3 - New Friends

SoShi Horror School

After four lessons were over, it was finally break time. Tiffany stretched her whole body and yawned. Sunny giggled and Tiffany blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry. The lessons were boring and you know..." Tiffany said awkwardly.


"It's okay. I agree with you. You'll get use to it soon," Sunny smiled. "Shall we grab some food now? I'm hungry~"


Tiffany cringed at Sunny's cute voice. 'I have to get use to this too,' she thought. Tiffany grabbed her bag and before leaving with Sunny, she turned and saw Taeyeon staring intently at her. "Are you coming Tiffany?" Sunny asked. Tiffany broke the eye contact with Taeyeon and nodded at Sunny.


"This is going to be interesting," Sunny muttered as she saw Taeyeon staring at Tiffany.


"Did you say something?" Tiffany asked once she was at Sunny's side. The latter shook her head and walked ahead, leaving Tiffany confused.


At the cafeteria, Tiffany was surprised with the variety of food that was served. Sunny saw Tiffany's expression and grinned. "Amazing right? I had the expression when I saw this," Sunny said. "Let's grab some food and join my friends."


Tiffany felt awkward when she saw Sunny's friends. Tiffany felt like she would not fit the group at all. All of them looked stunning and Tiffany felt like she looked...normal. 'Isn't that better than being ugly?' Tiffany thought.


"So...they are my friends," Sunny said and placed her plate beside a tall girl who had a lot of food in front of her. Sunny patted the seat beside her and Tiffany shook her head. "It's alright Tiffany. They don't bite," Sunny chuckled. 'That's ironic,' Sunny added in her mind. Tiffany gave in and joined the group.


"I'm Yoona," the girl sitting across Tiffany said with a smile. Tiffany thought she was the prettiest out of the whole group.




"Tiffany. All of us were expecting you," Tiffany shivered as she heard the cold voice. However, she then thought about what the girl had just said.


Sunny's eyes widened and she kicked the girl's leg from under the table. The girl hissed and glared at Sunny. "What Jessica meant is that we're happy to have you join our group. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding," Sunny said. Jessica rolled her eyes and continued eating her food.


"Oh..." Tiffany said.


Tiffany got to know the group in a short period of time. Jessica was the cold one but once she opens up to someone, she is caring. Yuri on the other hand was opposite from Jessica. She was the easiest for Tiffany to make friends with. Yuri was the most athletic in the group and was also the mood maker in the group. Then there was the two shikshins, Sooyoung and Yoona. From what the two had told Tiffany, they could eat almost anything. They were also known as the pranksters along with Yuri. Hyoyeon and Seohyun were quite mysterious to Tiffany. They did not talk much but Tiffany knew that Hyoyeon liked dancing and Seohyun was the brain of the group.


"Taeyeon always miss the fun," Sooyoung pouted as she finally noticed that the said girl was not with them.


"I saw her in the classroom with Sunny before we went here," Tiffany said.


"Really?" Sooyoung said. "Why didn't you drag her here Sunny?"


"You know Taeyeon. She doesn't like being in a crowd," Sunny replied.


"Wait, you know Taeyeon?" Yuri asked Tiffany.


Sunny grinned. "She went face to face with Taeyeon in class. She had the guts to shout at Taeyeon. You should have seen the look on Taeyeon's face. she was really annoyed."


"I don't even dare to do that. I salute you for that Tiffany unnie,"  Yoona said and imitated a soldier saluting.




"Ah...Taeyeon," Mr. Kim said as he heard the door creaking. "Come in."


"I don't need your permission Hyun Joong," Taeyeon said coldly.


Mr. Kim chuckled. "Is that how you call your father? It isn't so hard to say appa, father, dad or daddy right? Or maybe you should call me oppa," he said.


Taeyeon rolled her eyes and sat across her father. "Why did you bring a human in this school?" she asked.


Mr. Kim smiled. "You're wrong Taeyeon. She's one of us. I thought you could read her," he replied. "She's a special one and that is why I want you to keep on a look out for her."


"I'm not a bodyguard Hyun Joong. She doesn't deserve my attention too," Taeyeon said.


"You're afraid aren't you?" Mr. Kim said.


Taeyeon tensed. "What do you mean?" she gritted.


"Don't pretend that you don't know Taeyeon," Mr. Kim said calmly.


Taeyeon stood up. "Don't ever talk about it. I won't hesitate to kill you even if you're my father," she growled.


"You can never hide from the past Taeyeon. You need Tiffany and you know it," Mr. Kim said. Taeyeon slammed the table and left the room angrily.




Tiffany felt comfortable being with the group. With the pranksters antics, the people were having fun. Even Jessica was laughing at some points.


"Yah Kwon Yuri, get that thing away from me," Jessica screamed. Apparently, Yuri had placed a cucumber on Jessica's plate. "Get it away Kwon. You know I have a sharp sense."


"All of us do Jessica," Sooyoung stated. Feeling pity for the girl, Sooyoung took the cucumber and ate it.


"Don't talk to me," Jessica told  Sooyoung.


"You're no fun Soo," Yuri pouted.


While the three continued to argue, Tiffany could not help but to feel like someone was staring at her. She looked around but everyone was either talking to their friends or doing their own things. Seohyun saw that Tiffany was in her thought. She knew that something was bothering the older girl. "What's wrong Tiffany unnie?" Yoona asked, beating Seohyun in asking.


"Nothing," Tiffany replied and turned back to the group. Everyone had a worried look on their face and Tiffany smiled slightly. "It's really nothing," she reassured the people.


"Yuri!" a guy shouted from the entrance of the cafeteria. "Taeyeon's in a fight with one of the blacks!"


A/N: Here's another update before I go on a short hiatus because of my end of year examination :)

The students wearing red will be called the reds, those wearing black will be called the blacks and so on.


Till we meet again in the next update ^-^

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Chapter 9: u dont wanna update anymore? *crying at the corner*
Laboli #2
Chapter 9: Update please and soon can't wait anymore
Chapter 9: Update faster :3
Chapter 9: Love the update :)!! And I love the story :)!
Chapter 9: Huwaaaah author its very good story. Please
Dont abandoned it for months.huhu
But fighting in ur work!
Chapter 9: Update soon I'm waiting
Chapter 9: Finaly OMG! Btw I really liked the watermelon juice lol
Chapter 9: YAY UPDATED! Kinda forgotten the whole storyline so I reread the story again and its awesome!
mioaio #9
Chapter 9: Gahahaha! Watermelon juice! XDD I wouldn't mind the wait because my god it's so worth it!