Interlude 03

Brothers in Arms

Gackt entered the dungeon where rain was lying, nearly lifeless on the floor.


“Are you finally ready to submit?” Gackt asked, examining his fingernails casually.


“… Just…. Stop…. Please…” Rain could barely gather enough energy to speak.


“Please? Wow, I knew my minions would eventually break you,”


“I don’t think you understand…. Please stop…. With your terrible outfit choices. It’s bad enough that I have to be stuck here, I shouldn’t have to endure your awful fashion sense,”


Gackt shot across the room with lightning speed and pinned Rain against the wall.


“If you think this is a game, you’re sorely mistaken… I will complete my task tomorrow, on the lunar eclipse and your body will be left here to rot,”


“Why did you choose me? What makes me so special?” Rain demanded.


“You are from a very unique bloodline my friend.  Descended from the first humans to ever mate with angels… In order for the ritual to work, I need to combine my essence with you,” Gackt said, throwing him down.


“You’re sick,”


“And you’re out of your depth… enjoy your last night alive,” Gackt said, storming out of the dungeon. 

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ambxrr #1
Chapter 15: damn! now he really died!
ambxrr #2
Chapter 14: oh man. he killed mir..
ambxrr #3
Chapter 10: hahahah I liked the title of the chap!
Chapter 17: Ohhh. Exciting=).
Chapter 16: Great story. I liked the end, even though it was sad. Not all endings are happy, and this one was very real. I can't wait to continue reading this story in the next part=).
Chapter 15: Awww=( Mir saved Rain's life. It's sad that he died doing it, though.
Chapter 14: Bastard Gackt! He made Joon kill Mi, and that was so terrible='(. Good chapter, thoug=).
Chapter 13: Gackt is creepy...
Chapter 12: I liked Mir's comment about Joon putting his life on hold. It was touching. Nice chapter.