1 - Just The Beginning

SoShi Horror School

It was a day before new year and Tiffany was not the least excited. She was more sad than happy. She was sad that she had to leave California to move to Seoul and the fact that she could not celebrate new year with her friends makes her even more depressed.


"Do we really need to move daddy? I can just stay here alone while you're in Seoul," Tiffany groaned. She was looking at her father loading their luggage into the taxi. She knew her father would say no but it was worth the ask.


Mr. Hwang sighed. He closed the trunk of the taxi and looked at his daughter. "No Tiffany. It's better if you follow me to Seoul. It's much better and safer there. It was also your mother's wish for us to move back to Seoul," he told his daughter.


"Fine. I'm only listening to you this time because mum wants us to do so," Tiffany said stubbornly and entered the taxi. Mr. Hwang could only sigh again and entered the passenger seat. He wished he could explain everything to his daughter but he was afraid that Tiffany could not accept the fact and he obviously did not want to lose Tiffany's trust at all seeing that Tiffany was all he had left with. Mr. Hwang told the driver their destination and the taxi was filled with nothing but silence.


Tiffany was wondering why they had to move all of the sudden. She did not create any problems for the past few years and besides why would she do so? She was the class president and she needed to keep a clean reputation. She had good friends and even a crush who she could never see again. 'Maybe I'll find better guys in Seoul,' Tiffany thought. At least that thought made Tiffany smile a little.


Arriving at the airport, the two family members rushed to board their plane. They had left quite later than what they had planned and now they had to fasten their pace or else they would not make it on time and the tickets would be a waste. Tiffany thought of slowing down but she did not want to upset her father and that was the least thing Tiffany would ever do. She hated seeing her family members upset. It makes her feel guilty that her family members are upset because of her. Once they were already in the plane, Tiffany decided to take a sleep since the flight would be a long one.




Upon arriving in Seoul, Tiffany and Mr. Hwang were greeted by a man in a black tux, showing of his white complexion. Tiffany envied the man because of that but she was curious of who the man was. How did her father know him? While the two men were talking, Tiffany was left aside with nothing to do. All she wanted was to go to their new apartment and take another nap. She was still tired from the flight and needed more rest.


"Don't worry. I've already applied Tiffany to a school and she can start next week," the man said. Tiffany heard her name but she could not make out the rest of the words. 'Are they talking about me?' Tiffany thought.


"Tiffany," Mr. Hwang called. Tiffany responded by turning her head to face her father. "Let's go now. Mr. Kim has offered us a ride to our new apartment." Tiffany just nodded her head and followed behind her father. As she walked, she felt someone staring but shrugged the thought away thinking that she was just tired.


As soon as they arrived at their new apartment, Tiffany entered straight away and was in awe when she saw that the living room and bedrooms were decorated nicely. Tiffany looked around the house and finally entered a room that she liked. After placing her luggage inside, she returned back to the living room and got frightened by the sight of Mr. Kim.


"Oh my god you just shocked me," Tiffany stated and placed her palm onto her chest. Mr. Kim could only chuckle as he heard Tiffany's comment.


"Do you like your room Tiffany? Your father told me you like pink a lot that you think that everything pink is yours," Mr. Kim said and flashed a charming smile.


If Tiffany had not known Mr. Kim as her father's friend, she would have thought that Mr. Kim was only in his twenties. His skin complexion was still good and his killer smile could make any girls fall for him. "Are you there Tiffany? Do you like your room?" Mr. Kim asked Tiffany once again.


"Yeah, it suits perfectly well for me," Tiffany replied. "May I ask you a question?"


"You may," Mr. Kim said and flashed another smile.


"How old are you? You don't look old at all," Tiffany asked.


Mr. Kim chuckled and unfolded his arms. "I'm turning 46 this year. I look young right? That's one of my charms," he replied.


"I see you're getting well with my daughter Hyun Joong. Better not flirt with her or I'll kill you," Mr. Hwang said as he returned back to the living room as well.


"You do know I'm invincible right? You can't kill me easily Chan Sung," Mr. Kim stated.


Having an closer look at her father and Mr. Kim, the both of them did not look like they were 40 at all. The both of them could be mistaken as a university student if they did not reveal their age. 'Why am I only realizing this now?' Tiffany asked herself. 'No wonder my friends thought I had a boyfriend.'


"I have to go now. I'll see you soon Chan Sung, you too Tiffany," Mr. Kim said and left the house. Mr. Hwang closed the door and looked at his daughter.


"It's been a long day. You should go and rest first. I'll prepare dinner," he told his daughter. Tiffany obeyed her father's command as she was really exhausted from the long flight.

A/N: Is it a coincidence I'm making this kind of fic after reading a rumor that SoShi might release a new album on Halloween? ._.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Things will get more interesting in the upcoming chapters so stay tune! :)

Oh, I'll make the chapters longer too :3

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Chapter 9: u dont wanna update anymore? *crying at the corner*
Laboli #2
Chapter 9: Update please and soon can't wait anymore
Chapter 9: Update faster :3
Chapter 9: Love the update :)!! And I love the story :)!
Chapter 9: Huwaaaah author its very good story. Please
Dont abandoned it for months.huhu
But fighting in ur work!
Chapter 9: Update soon I'm waiting
Chapter 9: Finaly OMG! Btw I really liked the watermelon juice lol
Chapter 9: YAY UPDATED! Kinda forgotten the whole storyline so I reread the story again and its awesome!
mioaio #9
Chapter 9: Gahahaha! Watermelon juice! XDD I wouldn't mind the wait because my god it's so worth it!