2 - Welcome To SoShi High

SoShi Horror School
A week passed by just like the wind. Tiffany did not want to go to school at all. Not only did she not want to do so, she did not like wearing uniforms at all. Back in California, she did not need to wear one at all. She was also praised for her sense of fashion. Tiffany was finally awake by the sound of her alarm and she got out of bed to take a shower and get ready for her first day at her new school.


"Morning daddy," Tiffany greeted her father and kissed his cheek.


Mr. Hwang smiled and kissed his daughter's forehead. He helped Tiffany to pull out her chair and Tiffany thanked him. "Are you ready for your first day at SoShi High, Tiffany?" Mr. Hwang asked.


Tiffany looked at her father strangely. Her father was happier than usual. She found it weird since Mr. Hwang had never asked her anything related to school. "I'm feeling nervous?" It was meant to be a sentence but it came out to be a question.


Mr. Hwang chuckled and poured Tiffany some orange juice. "I'm sure you'll make friends but choose them wisely. Don't make too much friends," he said sternly.


"O...kay?" Tiffany said. 'Something's definitely wrong with daddy today.'


After washing the dishes, Tiffany went to the living room and was shocked to see Mr. Kim standing right at the front door.


"Did I shock you again?" Mr. Kim asked and chuckled lowly.


Tiffany glared at him. "Yes you did," she replied.


"Ah...Hyun Joong's here. He will be sending you to school, Tiffany," Mr. Hwang said. He turned to his friend and added, "Remember, don't flirt with my daughter."


Mr. Kim only smirked and went to his car with Tiffany following behind him. "Have fun in school Tiffany!" Mr. Hwang shouted and waved his hand. Tiffany felt embarrassed and lowered her head. People were looking at them after hearing her father's voice.


Arriving at school, Mr. Kim parked his car and got out of the car. He helped Tiffany out and the both of them walked together into the school. Tiffany could feel a weird vibe around the school. She even wondered why the students had different uniforms. Some were wearing red like her and there were three other colours, white, black and grey. 'I'll just ask the principal later,' Tiffany thought. Students were looking at her and Tiffany felt intimidated. All of them looked like they would not make friends with her.


"Let's enter shall we?" Mr. Kim said and went in the principal's room.


"So who's the principal?" Tiffany asked as she closed the door. She looked around the room but there wasn't anyone except her and Mr. Kim.


"Well, I'm the principal here. Welcome to SoShi High, Ms. Tiffany Hwang," Mr. Kim said and smiled.


Tiffany could not believe what she had heard. Mr. Kim did not look like the type to be a principal to Tiffany. She thought he was an actor, model or singer maybe. "You're not kidding me right?" Tiffany asked.


"Of course not. I'm the owner of this place too. I guess you've been wondering why the students are dressed in different uniform colours I suppose?" Mr. Kim answered as he sat on the table.


"Yeah, why is that so?" Tiffany asked.


"I can't tell you now but when the time is right, I'll tell you. You should get to class now," Mr. Kim said and handed Tiffany a piece of paper. "Here's your schedule."


"I don't know the way around," Tiffany told Mr. Kim.


"Right. Now that you've said that, I wonder where's that kid," Mr. Kim muttered.


Just then, the door opened and entered a girl who was wearing the same uniform as Tiffany. She had a baby face and really white skin. Tiffany envied her for that but she was wondering what the girl's age was.


"I know I look like an elementary student but you don't have to give me that look," the girl said in a cold tone.


"I'm sorry about Taeyeon's behaviour. She's always like that. She will be the one to lead you around the school," Mr. Kim said. He glared at Taeyeon but the latter was unaffected by it.


"Hi, my name is Tiffany," Tiffany introduced herself.


Taeyeon just stared deeply into Tiffany's eyes before she turned and left the room. 'What? She's leaving just like that?' Tiffany said in her mind.


"Taeyeon has all the same subjects as you. If you're unsure, you can just follow her. Have fun on your first day," Mr. Kim smiled.


Tiffany left the room and turned to the right thinking that Taeyeon had walked there but she stopped walking when a guy dressed in black uniform stopped her. He had a sly smirk on his face and his hands were tucked in his pocket.


"Look what we have here, a new student and she's one of you Siwon," he said to his friend beside him who was in red uniform.


"Do you know where is Mrs. Lee's homeroom class? Mr...Principal Kim asked someone to show me the way but she disappeared," Tiffany asked shyly.


"You've looked for the right people. The both of us are in her class. Shall we go now?" Siwon said and flashed a smile.


"S-Sure," Tiffany stuttered. Siwon chuckled and they went to class together.


As soon as Tiffany saw Taeyeon in the room, she left the two guys and walked to Taeyeon. "You," she pointed at Taeyeon. The whole room went quiet and their eyes were set on the two people. Tiffany had no idea why the other students went quiet all of the sudden but she did not bother about it and glared at Taeyeon who was listening to music. "Yah!" Tiffany shouted.


Taeyeon paused her music and looked up at Tiffany with a straight face. "How could you just leave like that? You're supposed to lead me," Tiffany said angrily.


"Really? I didn't even agree in the first place. It would just be a waste of my time leading a loud person around when I can do something much better than that," Taeyeon said calmly.


"Loud person? Yah! That isn't the way to treat a new student." Tiffany was unable to accept what Taeyeon had just say.


"What do I have to say then? Welcome to SoShi High. Never trust the things you see in this school as some things aren't normal at all. Should I greet you like that?" Taeyeon asked, challenging Tiffany's patience.


Unable to tolerate Taeyeon's behaviour, Tiffany raised her hand and wanted to slap Taeyeon but in a flash, her wrist was caught by Taeyeon.


"Nothing's normal here. Expect the unexpected," Taeyeon whispered into Tiffany's ear before she returned back to what she was doing.


Tiffany could not comprehend what had just happened. How could Taeyeon easily grab her wrist? What did Taeyeon mean? Taking a last look at Taeyeon, Tiffany was not sure if she could survive in this school.


"That was a brave thing to do. My name is Sunny. You're Tiffany right?" a girl with blonde hair said with a smile.


"How did you know my name?" Tiffany asked.


"I heard it from the principal," Sunny replied. Tiffany only nodded her head. "Sit beside me. I hope we can be good friends."


'I think I can be friends with her since she's wearing the same uniform as me,' Tiffany thought and placed her bag on the table beside Sunny's own one. However, for the whole day, she was wondering what Taeyeon meant when she said that nothing was normal in the school.


A/N: I won't be updating frequently starting next week since my end of year exams are coming. *-*


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Chapter 9: u dont wanna update anymore? *crying at the corner*
Laboli #2
Chapter 9: Update please and soon can't wait anymore
Chapter 9: Update faster :3
Chapter 9: Love the update :)!! And I love the story :)!
Chapter 9: Huwaaaah author its very good story. Please
Dont abandoned it for months.huhu
But fighting in ur work!
Chapter 9: Update soon I'm waiting
Chapter 9: Finaly OMG! Btw I really liked the watermelon juice lol
Chapter 9: YAY UPDATED! Kinda forgotten the whole storyline so I reread the story again and its awesome!
mioaio #9
Chapter 9: Gahahaha! Watermelon juice! XDD I wouldn't mind the wait because my god it's so worth it!