6 - Danger

SoShi Horror School

Tiffany was following Taeyeon from the back while eating her ice cream. She could not understand why Taeyeon avoided Sunny and the others. She was curious but she knew Taeyeon would not answer her questions.


“Hey Taeyeon,” Tiffany called. Taeyeon did not respond but Tiffany asked anyway. “What do you mean expect the unexpected? Is there something weird in the school?”


Taeyeon sighed and turned her head to look at Tiffany. “You really are curious aren’t you?”


Tiffany nodded as she her ice cream. “Guess what. I’m not answering any of your questions,” Taeyeon continued. Tiffany pouted and Taeyeon turned back to the front.


“Why are there different uniforms for the -”


“Can you just enjoy your ice cream?” Taeyeon said coldly.


“Do you want some?” Tiffany asked and smiled widely. She fastened her pace and walked beside Taeyeon.


“No. I don’t share my ice cream,” Taeyeon replied and Tiffany giggled. “Why am I even doing this?” Taeyeon thought as she looked at Tiffany.


“Do I have ice cream on my mouth again?” Tiffany asked as she saw that Taeyeon was looking at her. The older girl ignored Tiffany again and once again, Tiffany pouted.




“Daddy I’m home!” Tiffany greeted happily once she opened the door. Taeyeon was about to leave but Tiffany grabbed her arm and pulled her in. “I owe you the money for the ice cream. Don’t you remember?” Tiffany said and closed the door.


“You can give it to me tomorrow,” Taeyeon groaned.


Just then, Mr. Hwang came out of the kitchen and Tiffany went to hug him. “Welcome home Tiff. Who’s your friend there?” he asked and eyed Taeyeon suspiciously.


“Oh, she’s Taeyeon, Mr. Kim’s daughter,” Tiffany replied.


Taeyeon slightly bowed and mustered a small smile. “Good afternoon sir,” she greeted.


Mr. Hwang laughed and put his arm around Taeyeon’s neck. “No need to be formal Taeyeon. I am your father’s friend so just call me Uncle alright?” he said and smiled to Taeyeon.


“Here’s the money Taeyeon. Thanks for taking me home,” Tiffany grinned.


Taeyeon wanted to take the money but changed her mind on the second thought. “It’s alright. Take it as I treated you the ice cream. I got to go now,” Taeyeon said and wanted to leave but her phone rang and it was a call from her father. She chose to ignore the call and opened the front door but was surprised when she saw Mr. Kim at the entrance.


“Hyun Joong you’re here. How about you and Taeyeon join us for dinner?” Mr. Hwang said.


“Err… I’m sorry I can’t. I have a project to be done,” Taeyeon lied.


“There is? How can I not know of it?” Tiffany asked with her head tilted.


“Nice try Taeyeon. If any teacher wants to give out a project, they have to ask me first,” Mr. Kim told Taeyeon with a straight face. Taeyeon frowned. She had forgotten that Tiffany was in all the same classes she had and that her father was the principal.  


“That’s great! I cooked just enough for the four of us,” Mr. Hwang clasped his hands.


“Let me take you to the kitchen Taeyeon,” Tiffany said and pulled the girl away.


“The past is still haunting her am I right Hyun Joong?” Mr. Hwang sighed. Mr. Kim nodded and smiled slightly.


“I know your daughter can change her somehow if she opens up to Tiffany,” he said and patted Mr. Hwang’s shoulder. “Let’s get going. I’m hungry after the meeting.”


Taeyeon did not enjoy dinner at all. The atmosphere was different than how she had dinner at her own house. Instead of having a quiet meal, Tiffany would say at least something to her father about her day at school after she finished chewing and swallowing her food. Taeyeon was somehow relieved that Tiffany did not mention about the fight that she had with Taecyeon. “I’m done with my food. Can I go home now?” Taeyeon asked her father.


“You can’t leave just yet. Let’s watch Twilight together! Isn’t Edward Cullen dreamy?” Tiffany said dreamily.


Taeyeon scoffed and folded her arms. “I don’t watch that kind of movies and for your information, vampires don’t sparkle. That’s just absurd. People like Edward Cullen or whatever doesn’t exist so dream on,” Taeyeon rejected Tiffany’s offer and stood up from her seat.


“What makes you think you know a lot about vampires other than they drink blood?” Tiffany asked. She felt hurt by Taeyeon’s comment.


Taeyeon wanted to say something back but Mr. Kim held her hand and shook his head. “You know,” Taeyeon said coldly. “This is why I don’t want to make friends with people like you. They believe in things so easily without knowing the truth.”


“What? Are you calling naïve?” Tiffany said. She was really hurt this time.


“Stop it you two!” Mr. Kim shouted and slammed the table. He then turned to Taeyeon and said, “You’ve gone overboard this time Kim Taeyeon.”


Tiffany stuck her tongue out at Taeyeon. The latter saw it and wanted to attack Tiffany but Mr. Hwang stopped her and shook his head. “She knows nothing Taeyeon. Don’t make her even more curious,” Mr. Hwang whispered into Taeyeon’s ear.


“I’m out of here,” Taeyeon muttered and left the house.


“I’m really sorry about Taeyeon’s behavior Tiffany. She’s just upset. Taeyeon had a really bad past,” Mr. Kim apologized and went after his daughter.




Taeyeon stopped running once she was in the forest. Although it was dark, she could still see clearly. She was really pissed off at what Tiffany had said to her. “What makes her think that she knows a lot about vampire? If only my father isn’t the principal and didn’t warn me, I would have shown her what a vampire truly is,” Taeyeon talked to herself.


“Look what we have here,” Taecyeon appeared from the shadows with a smirk. “Just the person I was looking for.”


“I don’t have time to fight with you,” Taeyeon growled.


“I know that but you just entered my territory. You do know what will happen if one enter right?” Taecyeon said with the smirk not leaving his face. “They don’t survive.”

A/N: I hope you peeps enjoy this chapter :) I appreciate all the comments, upvotes and subscribers!  


There's a possibilty I will update again tomorrow ~

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Chapter 9: u dont wanna update anymore? *crying at the corner*
Laboli #2
Chapter 9: Update please and soon can't wait anymore
Chapter 9: Update faster :3
Chapter 9: Love the update :)!! And I love the story :)!
Chapter 9: Huwaaaah author its very good story. Please
Dont abandoned it for months.huhu
But fighting in ur work!
Chapter 9: Update soon I'm waiting
Chapter 9: Finaly OMG! Btw I really liked the watermelon juice lol
Chapter 9: YAY UPDATED! Kinda forgotten the whole storyline so I reread the story again and its awesome!
mioaio #9
Chapter 9: Gahahaha! Watermelon juice! XDD I wouldn't mind the wait because my god it's so worth it!