she had been staring at Taeyeon when she saw the latter shift a little in her sleep. Her heart was beating a little too rapidly that it woke Taeyeon up due to the latter's sharp sense of hearing.


"T-Taeyeon!" Tiffany's said, her voice going high.


Taeyeon let out a groan and rubbed her eyes. Tiffany bit onto her lower lip to prevent from smiling as she found Taeyeon's action cute. "If only she wasn't cold," Tiffany mumbled.


"I can hear that Tiffany," Taeyeon said and glared at the younger girl.


Tiffany rolled her eyes and folded her arms. She winced a little as she felt a sharp sting on one of her hand. She looked down and saw that her right hand was bandaged. She furrowed her eyebrow trying to remember what had happened after she found Taeyeon badly beaten the previous day.


"I saw you badly injured yesterday. How are you okay now? Was I only dreaming? How did I get here?" Tiffany started to bombard Taeyeon with questions.


"Hold your horses Hwang," Taeyeon muttered. "I can't answer your questions if you keep adding more."


"Sorry," Tiffany pouted and played with the bandage on her arm. She could not seem to look at Taeyeon directly into her eyes. Every time she tried to her heart would just beat even faster and it was frustrating for Tiffany. She was not sure why she was feeling that way.


On the other hand, Taeyeon was trying her best to keep a distance from Tiffany. The sound of Tiffany's heartbeat and pulse were making Taeyeon go crazy. She just wanted to rip open Tiffany's throat and all her blood away. 


“No, I can’t think that way,” Taeyeon thought as she pushed her thoughts away.


"So, are you going to give me any answers..?" Tiffany looked up, tilting her head slightly. She was starting to feel slightly impatient.


"I'll... be right back," Taeyeon muttered and rushed out of the room. She could not handle it anymore. Tiffany's blood was intoxicating and the sight of Tiffany's exposed neck when she tilted her head was too much for Taeyeon. To Taeyeon, it was as if Tiffany was inviting her to bite her again but Taeyeon knew better that it was not true at all and that it was all her imagination.


Taeyeon rested her forehead on her knees as she took a few deep breaths outside of her room. It had been a while since she lusted for blood that badly before. “Get yourself together, Kim Taeyeon,” Taeyeon scolded herself mentally.


Mr. Kim’s eyebrow raised when he saw his daughter outside of her room looking somewhat in pain. “Are you alright, Taeyeon?” he asked in a worried tone. He had never seen her in that state before for quite a long time. 


Taeyeon looked up and Mr. Kim sighed heavily as he brushed his hair to the back. Taeyeon’s eyes had turned bright red and Mr. Kim knew well enough that she needed blood. “Taeyeon ah,” he spoke up softly only to receive a low growl from Taeyeon. “Control yourself. This is unlike you. Do you want history to repeat itself?”


“No!” Taeyeon scowled, showing her extended fang. 


“Shh! Quiet down a little Taeyeon. We don’t want Tiffany to hear our conversation,” Mr. Kim glared at his daughter and then looked at the door beside Taeyeon.


“Just give me some blood before I lose control and her dry,” Taeyeon said in a venomous tone. “I can hear her from here and it’s killing me.”


In a flash, Mr. Kim came back with a bag of blood and handed it to Taeyeon who quickly tore it open and drank it hungrily. Just then, the door to Taeyeon’s room opened and Tiffany came out, looking straight at Taeyeon with her eyes widened. “V-vampire!” Tiffany screamed.


Taeyeon looked at Tiffany, unamused. She her lips and stood up once she was back to normal, turning to face the shocked girl. “For your information, I’m not a vampire and this,” Taeyeon said, lifting the empty bag up, “is only watermelon juice.”


Mr. Kim snickered. “Yes, Tiffany. It’s only watermelon juice as what Taeyeon here had said.”


Taeyeon glared at her father and handed him the bag. “You can go away now. I’ll take care of Tiffany from here,” she forced a smile and pushed Mr. Kim away.


“Alright,” Mr. Kim chuckled. “Remember not to make too much noise.”


“Yah!” Taeyeon slapped Mr. Kim’s shoulder causing the latter to laugh out loud. “Just go away,” she mumbled, her face slightly flustered. A small smile was plastered on Mr. Kim’s face when he looked at Taeyeon’s flustered face for a brief second before walking to his study room.


“Come on, let’s go clean the wound on your wrist,” Taeyeon said and walked back into her room. However, Tiffany was still too shocked to move. Taeyeon groaned and pulled Tiffany in instead since the latter was not moving at all.


“Are you sure you’re not a vampire?” Tiffany asked once she snapped out of her trance.


“Do you see me sparkle like your Edward Cullen or are my eyes golden in colour?” Taeyeon mocked.


Tiffany glared at Taeyeon and slapped her shoulder hard. “You do not speak of my favourite actor in that manner,” she huffed. Taeyeon only shrugged and pulled Tiffany to the bathroom.

A/N: Wow it's been 9 months since I last updated. Sorry! It's been a busy year for me and I'll be ven busier next year ㅠㅠ 

P.S The title is random because I can't think of a good one-


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Chapter 9: u dont wanna update anymore? *crying at the corner*
Laboli #2
Chapter 9: Update please and soon can't wait anymore
Chapter 9: Update faster :3
Chapter 9: Love the update :)!! And I love the story :)!
Chapter 9: Huwaaaah author its very good story. Please
Dont abandoned it for months.huhu
But fighting in ur work!
Chapter 9: Update soon I'm waiting
Chapter 9: Finaly OMG! Btw I really liked the watermelon juice lol
Chapter 9: YAY UPDATED! Kinda forgotten the whole storyline so I reread the story again and its awesome!
mioaio #9
Chapter 9: Gahahaha! Watermelon juice! XDD I wouldn't mind the wait because my god it's so worth it!